Ko od vas igra igricu THE SIMS i koje sve "dodatkt"ima?
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Nole:The Sims je naprodavanija igra istorije. Prodana je u preko 20 miliona primeraka, a evo trakavice:
The Sims
The Sims Livin' Large (odnosno LIv' it up)
The Sims House party
The Sims Hot Date
The Sims Vacation (odnosno On Holuday)
The Sims Unleashed
The Sims Superstar
i uskoro The Sims Makin'Magic
Imam sve nastavka,a najbolji je Superstar!
The Sims je najbolja igrica koja postoji i imam sve delove. The Sims SuperStar je super, samo je veoma tesko dobiti zvezde, a time postajes popularan! Ako neko sazna kako da predjem 2.5 zvezde i predjem na 3,neka obavezno napise, jer sa 2.5 zvezde odes na neko snimanje u kupacem i pitate kako ces se slikati i predlaze ti neka tri nacina i koji god da izaberes fotograf poludi i izgubis pola zvezde!!!
A i ako neko ima sifre nek pise,posto ja mislim da nepostoje osim one cuvene "klapaucius"!!!
Cujemo se!
Leka:Evo malo pomoci:
Increasing you fun level:
There are many ways to increase your fun level. The easiest and most immediate ways to increase your fun level is to read the new tabloid which is delivered every morning at 9am by Nancy the Paper Girl. Also reading the Who's Hot section will increase your fun level.
Who's Hot:
Remember to write down the names in this section of the tabloid because these 10 people are your keys to fame. The list changes frequently so remember to update your list as needed.
Day Job:
Don't quit your day job until you have built up enough skill and charisma points. These are the keys to climb the ladder of success in Studiotown. Once you have enough skill points look for an agent. If you need your old job back you can simply click on the Job section of the newspaper and get your job over again since your family and friends and skills ratings stay the same.
Odabir karijere:
In the beginning of the game it is better to not choose one particular career such as acting and select many career paths. This will give you more opportunities to obtain fame stars. Once you have enough fame stars to become a Superstar then its better to select one particular career path.
Making Movies:
Once you have at least 4.5 stars a good place to make movies is 83 Sunrise Boulevard. There aren't many distractions (other than sky-diving) so it will be easy to find a Sim to become your partner. This lot is referred to as Meeker Studios and it is the newest film company in town. They are still developing their star roster so it is a good place to get your foot into the door.
Getting easy fame Stars:
If you are still searching for your first fame star you can either gain the attention of Papparazo (by creating a publicity stunt) and pose for him when you visit your agent Lana.
Another easy way to get your first star is to go to Karaoke or Open Mic lot and entertain your way to a fame star. Be aware you must wait until there are at least six people close to you before you begin to perform. Also another trick which you can use when you are performing on an open mic is to click on ENTERTAIN once you are in two-three seconds into your performance, this will keep you on the stage for an extended period of time. If you are not earning around 10 simoleans from the crowd in tips it means your skill ratings are not high enough yet.
Using cheat mode:
While playing the game, push CTRL + SHIFT + C to see a prompt in the upper left corner of the screen. Submit one of the codes below to enable that particular cheat code. Submit [Exclamation point] at the prompt to repeat the last cheat entered. Submit a [Semi-colon] between codes to enter multiple codes at the same time. Remember that most of the codes will only work with the unpatched version of the game.
1000 Simoleons (patched game version): rosebud
Add new family history stat to the current family: hist_add
Display personality and interests: interests
Move any object: move_objects on
Say "plugh": plugh
Say "porntipsguzzardo": porntipsguzzardo
Say "xyzzy": xyzzy
Set game speed: sim_speed <-1000-1000>
Set grass change value: edit_grass <number>:
Set grass growth: grow_grass <0-150>
Set free thinking level: autonomy <1-100>
Set time of day (unpatched game version): set_hour <1-24>
Rotate camera: rotation <0-3>
Hear your Sims say "I hate you": word_say_ihateyou
cao 8)