PAO! Nakon višenednevnih protesta Morales se povukao sa funkcije predsednika Bolivije

Ne podrzavam niti osudjujem ...

Gledam to sve hladne glave jer i mi nismo posle Milosevica prosli super ... cak sta vise i dalje smo u minusu jedno 20 godina .
šta misliš, kako bi bilo da je ostao slobodan milošević...kakav bi bio život običnog čoveka u Srbiji...u odnosu na današnji život
šta misliš, kako bi bilo da je ostao slobodan milošević...kakav bi bio život običnog čoveka u Srbiji...u odnosu na današnji život
Definitivno gore nego danas ali to ne znaci da treba da aplaudiram DOS-u jer su slagali i pokrali dodatno ... a SRS i SPS su preziveli i danas jasu ...

sreda, 13. novembar 2019.
Bolivijska senatorka Žanin Anjes proglasila se privremenom predsednicom Bolivije uprkos nedostatku kvoruma u Senatu tokom glasanja za njeno imenovanje koje su bojkotovali poslanici levičarske stranke bivšeg predsednika Eva Moralesa.

Morales je prethodno napustio zemlju i u utorak doputovao u Meksiko, koji mu je dodelio politički azil.
Morales, kao i potpredsednik Bolivije, podneli su ostavke pre nekoliko dana suočeni s pritiscima i protestima zbog optužbi za prevaru na izborima 20. oktobra, na kojima je Morales ubedljivo pobedio.
Nakon dolaska u Meksiko, Morales je poručio da neće odustati od političke borbe.
Privremena predsednica treba da raspiše predsedničke izbore u roku od 90 dana nakon ostavke predsednika države, u skladu sa ustavom.

Je li pro-zapadnjaci , kod nas u Srbiji ovo nije moguce ?
Ono što je najfascinantnije jeste sledeće -

Srbi po defaultu osuđuju apsolutno svaki narod koji pokuša da sa svojih pleća skine nekog psihopatu ukoliko oni procene da će ostanak na vlasti XY kanibala pomoći njihovim geopolitičkim naporima.

Najfascinantnije je to da ti ovde pokusavas da nam objasnis kako je "narod" hteo da skine Moralesa sa vlasti.

Drugo, to sa "psihopatama" ostavi za tvoju mamu i tatu, kao i za uze clanove tvoje familije...

Nikakav narod nije izvrsio drzavni udar u Boliviji nego vojni vrh te zemlje, sa generalom na celu koji ima svoje ime i prezime ( Williams Kaliman ).
Taj "psihopata" kako ga ti krstis je na vlast dosao 2005. godine, kada je tom istom narodu dao ista ona prava koja imaju i svi mestni kolonizatori iz Evrope.
Do Moralesa je Bolivija ( sa ogromnim prirodnim resursima ) bila drzava - veciti duznik.
Devizne rezerve Bolivije bile 1 mrd. $ na 11 miliona stanovnika.
Posle 14 godina vlasti Moralesa, devizne rezerve rastu na $ 15 mrd., spoljasnji dug NULA, i nikad manja inflacija u istoriji zemlje.
Plate su porasle dva puta tako da sad imaju srednju platu od $ 300 - skoro pa kao u Srbiji koja je odavno zagazila u "Vucicevo zlatno doba".

I sto je najfascinantnije, ovaj ekonomski uspeh nije postigao uz pomoc MMF i WB, nije kao pojedini filozofi iz Bugojna, otimao plate i penzije narodu.
Morales je samo naterao bogate oligarhe da plate zakonski propisan porez. Pre svega kompanije koje dobijaju gas u Boliviji.

Zaista, ovakvog coveka je mozda neki tvoj narod krenuo da skine sa svoje grbace ( ne bi me ni cudilo ) ali Bolivijski sigurno nije.

U toj istoj Boliviji je opzicija organizovala referendum za otstranjenje Moralesa sa vlasti. On je taj referendum prihvatio ( koji diktator ) i na njemu pobedio.
Pa ko je bio glavni oponent Moralesu na ovim izborima?

Ko je taj?
Isti onaj bivsi predsednik, koga je narod na izborima smenio u korist Moralesa. Kako sad to da ga narod toliko zavoleo, a toliko ih unesrecio dok je vladao?
Zasto ih i ne bi unesrecio, za njega su bolivijanski Indijosi neka niza vrsta ljudi koje treba pljackati. Zar ne?

Morales se davno zamerio Zapadu, jos dok je bio sef sindikata "Proizvodjaca Koke" u Boliviji. Njegova najveca krivica je bila sto je trazio da se uzgajivacima plati normalna cena za Koku.
Pa i na ovim izborima je Morales pobedio na izborima dobivsi 47% glasova. Sta tu kome nije jasno?
Bezbroj puta su oligarsi sa istoka zemlje pokusavali da smeste Moralesa, uvek ga optuzivajuci za kradju izbora, sto dovodi neke "specijalne jedinice iz Venezuele" koje ce ubijati narod, je l te...i tako te gluposti, u koje nece ni jedan Teletabi poverovati.

I na kraju, kad smo kod svih ovih "fascinacija", postavljamo sebi pitanje: "kako to da je Morales pao bez vecih problema, a Madura nikako da srusimo"?
Situacija u obe zemlje identicna 1/1. I tamo, i ovamo jedni te isti oligarsi...

Stvar je vrlo jednostavna, samo zahvaljujuci blazenopocivsem velikomuceniku Chavez-u, carstvo mu nebesko...
Elem, drug Chavez se dohvatio svog vojnog vrha, i svim oficirima prebrojao krvna zrnca ( do poslednjeg ) posle cega je "vodnike i Desetare" ako su bili Indiosi avanzirao u Generale i Pukovnike uz obavezno doskolovavanje u Moskvi.
Takvog sad ne treba uciti koga ce da stiti, stiteci Madura on stiti i svoju otazbinu, a Boga mi i samog sebe... nece on dozvoliti da na vlast dodju potomci kolonizatora iz Evrope pa da se on opet vrati u svoju favelu odakle je i izisao.

To Morales nije ucinio, i sbog te svoje naivnosti je popio drzavni prevrat.
General Armije kome se Morales nije svideo se zove: "Williams Kaliman"... sto bi se reklo "nomen est omen".
Ni Aljende nije dirao armiju u Chile-u... na zalost.

Morales je seo u avion i otisao u Meksiko.
Mozda ce da izbije narodni bunt u Boliviji, pa da se vrati, kao i Chavez onomad.
I njega su bili svrgnuli sda vlasti, ako se dobro secamo.

Ostaje mu da se nada...
A moze da mu se posreci, pa da mu se dogodi ona "fascinacija" koja je istorijski vezana samo za Boliviju.

Elem, davne 1952. godine posle jos jednog drzavnog prevrata ( za 200 godina postojanja zemlje bilo ih 180 ), rudari iz rudnika Cinka se domognu skladista oruzja i nekoliko dana se tukli protiv sopstvene armije.
Na kraju rudari do nogu potuku armiju koja je kapitulirala i polozila oruzje. Iste te godine, tu se pojavi "izvesni motociklista", ali nije ovaj sa krstinog foruma. :hahaha:
Onaj motociklista se zvao Ernesto Che Guevara a stigao je iz susedne Argentine.
Posle toga, Bolivija je bila prva zemlja sveta koja skoro 10 godina nije imala nikakvu armiju. Bila ukinuta i zamenjena "rudarskom naoruzanom milicijom". :mrgreen:

Kasnije uz pomoc SAD ponovo formirali armiju.

Toliko o fascinacijama.

НАПАДНУТА АМБАСАДА ВЕНЕЦУЕЛЕ У БРАЗИЛУ: Непознате особе заузимају просторије…

Група непознатих лица покушава да заузме зграду Амбасаде Венецуеле у Бразилу, саопштио је заменик министра иностраних послова Венецуеле Иван Хил.


13:12 13.11.2019.

„Непозната лица заузимају просторије наше Амбасаде у Бразилу. Влада Бразила треба да да гаранције (безбедности) и поштује међународне конвенције. Ако агресија не буде прекинута, то ће бити озбиљан преседан“, нагласио је венецуелански дипломата.


sreda, 13. novembar 2019.
Bolivijska senatorka Žanin Anjes proglasila se privremenom predsednicom Bolivije uprkos nedostatku kvoruma u Senatu tokom glasanja za njeno imenovanje koje su bojkotovali poslanici levičarske stranke bivšeg predsednika Eva Moralesa.

Morales je prethodno napustio zemlju i u utorak doputovao u Meksiko, koji mu je dodelio politički azil.
Morales, kao i potpredsednik Bolivije, podneli su ostavke pre nekoliko dana suočeni s pritiscima i protestima zbog optužbi za prevaru na izborima 20. oktobra, na kojima je Morales ubedljivo pobedio.
Nakon dolaska u Meksiko, Morales je poručio da neće odustati od političke borbe.
Privremena predsednica treba da raspiše predsedničke izbore u roku od 90 dana nakon ostavke predsednika države, u skladu sa ustavom.
Je li pro-zapadnjaci , kod nas u Srbiji ovo nije moguce ?

По тим Америкама самопроглашени ничу ко печурке.
Сад кад Жана у госте позове свога пајду Гвајду
могу и неки клуб да оснују.
Socialism doesn’t work? An emerging middle class of Bolivians would beg to differ.

Cable cars over La Paz connect the southern hillside with the city center. (JORGE BERNAL/AFP/Getty Images)
Cable cars over La Paz connect the southern hillside with the city center. (JORGE BERNAL/AFP/Getty Images)
Anthony Faiola
Oct. 16, 2019 at 12:00 p.m. GMT+2
LA PAZ, Bolivia — People in this high-altitude metropolis once schlepped to work through the mud. Now they commute via Disney-esque aerial cable cars. Brick hovels have been replaced by whimsical mansions. The poorest are reveling in a basic convenience they lacked before massive investment in state infrastructure: indoor toilets.
“We used to do our ‘business’ in bags, and bring them down to the river,” said Vidal Colorado Mamani, community association president in Huancané, an indigenous neighborhood in southern La Paz. “It was humiliating.
“Now we have the dignity of toilets. Our lives are nothing like they were before.”
For years now, opponents of socialism have pointed at collapsing Venezuela as Exhibit A in the argument against the political left. But here in the shadow of the Andes, Bolivians are living the mirror image: an upwardly mobile society where, at least on paper, socialism has worked.
Critics of President Evo Morales, a 59-year-old socialist whose image pops up on T-shirts in left-wing cafes from La Paz to Paris, say Bolivia’s first indigenous head of state has co-opted its young democracy, weakened its institutions and abused his authority to run for another term in office .
But 13 years after his Movement for Socialism won at the ballot box, it’s indisputable that Bolivians are healthier, wealthier, better educated, living longer and more equal than at any time in this South American nation’s history.
As Morales seeks a fourth term in elections Sunday, his Bolivia is serving as a counterpoint to Venezuela in the hemispheric debate over socialism — a now-loaded word that has become a flash point in the U.S. presidential race.
“The state will not be able to solve all problems,” Morales told The Washington Post. “The state as the head of investment, accompanied by the private sector — that is the model of socialism we have.”
In socialist Venezuela, a crisis of faith not in just their leader but their economic model
A pedestrian walks past a cutout figure of President Evo Morales in La Paz. (David Mercado/Reuters)
A pedestrian walks past a cutout figure of President Evo Morales in La Paz. (David Mercado/Reuters)
Morales came to power with Chávez, Correa and Kirchner
If Morales has talked at times like a militant, he has behaved like a pragmatist — nationalizing firms such as the communications giant Entel, while allowing private competition to keep it on its toes.
Bolivia’s socialism lite has led to distortions and left some private firms crying foul. The country was the poorest in South America when Morales took office in 2006. By most measures, it still is.
“We still have children dying of malnutrition,” said Shirley Franco Rodríguez, a vice presidential candidate now challenging Morales’s socialists. “What we are seeing is the Venezuela-ization of Bolivia. We will have an economic collapse if Morales does not go.”
Yet under Morales, data shows, Bolivia’s economy is closing the gap with the rest of the continent, growing faster than most neighbors over the past 13 years. Meanwhile, governments that have embraced market policies — notably, in Argentina and Ecuador — face economic and political chaos.
Chile, the South American model for capitalism’s success, still reigns as the region’s richest and most stable economy. Yet even the International Monetary Fund, that champion of the free market, concedes that Bolivia’s socialists have been more effective in combating extreme poverty than any other South American government, slashing it from 33 percent of the population in 2006 to 15 percent in 2018.
Critics say any nation that enjoyed such a massive increase in revenue from the commodities boom could have achieved those results. Now, they note, Bolivia faces fresh challenges from the drop in the price of natural gas, the country’s largest export. After years of budget surpluses, the country is running deficits, and concern is rising that the fixed exchange rate and big-state bureaucracy are stifling any real chance of transitioning to a modern, export-oriented economy.
Morales came to power in 2006 as a member of the left-wing Latin American posse that included Venezuela’s Hugo Chávez, Ecuador’s Rafael Correa and Argentina’s Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. Now he’s the last man standing — and faces the challenge of his political life.
Morales won reelection easily in 2009 and 2014. Polls suggest he’ll have a harder time now — and could lose if the vote goes to a second round. He’s running largely on his “economic miracle”: using prudent fiscal management and state investment to transform the country.
He took a very different approach from Venezuela, headed by his close ally Chávez, and now by embattled President Nicolás Maduro (whom he still defends).
In Venezuela, the socialist state has seized 10 million acres of private land, expropriated 1,365 companies and purchased 5,000 more. Bolivia, by contrast, has avoided large-scale land seizures and nationalized just 33 companies — most of which had been state-owned before they were sold off by earlier governments.
Leftists are wobbling in South America. Here’s why Bolivia’s Evo Morales may be the last socialist standing.
Morales’s government stands accused of corruption — in one prominent case, an ex-girlfriend of the president was convicted and sentenced to 10 years; he denied wrongdoing — but not on the scale of Venezuela’s socialists. Bolivia ranks 132 of 180 nations in Transparency International’s most recent Corruption Perceptions Index, tied with neighboring Paraguay and ahead of Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Venezuela.
Billions of dollars have been funneled into infrastructure projects that have transformed society: new schools, futuristic mass transit and 3,354 miles of new roads.
“Poverty has declined substantially because of public investment, and Bolivia has outpaced most South American countries,” said John Crabtree, research associate for the Latin American Center at the University of Oxford. “It’s a transformation from a low base, but what we’ve seen is a reduction of poverty and the emergence of what some people would call a middle class.”
Morales arrives at meeting with fellow leaders of several South American nations in Leticia, Colombia, last month to discuss a joint strategy for preserving the Amazon rainforest. (Fernando Vergara/AP)
Morales arrives at meeting with fellow leaders of several South American nations in Leticia, Colombia, last month to discuss a joint strategy for preserving the Amazon rainforest. (Fernando Vergara/AP)
‘I support Evo, but I’m no socialist’
The progress is perhaps most visible in La Paz and El Alto, cities with a combined population of 2.3 million that sit high in the snow-capped Andes mountains. Here, socialism gave new agency to Bolivia’s indigenous majority.
Ten new cable car lines built by Morales’s socialists now span the sister cities, sharply cutting commutes from poor neighborhoods to job-rich commercial zones. Entel, headquartered in a teeming business district, has thrived — turning regular profits while competing successfully against private firms to claim nearly half the national market.
Entel pays its chief executive $4,310 a month, 8.5 times more than its lowest-paid employees get. The heads of its two largest competitors make $25,862 and $12,931 — 64 and 32 times what their lowest-paid workers receive, according to government statistics.
“There are executives who want to earn a lot, but that’s not our way,” said Oscar Coca, Bolivia’s head of public works and a former chief executive of Entel. “We have encouraged competition and efficiency, but also social fairness.”
In El Alto, one of the globe’s highest cities at 13,615 feet, entire neighborhoods have been made over by a rising class of indigenous and mixed-race entrepreneurs. They say Morales broke a glass ceiling in business for nonwhite people, as state-private partnerships helped them build up their own firms.
Streets once filled with humble brick homes are now lined with “cholets” — lavish mansions with offices and living space whose whimsical designs and earthy tones hark back to the archaeological ruins of lost indigenous civilizations. The name combines the sometimes derogatory word for a traditional indigenous person — “cholo” — with “chalet.”
“I support Evo, but I’m no socialist,” said Eynar Viscarra, 42, speaking on the sprawling terrace of his home, fitted with outdoor chandeliers. The son of a bus driver now runs an import company that capitalized on the new roads to rural areas. He’s building a mall in El Alto that’s poised to bring the world’s highest-elevation branches of Nike and Adidas to a growing Bolivian middle class.
“I mean, is China socialist? I don’t think so,” he said. “Not really. Look, the point is, Bolivia is not Venezuela. We have not made their enormous mistakes.”
Using cash from the natural gas industry wrung from foreign investors — most of whom nevertheless remained profitable and have stayed in Bolivia — Morales’s government lifted up neighborhoods such as Huancané, an enclave of more than 3,000 working-class indigenous people transformed by government investment.
With new stone roads, the neighborhood is now accessible by minibus, connecting residents to the world’s highest mass transit system — the aerial cable cars.

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НАПАДНУТА АМБАСАДА ВЕНЕЦУЕЛЕ У БРАЗИЛУ: Непознате особе заузимају просторије…

Група непознатих лица покушава да заузме зграду Амбасаде Венецуеле у Бразилу, саопштио је заменик министра иностраних послова Венецуеле Иван Хил.

Pogledajte prilog 612913

13:12 13.11.2019.

„Непозната лица заузимају просторије наше Амбасаде у Бразилу. Влада Бразила треба да да гаранције (безбедности) и поштује међународне конвенције. Ако агресија не буде прекинута, то ће бити озбиљан преседан“, нагласио је венецуелански дипломата.


aha..........u Ukrajini u Siriji, u Iraku, u Libiji, u Avganistanu, u sev. Koreji, u Meksiku, u Egiptu, u Indiji, u Kini, na Filipinama, u Nikaragvi, u Salvadoru, na Kubi, u Chileu, u Argentini,, u Ekvadoru, u Brazilu, u Africi, u Turskoj, u Bugarskoj, u Moldaviji, ...........................umorih se od ruskih "neuspeha"............
