- Poruka
- 7.656
"I am surprised (not) at President Obama. He is giving us more of the same, not "The Change" as he promised in his presidential campaign. He thought his political position would give him an advantage and was clearly using it to get his way. Not getting it was a blessing, believe me. Deep down, everyone knows it. Looks like more of the same. Looks like the rest of the world didn't care about his clout either. Rio deserves it, wish I could go there. Heard it was wonderful. Them good ole boy days are bye bye and so many more need to go away. Using his power for influence... tsk tsk tsk."
Anketa :
Is President Obama Good or Bad
For Our Economy?
Rezultati :
Kakvo je vase misljenje o Obami ? Nula. Da li mislite da su mere koje preduzima Obama produktivne i pomazu Americkom biznisu? Krompir. I sve ostalo : djon.
A ja mislio samo Botule nije omiljen u svom jatu.Kad ono,ima opasnu konkurenciju.
Anketa :
Is President Obama Good or Bad
For Our Economy?
Rezultati :
Kakvo je vase misljenje o Obami ? Nula. Da li mislite da su mere koje preduzima Obama produktivne i pomazu Americkom biznisu? Krompir. I sve ostalo : djon.
A ja mislio samo Botule nije omiljen u svom jatu.Kad ono,ima opasnu konkurenciju.