Matematika kalendara .

Kim Beat

Primećen član
Ako je neko rodjen 1. januara prve godine pre nove ere kada će proslaviti prvi rodjendan,
kog datuma i godine ?
Poslednja izmena:
Augustus of Prima Porta, 1st century
Emperor of the Roman EmpireReign16 January 27 BC –
19 August AD 14PredecessorJulius Caesar as Dictator of the Roman RepublicSuccessorTiberius
BornGaius Octavius Thurinus
23 September 63 BC

Rome, Roman RepublicDied19 August AD 14 (aged 75)
Nola, Italia, Roman EmpireBurialMausoleum of Augustus, RomeSpouse

IssueJulia the Elder
Regnal name
Imperator Caesar Divi Filius Augustus
HouseJulio-Claudian dynastyFather

MotherAtia Balba Caesonia

ili 63+14 = nije 77
Sta dalje ili sta je bilo pre toga "У 49. пне., Можда 10. јануара"
A onda istoricari kazu : Kada se presao Rubikon bila je Suncana eklipsa :


Sta sad , Januar nije Mart , ali nastavak sledi.
Ovde pocinje konfuzija ( kasnije ce mo prikazati koji su meseci dodati i gde . )
Јулијски календар

"Прво је реорганизовао календар, који су папежи дозволили да падну у такав поремећај, интеркалирајући дане или мјесецима како их одговарају, да жетвена и берба фестивала више нису одговарала одговарајућим годишњим добима. Он је повезао годину са курсом сунце га продужавамо са 355 дана на 365, укидањем кратког додатног месеца који се интеркалира након сваког другог фебруара и додајући цео дан сваке четврте године. "
Суетониус, Јулиус Цаесар (КСЛ)
Чак и након дана у месецу који је изгубио фиксну кореспонденцију са фазама Месеца, Римљани су наставили да их рачунају у односу на једну од три фиксне тачке у лунарном циклусу. Календе ( каларе , " прокламање ") био је први дан у месецу и свето Јуно, коме је жртва била при првом појављивању новог мјесеца полумесеца (неколико дана након коњункције, када прође између Сунца и земља). Тада је понтиф објавио број дана пре Нона, када су људи поново позвани да чују најаву фестивала тог мјесеца. Нонси (од нонуса , "девети") су се поклопили са првом четвртином месеца и деветог дана (рачунајући се инклузивно) пре Идеса (од идуаре "да се поделе"), што се догодило на пуном мјесецу и дошло у средину месеца.
Републички календар је имао четири дуга месеца тридесет један дан (март, мај, јул, октобар); остали месеци су били кратки, са двадесет девет дана (изузев фебруара, који је имао двадесет и осам). Идес је поделио месеце двадесет девет дана тринаестог, а оне тридесет један дан петнаестог. Због потешкоћа у одређивању дана у месецу током новог месеца, са једним изузетком није било ни фестивала пре Нона; пре свега, већина се догодила након Идеса, када је пун месец почело да лебди.
Нонес је био пети дан у месецу (деветнаест дана прије тринаесте), осим у марту, мају, јулу и октобру, када је Нонес био на седмом (девет укључујућих дана прије петнаестог). Идес је затим поделио месец тринаестог (осим четири дуга месеца марта, маја, јула и октобра, када је било на петнаестој) и на њу су претходили пети (осим дугих месеци, када је био на седмом).
Читајући се инклузивно, дани су се рачунали уназад од ове три тачке, када су се десили пре Календса, Нона или Идеса. Нису били набројани након календса, али су се толико рачунали пре следећих Нона; дан након што су Нонеси били означени као пре Идеса, а они након толико много пре следећег календа. Чини се да је неугодно, бројање дана уназад је истоветно што каже да има толико дана до новог месеца, првог квартала и пун мјесеца.
Републички календар је имао 355 дана (четири дуга месеца тридесет један дан, седам кратких месеци двадесет девет и двадесет и осам дана фебруара). У јулијанском календару, дуги месеци и фебруар остали су непромењени, а још десет дана додато је у кратке месеци, један или два дана на крају сваког да би створили месеци тридесет или тридесет један дан. Иако је положај Нонеса и Идеса остао исти, фестивали и рођендани после Идеса, када су Римљани пребројавали на Календе наредног месеца, били су погођени у месецима чија се дужина промијенила. Према томе, фестивали су морали бити признати као догађаји истог дана или истог дана. Традиција је била сувише јака за датум промене, а истовремено су остали исти фестивали, тј. Исти број дана након Идес-а, иако се њихов нотацијски "датум" промијенио у односу на сљедеће Календе. Пример је рођење Августа. Суетониус каже да је рођен "девет дана пре календана октобра у конзулату Марка Тулија Цицерона и Гаја Антонија" ( Лифе , В). То је било 63. године пре нове ере, када је септембар имао двадесет девет дана, а републикански еквивалент био је осми дан пре календана из октобра. Са Цезарском реформом, још један дан је додат на тај месец, што је значило да је још један дан пре Календса. Рођендан је и даље био истог дана (исти број дана након Идеса), али на другачији датум (девет дана, не осам, прије Календса).
У јулијанском календару испод, слова "ад" скраћују анте дием ("дан раније"). Приди је последњи дан у месецу.
Evo Rimskog kalendara koga je nasledio ( Aleksandrijski model) . Da napomenem da je Grcki , koji jos nije ni ovde pomenjen dugo bio u upotrebi i u Rimskom carstvu i drugde pa mozda i do V veka.
Zanimljivi ce biti nazivi Grcko-Makedonskih meseci .

Vec vidimo da postoji kalendar sa 10 meseci i sa 12 .
Mada nam nasi profesori nece da kazu zasto je Decembar deseti mesec a dvanaesti po redu ?
Evo malo sa Wikija naziva Makedonsko-Grckih meseci .Obratite paznju na boldovan mesec.
The Ancient Macedonian calendar is a lunisolar calendar that was in use in ancient Macedon in the 1st millennium BC. It consisted of 12 synodic lunar months (i.e. 354 days per year), which needed intercalary months to stay in step with the seasons. By the time the calendar was being used across the Hellenistic world, seven total embolimoi (intercalary months) were being added in each 19-year Metonic cycle. The names of the ancient Macedonian Calendar remained in use in Syria even into the Christian era. The Macedonian calendar was in essence the Babylonian calendar with the substitution of Macedonian names for the Babylonian ones.[1] An example of 6th century AD inscriptions from Decapolis, Jordan, bearing the Solar Macedonian calendar, starts from the month Audynaeus.[2] The solar type was merged later with the Julian calendar. In Roman Macedonia, both calendars were used. The Roman one is attested in inscriptions with the name Kalandôn gen. καλανδῶν calendae and the Macedonian Hellenikei dat. Ἑλληνικῇ Hellenic.[3] Finally an inscription[4] from Kassandreia of about ca. 306-298 BC bearing a month Ἀθηναιῶν Athenaion suggests that some cities may have used their own months even after the 4th century BC Macedonian expansion.
Δίος (Dios, moon of October)Ἀπελλαῖος (Apellaiios, moon of November, also a Dorian month - Apellaiōn was a Tenian month)
Αὐδυναῖος or Αὐδναῖος (Audunaios or Audnaios, moon of December, Cretan month also)
Περίτιος (Peritios, moon of January) (and festival of the month; Peritia)
Δύστρος (Dystros, moon of February,
Ξανδικός or Ξανθικός (Xandikos or Xanthikos, moon of March) (and festival of the month; Xanthika, purifying the army, Hesych.)
Ξανδικός Ἐμβόλιμος (Xandikos Embolimos, intercalated 6 times over a 19-year cycle)
Ἀρτεμίσιος or Ἀρταμίτιος (Artemisios or Artamitios, moon of April, also a Spartan, Rhodian and Epidaurian month - Artemisiōn was an Ionic month)
Δαίσιος (Daisios, moon of May)
Πάνημος or Πάναμος (Panēmos or Panamos, moon of June, also an Epidaurian, Miletian, Samian and Corinthian month)
Λώιος (Lōios, moon of July - Ὀμολώιος, Homolōios, was an Aetolian, Boeotian and Thessalian month)
Γορπιαῖος (Gorpiaios, moon of August)
Ὑπερβερεταῖος (Hyperberetaios, moon of September - Hyperberetos was a Cretan month)Ὑπερβερεταῖος Ἑμβόλιμος (Hyperberetaios Embolimos, intercalated once over a 19-year cycle)

( Ako je dobar slog reda meseci , poredjani su od Oktobra do Septembra, iako u uvodu pise da pocinje od Decembra. . Znaci da se jos vise svakim postom manje zna ili vise sazna?))
Poslednja izmena:
Ab urbe condita (Latin pronunciation: [ab ˈʊrbɛ ˈkɔndɪtaː]), or Anno urbis conditæ (Latin pronunciation: [ˈannoː ˈʊrbɪs ˈkɔndɪtae̯]), often abbreviated as AUC in either case, is a convention that was used in antiquity and by classical historians to refer to a given year in Ancient Rome. Ab urbe condita literally means "from the founding of the City," while anno urbis conditæ means "in the year since the City's founding." Therefore, the traditional year of the foundation of Rome, 753 BC, would be written AUC 1, while AD 1 would be AUC 754. The foundation of the Empire in 27 BC would be AUC 727.
Usage of the term was more common during the Renaissance, when editors sometimes added AUC to Roman manuscripts they published, giving the false impression that the convention was commonly used in antiquity. In reality, the dominant method of identifying years in Roman times was to name the two consuls who held office that year. In late antiquity, regnal years were also in use, as was the Diocletian era in Roman Egypt after AD 293, and in the Byzantine Empire after AD 537, following a decree by

Shortly before his death in AD 14, Cassius Dio tells us that
there were several portents of Augustus's coming fate, one of which was,

"the sun suffered a total eclipse and most of the sky seemed to be on fire; glowing embers appeared to be falling from it and blood-red comets were seen"

30 1 So Augustus fell sick and died. Livia incurred some suspicion in connexion with his death, in view of the fact that he had secretly sailed over to the

island to see Agrippa and seemed about to become completely reconciled with him. 2 For she was afraid, some say, that Augustus would bring him back to make him sovereign, and so smeared with poison some figs that were still on trees from which Augustus was wont to gather the fruit with his own hands; then she ate those that had not been smeared, offering the poisoned ones to him. 3 At any rate, from this or some other cause he became ill, and sending for his associates, he told them all his wishes, adding finally: "I found Rome of clay; I leave it to you of marble." 4 He did not thereby refer literally to the appearance of its buildings, but rather to the strength of the empire. And by asking them for their applause, after the manner of the comic actors, as if at the close of a mime, he ridiculed most tellingly the whole life of man.[/COLOR]5 Thus on the nineteenth day of August, the day on which he had first become consul, he passed away, having lived seventy-five years, ten months, and twenty-six days (he had been born on the twenty-third of September), and having been sole ruler, from the time of his victory at Actium forty-four years lacking thirteen days. 31 1 His death, however, was not immediately made public; for Livia, fearing that as Tiberius was still in Dalmatia there might be some uprising, concealed the fact until he arrived. This, at any rate, is the statement made by most

writers, and the more trustworthy ones; but there are some who have affirmed that Tiberius was present during the emperor's illness, and received some injunctions for him. 2 The body of Augustus was carried from Nola by the foremost men of each city in succession. When it drew near Rome, the knights took it in charge and conveyed it by night into the city. On the following day there was a meeting of the senate, to which the majority came wearing the equestrian costume, but the magistrates the senatorial garb except for the purple-bordered toga. 3 Tiberius and his son Drusus wore dark clothing made for use in the Forum. They, too, offered incense, but did not employ a flute-player. Most of the members sat in their accustomed places, but the consuls sat below, one on the praetors' bench and the other on that of the tribunes. After this Tiberius was absolved for having touched the corpse, a forbidden act, and for having escorted it on its journey, although the . . .


The solar eclipse that occurred during the reign of Claudius is significant for different reasons. The predicted eclipse was to take place on the Emperor's birthday, a rare and portentous event. Knowing that eclipses were seen as portents of misfortune and ill omens, Claudius in an attempt to forestall any unrest,

"issued a proclamation in which he stated not only the fact that there was to be an eclipse,
and when, and for how long, but also the reasons for which this was bound to happen"

Cassius Dio then gives the explanation for the reasons for eclipses that Claudius issued in his proclamation. This solar eclipse is significant for two reasons. One, Roman astronomers were able to accurately predict the day a solar eclipse would occur to the day. Two, the Emperor understanding a scientific reasoning for the events attempted to educate his people to stop any unrest among his people.

Celestial events are common throughout Roman history, significant comets trailing blazing tails over the sky, strongly shining stars and eclipses. Eclipses, dimming the light of sol and putting ominous shadow over the world. A grey Elysium dusk.

261 Since there was to be an eclipse of the sun on his birthday, he feared that there might be some disturbance in consequence, inasmuch as some other portents had already occurred; he therefore issued a proclamation in which he stated not only the fact that there was to be an eclipse, and when, and for how long, but also the reasons for which this was bound to happen. 2 These reasons I will now give. The moon, which revolves in its orbit (or so it is believed), either directly below it or
perhaps with Mercury and Venus intervening, has a longitudinal motion, just as the sun has, and a vertical motion, as the other perhaps likewise has, but it has also a latitudinal motion such as the sun never shows under any conditions. 3 When, therefore, the moon gets in a direct line with the sun over our heads and passes under its blazing orb, it obscures the rays from that body that extend toward the earth. To some of the earth's inhabitants this obscuration lasts for a longer and to others for a shorter time, whereas to still others it does not occur for even the briefest moment. 4 For since the sun always has a light of its own, it is never deprived of it, and consequently to all those between whom and the sun the moon does not pass, so as to throw a shadow over it, it always appears entire. This, then, is what happens to the sun, and it was made public by Claudius at that time. 5 But now that I have once touched upon this subject, it will not be out of place to give the explanation of a lunar eclipse also. Whenever, then, the moon gets directly opposite the sun (for it is eclipsed only at full moon, just as the sun is eclipsed at the time of new moon) and runs into the cone-shaped shadow of the earth, a thing that happens whenever it passes through the mean point in its latitudinal motion, it is then deprived of the sun's light and appears by itself as it really is. Such is the explanation of these phenomena.

271 At the close of that year Valerius Asiaticus and Marcus Silanus became consuls, the former for a
second time. Silanus held office for the period for which he had been elected; but Asiaticus, though chosen to serve for the whole year (as happened in the case of the others, too) failed to finish his term, but resigned the office voluntarily.

Poslednja izmena:
Solar Eclipses: 2000 BCE to 1 BCE[3]
Calender DateEclipse
(Link to Global Map)(Link to Google Map)(Link to Path Table)
-2136 Oct 22
(2137 BCE)
Annular90.97402m52sHo and Hi, the Drunk Astronomers Note
-1374 May 03
(1375 BCE)
Total161.02902m07sUgarit Eclipse
"On the day of the new moon, in the month of Hiyar, the Sun was put to shame, and went down in the daytime, with Mars in attendance."
- Early Mesopotamian Records
-1301 Jun 05
(1302 BCE)
Total261.08006m25sEarly Chinese Eclipse
"Three flames ate the sun, and big stars were seen."
- Chinese writings of the Shang Dynasty
-1177 Apr 16
(1178 BCE)
Total391.06004m33sOdyssey Eclipse
". . . and the Sun has perished out of heaven, and an evil mist hovers over all."
- Homer, The Odyssey Wikipedia
-0898 Apr 21
(899 BCE)
Annular530.95903m04sChina's 'Double-Dawn' Eclipse
"During the first year of the reign of King Yi, in the first month of spring, the sun rose twice at Zheng."
- The Bamboo Annals
-0762 Jun 15
(763 BCE)
Total441.06005m00sAssyrian Eclipse
"Insurrection in the city of Ashur. In the month Sivan, the Sun was eclipsed."
- The Assyrian Chronicles Note Wikipedia
-0647 Apr 06
(648 BCE)
Total381.06905m02sArchilochus' Eclipse Note
-0584 May 28
(585 BCE)
Total571.08006m04sThales Eclipse (Medes vs. Lydians)
from Herodotus, History I Note Wikipedia
-0556 May 19
(557 BCE)
Total481.02602m22sThe Siege of Larisa
"...A cloud, however, overspread the sun and hid it from sight until the inhabitants abandoned their city; and thus it was taken."
- Xenophon, "Anabasis"
-0479 Oct 02
(480 BCE)
Annular650.93207m57sXerxes' Eclipse
"...while he was offering sacrifice to know if he should march out against the Persian, the sun was suddenly darkened in mid sky"
- Herodotus, History, IX, 10 Wikipedia
-0430 Aug 03
(431 BCE)
Annular480.98401m04sPeloponnesian War
". . . the sun assumed the shape of a crescent and became full again, and during the eclipse some stars became visible."
- Thucydides Note Wikipedia
-0423 Mar 21
(424 BCE)
Annular420.94304m39s8th Year of Peloponnesian War
"In first days of the next summer there was an eclipse of the sun at the time of new moon, and in the early part of the same month an earthquake."
- The History of the Peloponnesian War Wikipedia
Poslednja izmena:
Solarne eklipse 50te stre ere :

04628 -0057 Jan 24 20:42:31 11121 -25441 59 T -p -0.5546 1.0359 51S 64W 56 145 02m36s
04629 -0057 Jul 21 02:13:29 11116 -25435 64 A -p 0.5572 0.9427 54N 152W 56 254 05m23s
04630 -0056 Jan 14 12:30:30 11111 -25429 69 T n- 0.1310 1.0499 15S 40E 83 167 04m33s
04631 -0056 Jul 09 02:56:21 11105 -25423 74 A nn -0.2021 0.9599 12N 180E 78 149 05m09s
04632 -0055 Jan 03 03:05:23 11100 -25417 79 H p- 0.8326 1.0054 33N 172E 33 34 00m31s
04633 -0055 Jun 28 09:05:34 11095 -25411 84 A t- -0.9523 0.9991 49S 79E 17 10 00m05s

04634 -0055 Nov 23 18:51:48 11091 -25406 51 P -t -1.3840 0.3090 69S 140E 0
04635 -0054 May 19 15:28:23 11086 -25400 56 T -p 0.8709 1.0691 77N 45W 29 463 03m55s
04636 -0054 Nov 12 18:13:57 11081 -25394 61 A -p -0.7309 0.9137 63S 68W 43 483 07m49s
04637 -0053 May 09 08:41:04 11076 -25388 66 T -n 0.1361 1.0686 24N 93E 82 226 06m03s
04638 -0053 Nov 01 19:11:14 11071 -25382 71 A nn -0.0294 0.9503 16S 65W 88 182 06m02s
04639 -0052 Apr 27 22:41:58 11066 -25376 76 T p- -0.6416 1.0143 26S 105W 50 63 01m25s
04640 -0052 Oct 21 03:14:09 11060 -25370 81 H p- 0.6666 1.0028 30N 173W 48 13 00m16s
04641 -0051 Mar 18 14:48:25 11056 -25365 48 P -t 1.4092 0.2640 72N 78W 0
04642 -0051 Apr 17 05:51:00 11055 -25364 86 P t- -1.4574 0.1746 71S 161W 0
04643 -0051 Sep 11 08:03:38 11051 -25359 53 P -t -1.3117 0.4204 72S 32E 0

04644 -0051 Oct 10 17:24:36 11050 -25358 91 P t- 1.3105 0.4235 72N 34E 0
04645 -0050 Mar 07 14:46:58 11046 -25353 58 A -p 0.6874 0.9383 35N 7W 46 312 06m51s
04646 -0050 Aug 31 23:33:54 11041 -25347 63 T -p -0.6410 1.0290 29S 139W 50 127 02m38s
04647 -0049 Feb 24 18:50:54 11036 -25341 68 A nn -0.0666 0.9831 14S 52W 86 60 01m52s
04648 -0049 Aug 21 10:02:16 11031 -25335 73 Am nn 0.0935 0.9807 19N 77E 85 69 02m10s
04649 -0048 Feb 14 06:02:38 11026 -25329 78 T p- -0.7773 1.0279 63S 163E 39 150 01m54s
04650 -0048 Aug 09 13:24:18 11021 -25323 83 A p- 0.8605 0.9367 73N 61E 30 466 04m55s
04651 -0047 Jan 04 11:41:07 11016 -25318 50 P -t 1.2182 0.5976 67N 53E 0
04652 -0047 Feb 02 21:40:10 11016 -25317 88 P t- -1.4308 0.1946 70S 52E 0
04653 -0047 Jun 29 23:28:06 11011 -25312 55 P -t -1.2440 0.5461 66S 118W 0
Solarne eklipse 4te stare ere

04764 -0004 Oct 01 12:01:46 10567 -24777 92 P t- -1.4041 0.2653 61S 53W 0
04765 -0003 Feb 25 21:39:39 10563 -24772 59 T -p -0.6319 1.0495 43S 73W 51 209 03m31s
04766 -0003 Aug 21 22:31:23 10558 -24766 64 A -p 0.7597 0.9311 55N 79W 40 390 05m57s
04767 -0002 Feb 15 14:00:36 10553 -24760 69 T nn 0.0693 1.0557 10S 16E 86 184 04m45s
04768 -0002 Aug 10 23:26:07 10548 -24754 74 A nn 0.0118 0.9602 17N 127W 89 144 04m28s
04769 -0001 Feb 05 04:21:20 10543 -24748 79 H p- 0.7956 1.0049 32N 142E 37 27 00m26s
04770 -0001 Jul 31 06:40:18 10538 -24742 84 H p- -0.7362 1.0101 26S 109E 42 50 00m59s
04771 -0001 Dec 26 19:13:58 10534 -24737 51 P -t -1.4044 0.2759 65S 100E 0
04772 0000 Jun 20 13:45:32 10529 -24731 56 P -t 1.0876 0.8552 66N 173W 0
04773 0000 Jul 19 20:44:11 10529 -24730 94 P t- -1.4254 0.2024 64S 124W 0

04774 0000 Dec 14 18:19:36 10525 -24725 61 A -p -0.7446 0.9150 72S 46W 42 488 07m12s

- - - - - - - - - -

Solarne eklipse pocetka ? nove ere : *

04775 0001 Jun 10 06:44:16 10520 -24719 66 T -p 0.3625 1.0617 44N 121E 69 218 04m56s
04776 0001 Dec 03 20:05:38 10515 -24713 71 A nn -0.0397 0.9558 25S 79W 88 161 05m14s
04777 0002 May 30 19:45:43 10510 -24707 76 H p- -0.4168 1.0087 3S 72W 65 33 01m00s
04778 0002 Nov 23 05:06:15 10505 -24701 81 H p- 0.6476 1.0074 20N 150E 49 33 00m45s
04779 0003 May 20 01:41:30 10500 -24695 86 P t- -1.2319 0.5663 69S 139W 0
04780 0003 Oct 14 09:21:59 10496 -24690 53 P -t -1.3804 0.2914 71S 32W 0
04781 0003 Nov 12 19:36:29 10495 -24689 91 P t- 1.2822 0.4772 70N 41W 0
04782 0004 Apr 08 11:39:14 10491 -24684 58 A -p 0.8647 0.9486 62N 17E 30 375 04m15s
04783 0004 Oct 02 23:52:25 10486 -24678 63 H -p -0.7368 1.0095 48S 156W 42 48 00m46s
04784 0005 Mar 28 17:23:34 10481 -24672 68 H nn 0.0789 1.0022 7N 37W 85 8 00m14s
Poslednja izmena:

Solarne eklipse , kraj vladavine Avgusta 14te nove ere

04795 0009 Jul 10 20:53:09 10438 -24619 75 T n- 0.1261 1.0750 30N 89W 83 245 06m25s
04796 0010 Jan 04 07:54:31 10433 -24613 80 A p- -0.7914 0.9138 76S 106E 37 542 07m03s
04797 0010 Jun 30 14:01:10 10429 -24607 85 T p- 0.8645 1.0599 83N 12W 30 397 03m22s
04798 0010 Nov 24 16:30:45 10425 -24602 52 P -t 1.4856 0.1234 63N 15E 0
04799 0010 Dec 24 08:29:33 10424 -24601 90 P t- -1.4384 0.2138 66S 70W 0
04800 0011 May 21 17:47:07 10420 -24596 57 A -t -0.9838 0.9804 55S 11W 9 411 01m36s
04801 0011 Nov 14 03:29:00 10415 -24590 62 T -p 0.7415 1.0203 27N 174W 42 101 01m48s
04802 0012 May 09 21:45:58 10410 -24584 67 A nn -0.2319 0.9525 5N 100W 77 178 05m48s
04803 0012 Nov 02 18:48:38 10405 -24578 72 Tm -n 0.0590 1.0488 12S 61W 87 162 04m11s
04804 0013 Apr 28 22:16:18 10400 -24572 77 A p- 0.5293 0.9512 42N 130W 58 208 04m41s

04805 0013 Oct 23 09:50:43 10395 -24566 82 T p- -0.6305 1.0186 45S 49E 51 81 01m23s
04806 0014 Mar 19 15:38:24 10391 -24561 49 P -t -1.4389 0.1919 61S 83E 0
04807 0014 Apr 18 02:41:51 10391 -24560 87 P t- 1.2571 0.5240 61N 74E 0
04808 0014 Sep 13 04:52:58 10386 -24555 54 P -t 1.4976 0.1105 61N 112W 0
04809 0014 Oct 12 20:04:10 10386 -24554 92 P t- -1.3880 0.2948 61S 177E 0
04810 0015 Mar 09 05:44:12 10382 -24549 59 T -p -0.6707 1.0537 41S 166E 48 236 03m49s
04811 0015 Sep 02 05:34:31 10377 -24543 64 A -p 0.8127 0.9272 54N 179E 35 460 06m15s
04812 0016 Feb 26 22:16:04 10372 -24537 69 T nn 0.0369 1.0576 8S 108W 88 190 04m50s
04813 0016 Aug 21 06:33:33 10367 -24531 74 A nn 0.0703 0.9598 17N 127E 86 146 04m22s
04814 0017 Feb 15 12:30:45 10362 -24525 79 H p- 0.7717 1.0053 32N 17E 39 28 00m28s

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Poslednja izmena:
Solarne eklipse oko rodjendana Klaudija

04885 0044 Aug 11 20:31:57 10090 -24185 65 T -p -0.7477 1.0290 32S 96W 41 147 02m39s
04886 0045 Feb 05 23:45:29 10085 -24179 70 A nn -0.0514 0.9402 19S 129W 87 222 07m34s
04887 0045 Aug 01 12:10:30 10080 -24173 75 Tm nn -0.0011 1.0724 19N 40E 90 235 06m30s
04888 0046 Jan 25 23:27:16 10076 -24167 80 A p- -0.7561 0.9194 68S 109W 41 469 06m59s
04889 0046 Jul 22 05:00:32 10071 -24161 85 T p- 0.7334 1.0552 68N 158E 43 270 03m34s
04890 0046 Dec 16 09:28:43 10067 -24156 52 P -t 1.4810 0.1290 65N 100E 0
04891 0047 Jan 15 00:46:09 10066 -24155 90 P t- -1.4127 0.2553 68S 22E 0
04892 0047 Jun 12 07:18:22 10062 -24150 57 P -t -1.1530 0.7087 65S 137E 0
04893 0047 Jul 11 18:20:49 10061 -24149 95 Pb t- 1.5350 0.0174 67N 123E 0
04894 0047 Dec 05 21:04:34 10057 -24144 62 T -p 0.7414 1.0236 24N 85W 42 119 02m13s

04895 0048 May 31 10:32:07 10053 -24138 67 A -p -0.4085 0.9506 2S 68E 66 198 06m33s
04896 0048 Nov 24 12:30:09 10048 -24132 72 T -n 0.0667 1.0461 17S 33E 86 154 04m07s
04897 0049 May 20 11:14:25 10043 -24126 77 A p- 0.3588 0.9583 39N 43E 69 162 04m15s
04898 0049 Nov 14 03:06:57 10038 -24120 82 H p- -0.6212 1.0104 53S 150E 51 46 00m46s
04899 0050 May 09 16:39:47 10034 -24114 87 P t- 1.1028 0.8033 62N 155W 0
04900 0050 Nov 03 12:25:52 10029 -24108 92 P t- -1.3712 0.3258 62S 88W 0
04901 0051 Mar 30 21:31:07 10025 -24103 59 T -p -0.7681 1.0609 40S 71W 40 305 04m21s
04902 0051 Sep 23 20:08:25 10020 -24097 64 A -p 0.8962 0.9197 52N 36W 26 667 06m58s
04903 0052 Mar 19 14:19:19 10015 -24091 69 T nn -0.0509 1.0609 4S 11E 87 200 05m02s
04904 0052 Sep 11 21:20:36 10011 -24085 74 Am nn 0.1634 0.9588 13N 95W 81 151 04m20s
Ovo je poduzi uvod teme i bice potrebno dve liste Mesecevih eklipsi , nesto pojmova starog kalendara da bi se moglo da racuna. Ostavljene su u navedenom periodu
od 22. do 40te godine nove ere *
i eklipse u mesecima od Februara do (zakljucno ) Juna.

04876 0022 May 04 23:00:32 10310 -24461 70 T a- 0.4715 1.9669 1.0181 304.8 189.1 20.1 15S 56E

04878 0023 Mar 26 02:29:29 10301 -24450 42 N -h -1.4336 0.2416 -0.7867 141.4 - - 2S 7E
04879 0023 Apr 24 13:29:16 10301 -24449 80 N h- 1.2579 0.5461 -0.4467 199.2 - - 11S 160W

04882 0024 Mar 14 06:25:48 10292 -24438 52 P -t -0.7407 1.5375 0.4608 329.6 156.0 - 3N 51W

04884 0025 Mar 03 06:19:48 10282 -24426 62 T- pp -0.0166 2.8684 1.7873 374.0 234.5 105.5 8N 49W

04886 0026 Feb 20 09:41:53 10273 -24414 72 P a- 0.7030 1.5882 0.5482 316.3 161.0 - 12N 98W

04889 0027 Feb 09 20:12:05 10263 -24402 82 N a- 1.3644 0.3484 -0.6397 158.1 - - 17N 104E

04893 0028 Jun 25 15:03:17 10249 -24385 59 P -t 0.5784 1.8204 0.7731 338.5 189.1 - 23S 176E

04895 0029 Jun 14 22:37:10 10240 -24373 69 T- p- -0.2151 2.4598 1.4666 336.6 216.6 91.2 24S 62E

04897 0030 May 06 06:10:02 10231 -24362 41 Ne -a 1.5348 0.0122 -0.9295 29.4 - - 14S 51W
04898 0030 Jun 04 12:55:00 10230 -24361 79 P a- -0.9517 1.0859 0.1371 252.5 79.9 - 23S 153W

04900 0031 Apr 25 23:02:48 10221 -24350 51 P -a 0.8386 1.2986 0.3395 272.2 123.0 - 12S 56E

04902 0032 Apr 14 11:56:36 10212 -24338 61 T+ pp 0.0997 2.6803 1.6697 345.1 222.7 100.6 9S 137W

04904 0033 Apr 03 17:37:53 10202 -24326 71 P t- -0.6813 1.6399 0.5764 332.8 170.1 - 5S 139E

04906 0034 Feb 22 01:44:01 10193 -24315 43 N -t 1.4918 0.1584 -0.9166 120.7 - - 12N 21E
04907 0034 Mar 23 18:02:46 10192 -24314 81 N t- -1.4215 0.2895 -0.7897 163.6 - - 1S 133E

04918 0038 Jun 05 21:40:23 10151 -24262 50 N -h -1.1165 0.7980 -0.1798 231.4 - - 24S 76E

04921 0039 May 26 13:13:25 10141 -24250 60 T -p -0.3391 2.2067 1.2641 310.3 200.2 71.0 21S 158W

04923 0040 May 15 06:26:43 10132 -24238 70 T a- 0.4009 2.0967 1.1473 309.7 196.3 55.3 18S 56W

- - - - - - - - - -

I opsada Carigrada i mesecevo pomracenje zbog tacnosti datuma ( dana u sedmici ) :The Fall of Constantinople (Greek: Ἅλωσις τῆς Κωνσταντινουπόλεως, Halōsis tēs Kōnstantinoupoleōs; Turkish: İstanbul'un Fethi Conquest of Istanbul) was the capture of the capital of the Byzantine Empire by an invading Ottoman army on 29 May 1453.
08325 1452 Jun 02 10:34:09 249 -6773 92 N -t -1.4244 0.2701 -0.7812 154.7 - - 24S 158W
08326 1452 Jul 02 00:45:25 249 -6772 130 N t- 1.3910 0.3392 -0.7275 175.5 - - 21S 10W

08328 1453 May 22 17:19:57 248 -6761 102 P -t -0.6067 1.7450 0.7446 315.4 178.2 - 23S 100E

08330 1454 May 12 06:55:11 247 -6749 112 T+ p- 0.1683 2.5265 1.5715 320.4 210.9 93.7 20S 104W
