Oteto-Prokleto -Poginuo američki pilot aviona F-15


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Vašington -- Američki pilot poginuo u udesu dva vojna aviona F-15 tokom leta nad Meksičkim zalivom, saopštilo je američko vazduhoplovstvo.

Pilot drugog aviona prebačen je u vojnu bolnicu Iglin, na Floridi, i u dobrom je zdravstvenom stanju, navedeno je u saopštenju vojske. Dve letelice su nestale juče oko tri sata popodne, a vojska i obalska straža su pokrenule potragu za pilotima, podsetila je agencija DPA. Još nije saopšteno da li je pilot poginuo u nesreći ili je preminuo u bolnici od posledica zadobijenih povreda.

Televizijska mreža Si-En-En izvestila je da su se avioni sudarili u vazduhu, ali vojni portparol baze na Floridi Luselija Bol nije mogla da potvrdi taj izveštaj, već je samo rekla da se uzrok nesreće istražuje.
University of Liverpol, Health and Community Care Research Unit, United Kingdom.

The idea that the stars and planets may influence human health and behavior can be traced to at least Roman times, and research suggests a high proportion of health professionals continue to hold this belief
The mental health and quality of life of a sample of 100 people were assessed on four occasions during a 30-month period. Data were aggregated to represent the span of one lunar month, with scores being allocated to the relevant week of the lunar cycle during which each assessment was made. Comparison of mean values across the weeks of the lunar cycle was preformed using the ANOVA, Results showed significant change at the time of the full moon
Some implications for nursing practice are discussed, and it is suggested that future research into the possibility of a lunar effect on human life should focus on the direct measurement of functioning in people
