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Chapter 9
Statistics Of
Yugoslavia's Democide
Estimates, Calculations, And Sources
By R.J. Rummel
Chapter 9
Statistics Of
Yugoslavia's Democide
Estimates, Calculations, And Sources
By R.J. Rummel
sigurno je da su cetnici pocinili zlocine ali partizani su jos viseTurning now to the democide estimates, the first of these (lines 51 to 52) are for the Partisans up to their transformation into a legal Yugoslav government in June, 1944. In the sources there are many indications of their atrocities, massacres, executions of anti-communists, and the killing of prisoners. But few figures, especially of any usable magnitude, are given. Taking all the diverse individual estimates into account, however, my own (line 53) is that from 50,000 to 150,000 people were murdered by the Partisans, probably 100,000. Some may be troubled that this estimate is the same as for the Chetniks (line 185). But this toll is only for the period up to July 1944, after which the Partisans were recognized in effect as a legal government. From July 1944 to the end of the war, they murdered an additional 500,000 people (line 280). However, the 100,000 democide estimate for the Chetniks is for the whole war.
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