Moja teorija, razlog zabrane pušenja, i anti pušačke propagande

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ali sta je smesno ako nacionalni institut za zdravlje objavljuje i ovakve tekstove? da izvucem samo recenicu da shvatis poentu odmah:

Although conflicting hypotheses on the potential role of nicotine in COVID‐19 pathology have recently been offered, we believe that nicotine itself, through its interaction with the nicotinic cholinergic system, as well as ACE2, may not only be of use in a variety of neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative diseases, but may also be of potential use in COVID‐19.

Nicotine and the nicotinic cholinergic system in COVID‐19

ima o tome dosta, samo 1 link iznad kao primer, i jos 1 pasus sa njega:

Smoking, nicotine, and ACE2​

On one hand, it is proposed that smoking or nicotine may upregulate the detrimental angiotensin‐converting enzyme (ACE) but downregulate the compensatory ACE2/ANG‐(1–7) receptor axis and hence contribute to cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases [53, 54, 55]. On the other hand, nicotine, via activation of α7 nAChR exposure, may actually increase ACE2 levels in the epithelial cells [36]. This latter effect, consistent with the observations of several other investigators [55, 56], would jive with the hypothesis proposed by Vaduganathan et al [51] and elaborated above and would support potential beneficial effects of nicotine in countering COVID‐19.

pa kaze:

These contentions, however, stand in stark contrast with potential beneficial effects of nicotine or nicotinic agonists in a variety of diseases [13, 37], including COVID‐19 [18, 19, 38].
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