Kvocijent inteligencije europskih naroda po službenim podacima...

Po Jakubu Marianu Bosanci pametniji od Srba a Hrvati pametniji od Rusa?!
Interesantan smisao za humor
Pa Hrvati izvlace prosek, jer ako su Bosnjaci mix Srba i Turaka onda ne mogu biti pametniji od Srba, Srbi su Srbi, sto znaci da Hrvati natezu ona 3 poena za BiH.

Mozda tu ima neke istine, ipak moras da budes malo udaren da ukines svoju drzavu zarad neke Jugoslavije, a posle te jos optuze da si pravio “veliku” Srbiju koju si svojevoljno ukinuo.

Da da, ove brojke imaju logike, Srbi su politicki retardi, Jakub je bio darezljiv.

Ovako stoje stvari. Da li ovo puno toga objašnjava na političkom, kulturnom i sociološkom planu europe ? Albanci najlošije stoje...

Službeni definitivni i konačni potvrđeni rezultati...
Ovaj Jakub što radio "istraživanje" neki Čeh vidim. Naravno, skromno je stavio Češku kao jednu od najinteligentnijih.

Inače sam posetio sajt i piše ovako (kopirano)
"Low average IQ of a country is indicative of low quality of education, not low “innate intelligence” of the population."
Znači bazirano na obrazovanju.
Ovaj Jakub što radio "istraživanje" neki Čeh vidim. Naravno, skromno je stavio Češku kao jednu od najinteligentnijih.

Inače sam posetio sajt i piše ovako (kopirano)
"Low average IQ of a country is indicative of low quality of education, not low “innate intelligence” of the population."
Znači bazirano na obrazovanju.

I testovi su bez veze.

Američki crnci imaju kao IQ 85. OK.

A Iranci imaju, kao, 84- dakle manji od crnaca.

A Iran, uza sve ludosti, ima ovo:

Iran has made considerable advances in science and technology through education and training, despite international sanctions in almost all aspects of research during the past 30 years. Iran's university population swelled from 100,000 in 1979 to 2 million in 2006.[citation needed] In recent years, the growth in Iran's scientific output is reported to be the fastest in the world.[1][2][3] Iran has made great strides in different sectors, including aerospace, nuclear science, medical development, as well as stem cell and cloning research

Ovaj Jakub što radio "istraživanje" neki Čeh vidim. Naravno, skromno je stavio Češku kao jednu od najinteligentnijih.

Inače sam posetio sajt i piše ovako (kopirano)
"Low average IQ of a country is indicative of low quality of education, not low “innate intelligence” of the population."
Znači bazirano na obrazovanju.
Iako su nam dragi ali Česi i Slovaci su najgluplji od sve slovenske dece.
Poljaci bi trebalo da su medju pametnijima obzirom ko sve istreso po njima a valjalo opstati.
Mada poput ovih prvopomenutih nema tu inteligencije ako si pod katoličkom crkvom.

Hrvati imaju opasnu blokadu u mozgu kad vikneš:"Gle, Srbin"! Postanu paralisani a biće i agresivni ili makar dezorijentisani u vremenu i prostoru.
Bosanci imaju problem kad je nešto na akciji, badava ili trostruko za iste pare, badava...uzme onda po pet-šesnaest toga pa nek je i mešalica, a trebaće...

A Srbi najbolji - prodali Hrvatima svoje firme, što da lupaju glavu sa manjkovima, zabušantima i iznošenjem? Shvatili Srbi da za komadnu robu ni kamere ne pomažu. Mnogi se i očešljaju da bi lepše ispali na snimku.
I testovi su bez veze.

Američki crnci imaju kao IQ 85. OK.

A Iranci imaju, kao, 84- dakle manji od crnaca.

A Iran, uza sve ludosti, ima ovo:

Iran has made considerable advances in science and technology through education and training, despite international sanctions in almost all aspects of research during the past 30 years. Iran's university population swelled from 100,000 in 1979 to 2 million in 2006.[citation needed] In recent years, the growth in Iran's scientific output is reported to be the fastest in the world.[1][2][3] Iran has made great strides in different sectors, including aerospace, nuclear science, medical development, as well as stem cell and cloning research


Ali Iranci uporno stvaraju među sobom tu amosferu da žele nuklearni rat sa nuklearnim silama, iako oni sami nisu nuklearna sila...

Pa jel to nije primjer njihove kolektivne antiinteligencije, bolje rečeno mentalne udarenosti u glavu koja je na izašla na vidjelo na testovima inteligencije ?

Ali Iranci uporno stvaraju među sobom tu amosferu da žele nuklearni rat sa nuklearnim silama, iako oni sami nisu nuklearna sila...

Pa jel to nije primjer njihove kolektivne antiinteligencije, bolje rečeno mentalne udarenosti u glavu koja je na izašla na vidjelo na testovima inteligencije ?


Složeno je pitanje inteligencije i kritičkog mišljenja.
Čovjek može biti i genij, a lud ili glup u ostalom.

Osim tog, pročitao sam pred neka 2 mjeseca odličan interview bivšeg šefa Mossada koji tvrdi da će Iran sigurno doći do nuklearke, no to je u službi
zaštite zemlje, kao onaj ludi u Sj. Koreji.

Nitko od njih ne misli u apokaliptički rat, nego je nuklerani potencijal u funkciji obrane zemlje- na stranu iranska službena retorika, koja je luđačka.
A i neki tvrde da je general Soleimani zapravo smaknut u koordinaciji s "liberalnim" strujama Irana ....

A realno- to jest funkcionalno na nekoj razini, no većina je- bar meni-dosadna...


Za Srbiju bar veci deo je upitno i tih 90, Bosanci ispadose pametniji samim tim i bh Srbi odande. Cudno, tamo baja vedri, ali cini se da nema rijalitije, Sarape i Marice kao njegov drugar AV.

Teško da bošnjaci imaju veći kvocijent inteligencije od Srba. Nema povijesnih razloga za tako nešto...
U Bosni Hrvati dižu prosjek...
Općenito možemo vidjet da zemlje koje su bile pod otomanskim imperijem imaju niži kvocijent naspram ostatka europe...
Tu se vidi kako su turci sustavnim naporom doslovce obrezali pamet svojim podanicima da im ne bude veća od Sultanove, što je sve skupa jako zanimljivo za analizirat sa stajališta povijesnih kurioziteta u perspektivi današnjih sukoba i nesuglasica među narodima različitog IQ-a...

Teško da bošnjaci imaju veći kvocijent inteligencije od Srba. Nema povijesnih razloga za tako nešto...
U Bosni Hrvati dižu prosjek...
Općenito možemo vidjet da zemlje koje su bile pod otomanskim imperijem imaju niži kvocijent naspram ostatka europe...
Tu se vidi kako su turci sustavnim naporom doslovce obrezali pamet svojim podanicima da im ne bude veća od Sultanove, što je sve skupa jako zanimljivo za analizirat sa stajališta povijesnih kurioziteta u perspektivi današnjih sukoba i nesuglasica među narodima različitog IQ-a...



C-p starog na eng.

It all boils down to unreliability of psychometry as such. And I’m not talking about geniuses, bursts of creativity & similar stuff.

Simply, what those tests should measure is talent, gift, capability for some area. If limited to such, rather narrow field, psychometry tests could work very well.They could show that some people are gifted for numbers, or for engineering tasks, good with words, or good in space orientation etc.

But it is absurd to derive (I know the argument of factor analysis, but it is bollocks) that some magical number, IQ, is the final product which will show a person’s success in life in general. What is “success”? How can we measure capability of an individual to attain”success” in a given field?

There are many problems with IQ ideology which remain insurmountable.

We all use the word “intelligence” & even if we look at psychology dictionaries & agree with it, nonetheless the concept remains vague. Probably there are a few types of intelligence: verbal, arithmetic, geometrical & maybe a few others. Why would we lump these types of intelligence together is beyond my comprehension.

As for musical ability, various types of talents in other fields…better not call this “intelligence” (social “intelligence, emotional “intelligence”,..). This is a misuse of the word. Ability, talent, whatever…

Intelligence, as defined by textbooks, is by no means as important & decisive in modern societies as IQ religionists would like us to believe. More, I would rather call it TQ (talent quotient) or CQ (capability quotient), than IQ. There are a few CQ, we all know this:

* CQ for something like mathematics
* CQ for abstract thinking in words (not eloquence)
* CQ for ….

In short, old “multiple intelligences” theory was onto something, although not in the old, dogmatic way. How many capabilities are to be measured- I’d leave it to psychometricians as long as they follow common sense. I’d say 5-10.

But to “extract” one figure from all those variegated talents is absurd (I don’t buy the factor analysis argument). If one could, say, try to assess AQ (artistic quotient) from areas of literary writing, music, painting, dance, … for a guy who is a genius painter, but abysmally bad in dancing, music,…- we would get a mediocre AQ, a figure which doesn’t tell us anything. The guy is a genius in one area & moron in others.

Then, there remains the big, big elephant of creativity. Sorry, but creativity is something different & cannot be reduced to any psycho test; it, at its peaks, comes in flashes including intuition, dreaming, imagination,…

Creativity is not, as yet, described or classified satisfactorily. For instance, invention is somehow connected to creativity, but these terms are not identical.

Then, there are different types of creativity: “flash” type of creativity, which is “inspiration”, like in Haiku or Zen painting, so different from long, “high structural” creativity, a good example being Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel.

Perhaps in some future we will be able to ascertain, experimentally, through neuro-imagining, neurophysiology, brain investigation …. some new aspects & dimensions of human cognition and behavior (emotion, impulse control, ethical development,..) and intuition and imagination and …

Until then, IQ “wars” are like masturbation compared to real sex.

And it is even more absurd to try it with human collectives.

We all see with our own eyes what different human collectives are capable of, and it is not some magical number that will give us varieties of human accomplishment & functionality of human collectives, given the historical moment, ideas, manners, environment, … and even more- hope, self-reliance, adaptability, stubbornness, morals..


Mongolia: Avg. IQ 101

GDP per capita- PPP: $ 13,700


Lithuania: Avg. IQ 91

GDP per capita- PPP: $ 32,400

C-p starog na eng.

It all boils down to unreliability of psychometry as such. And I’m not talking about geniuses, bursts of creativity & similar stuff.

Simply, what those tests should measure is talent, gift, capability for some area. If limited to such, rather narrow field, psychometry tests could work very well.They could show that some people are gifted for numbers, or for engineering tasks, good with words, or good in space orientation etc.

But it is absurd to derive (I know the argument of factor analysis, but it is bollocks) that some magical number, IQ, is the final product which will show a person’s success in life in general. What is “success”? How can we measure capability of an individual to attain”success” in a given field?

There are many problems with IQ ideology which remain insurmountable.

We all use the word “intelligence” & even if we look at psychology dictionaries & agree with it, nonetheless the concept remains vague. Probably there are a few types of intelligence: verbal, arithmetic, geometrical & maybe a few others. Why would we lump these types of intelligence together is beyond my comprehension.

As for musical ability, various types of talents in other fields…better not call this “intelligence” (social “intelligence, emotional “intelligence”,..). This is a misuse of the word. Ability, talent, whatever…

Intelligence, as defined by textbooks, is by no means as important & decisive in modern societies as IQ religionists would like us to believe. More, I would rather call it TQ (talent quotient) or CQ (capability quotient), than IQ. There are a few CQ, we all know this:

* CQ for something like mathematics
* CQ for abstract thinking in words (not eloquence)
* CQ for ….

In short, old “multiple intelligences” theory was onto something, although not in the old, dogmatic way. How many capabilities are to be measured- I’d leave it to psychometricians as long as they follow common sense. I’d say 5-10.

But to “extract” one figure from all those variegated talents is absurd (I don’t buy the factor analysis argument). If one could, say, try to assess AQ (artistic quotient) from areas of literary writing, music, painting, dance, … for a guy who is a genius painter, but abysmally bad in dancing, music,…- we would get a mediocre AQ, a figure which doesn’t tell us anything. The guy is a genius in one area & moron in others.

Then, there remains the big, big elephant of creativity. Sorry, but creativity is something different & cannot be reduced to any psycho test; it, at its peaks, comes in flashes including intuition, dreaming, imagination,…

Creativity is not, as yet, described or classified satisfactorily. For instance, invention is somehow connected to creativity, but these terms are not identical.

Then, there are different types of creativity: “flash” type of creativity, which is “inspiration”, like in Haiku or Zen painting, so different from long, “high structural” creativity, a good example being Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel.

Perhaps in some future we will be able to ascertain, experimentally, through neuro-imagining, neurophysiology, brain investigation …. some new aspects & dimensions of human cognition and behavior (emotion, impulse control, ethical development,..) and intuition and imagination and …

Until then, IQ “wars” are like masturbation compared to real sex.

And it is even more absurd to try it with human collectives.

We all see with our own eyes what different human collectives are capable of, and it is not some magical number that will give us varieties of human accomplishment & functionality of human collectives, given the historical moment, ideas, manners, environment, … and even more- hope, self-reliance, adaptability, stubbornness, morals..


Mongolia: Avg. IQ 101

GDP per capita- PPP: $ 13,700


Lithuania: Avg. IQ 91

GDP per capita- PPP: $ 32,400

Bit inteligentniji ne znači uvijek biti i sretniji. To da manje inteligentni narodi imaju više love ponekad ovisi o sto faktora...
Naprimjer Turci zavladaju nekim društvom i onda muče i pobiju sve pametnije, dok gluplje i pokvarenije pretvaraju u prosperitetnije da im izdajnički služe...
Tako su turci unakazili cijeli balkan i oštrigali ga od pameti. Skalpirali inteligenciju. Poput skalpa obrezali višak od 10-tak IQ bodova. Kao nerođeno dijete odstranili višak kvocijenta kao u abortusu...
Yeba im pas mater...

Teško da bošnjaci imaju veći kvocijent inteligencije od Srba. Nema povijesnih razloga za tako nešto...
U Bosni Hrvati dižu prosjek...
Općenito možemo vidjet da zemlje koje su bile pod otomanskim imperijem imaju niži kvocijent naspram ostatka europe...
Tu se vidi kako su turci sustavnim naporom doslovce obrezali pamet svojim podanicima da im ne bude veća od Sultanove, što je sve skupa jako zanimljivo za analizirat sa stajališta povijesnih kurioziteta u perspektivi današnjih sukoba i nesuglasica među narodima različitog IQ-a...


U Bazniji und Hercegovini, Hervatah, koji su bili pod Turskom imperijom duže od većine Srba, sve članovi Mense... :hahaha:

Nego, da ti kažem, ovi rezultati su ti obrnuto srazmerni veličini efikasnosti kite.

Daklem, Albanci su najmanje enteligentni, al im zato kitara najbolje radi.
