Музика коју слушам...

Don't wanna commit murder, but damn they got me trapped
Hawkin while I'm walkin, and talkin behind my back
I'm kind of schizophrenic, I'm in this shit to win it
Cause life's a Wheel of, Fortune here's my chance to spin it

I shouldn'ta let him catch me
Instead of livin sad in jail I coulda died free and happy
And my cellmate's raped on the norm
And passed around the dorm, you can hear his asshole gettin torn
They made me an animal
Can't sleep, instead of countin sheep, niggaz countin cannibals
And that's how it is in the pen
Turn old and cold, and your soul is your best friend

I'm a loner alone with neuroses and hate
Anger is a permanent character trait
My letter bombs are primed and ready to send
Would you like to add me as a friend?

I'm a wound-up whiner with a fetish for guns
I'm almost 50 and I live with my Mum
I hope my nude picture doesn't offend
Would you like to add me as a friend?

Add me, add me
My mother says she wished she'd never had me
Add me, add me
Would you like to add me as a friend?

I'm a recovering alcoholic, I rarely leave my room
Peeping through the curtains in my dog costume
The voices in my head, aah, they'll get me in the end
Would you like to add me as a friend?

I'd really like to mail you the picture that I drew
It's Kylie's body but the head is you
I've asked you sixty times before I'm asking you again
Would you like to add me as a friend?

Add me, add me
My mother says she wished she'd never had me
Add me, add me
Would you like to add me as a friend?

here's a picture of me in my Nazi uniform
Doing a trick with an egg that I like to perform
At a monster truck rally that my Mum and me attend
Would you like to add me as a friend?

I've added Britney and Paris and you and Tom
I'm going to find your address so I can visit you at home
I don't like people but I think I could pretend
Would you like to add me as a friend?

Add me, add me
My mother says she wished she'd never had me
Add me, add me
Would you like to add me as a friend?

Iskreno sere mi se od ovakvih pesama. Jeste sve to tehnički moćno i dobro će proći kod tupave publike, ali nema duše u ovakvim pesmama. Zato pustim 2pacovu "Letter to my unborn child" nakon ovog sranja, pesma koja nije tehnički savršena ali ima snagu i dušu. Ne znam šta se desilo sa Eminemom, ali će valjda nekad proći ovo proseravanje sa brzinom i tehničkim finesama, pa da ponovo čujemo nešto poput "Say goodbye to Hollywood" ili "Stan"...
Sukhoi, eno slušaj Castle i Arose sa prethodnog albuma ako hoćeš emotivnije pesme :) Ili Stepping Stone sa novog

btw šta misliš o ovom dissu usmerenom ka MGKu, Killshot?

Slušam, Stepping Stone je dobra ali treba još takvih pesama, plus još starih klasika poput My Name Is ili Real Slim Shady...

Što se tiče dissa, po meni ga je Eminem zakopao za sva vremena. Inače dopada mi se mnogo diss jer je baš u fazonu starih Emovih disova i pesama, znači nema ovih noviteta, finesa i sranja nego samo dobri stari duhoviti Eminem. Diss od MGK-ja mi je sranje teško, lik sere nešto i baca neke corny rime i fazone... onaj početak Emovog dissa je isto prejak, kad imitira glupog MGK-a :D
Ne možeš da očekuješ ponovo pesme poput My names ili Real Slim Shady, s jedne strane Eminem više nije taj lik, a s druge strane ne bi te pesme imale istu vrednost da nastanu u današnjoj klimi, postali smo otupeli na stvari koje šokiraju te je sad gotovo nemoguće šokirati ljude na način na koji je to Slim Shady radio pre 15-20 godina.

Ali opet, očigledno je da ljudi gotive kad Em uđe u rage mode i jednostavno počne da kolje ljude :mrgreen: MGK je mlakonja, zaista.
