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Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
CAO,NALE! :D Rodjena sam istog dana u godini kao i ti samo sam malo starija.U podznaku si blizanac,a evo ti i nekih informacija koje sam preuzela sa sajta


gde mozes da dobijes i svoju natalnu kartu, kao i kartu na osnovu koje mozes da odredis u kojoj zemlji sveta bi ti bilo najbolje, i mnoge druge zanimljive stvarcice.
nadam se da nije problem sto je na engleskom

Sun in Cancer, Moon in Scorpio

You were born with the Sun in Cancer and the Moon in Scorpio. Your inner nature is more natural, sensitive, easy-going, and frank than your personality would indicate. You were born with the potential to live life simply, solely concerned with satisfying your pleasure-seeking impulses. Others may view you as a very firm, self-reliant, determined, and strong personality. You are clear and abrupt, energetic, positive, and capable of carrying out projects that involve hard work and dedication. On the same level, you are also fond of the good things of the world. Your personality is irritable and you may be subject to fits of anger.

Internally you are a very cautious person; but externally the position of the Moon in Scorpio indicates sensuality. You are inclined to strong pleasures and sexual adventures. You have a way of saying things that makes you appear skeptical and cynical. The secret for a better integration of your personality is to subdue your passions and open yourself to regular influences, so that you may enjoy life in a more realistic and socially acceptable manner.

Ascendant in Gemini, Mercury in the Twelfth House

At the time of your birth the zodiacal sign of Gemini was ascending in the horizon. Its ruler Mercury is located in the twelfth house.

Your ascending sign and the position of its ruler offers general information concerning the overall trends of the course of life and complements the data pertaining to your temperament, given previously by the analysis of the combined positions of the Sun and Moon.

Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac and among its key psychological influences over life there are the following: intellectual activities, humanism, and abhorrence of violence, constant doubt of all mental concepts, hesitancy and academic interest.

People whose ascending sign is Gemini usually appear as elegant, slender, expressive, and with very humane facial expressions. They are individuals with some literary inclination, dexterous with manual labors and crafts, apt, able, witty, inventive and very curious and subtle.

A Gemini in the ascendant will always distinguish herself by her rather eloquent speech and writing, her much occupied daily life, and her perpetual lack of an ability to effect swift and determined decisions. As a Gemini, you should try to compensate your hesitancy with fast thinking.

Your disposition to life-events will be kind and generous (within bounds) but not always fortunate, because of too much vacillation in decision-making circumstances. You possess the capability of rising in life because of your own intellectual assets.

Your mind is open and generous, and your intellect self-sufficient; yet on many occasions, judgment will appear as "twisted". You should restrain useless discussion, strife, and unprofitable argument as they're your worst enemies.

To achieve success, you should stress your literary and scientific studies, give free hand to your brilliant intellect in warranted circumstances, and apply your diligent nature to writing, traveling, communications, and human analysis. In all these activities you are at your best.

Mercury, the ruler of your life, appears in the twelfth house. This is the house which represents the darker and uncounscious nature of people as well as sorrow. The presence of the ruler here inclines you to be extremely introverted and to conduct your life along lines that are private to the utmost degree. Because of your Gemini life-traits, your versatile and clever mind becomes very interested in the occult, loving to engender and implement intellectual plans with haziness and ambiguity.

Sun in the First House

The Sun is in the first house. You are by nature energetic, proud and self-assertive. You project yourself enthusiastically and energetically into all situations. Your naturally outgoing disposition and personable manner usually make a good impression on people.

Your heightened self-perception puts you in touch with a strong sense of will, and you can manipulate your will to suit your aims and desires in life. This position of the Sun gives the capacity for leadership, for you tend to attract people and to have a strong influence on them when they are with you.

You do not like to depend on others, but you hold on to your friends, for they are usually pleased to help you when you need it. You are willing to help close friends who are deserving, but only if you know that your efforts will be appreciated.

You often prefer to work alone. However, this is not your only choice, for you adapt well to working with people as long as you are free to express yourself. With a first-house Sun, there is a tendency to overestimate your own worth, but through repeated contacts with others you will inevitably come to a more realistic appraisal of your abilities and potential.

Sun Conjunct Ascendant

The Sun conjunct the Ascendant shows that you have a great desire for recognition and are creative in finding ways to gain attention. In general you are uncompromising. You have great faith in your ability to rise above any of life's negative circumstances. You know how to use your vast creative resources in a direct assault against any adversary, and you believe that eventually you will succeed. Most often you do, but when challenged by stiff competition you will resort to brute force to demonstrate that you do not give in without a fight. You know how to win friends and influence people, and you use this talent effectively.

To be truly comfortable in your profession, you need to have a position of some authority over others.

Moon in the Fifth House

The Moon was found in the fifth house at the time of your birth. This indicates that you will participate actively in business speculations with many changes occurring in this respect. You were born with a knack for dealing with people and with the ability to communicate with them, particularly in connection with business enterprises.

Your emotional nature is very much geared to your love of pleasure, and you possess a very curious aptitude which may bring you financial gains as well as pleasures in business.

In spite of the positive qualities you have, the fact of the matter is that in love you are very changeable, unstable, or too preoccupied with trivialities.

Your love feelings are very well developed and lead to strong drives for sensations and passionate tendencies which unfortunately are not directed to one object alone.

It is possible that throughout life you may be connected with small and numerous business investments with a fairly good return.

Saturn in the Seventh House

Saturn was found in seventh house at the time of birth. In your dealings with others, you are going to present a very cautious personality and you will work slowly towards the achievement of security. The environment will be a very restricting factor in your life; the same limitations that hinder your relationships with others will emerge in a narrowness of reception to your ideas and emotions. This indicates that the key to more spiritual and material development lies in your response to the several tests destined for you which consist of patiently enduring difficulties through human relationships.

You should remember that Saturn does not lend a propensity to be demonstrative in an emotional sense. It does, in those individuals with whom you will start a lifelong relationship, give a sense of duty and stability of emotions. Yet you are going to experience some sorrow throughout your life in a relationship. This is mostly going to consist of the several limitations that this state is imposing upon your personal freedom.

The key to a better integration of your existence lies in the ability to view these obstacles and binds with philosophical resignation.

Saturn Opposition Ascendant

Saturn opposition the Ascendant shows that you are defensive in your associations.

You tend to be so preoccupied with your own affairs that you cannot be too concerned with anyone else's. But at the same time you accuse people of being indifferent to you. The truth is, you are so reserved about projecting yourself into their lives that you give the impression you think yourself better than they are. So they keep their distance and are not likely to warm up to you. Although you have a mind of your own, you are never sure you can exploit your ideas and get a favorable response, which you desperately need.

Because you are more competent than most of your competitors, you will never take on a task you can not handle. Until you try, of course, you will not know this. You secretly fear responsibility, but you are more than able to perform your duties and fulfill your obligations, both to yourself and to others.

Uranus Opposition Ascendant

Uranus opposition the Ascendant shows that relationships stand in the way of achieving the freedom you want. You attract people who demand their own freedom, even though it means you must curtail yours, and this annoys you.

A traditional marriage is not for you. You prefer a more liberal association in which the only binding agent is your emotional attraction to your partner. You enjoy a wide circle of friends who share your views and with whom you feel safe and secure. You are drawn to occupations that give you freedom to work in your own way, unconfined by rules and regulations.

Although you have a mind of your own, you probably are not fully prepared to accept responsibility for your actions.

Part of your role in life is to help others gain their freedom by urging them to get an education and to learn about the social and political issues that can affect them.

Venus in the Twelfth House

Venus was in the twelfth house at the time of birth.

Only those very close to you have a hint of the little known facets of your personality. Regardless of the way you speak and express yourself, when you are alone, relaxed, and free of worry, you can have a sociable and congenial temperament that runs alongside a generous, kind, and attractive character.

This astrological combination may lead you into clandestine love affairs. Unless you use a great amount of tact and diplomacy, these secret affairs may create social complications that force premature termination.


Portrait - Short Edition


for Natasa Gostic (female)
born on 25 June 1988 local time 04:30 am
in Belgrade, YUG U.T. 02:30
20e30, 44n50 sid. time 22:05:49


Planetary positions
planet sign degree house motion
Sun Cancer 03°45'29 01 direct
Moon Scorpio 03°57'27 05 direct
Mercury Gemini 18°09'08 12 stationary (D)
Venus Gemini 15°42'32 12 retrograde
Mars Pisces 20°24'06 10 direct
Jupiter Taurus 24°50'14 12 direct
Saturn Sagittarius 28°54'26 07 retrograde
Uranus Sagittarius 28°51'16 07 retrograde
Neptune Capricorn 08°57'21 07 retrograde
Pluto Scorpio 09°55'53 05 retrograde
True Node Pisces 17°11'29 10 retrograde

House positions (Placidus)
Ascendant Gemini 27°12'14
2nd House Cancer 16°15'04
3rd House Leo 05°41'52
Imum Coeli Leo 29°20'00
5th House Libra 01°50'57
6th House Scorpio 15°16'34
Descendant Sagittarius 27°12'14
8th House Capricorn 16°15'04
9th House Aquarius 05°41'52
Medium Coeli Aquarius 29°20'00
11th House Aries 01°50'57
12th House Taurus 15°16'34

Major aspects
Sun Trine Moon 0°12
Sun Opposition Saturn 4°51
Sun Opposition Uranus 4°54
Sun Opposition Neptune 5°12
Sun Trine Pluto 6°10
Sun Conjunction Ascendant 6°33
Moon Sextile Saturn 5°03
Moon Sextile Uranus 5°06
Moon Sextile Neptune 5°00
Moon Conjunction Pluto 5°58
Moon Trine Ascendant 6°45
Mercury Conjunction Venus 2°27
Mercury Square Mars 2°15
Venus Square Mars 4°42
Mars Sextile Jupiter 4°26
Saturn Conjunction Uranus 0°03
Saturn Opposition Ascendant 1°42
Uranus Opposition Ascendant 1°39
Neptune Sextile Pluto 0°59
Numbers indicate orb (deviation from the exact aspect angle).
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

CAO BLUE! Nemoras vise da se pitas,ti si dupla vaga,a evo i ostatka

Sun in Libra, Moon in Sagittarius

An intellectual, you are usually preoccupied with ideas. However, you rarely seek knowledge for its own sake. You tend to be didactic and try to convert others to your ideas.

In defending your ideas you display all the strength of a zealot. Fortunately, your well- developed judgment tells you exactly where your opinions are not welcome. You are by nature straightforward and don't profess to be more than you are. Your genuine concern for people inclines you toward social work. It is difficult for you to restrain yourself, and your better judgment is often hidden beneath the flash of some new and not-too-wise inspiration. But you are a harmonious individual - that is, no serious conflict exists between idea and action, between what you appear to be and what you are.

Ascendant in Libra, Venus in the Twelfth House

At the time of your birth the zodiacal sign of Libra was ascending in the horizon. Its ruler Venus is located in the twelfth house.

This denotes a life in which the native adopts an attitude which is courteous, kind, and affectionate.

People with Libra Ascendant are basically motivated by feeling and emotion rather than intellectuality. Your life will demonstrate your keenness of observation, and a tendency to effect comparisons largely of an aesthetic nature. You will not display too much energy in your actions and, therefore, there is a tendency toward following routine and the lines of the least resistance. You are a sympathetic person who seeks the approval of others and is also very adaptable. Your intuition is remarkable and you derive sensual gratification from engaging in social intercourse, by loving all social aspects of life.

If you do not control this tendency to be so involved in human relationships, you may become too attached and over dependent.

Some restlessness, changeability and lack of persistence is noted in your life. Your main feature is that of constantly favoring the fusing of two things or people together.

Unfortunately, this involvement with harmonizing and adjusting people to one another, tends to make the native a little unrealistic and lacking in action. You will be, however, easy going and congenial, socially oriented and preoccupied with adornments, clothing, social conventions, standards, and aesthetics. In love, if you cause the relationship to be a serious one, you will find that the affair is the consequence of your own interest in flattering yourself rather than to satisfy any profound emotion.

Professionally, you will be inclined to activities which require a high degree of culture and even artistic knowledge.

This position indicates a life that will be very inconspicuous and with hidden qualities.

The position of Venus here could indicate that you will become involved in clandestine love affairs. Some strong attachments which you will form, will greatly benefit you. You may be inclined to commit yourself to a partner early in life.

There is also a possibility of divorce or separation, followed by a second attachment. In any instance, you have the inborn tendency to give your love generously and to assist your loved one with all the strength of your character.

Mercury Conjunct Ascendant

Mercury conjunct the Ascendant shows that you are intensely preoccupied with yourself. You probably start your conversation with I more often than most people do.

Your mental faculties are well-developed, and for the most part you are bright and witty, so your incessant use of personal pronouns may be tolerated. You are mentally impulsive and rarely give anyone the chance to answer your questions. You are not afraid to speak up when you know you are right, but the fact is, you are not always right. When your views are criticized, you become indignant and argumentative.

Saturn in the First House

Saturn is in the first house. Saturn's placement here gives you a conservative, sometimes gloomy and self-denying outlook on life. Because every contact is of great importance, you tend to be rather detached and even aloof so that you can be sure exactly where you stand. You can be self-conscious and may feel awkward and prudish with others who appear to take things more lightly. The depth with which you look at yourself is characteristic of the way you relate to others.

You were taught very early in life to be self-reliant, and you were often given more responsibility than usual for your age.

Your intellect is constant and usually unfettered by momentary feelings and whims. Logic plays an important role in your thinking processes. Grandiose schemes and theories have little interest for you.

Once you accept your own limitations and face up to your challenges and responsibilities with a sense of purpose, you will be able to succeed in whatever field you decide on. Your health is generally good, so long as you exercise sufficiently to relieve tension.

Moon in the Third House

The Moon appears in the third house at the time of your birth Your intellect is very sensitive to external events always changing and adjusting to the situation.

Memory is strong and of a pictorial nature. The mind, however, is liable to become too subjective and shallow with an overemphasis on superficial learning and with little practical use or lacking in intellectual sensibility. On the favorable side, there exists a vast reservoir of creativity which could be successfully applied to such pursuits as writing and poetry. Physically, the Moon will give you an intensely active life full of changes, mobility and fluctuations.

The demands of this position are simple: exert yourself in acquiring better control of your unstable and persistent imagination, increasing, thereby, powers of concentration and you will find delightful improvements not only at a mental level, but also in the ability to communicate with others more realistically.

Sun in the Twelfth House

The Sun was in your twelfth house at the time of birth. This may indicate a life full of limitations, obstacles, and human opposition, but at the same time a lot of inner strength and energy.

You are urged to pause and reflect upon your own accumulated history. Take some time for introspection. It may result in a purification process accompanied by some remorse of conscience.

Internally, you are quite different from the way you present yourself externally. You possess a vast reservoir of energy that may be partially hidden even from your own awareness.

Your internal disposition is strong, commanding, open, and of a rare generosity. More and more you should try to bring these characteristics into the open so that they can overcome some of the less desirable aspects of your personality.

Venus in the Twelfth House

Venus was in the twelfth house at the time of birth.

Only those very close to you have a hint of the little known facets of your personality. Regardless of the way you speak and express yourself, when you are alone, relaxed, and free of worry, you can have a sociable and congenial temperament that runs alongside a generous, kind, and attractive character.

This astrological combination may lead you into clandestine love affairs. Unless you use a great amount of tact and diplomacy, these secret affairs may create social complications that force premature termination.


Portrait - Short Edition


for Baby Blue (female)
born on 24 Sep 1982 local time 06:30 am
in Sarajevo, BIH U.T. 05:30
18e25, 43n52 sid. time 06:54:34


Planetary positions
planet sign degree house motion
Sun Libra 00°50'45 12 direct
Moon Sagittarius 20°36'09 03 direct
Mercury Libra 16°13'03 01 retrograde
Venus Virgo 20°14'39 12 direct
Mars Sagittarius 02°51'51 02 direct
Jupiter Scorpio 10°14'39 02 direct
Saturn Libra 22°12'49 01 direct
Uranus Sagittarius 01°27'39 02 direct
Neptune Sagittarius 24°21'54 03 direct
Pluto Libra 25°49'40 01 direct
True Node Cancer 09°34'10 09/10 retrograde
True Node is technically near the end of house 9 and is interpreted in house 10.

House positions (Placidus)
Ascendant Libra 10°29'20
2nd House Scorpio 06°52'12
3rd House Sagittarius 07°56'34
Imum Coeli Capricorn 12°33'13
5th House Aquarius 16°28'57
6th House Pisces 16°04'11
Descendant Aries 10°29'20
8th House Taurus 06°52'12
9th House Gemini 07°56'34
Medium Coeli Cancer 12°33'13
11th House Leo 16°28'57
12th House Virgo 16°04'11

Major aspects
Sun Sextile Mars 2°01
Sun Sextile Uranus 0°37
Sun Square Neptune 6°29
Moon Sextile Mercury 4°23
Moon Square Venus 0°22
Moon Sextile Saturn 1°37
Moon Conjunction Neptune 3°46
Moon Sextile Pluto 5°14
Mercury Conjunction Saturn 6°00
Mercury Conjunction Ascendant 5°44
Venus Square Neptune 4°07
Mars Conjunction Uranus 1°24
Saturn Sextile Neptune 2°09
Saturn Conjunction Pluto 3°37
Neptune Sextile Pluto 1°28
Numbers indicate orb (deviation from the exact aspect angle).
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
