Novi izvestaj Eu - Pobeda ili Poraz ove vlade


Zainteresovan član
Ko zeli da mu posaljem ceo eu izvestaj – samo me kontaktiraj. Cudo nevidjeno. Nikad gori izvestaj.
I u vreme Zivkovica ovako los izvestaj nije bio.

1.Izborni sistem(parlament) -The electoral framework legislation needs to be brought fully into line with European standards.
2.Rad vlade - Overall, the government continued to be stable, and the consensus on strategic priorities,
including EU integration, was maintained. However, both the preparation and implementation
of new legislation need to become more effective.
3. Administracija- Overall, the capacity of the public administration is good but reform in this area is advancing
at a slow and uneven pace. Further improvement of the legislative framework and a stronger
commitment to respect the mandate of independent regulatory bodies and provide them with
adequate resources are needed.
4.Civilna kontrola organa bezbednosti - Overall, there was further progress towards completing the legislation providing for civilian
oversight of security forces and implementing constitutionally guaranteed rights. However,
civilian oversight, including the work of the relevant parliamentary committee, needs to be
5. Pravosudje - Judicial system
Serbia made little progress towards further bringing its judicial system into line with
European standards, which is a key priority of the European Partnership.
The Law on the Judicial Academy was adopted in December 2009 and the Academy
established as the body responsible for the vocational training and continued professional
development of judges, prosecutors and judicial staff. New Court Rules of Procedure were
adopted in December 2009. They regulate the work of courts and the internal organisation of
the new court network. A new Law on Expert Witnesses was adopted in June 2010.
The reappointment procedure for all judges and prosecutors was carried out under the lead of
the Ministry of Justice in the second half of 2009 and took effect as of January 2010. The
overall number of judges and prosecutors was reduced by 20–25%. More than 800 judges
were not reappointed, out of previously around 3.000 judges and misdemeanour judges.
A new structure of the court network was implemented as of January 2010. The 138
municipal courts were reorganised into 34 basic courts. In addition, there are 26 higher courts,
4 courts of appeal and the Supreme Court of Cassation. The organisation of the prosecution
service was changed accordingly. The service was divided into basic, higher and appellate
prosecution offices. Special departments exist for war crimes and for organised crime. The
new Administrative Court became operational in January 2010. In July 2010, the appointment
of members of the Constitutional Court was completed.
However, major aspects of the recent reforms are a matter of serious concern. The
reappointment procedure for judges and prosecutors was carried out in a non-transparent way,
putting at risk the principle of the independence of the judiciary. The bodies responsible for
this exercise, the High Judicial Council and the State Prosecutorial Council, acted in a
transitory composition, which neglected adequate representation of the profession and created
a high risk of political influence. In addition, not all members had been appointed to either of
the councils. Objective criteria for reappointment, which had been developed in close
cooperation with the Council of Europe’s Venice Commission, were not applied. Judges and
prosecutors were not heard during the procedure and did not receive adequate explanations for
the decisions. First-time candidates (876 judges and 88 deputy prosecutors) were appointed
without conducting interviews or applying merit-based criteria. The overall number of judges
and prosecutors was not calculated in a reliable way and adjusted several times after the reappointment
had already been carried out. The right to appeal for non re-appointed judges was
limited to recourse to the Constitutional Court, which does not have the capacity to fully
review the decisions. Out of more than 1,500 appeals, only one case has been dealt with. In
this case, the Constitutional Court, for procedural reasons, annulled the initial decision.
The High Judicial Council and the State Prosecutorial Council have not yet been elected in
their permanent composition. New court presidents have not been appointed. The respective
legal deadlines expired in July and March 2010. The planned new Criminal Procedure Code,
the new Civil Procedure Code, the law on enforcement of judgments and the law on notaries
have not been adopted.
The large backlog of pending cases remains a matter of concern, in particular as the recent
reforms impacted negatively on the overall efficiency of the judicial system. The reduction of
the number of judges and prosecutors was not based on a proper needs assessment. Under the
new court system, courts which were closed continue to function as court units, in which civil
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cases are heard. This means that judges and judicial staff have to travel between courts and
court units requiring significant resources and creating security concerns. A uniform system
for organising the work of the court seats and the new court units has not been established.
Case registration and the IT system connecting all courts and court units and allowing access
to files are not fully operational.
The Constitutional court faces a backlog of some 7,000 pending cases, including the appeals
filed by judges and prosecutors who have not been reappointed. The setting up of the Judicial
Academy still is at an early stage and vocational trainings have not yet started.
Progress on domestic cases of war crimes continued to be slow. There are 20 ongoing court
cases and investigations against 103 individuals.
Overall, Serbia’s judicial system only partially meets its priorities. There are serious concerns
over the way recent reforms were implemented, in particular the reappointment of judges and
6.Korupcija - Overall, the institutional framework to fight corruption is in place with the Anti-Corruption
Agency starting its work in January 2010. However, corruption remains prevalent in many
areas and continues to be a serious problem. The legislative framework still shows
shortcomings, in particular with regard to supervision of political party funding and the
protection of whistleblowers. The Anti-Corruption Agency needs to be strengthened.
Implementation of existing laws needs to be improved. Further efforts are needed to better
process corruption cases, from investigation to final convictions.
7.Ljudska prava - Overall, the legal framework for human rights protection is in place and generally respected.
However, further efforts in education on international human rights standards and their
implementation are needed.
8. Ljudska i politicka prava - Overall, the constitutional framework providing for respect for civil and political rights is
largely in place. However, full implementation and enforcement remain to be ensured.
Relevant legislation remains to be brought more closely into line with European standards.
Further action by the authorities in combating violence of all types is needed.
9.Ekonomska i socijalna prava - Overall, the legal framework for the protection of social and economic rights is broadly in
place. However, the protection of women and children against all forms of violence needs to
be ensured. Further measures fighting all kinds of discrimination remain to be introduced.
Further efforts are required to clarify property rights
10.Prava manjina - Overall, the legal framework on the respect for and protection of minorities in Serbia is in
place. The National Minority Council elections were on the whole successfully organised.
Some improvements were recorded towards addressing the issue of the status of refugees and
IDPs. However, the National Minority Councils are yet to become operational. The number of
IDPs remains high and their situation critical. The majority of the Roma population lives in
extreme poverty and continues to face discrimination in particular as regards access to
education, social protection, health care, employment and adequate housing.
11.Regionalna i medjunarodna saradnja - Overall, Serbia’s international obligations are broadly complied with. Despite the active ongoing
cooperation of Serbia with ICTY, the two remaining fugitives are still at large.
Domestic processing of war crimes cases continued. Regional cooperation has improved and
Serbia made significant progress in its bilateral relations with other enlargement countries,
particularly Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, while continuing to have good relations
with neighbouring EU member states. Regional cooperation was affected by a lack of
agreement between Serbia and Kosovo on the latter's participation in regional meetings. An
acceptable and sustainable solution for the participation of both Serbia and Kosovo in regional
fora needs to be agreed as soon as possible. This is essential for inclusive and functioning
regional cooperation.
12. Ekonomija - Overall, macroeconomic stability was broadly preserved against the backdrop of the global
crisis owing to the adoption of timely measures in agreement with the IMF. There is
consensus on the fundamentals of a market economy. Medium-term fiscal and structural
reforms will have to be implemented without delay to enhance the resilience of the economy
13. Makroekonomska stabilnost - Overall, the economic policy mix in
place has proven limited in facing the crisis. However, the accompanying policies and
measures agreed with the IMF under the SBA programme have provided an adequate
response towards the most pressing negative macroeconomic effects. (ovde su nas razbili zimedju ostalog kao i kod pravosudja i korupcije)
14.Privatizacija - Overall, limited progress was made in finalising the privatisation process. Privatisation of
socially owned companies has advanced but in the meantime a number of privatisation deals
have also been cancelled. State-owned companies have not initiated the restructuring.Overall, progress in selling socially owned companies was limited, while the number of
revoked privatisation deals increased.
15.Registracija preduzeca - Overall, there has been some progress, particularly
regarding the registration of new companies and submission of the financial statements of
those already operating. However, excessive red tape and complex legislation remain in place
and continue to hamper the business environment.
16. Trziste - pravni sistem Overall, weaknesses in
the rule of law and prevalent corruption continued to limit legal predictability and undermined
trust in the legal system among economic operators, in particular as regards effective
enforcement of property rights.
17.Finansijski sektor - Overall, progress in development
of the non-banking financial sector slowed down and consequently its size in financial
intermediation remained limited.Overall, financial intermediation growth has slowed down
against the backdrop of the economic downturn. The banking sector remained generally sound
and profitable, but a close watch needs to be kept for possible deterioration in the repayment
capacity of borrowers due to the relatively high share of bad loans and considerable exposure
to exchange rate risk.
18.Sposobnost ucesca na trzistu EU - Overall, in the more challenging environment the
previously identified handicaps have become more acute. Market mechanisms remained
hampered by distortions, legal uncertainty, heavy state involvement in production, and
insufficient competition.Overall, the economy
continues to suffer from a shortage of skilled labour while supply has been only gradually
adjusting to market needs.Overall,
domestic investment has been declining as local sources have been scarce and FDI has also
lost momentum given the globally unfavourable economic conditions. Overall, structural adjustment of the economy
has been lagging on the back of the slow reform process, which has been hampered by the
economic crisis. The informal sector remains an important challenge.Overall, the state continues to influence substantially on competitiveness through its
legal and financial mechanisms.Overall, trade integration with the EU remained high
and export competitiveness continued to improve.
19. Free movement of goods - Overall, Serbia is moderately advanced on free movement of goods in meeting the
requirements of the SAA in this area. A new legal framework for market surveillance still
needs to be adopted. The administrative capacity and cooperation between the Ministries and
other State institutions need to be further strengthened. Further efforts are required to continue
transposition of the product-specific acquis into Serbian legislation.
20.Movement of persons, services and right of establishement - Overall, preparations in the area of movement of persons, services and right of establishment
are moderately advanced. A number of legal acts still need to be adopted.
21.Free movement of capital - Overall, Serbia is still moderately advanced in the area of capital movements. With certain
restrictions, non-residents are free to make direct investments. Serbia needs to continue its
efforts to meet the gradual liberalisation requirements laid down in the SAA.
22.Customs and taxation - Overall, Serbia is already well on the way to meeting the EU acquis and remains committed
to reforms in the area of customs. The obligations stemming from the Interim Agreement
were well respected. Further efforts are needed as regards legislative alignment, and
administrative capacity, including preparing for IT interconnectivity and interoperability with
EU IT systems.Overall, in the area of taxation, Serbia is well on the way to meeting the EU standards. The
enforcement capacity of the tax administration and tax collection has improved, although
further progress is required in this respect. In addition, the problem of the informal economy
remains yet to be tackled. Serbia needs to take follow-up action to ensure that its tax
legislation complies with the Code of Conduct for business taxation.
23. Competition - Overall, Serbia remains moderately advanced in meeting the Interim Agreement requirements
in the area of competition. However, the capacity and the expertise of the Commission for the
Protection of Competition and of the judiciary have to be strengthened
24. Public procurement Overall, Serbia’s preparations for establishing an effective and fully independent public
procurement system with streamlined award procedures are still moderately advanced.
Significant efforts remain necessary to strengthen the capacity to implement the EU acquis in
this field.
25.Intellectual property law - Overall, Serbia’s preparations in the area of intellectual property law remain moderately
advanced. Further efforts are needed in terms of alignment with the acquis. Concerning
enforcement, better co-ordination among relevant agencies is required, as well as substantial
investment in specialised judicial training.
26. Employment and social policies, public health policy - Overall, preparations are continuing towards meeting European Standards in the areas of
employment and social policy. However, declining employment rates and increasing
unemployment are a source of concern, in particular with regard to young people and the most
vulnerable groups.
27.Education and research Overall, Serbia is moderately advanced towards meeting European standards in the area of
education. However, an overall strategy involving all levels of education, including lifelong
learning, remains to be developed. The implementation of the recent reforms should be
monitored closely. Further efforts are needed in the field of vocational education and training.
Further efforts are needed to facilitate Serbia’s integration into the European Research Area
and to strengthen its national research capacity.
28. WTO issues - finalisation of the process
will depend on the pace of remaining bilateral negotiations and internal reforms
29. Industry and SMEs - Overall, Serbia’s preparations in the area of industry and SMEs are well advanced. However,
reduced administrative capacity may adversely affect the good level that the SME policy has
30. Agriculture and fisheries - Overall, Serbia is advancing well in the areas of agriculture and rural development, food
safety, veterinary and phytosanitary policy towards meeting European Standards. The legal
framework continues to improve. However, implementation and enforcement of the
legislation need to be upgraded, especially in the food safety area. Administrative capacity is
weak and needs to be more efficiently allocated. Inspection services need further training.
Recruitment of qualified staff needs to take place in the newly established bodies.
31.Environment - Overall, Serbia is moderately advanced in the area of environmental protection towards
fulfilling the European standards. The capacity to implement and enforce legislation remains
to be strengthened.
32.Transport policy - Overall, Serbia is moderately advanced in the area of transport. It has continued to comply
with the obligations of the Interim Agreement and SAA. Market access provisions of the
ECAA Agreement are now applied. Framework legislation has been adopted for inland
waterways and air transport. However, framework legislation remains to be adopted for
railways. Reform of the railway sector needs to be stepped up. Administrative capacity needs
to be strengthened for the implementation of the adopted legislation.
33.Energy - Overall, Serbia is moderately advanced in the implementation of the SAA and of the
European standards in the energy sector. Further efforts are needed to achieve unbundling and
real market opening together with a pricing policy offering a sustainable tariff reflecting costs.
The implementation of the internal market requires transparency and non-discriminatory
access rules. To this end, the current Energy Law needs to be amended and put in line with
the electricity and gas acquis, and the role and independence of the AERS needs to be
strengthened. Further efforts need to be made to strengthen the nuclear regulator
B]34.Information society and media[/B] - Overall, preparations in the area of information society and media have continued. The
legislative framework has been strengthened, but implementation remains slow and
inadequate market and regulatory developments in the electronic communications sector are
of particular concern. Preparations in the field of information society services are moderately
advanced. In the audiovisual area, media legislation needs to be aligned with the acquis, and a
number of provisions of the law on public information continue to raise concerns.
35.Financial control - Overall, there has been progress in this area, but Serbia is still at an early stage in the
implementation of PIFC and external audit.
36.Statistics - Overall, Serbia has made good progress in statistics and is moderately advanced towards
meeting the requirements of the European standards. Preparations for the population census
are well advanced but its funding remains to be ensured. Further progress is needed in several
statistical domains and notably concerning strengthening of the capacity of the Statistical
37.Visa, border management, asylum and migration - Overall, Serbia started to address its priorities regarding border control. Further efforts are
needed to eliminate the disparities between individual border crossing points and to improve
control at the borders with the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia
and Herzegovina and Croatia and in particular at the Administrative Boundary Line with
Kosovo.Overall, Serbia’s asylum system continues to be moderately advanced. Overall, migration management in Serbia continues to be moderately advanced.
38.Money laundering - Overall, Serbia has started to address its priorities in fighting money laundering, which
nevertheless continues to be a cause of concern
Overall, preparations in fighting drugs are moderately advanced. Serbia's contributions to the
dismantling of international drug trafficking groups and the seizure of important amounts of
illegal drugs show clear commitment and operational capacity. However, drug trafficking
from and through Serbia remains of concern.
40.Police - Overall, the police system remains moderately advanced. The Serbian police has shown
investigative capacities, but further sustained efforts are needed
41.Fighting organised crime and terrorism - Overall, Serbia has started to address its priorities in fighting organised crime. Recent results
in investigating organised crime activities at national and international level and in the
confiscation of illegally acquired assets are encouraging, but need to be followed up by
transparent, impartial and effective proceedings in the judiciary. The capacities of the law
enforcement agencies to use modern investigative techniques, in particular in the area of
financial investigations, need to be further strengthened. Overall, Serbia is moderately advanced in fighting trafficking in human beings.Overall, Serbia is moderately advanced in fighting terrorism.
42.Protection of personal data - Overall, the protection of personal data in Serbia remains moderately advanced. Personal data
protection is a key precondition for Serbia to conclude an agreement with Eurojust and an
operational agreement with Europol.

Licno da sam na mestu clanova vlade ja bi sada radio ovo :dash::dash::dash::dash::dash::dash:
Istina boli i treba neko da odgovara za stanje u zemlji vec jednom a ne da nam stalno vicu kako je sve super . Prvi Tadic posto on govori kako on vlada ovom drzavom i kako Vlada odgovara njemu a ne parlamentu - zbog cega bi do sada bio smenjen i bacen u lance u demokratskim drzavama jer krsi Ustav kako stigne i gde sve stigne. Ali i to kad nam pravosudje bude oslobodjeno od DS-a i njihovog smrtnog zagrljaja. Doci ce i taj dan kad ce neko da im pokuca na vrata i videce ovo :rtfm:
poraz naravno.
pitanje je samo koja je namera EU zaista. dali su svu podrsku DOS-u i time su odgovorni za stanje pa me ova kritika malo chudi.

mozda brisel uvidja da je rezim gotov pa zeli da opere ruke od svega i pokaze se kao dobronamerna da bi nastavila da ucenjuje sa nekim drugim rezimom u BG sve do konacne propasti drzave

jevtin trik
MA ovo sto sam ovde pastovao je samo vrh ledenog breega. Najcesce zamerke u izvestaju su - nedostatak zakona koji su trebali da budu doneti i najavljivani su od ove vlade a nisu doneti ili odbijanje da se primenee zakoni a posebno kada je u pitanju krsenje zakona od strane vladajucih struktura. U prevodu - mrak film
Ko ce bre da prevodi 60ak strana !?
Mislim ja cu na kraju to i da uradim ako treba , samo gledam da li ce Vlada negde da se zajebe da objavi ovo.

Onda daj link na original... Ima po internetu prevodioca, besplatnih i ne bas savrsenih, ali mogu da pomognu. Cele pasuse mogu da prevode.

Da probamo sa obicnom google pretragom? Izvestaj EU o Srbiji... novembar 2010 ?
Onda daj link na original... Ima po internetu prevodioca, besplatnih i ne bas savrsenih, ali mogu da pomognu. Cele pasuse mogu da prevode.

Da probamo sa obicnom google pretragom? Izvestaj EU o Srbiji... novembar 2010 ?

Ja imam dokument u pdf formatu dobio sam ga vezom jer se on upucuje samo Vladi i "odabranima" tj. nevladinim organizacijama koje ne smeju sad ni rec da kazu . Da je ovo doslo Kostunici razapeli bi ga na krst sa punim pravom.Mislim ov ce jos da proglase drzavnom tajnom.
Ja imam dokument u pdf formatu dobio sam ga vezom jer se on upucuje samo Vladi i "odabranima" tj. nevladinim organizacijama koje ne smeju sad ni rec da kazu . Da je ovo doslo Kostunici razapeli bi ga na krst sa punim pravom.Mislim ov ce jos da proglase drzavnom tajnom.

Hm... pa zar ti izvestaji nisu javna stvar? Ako politicari toliko pricaju o tome - kako iznose drzavnu tajnu?
Nego mi se cini da treba za koji dan (u novembru) da taj izvestaj bude javno objavljen. Mislim da je to procedura. Da ga svi koji odlucuju prvo procitaju i naprave sta treba, a da se posle da novinarima i javnosti.

p.s. jel odobravas postojanje veza? curenje dokumenata nije pohvalna pojava
Hm... pa zar ti izvestaji nisu javna stvar? Ako politicari toliko pricaju o tome - kako iznose drzavnu tajnu?
Nego mi se cini da treba za koji dan (u novembru) da taj izvestaj bude javno objavljen. Mislim da je to procedura. Da ga svi koji odlucuju prvo procitaju i naprave sta treba, a da se posle da novinarima i javnosti.

p.s. jel odobravas postojanje veza? curenje dokumenata nije pohvalna pojava

nije tajna nego kazem da ce jos da ga proglase drzavnom tajnom

trenutno se sprema jako spinovanje jer pise svasta u dokumentu a procitaj i proslogodisnji pa ce ti vec biti jasno gde smo
ovaj dokument se svuda objavljuje na sajtu vlade /kancelarije za pridruzivanje sem kod nas
Novinari ce dobiti delove ne ceo dokument i dobice obrazlozenje vlade koja e se baviti samo "pozitivnim delovima"
Dakle skoro pa ko drzavna tajna. A kad bi ti rekao kao sam dobio mozda bi neko dobio otkaz jer je javnosti saopstio nesto sto drzava pokusava da sakrije od svojih gradjana i sto bi moralo da ima javni karakter
