Nokia 6650

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Ponudjena mi je da je kupim (n6650) pa ne znam da li ili ne. Koliko ja znam to je jedan od 20.000 prototipova pustenih u svetu na testiranje, jer zvanicno telefon jos nije u prodaji.
Da li je neko probao jedan od ovih prototipova i ako jeste, kakva su iskustva ?
Dakle, odgovoricu sam sebi, ali u naucne svrhe. :)

Dobio sam podatke sa druge strane...

Naime, ima vise generacija prototipova pustenih na testiranje, ali valjaju za koriscenje samo oni koji imaju verziju softvera 13.86 ili visu. Posto je ova koja mi je ponudjena sa softverom 13.77 necu je uzeti. Ta verzija softvera ima probleme sa slanjem MMS-a. Kad napravis sliku i dodas zvuk i hoces da posaljes, na vecini mreza se zamrzne ceo telefon i pomaze samo skidanje baterije.

Dakle zakljucak: ako vam neko ponudi da kupite 6650, ne uzimajte ako ima verziju softvera ispod 13.86. (ove podatke mi je dao covek koji radi u Nokiji, tako da je prilicno pouzdano)
taj telefon nije prototip,jer je pusten u proizvodnju i prodaju sredinom 2002 godine,ali zbog slabe zainteresovanosti za njega povucen iz proizvodnje,pa je mozda proizvedeno samo 20000 telefona.A tebe neko rola pa ti kaze prototip,da bi kupio hehehe
A ovamo kod nas se moze naci ali je niko ne kupuje cijena joj je oko 180-200 eura.
Ne kupuje je niko jer je astronomski ruzan telefon!!!
taj telefon nije prototip,jer je pusten u proizvodnju i prodaju sredinom 2002 godine,ali zbog slabe zainteresovanosti za njega povucen iz proizvodnje,pa je mozda proizvedeno samo 20000 telefona.A tebe neko rola pa ti kaze prototip,da bi kupio hehehe
A ovamo kod nas se moze naci ali je niko ne kupuje cijena joj je oko 180-200 eura.
Ne kupuje je niko jer je astronomski ruzan telefon!!!

180-200 eura? Mislim da si se ti, decko, malo vise zbunio. 20000 komada jeste pusteno u prodaju pre dva meseca, i to u Austriji i jos jednoj evropskoj zemlji (u ovom trenutku me mrzi da trazim kome su je jos isporucili). 3G telefon za 180-200 eura je najveca glupost koju sam skorije cuo.
Jedno je sigurno telefon je ruzan za medalju !


Al da se sve ovo dobije za 200 EUR, pa to i nije skupo.

Weight: 141 g (with Li-Ion battery)
Dimensions: 133 x 52 x 25 mm, 123 cc

Display and User Interface
Illuminated, graphical, active-matrix color display
4096 colors
Graphical user interface
Built-in HF for audio and polyphonic ringing tones

Integrated Digital VGA Camera
High image/video resolution: 640x480/128x96
Video capture at more than 10 frames/second
Phone display used as a viewfinder
7 MB dynamic memory* for video clips, images, phonebook, calendar, messages, and add-on applications

High-Speed Data
Up to 57.6 kilobits per second in circuit-switched data networks
Up to 384 kilobits per second (downlink) and 64 kilobits per second (uplink) in WCDMA packet transmission networks
Multitasking: Take and send pictures while you talk

Wireless Connectivity
Wireless phone connection to a compatible PC
Send/receive pictures, video clips, graphics, play games

Combine video/picture, text, and voice into multimedia messages
Send multimedia messages to a compatible phone or PC
Concatenated text messages, picture messaging

Voice Features
Voice dialing; memory for 50 names*
Voice recorder
Integrated handsfree speaker

WAP 1.2.1 over GPRS data in both GSM and WCDMA modes

Java™ -based games
Possibility to download new games

PC Suite for Nokia 6650 phone in sales package
Additional software on CD-ROM in sales package

Dual system/dual-mode Operation
WCDMA and GSM 900/1800 networks; automatic switching between systems and modes
Nokia has started commercial deliveries of the world's first dual-mode 3GPP compliant GSM/WCDMA mobile phone capable of seamless handovers
June 13, 2003

The Nokia 6650 phone is expected to become available in Europe, Asia and Japan as mobile operators roll out their 3G services

Following the successful completion of the piloting and test program, Nokia has started shipments of the Nokia 6650 mobile phone to selected mobile operators and retailers in Europe and Asia, including Japan. Operators will now be able to provide their customers with the Nokia 6650 as a standard GSM phone, a WCDMA phone or a dual-mode GSM/WCDMA phone, depending on their network architecture. The Nokia 6650 is the first mobile phone in the market capable of seamless hand-overs between GSM and WCDMA systems in a dual-mode network.

Consumers will be able to enjoy global roaming on all GSM900/1800 networks globally as well as on WCDMA networks in Japan and Europe. Those operators building WCDMA coverage to complement their existing GSM900/1800 coverage can now offer high data speed services of up to 384 kbps with WCDMA, while having the full coverage of the GSM900/1800 grid in a single terminal with proven dual system capabilities, tested for interoperability across the full range of functionality with the leading infrastructure vendors.

"The Nokia 6650 is a perfect companion for the traveling business professional, who needs both high-speed data services, such as the fast downloading of emails to his laptop and access to information services, as well as extensive roaming. For a Japanese user, the Nokia 6650 offers seamless roaming in Europe and Asia, and for a GSM user, seamless roaming in Japan," said Juha Putkiranta, Senior Vice President, Nokia Mobile Phones.

He adds:"I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those people who took part in our biggest ever field pilot and testing program, in which we have been successfully working out interoperability challenges and enhancing the phone's capabilities. Almost 20 000 Nokia 6650 phones were used in the pilot program. The commercial availability of the Nokia 6650 will open the road for the commercial 3G service experience."

The availability of services utilizing WCDMA technology is determined by individual operator plans. As a result, availability of the Nokia 6650 will vary by country and by operator. The first operator shipments of the Nokia 6650 commercial release will be delivered to J-Phone and mobilkom austria during June. Nokia expects that during the second half of 2003, approximately 20 operators worldwide will introduce WCDMA either as their main radio technology or as a complementary enhancement to their existing GSM network.

Consumers are already using a number of 3G services in current networks: multimedia messaging, various types of downloading, sending and receiving videos. While the underlying technology is transparent to the consumer, mobile phone users will see the benefits of WCDMA in faster and more convenient service delivery, and in the introduction and availability of new services, such as multitasking.

Nokia is the world leader in mobile communications. Backed by its experience, innovation, user-friendliness and secure solutions, the company has become the leading supplier of mobile phones and a leading supplier of mobile, fixed broadband and IP networks. By adding mobility to the Internet Nokia creates new opportunities for companies and further enriches the daily lives of people. Nokia is a broadly held company with listings on six major exchanges.
ako meni nevjerujes evo pa pogledaj,a pogledaj im i druge cijene ima dosta realnih...

Mr.Oizo, nije stvar da li ja tebi verujem ili ne, mislim da nemas razloga da foliras bilo koga ovde, ali ovo sto pise na ovom sajtu je toliko debilno da ja ne mogu da verujem da neko ko se bavi mobilnim telekomunikacijama moze da napise takve gluposti....
