dokumenti upotrebljeni:
1. Arthur Cox: Report on Field Conditions, June 23, 1945, File 140, Box 28, Entry 99, Records of the Office of Strategic Services, Record Group 226, National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, DC (hereinafter cited as RG 226, NA).
2. F. H. Hinsley et aL, Britisli Intelligence in the Second World War, vol. 3, Its Influence on Strategy and Operations, part I (London, 1984), pp. 137-172; Jozo Tomas-evich. War and Rex'olution in Yugoslavia: Tiie Chetniks (Stanford, CA, 1975), pp. 359-372.
3. J. E. Toulmin to W. Donovan, Mar. 1, 1944, File 45, Box 6, Entry 116, RG 226, NA.
4. Memorandum. Donovan, Mar. 4, 1944. B 23007-14, Geographical Files 1942-1945, Box 736, Records of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, RG 218, NA.
5. F. D. Roosevelt to Donovan, Mar. 22, 1944, B 30912-13, ibid.
6. Mar. 1, 1944, B 23012-14, ibid.
7. Donovan to D. Eisenhower, Mar. 31, 1944, File 45. Box 6, Entry 116, RG 226, NA.
8. Memorandum, Donovan, Mar. 14, 1944, B 26030, U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, Geographical Files 1942-1945, Box 736, RG 218, NA.
9. Warren F. Kimball, ed., Churchill & Roosevelt: The Complete Correspondence, vol. 3 (Princeton, NJ, 1984), p. 80.
10. Ibid., p. 82; Walter Roberts, Tito, Mitiailovich and the Allies, 1941-1945 (New Brunswick, NJ, 1973), pp. 255—256; Tomasevich, War and Hei'olution, p. 376.
11. CASERTA-OSS-OP-1, G. E. Buxton to Algiers, Apr. 13, 1944; Intelligence Notes, Bari, SBS, May 4, 1944, File 1, Box 88, Entry 190. RG 226, NA.
12. CASERTA-OSS-OP-48. J. E. Green to Gamble, July 6, 1944, File 456. Box 120, Entry 190. RG 226, NA.
13. File 428, Box 120, Entry 190; CASERTA-OSS-R&C-2, Toulmin to Green, July 7, 1944, File Air, Box 76, Entry 121, RG 226, NA.
14. Toulmin to Green. July 21, 1944, File 360, Box 33. Entry 136, RG 226, NA.
15. Donovan to Toulmin and Green, July 19, 1944, File 233, Box 22, Entry 136, RG 226, NA.
16. BARI-SI-OP-18, SI Yugoslav Section, File 263, Box 19, Entry 154, RG 226, NA. See also S. B. Penrose to Green, July 11, 1944, File 360, Box 33, Entry 136, RG 226, NA.
17. BARI-SI-OP-20. SI Yugoslav Section, File 195, Box 14, Entry 154, RG 226. NA.
18. BARI-SI-OP-5, Political, R. P.Joyce to Toulmin, Aug. 25, 1944, File 176, Box 13. Entry 154, and BARI-SI-OP-20, SI Yugoslav Section, File 189, Box 14. Entry 154, RG 226, NA.
19. Rolieris, Tito, Mihailovich and the Allies, p. 282.
20. Washington History Office, OP-23, M.D.T.O. 2677 Regiment, September 1944, File 106, Box 20, Entry 99, RG 226. NA.