Колонијализам је подразумевао да метрополе имају неку одговорност према својим колонијама и њиховим становницима. Плус, већина колонија је била неисплатива. Богатсва су сконцентрисана у малим енклавама. Колонијализам је прескуп, непрактичан и непотребан, и зато је умро.
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What did colonialism do to India?
Colonialism was certainly a far more traumatising experience for colonial subjects than their colonisers. They suffered poverty, malnutrition, disease, cultural upheaval, economic exploitation, political disadvantage, and systematic programmes aimed at creating a sense of social and racial inferiority
What did colonialism do to China?
Through colonization,
China's economy was manipulated by the western powers: the economy fiscally grew, but the wellbeing of the Chinese since the funds of the economy was sent directly to America, France, and the British Empire.
What did colonialism do to Africa?
made African colonies dependent by introducing a mono- cultural economy for the territories. It also dehumanized African labour force and traders. It forced Africans to work in colonial plantations at very low wages and displaced them from their lands.
Effects on africa…What has colonialism done to Africa?
The policies of colonialism
forced the demise of African industry and created a reliance on imported goods from Europe. Had native industry been encouraged and cultivated by the colonizing powers, Africa would probably be in a much better economic and technological position today.