MGTOW terminologija

Lord SmoriVoje

Ističe se
Pokret MGTOW smatra da su muskarci obespravljeni u drustvu po mnogim pitanjima i jedan od glavnih ciljeva ovog pokreta je pozivanje muskaraca da ne stupaju u brak smatrajuci da su drustveno-pravni odnosi u braku isuvise na stetu muskaraca.

Terminologija data ispod je dosta agresivna i neko je moze nazvati i sovinistickom i ovo je mozda neki pandan radikalnom feminizmu, ali sto da se ne cuje i njihov glas da vidimo sta kazu.

Mada neki forumasi dosta koriste tu terminologiju.:)
SMP: The Sexual Market Place. The zone where male / female sexual and inter-personal relations take place.

SMV: Sexual Market Value. i.e. When a person is seen in public with an attractive and charming partner, their “SMV” goes up, meaning they become more attractive to other potential partners. But even more importantly, where a young man may begin early adulthood with a very low SMV compared to an attractive young female, he will come to realize that he hasn’t even BEGUN to understand that as long as he remains diligent, patient, true to himself and rigorously focussed on more worthwhile pursuits…. his SMV is almost certainly going to increase exponentially over time. This can be understood by anyone with an iota of common sense, and is beautifully articulated by a man in this one of many examples.

AFC: Average Frustrated Chump. (See Beta Male and Omega Male)

Alpha Male: The leader of the pack. The man other men aspire to be… and the man women want to be with.

NAWALT: The perfectly rehearsed deflection “Not All Women Are Like That!!!” very often heard from women whenever any man criticizes the very real actions and behavior of the female collective. Not to be confused with a valid argument, NAWALT is used to pull focus and conversation away from the actions and behavior of 99% (or “most”) toward the 1% in an attempt to get you to think in terms of the lowest common denominator. Read more on understanding generalizations »

AWALT: ALL Women Are Like That. The opposite of NAWALT (Not All Women Are Like That)

ASSPOWALT: “A Statistically Significant Percentage Of Women Are Like That” (incase the detractor isn’t getting it.)

AW or WW: American/Western women in the aggregate.

A Real Man: The hive/female definition of any male who is expected to make himself available to be treated as a utility, disposable tool, ATM machine, sperm donor or human wallet. Any man who refuses to be treated this way is generally regarded as “not a real man”, and should be prepared for an avalanche of shaming (i.e. “you must be prepared to drown on a sinking ship and ensure female comfort and convenience – even at the cost of your own life – else you are not a real man“). Most commonly used to describe any man who has not yet shackled himself to a female, or one who is seemingly immune and unaffected by her charms, looks or manipulations. This confuses the female to no end. So much so, that she will now attempt to convince herself that he is not even male. However, the true definition of a “real man” is any human being born with XY chromosomes. The remainder of that definition is entirely up to him – and nobody else. Especially a woman, because she has zero concept or understanding of masculinity outside the scope of what she thinks he “should” do for her.

Even a trans-sexual male is still a “real man”. He’s just an artificial woman.
We trust this will clear up the confusion for those who don’t understand the basics.

Baby Rabies: The female biological clock in full hyperdrive. Firing all cylinders, she has a plan to get pregnant and you are not a part of it. Except to make 216 monthly payments which she plans to extort using any and all methods at her disposal. Including any form of deceit. There are virtually NO limits to what she is capable of – and WILL do – including reaching into the garbage to fertilize herself using the contents of a discarded condom which an otherwise responsibly-behaved man used to protect himself from entering fatherhood against his own will and better judgement.

Bad Girl: While women everywhere continue to publicly trip over themselves and stumble while trying to define a “man”, a “good man”, or (our personal favorite) a “real man”… as Men, we do not engage in that manner of horseshit. It’s up to every woman to define herself. Women already do an excellent job of this with their actions, and particularly their non-actions.

Beta Male: The nice guy; the sweetheart; the feminized mangina; the man women marry as Plan B if they can’t snag an Alpha male, then subconsciously hate him for it later.

Please Note: MGTOW do not subscribe to such silly and finite classifications as “beta” or “alpha” because these terms are essentially defined by the female. These definitions exist here only to illustrate what other people mean when they sling these bullshit terms around like a frisbee.

Bitch: Often mistaken for a derogatory term, the modern female embraces this title and wears it around her neck like Olympic Gold. This can be seen in modern literature written BY women – FOR other women – as in such books entitled ““Why Men Love Bitches” and “Why Men Marry Bitches”. Available in paperback on Amazon, at Borders bookstore(s), and wherever nauseating trash is sold. Therefore, women never get to complain when a man uses the word “bitch” in a sentence. This is precisely why so many millions of women are single against their own will and “can’t find a man”, and it explains the exploding population of single mothers. They deliberately cultivate disaster in their own personal lives, and will even advise other women to do the same. Literally. The only reason a Man would marry a bitch is because she worked her ass off to misrepresent herself for years. No man worth anything would ever do it knowingly. This has already been established here and that bitch also proudly wears the title like a badge of honor. Maintaining QUOTE: “All us bitches are the same. We’re all the same.”. Learn it.

Bitch Bin: The small box or drawer a man uses to store items left behind by the women he sleeps with. When the bitch bin containing tooth brushes, hair brushes, hair ties, lipstick, etc. is found by his current interest, an unapologetic response by him heightens her attraction for him even more.

Choir: A group of well-rehearsed feminized supporters who are ready to back up the star artist (your girlfriend or wife) at a moment’s notice and at your expense, of course. The choir is staffed by other females and beta males, and is often conducted by the guy who plans to bang her the moment you’re out of the picture.

Cathedral: The term “Cathedral” was coined by a Mr. M.M. and reformatted by Chateau Heartiste (and probably others) for a general audience to mean the collective motivations and enlivening spirit of the bulk of the human machinery that powers the entertainment, media, government and academia industrial complexes in the West, but particularly in America. This human machinery is mostly progressive in political disposition, equalist in ideology, tyrannical in method, snarky in execution, and hypocritical in principle. So as not to associate the meaning with any religious implication, the Cathedral may otherwise be referred to as the “hive” – to represent the reflexive, obedient, hive-like thinking on the subject of human intellectual, psychological and sex differences, both within and between groups.
Poslednja izmena:
Cupcake: A delicate-looking seemingly light and fluffy muffin top with pretty frosting which is supremely fattening and very bad for you. The gun is loaded, cocked and pointed at your head. Cupcake has had her finger on the trigger from the moment you said “I do” and she will pull it on a whim, the moment you cease to entertain her in the manner she so desires. If cupcake has a Facebook account, you are basically giving her a free pass to cheat on you. She will have old flings on her account, past men she was interested in, all it takes is for you to piss her off one day and she will have one these men provide a shoulder to cry on.

Dickstand: A man who props up a single mom while she’s waiting for an Alpha to ride her hard. As a motorcycle needs a rider or a kickstand to remain upright, so does a single mom need either an Alpha rider or a dickstand.

Fat Acceptance: The ridiculous “fat acceptance movement” (also known as the size acceptance, fat liberation, fat activism, or fat power movement) is a social movement seeking to change anti-fat bias in social attitudes. While smoking cigarettes may understandably be shunned and forbidden in public spaces, and even being extremely FIT is down voted and criticized…. being fat, unsightly and grossly unhealthy is embraced to a degree that can only be described as completely insane. Where the image on the left exposes the general consensus of the hive, the image on the right is pure satire.
Game: Natural or learned behaviors that allow men to think like a bitch but not act like one. When game is a learned behavior (as it is with pick up artists), PUAs attempt to convince you that after studying “what women want” (regardless of what they SAY they want) that game isn’t about – and solely about – giving women what they want (regardless of what they SAY they want). Read that last sentence again.

Ghost: Noun or verb. Making oneself scarce. Unplugging from the societal matrix, turning one’s back on all forms of cultural bombardment, and living “off the grid” as it were – either in attitude, or actuality – and making no overtures about it.

Good Girl: No such thing. Some women THINK they are “good girls” because they withhold their affection from a man they pretend to “love” and deliberately intend to enter a life contract while being as unfulfilling as possible, until some sucker pays the biggest price he can possibly pay for access to her love gates. See “whore”.

Gynocrazy: A play on the word “gynocracy”. A form of authoritarian rule that is imposed on the male by the female (or the hive). The idea that if you have a penis, you are automatically wrong, and if you were born with a vagina, you are right about everything… even though neither could possibly be true.

HB/UB Scale: Hot Bitch/Ugly Bitch Scale, which generally goes from UB1 to HB10. An example of a UB1 may be a Rosie O’Donnell on her period, and an HB10 may be a Rosie Huntington-Whiteley bringing you a sandwich while wearing nothing but a smile.

Hypergamy: Every woman’s innate urge (and willingness) to sleep with a male of higher status than the one she’s currently settling for – virtually guaranteeing that her boyfriend or husband is never her first choice.

Mangina: A feminized, pussy-whipped loser who apologizes for the bad behavior of women, and actively seeks their approval hoping he can get into her pants. He’s nothing but an ill-informed PUA spitting a highly ineffective bastardized form of game.

MGTOW: Men Going Their Own Way.

MGHOW: Man Going His Own Way.

Misandrist: A woman who denies a man’s request to be treated like a man.

Misogynist: A man who honors a woman’s request to be treated like a man.

MRA: Men’s Rights Activist. Different from a MGHOW, an MRA actively strives to reverse the grossly unfair anti-male bias in the divorce and family court system. Where a woman can legally drop all of her parental responsibilities off and her unwanted baby at the local firestation with no consequences and no questions asked (i.e Roe vs. Wade), there are men in prison – right now – who have been ordered to pay child support for children that are not theirs. MRAs seek to restore an equilibrium in the tragically skewed Western legal system where women have (and want) 100% “choice”, but fail to accept (and don’t want) 100% responsibility.

NT Response: New Testament Response. Like Jesus, a man may offer unconditional forgiveness, crawl up on an emotional cross and die for a woman’s relationship sins. (See Beta Male and White Knight). This is the opposite of an OT Response, or Old Testament Response.

Omega Male: The bottom of the barrel loser. A David Futrelle. A Manboob. The kind of failure who couldn’t get a woman’s attention if his life depended on it. Men disrespect him, and women are not even aware of his existence.

Oneitis: Pronounced like the name of a disease. “One-Eye-Tiss”. The delusion that one woman is different, special, and therefore “the one”. Oneitis leads a man to pedestalize a woman without realizing this is an instant attraction-killer for her.

Orbiter: The men who circle around thanks to your wife or girlfriend’s sexual gravitational pull, just waiting for the opportunity to crash into her womanly crust. If he’s a beta male, you have nothing to worry about because he’ll likely burn up in her “lets just be friends” atmosphere before he reaches her surface. If he’s an alpha male, go ahead and shake the hand of the man who’ll be ******* her the moment you’re out of the picture if not sooner. She’s keeping him around for a reason, and he knows it.

OT Response: Old Testament Response. Like the ancient God of Israel who would open up the earth and swallow a man to the pits of hell, leaving his children to starve in the wilderness while his wife is gangbanged by the warriors from two tribes over, the Old Testament Response to a woman’s infractions brings nothing but Holy wrath. This is the opposite of NT Response, or New Testament Response.

Patriarchy: A myth. The fabricated universe in which women as a whole maintain they are “victims of male oppression” while being 100% free to roam, vote, eject their parental responsibilities without a second thought or consequence… and even steal property they never earned. If you were born into a society made up only 10 men and 10 women, and one of those men invents the airplane, the internet, or compose a symphony… the women would still pretend they are “oppressed” victims of a cruel male-dominated culture – even while they enjoy more rights, freedoms and basic liberties than any other class of human being on the planet, which countless men before them paid for and provided with their own lives.

Pickup Artist or PUA: A man who has mastered the concept of “Game”. Click here for a list of PUA terminology, and here for a list of PUA acronyms.

Player: A man who has mastered the art of getting sex from a woman without having to give resources in return, or a woman who has mastered the art of getting resources from a man without having to give sex in return.

Promiscuity: The act of having a sexual relationship with anyone outside of the bonds of Holy Matrimony. While the definition of promiscuity is the same for men as it is for women, the ease of access and the resulting consequences are vastly different for the two genders, which often leads women and beta males to the false assumption that there is a double standard.
Poslednja izmena:
Rationalization Hamster: A creature which lives in a woman’s brain, and feverishly spins the hamster wheel which helps her rationalize and justify her thoughts, behavior and actions regardless of how counterintuitive they may be. No amount of logic or reason can stop the hamster from spinning. Coined by the blogger Roissy. Her hamster will (for example) become apparent when she REFUSES to acknowledge the possibility that a man is simply not interested in her. She will convince herself “he’s a jerk” or “he must be gay” rather than accept the truth. The dialogue in her own head has no place in reality. The hamster also convinces “strong and independent” women who openly declare they “don’t need a man” (while simultaneously seeking one) that men are somehow “intimidated” by them . . . instead of accepting that she is best left to be “strong and independent” on her own for as long as possible. Preferably forever.
Relationship: Usually overheard in a sentence like “I want a relationship”, this is the silly female idea that some unmarried man (whom she often hasn’t even met) should be interested in not banging other chicks and paying for everything. She will automatically expect him to be sexually faithful, even when he is not married (and even when she refuses to put out) while conveniently forgetting exactly WHY he is not married. A scenario she pre-imagines in her head in which everything is done with HER best interest above all other things – while you are expected to fill a pre-conceived role of “provider” even when she has made zero effort to earn what she expects. Your needs, dreams and desires are a non-consideration and totally irrelevant, and everybody knows it. It is common for a female to expect such “commitment” and displays of costly devotion, while giving her affection away for free to someone else who is not remotely invested in her. Also known as a “relationshit”.

Slut: Any woman who gives a man complete sexual access without first securing proof of that man’s commitment to providing ongoing resources – regardless of how frequently or infrequently she engages in such behavior. For the male version of a slut, see White Knight.

Snowflake or Snowflaking: A woman who tries to persuade a man that she’s somehow unique, different, or special by playing up her good girl resume and downplaying her bad girl resume. When used as a verb, snowflaking refers to the argument she puts forth to justify her claim. Coined by the blogger Solomon II.

Spotlighter: Also referred to as an attention whore, the spotlighter works to ensure that every male spotlight in her theater is focused solely on her. Coined by blogger Solomon II.

The Wall™: The irreversible point a woman’s life where she can no longer get away with the same bad behavior she got away with when she was younger. The more attractive she is, the more profound and devastating the impact. For as film legend Lauren Bacall put it so eloquently: “every beautiful woman dies twice”.

White Knight: Any man who believes the sun rises and sets based solely on female approval. He gives a woman complete access to his resources without first securing proof of that woman’s willingness to provide ongoing sexual resources – regardless of how frequently or infrequently he engages in such behavior. A White Knight will fall over himself for female attention, affection and approval with ridiculous displays of “chivalry”, and will even make an offer to purchase her attention with a meal, favors, or even engage in male-bashing behavior. Having enough low self-esteem to think of his very life as disposable for female comfort and convenience, he believes he is “better” than other men who simply don’t LOWER themselves (or compromise their virtues) while kneeling for female validation and acceptance.

Whore: Contrary to popular opinion and common misconceptions, a “whore” is not a woman who engages in promiscuous sex openly and freely. She does NOT have sex…. until (or unless) she gets something ELSE.

A whore deliberately withholds her affection and attention until some other unrelated price is paid or condition is met first. However, she can only be open for business for as long as she can convince a man that he wants (and needs) sex more than she does. As far as every whore is concerned, sex is something YOU should pay for, but not good enough for her to receive as a fair exchange. When a man figures out women are far more sexual than men – and she can’t pull this off anymore – her price plummets, and she gets furious.

Every woman who has withheld sex until some unrelated price has been paid (or condition is met) is a whore, and for many thousands of years, men have been willing to support whores since the beginning of time while having no problem with this mutual arrangement. However, the modern whore operates under false pretenses while pretending she is not a whore. She will dress, behave, negotiate and even make efforts to look like one, while masking her motivations and rigorously denying she is a prostitute at all. And that’s a whore of a different color.
Toliko su popularni da su na Fejsu za 4 godine skupili "celih" 3000 lajkova, a na sajtu imaju 2200 članova

Zanimljivo je da su uparili Slut i White Knight sto samo po sebi znaci da muskarci i zene nisu isti. Slut se i ne predstavlja toliko lose kod MGTOW ekipe, dok je White Knight gori od svega prikazanog.:malav:

Slut bi valjda bilo jednako Svastojebu.:)

Slut: Any woman who gives a man complete sexual access without first securing proof of that man’s commitment to providing ongoing resources – regardless of how frequently or infrequently she engages in such behavior. For the male version of a slut, see White Knight.
White Knight: Any man who believes the sun rises and sets based solely on female approval. He gives a woman complete access to his resources without first securing proof of that woman’s willingness to provide ongoing sexual resources – regardless of how frequently or infrequently he engages in such behavior. A White Knight will fall over himself for female attention, affection and approval with ridiculous displays of “chivalry”, and will even make an offer to purchase her attention with a meal, favors, or even engage in male-bashing behavior. Having enough low self-esteem to think of his very life as disposable for female comfort and convenience, he believes he is “better” than other men who simply don’t LOWER themselves (or compromise their virtues) while kneeling for female validation and acceptance.
Zato si ti prava muskarcina da im pokazes. Mora da ribe stoje u red za tebe a odkako si prohodao iz kolevke i pokazao prst Staljinu.
Zaboravih da dodam da uz to što pizdite i etiketirate imate taj neki trip o ribama koje stoje u redu za vama i ovo sa prstom. Ono kad si muškarac srednjih godina iz američkog predgrađa, ceo dan te kinje na poslu, dođeš kući na ladnu večeru i uključuješ ista dva filma svako veče, nakon toga kucaš proglase zarad emancipacije i edukacije muškaraca, da bi legao i sanjao sebe kako si madrfaker koji sa martinijem u jednoj i dve ribe u drugoj ruci sređuje nekog diktatora pod šubarom... Domaći kučke koji tripujete da ste džulovi i primate se na te fore da ne komentarišem.
Zaboravih da dodam da uz to što pizdite i etiketirate imate taj neki trip o ribama koje stoje u redu za vama i ovo sa prstom. Ono kad si muškarac srednjih godina iz američkog predgrađa, ceo dan te kinje na poslu, dođeš kući na ladnu večeru i uključuješ ista dva filma svako veče, nakon toga kucaš proglase zarad emancipacije i edukacije muškaraca, da bi legao i sanjao sebe kako si madrfaker koji sa martinijem u jednoj i dve ribe u drugoj ruci sređuje nekog diktatora pod šubarom... Domaći kučke koji tripujete da ste džulovi i primate se na te fore da ne komentarišem.

Covek koji je izgubio dete verovatno i nema drugog izbora nego da se odluci na jedan vid borbe koliko god nekom delovao kao drndavi klosar.

A "Ocajne domacice" su odlicno edukativno sredstvo za sirenje mizoginije.:malav:
Zaboravih da dodam da uz to što pizdite i etiketirate imate taj neki trip o ribama koje stoje u redu za vama i ovo sa prstom. Ono kad si muškarac srednjih godina iz američkog predgrađa, ceo dan te kinje na poslu, dođeš kući na ladnu večeru i uključuješ ista dva filma svako veče, nakon toga kucaš proglase zarad emancipacije i edukacije muškaraca, da bi legao i sanjao sebe kako si madrfaker koji sa martinijem u jednoj i dve ribe u drugoj ruci sređuje nekog diktatora pod šubarom... Domaći kučke koji tripujete da ste džulovi i primate se na te fore da ne komentarišem.

Da, vidim koliko si ti u pravu sa svojim Dzon Vejn tonom. Udri Brus Li. Postaces milioner.
A Real Man: The hive/female definition of any male who is expected to make himself available to be treated as a utility, disposable tool, ATM machine, sperm donor or human wallet. Any man who refuses to be treated this way is generally regarded as “not a real man”, and should be prepared for an avalanche of shaming (i.e. “you must be prepared to drown on a sinking ship and ensure female comfort and convenience – even at the cost of your own life – else you are not a real man“). Most commonly used to describe any man who has not yet shackled himself to a female, or one who is seemingly immune and unaffected by her charms, looks or manipulations. This confuses the female to no end. So much so, that she will now attempt to convince herself that he is not even male. However, the true definition of a “real man” is any human being born with XY chromosomes. The remainder of that definition is entirely up to him – and nobody else. Especially a woman, because she has zero concept or understanding of masculinity outside the scope of what she thinks he “should” do for her.

Even a trans-sexual male is still a “real man”. He’s just an artificial woman.
We trust this will clear up the confusion for those who don’t understand the basics.
Poslednja izmena:
MRA: Men’s Rights Activist. Different from a MGHOW, an MRA actively strives to reverse the grossly unfair anti-male bias in the divorce and family court system. Where a woman can legally drop all of her parental responsibilities off and her unwanted baby at the local firestation with no consequences and no questions asked (i.e Roe vs. Wade), there are men in prison – right now – who have been ordered to pay child support for children that are not theirs. MRAs seek to restore an equilibrium in the tragically skewed Western legal system where women have (and want) 100% “choice”, but fail to accept (and don’t want) 100% responsibility
Poslednja izmena:
Ovo je mogla da bude moja sadasnjica i mozda bi mogla da bude eventualna buducnost...:lol: Prosli put sam to oterao. Ne znam da li sam dobro uradio.:ceka:
Cupcake: A delicate-looking seemingly light and fluffy muffin top with pretty frosting which is supremely fattening and very bad for you. The gun is loaded, cocked and pointed at your head. Cupcake has had her finger on the trigger from the moment you said “I do” and she will pull it on a whim, the moment you cease to entertain her in the manner she so desires. If cupcake has a Facebook account, you are basically giving her a free pass to cheat on you. She will have old flings on her account, past men she was interested in, all it takes is for you to piss her off one day and she will have one these men provide a shoulder to cry on.
Svaka zena moze da bude Cupcake. Bilo neko istrazivanje u Engleskoj, 50% zena ima nekog u rezervi, bivsi, kolega s posla ili ko vec, sto znaci ako omanes, (nisi dobar, neko bi rekao "ne igras kako ona svira"), ona cesto ima nekog ko se lozi na nju, a on je njoj ok (ne potpuno odbojan).
A da ne pominjem da 90% zena moze naci nekog za kres u po dana u po noci, ako snizi kriterijume i pogazi svoje samopostovanje. Nije fer, ali tako sve zivotinjske vrste funkcionisu, muzjaci se grupisu oko zenke i zenka bira partnera.

E sad, da li ce svaka zena da se krese sa kim stigne, ne, nece, nece ni svaka zena da posegne za nekom rezervom, ali relativno se cesto cuje ona zenska ucena "kad ti neces, ima ko hoce", tako da ti si zamenljiv, niko i nista, a ona ce lako naci nekog drugog umesto tebe.
Svaka zena moze da bude Cupcake. Bilo neko istrazivanje u Engleskoj, 50% zena ima nekog u rezervi, bivsi, kolega s posla ili ko vec, sto znaci ako omanes, (nisi dobar, neko bi rekao "ne igras kako ona svira"), ona cesto ima nekog ko se lozi na nju, a on je njoj ok (ne potpuno odbojan).
A da ne pominjem da 90% zena moze naci nekog za kres u po dana u po noci, ako snizi kriterijume i pogazi svoje samopostovanje. Nije fer, ali tako sve zivotinjske vrste funkcionisu, muzjaci se grupisu oko zenke i zenka bira partnera.

E sad, da li ce svaka zena da se krese sa kim stigne, ne, nece, nece ni svaka zena da posegne za nekom rezervom, ali relativno se cesto cuje ona zenska ucena "kad ti neces, ima ko hoce", tako da ti si zamenljiv, niko i nista, a ona ce lako naci nekog drugog umesto tebe.

To jeste i to je jedna od najvaznijih nekorektnosti M/Z odnosa.
A sada nisam siguran da bas sve zivotinjske vrste tako funkcionisu. Na primer jedan ili nekoliko lavova su kraljevi svog copora i sve zenke su njihove dok ih ne oteraju drugi, jaci i mladji lavovi kad doticni ostare.
Poslednja izmena:
Ovo je simpaticno.:lol:
Baby Rabies: The female biological clock in full hyperdrive. Firing all cylinders, she has a plan to get pregnant and you are not a part of it. Except to make 216 monthly payments which she plans to extort using any and all methods at her disposal. Including any form of deceit. There are virtually NO limits to what she is capable of – and WILL do – including reaching into the garbage to fertilize herself using the contents of a discarded condom which an otherwise responsibly-behaved man used to protect himself from entering fatherhood against his own will and better judgement.
Ovo ide u paketu sa Cupcake.:)
Choir: A group of well-rehearsed feminized supporters who are ready to back up the star artist (your girlfriend or wife) at a moment’s notice and at your expense, of course. The choir is staffed by other females and beta males, and is often conducted by the guy who plans to bang her the moment you’re out of the picture.
Ovo je mogla da bude moja sadasnjica i mozda bi mogla da bude eventualna buducnost...:lol: Prosli put sam to oterao. Ne znam da li sam dobro uradio.:ceka:

Mislim da tebi, po onome kako si sebe predstavio ovde, najbolje odgovara "Herbivore man" koncept. Primarni motivacioni faktor te subkulture je pre svega bila specifična tradicionalna uloga muškarca u Japanu koju su u savremenom društvu počeli zloupotrebljavati kako žene tako i sistem uopšte.
Najjednostavnije rečeno, ta tzv. "biljojed" kultura je light verzija za one čijem je senzibilitetu MGTOW vokabular previše radikalan.

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Prouči malo..negde si spominjao svoju asexualnost, štedljivost, odsustvo želje za zasnivanjem porodice itd.
mislim da ćeš pronaći dosta toga sličnog sa svoji stavovima.
Mislim da tebi, po onome kako si sebe predstavio ovde, najbolje odgovara "Herbivore man" koncept. Primarni motivacioni faktor te subkulture je pre svega bila specifična tradicionalna uloga muškarca u Japanu koju su u savremenom društvu počeli zloupotrebljavati kako žene tako i sistem uopšte.
Najjednostavnije rečeno, ta tzv. "biljojed" kultura je light verzija za one čijem je senzibilitetu MGTOW vokabular previše radikalan.

- - - - - - - - - -

Prouči malo..negde si spominjao svoju asexualnost, štedljivost, odsustvo želje za zasnivanjem porodice itd.
mislim da ćeš pronaći dosta toga sličnog sa svoji stavovima.

Ubola si u centar, ali odakle tebi sve ovo. Izgleda da si bas obrazovana i informisana. Iranska kinematografija, japanske subkulture.:cool:
Inace, oni rokaju sa tim subkulturama samo tako. NEET subkultura je :cool:, i oni traze neka svoja prava u Japanu.:lol:
Jedina svrha MGTOW FB strane je da se ljudi razumeju. Ima nas tamo strucnjaka raznih struka iz celog sveta. Nikakvo udruzenje, nikakvo politicko ubedjenje vec su se ljudi skupili da popricaju, i to iz celog sveta. Nista posebno, svi su slobodni strelci. Al opet, ima nas advokata, inzenjera, tehnichara, zanarlija, bankara, trejdera... Pa se ispomazemo. Muska solidarnost po prvi put.
Mislim da tebi, po onome kako si sebe predstavio ovde, najbolje odgovara "Herbivore man" koncept. Primarni motivacioni faktor te subkulture je pre svega bila specifična tradicionalna uloga muškarca u Japanu koju su u savremenom društvu počeli zloupotrebljavati kako žene tako i sistem uopšte.
Najjednostavnije rečeno, ta tzv. "biljojed" kultura je light verzija za one čijem je senzibilitetu MGTOW vokabular previše radikalan.

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Prouči malo..negde si spominjao svoju asexualnost, štedljivost, odsustvo želje za zasnivanjem porodice itd.
mislim da ćeš pronaći dosta toga sličnog sa svoji stavovima.

lord ce polako da proguta pilulu. bitno je da je seme usadnjeno. kolko ce da uzme da ukapira, zavisi od njega
