Knjige za preporuku


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Otvaram jednu "zalepljenu" temu, jer za nju uvek ima interesovanja. Svi mogu da preporuče literaturu. No neka pravila bi trebalo istaći: ukoliko već želite nekome da preporučite knjigu, onda dostavite punu informaciju - tačan naziv knjge, ime autora i nivo su obavezni. Nivoe ćemo deliti na uobičajena tri: početni, srednji i napredni. Svaka dodatna informacija o knjizi (izdavač, ISBN, link ka fotografiji, itd) su naravno plus.

Evo od mene prva preporuka

Naziv knjige: C++: The complete reference
Autor: Herb Schildt
Izdavac: Osborne McGraw-Hill (ISBN: 0072226803)
Nivo: pocetni-srednji
Strana: 1056
Slika; Sadrzaj

Kratki opis:
Knjiga pocinje kratkim opisom tipova podataka C-a, kao i osnovnih sintaksnih elemenata (petlje, itd). Ovaj deo moze da se primeni na C, C++, C#, Javu i ostale jezike bazirane na C sintaksi. Nakon kratkog i jednostavnog uvoda, gde sintaska biva jasna, autor prelazi na C++, objasnjavajuci osnove objektnog programiranja C++a (polimorfizam, nasledjivanje, itd). Sve znacajnije ANSI C++ teme su pokrivene na koncizan i razumljiv nacin. Iako je u par primera bila po koja greska (drugo izdanje, valjda je od treceg izdanja i to ocisceno), knjiga predstavlja solidan uvod u programiranje C++om. Posto se bavi esencijom, ANSI C++om, zadovoljava i potrebe citalaca koji jos uvek ne znaju da li ce se okrenuti Microsoftu, Borlandu, GNU-u ili necem trecem u buducnosti.
Kako je AI trenutno aktuelan preporucio bih ovu knjigu:
"AI Techniques for Game Programming" takes the difficult topics of genetic algorithms and neural networks and explains them in plain English. Gone are the tortuous mathematic equations and abstract examples to be found in other books. Each chapter takes readers through the theory a step at a time, explaining clearly how they can incorporate each technique into their own games. After a whirlwind tour of Windows programming, readers will learn how to use genetic algorithms for optimization, path-finding, and evolving control sequences for their game agents. Coverage of neural network basics quickly advances to evolving neural motion controllers for their game agents and applying neural networks to obstacle avoidance and map exploration. Backpropagation and pattern recognition is also explained. By the end of the book, readers will know how to train a network to recognize mouse gestures and how to use state-of-the-art techniques for creating neural networks with dynamic topologies
Nivo, mislim da je napredni u pogledu znanja C/C++, pocetnicki u pogledu znanja AI-ja.
Regular expressions are an extremely powerful tool for manipulating text and data. They are now standard features in a wide range of languages and popular tools, including Perl, Python, Ruby, Java, VB.NET and C# (and any language using the .NET Framework), PHP, and MySQL.
If you don't use regular expressions yet, you will discover in this book a whole new world of mastery over your data. If you already use them, you'll appreciate this book's unprecedented detail and breadth of coverage. If you think you know all you need to know about regularexpressions, this book is a stunning eye-opener.
As this book shows, a command of regular expressions is an invaluable skill. Regular expressions allow you to code complex and subtle text processing that you never imagined could be automated. Regular expressions can save you time and aggravation. They can be used to craft elegant solutions to a wide range of problems. Once you've mastered regular expressions, they'll become an invaluable part of your toolkit. You will wonder how you ever got by without them.
Yet despite their wide availability, flexibility, and unparalleled power, regular expressions are frequently underutilized. Yet what is power in the hands of an expert can be fraught with peril for the unwary. Mastering Regular Expressions will help you navigate the minefield to becoming an expert and help you optimize your use of regular expressions.
Mastering Regular Expressions, Third Edition, now includes a full chapter devoted to PHP and its powerful and expressive suite of regular expression functions, in addition to enhanced PHP coverage in the central "core" chapters. Furthermore, this edition has been updated throughout to reflect advances in other languages, including expanded in-depth coverage of Sun's java.util.regex package, which has emerged as the standard Java regex implementation.Topics include:
  • A comparison of features among different versions of many languages and tools
  • How the regular expression engine works
  • Optimization (major savings available here!)
  • Matching just what you want, but not what you don't want
  • Sections and chapters on individual languages
Written in the lucid, entertaining tone that makes a complex, dry topic become crystal-clear to programmers, and sprinkled with solutions to complex real-world problems, Mastering Regular Expressions, Third Edition offers a wealth information that you can put to immediateuse.
Reviews of this new edition and the second edition:

"There isn't a better (or more useful) book available on regular expressions."

--Zak Greant, Managing Director, eZ Systems
"A real tour-de-force of a book which not only covers the mechanics of regexes in extraordinary detail but also talks about efficiency and the use of regexes in Perl, Java, and .NET...If you use regular expressions as part of your professional work (even if you already have a good book on whatever language you're programming in) I would strongly recommend this book to you."

--Dr. Chris Brown, Linux Format
"The author does an outstanding job leading the reader from regexnovice to master. The book is extremely easy to read and chock full ofuseful and relevant examples...Regular expressions are valuable toolsthat every developer should have in their toolbox. Mastering RegularExpressions is the definitive guide to the subject, and an outstandingresource that belongs on every programmer's bookshelf. Ten out of TenHorseshoes."

--Jason Menard, Java Ranch

Nivo znanja o regex, mislim da je pocetni
Naziv: Programming Distributed Applications with COM+ And Visual Basic 6.0 - Second Edition
Autor: Ted Pattison
Izdavac: Microsoft Press, ISBN: 0-7356-1010-X
Novi: Srenji - Napredni
Broj strana: 472
Dobija se CD sa E-knjigom i kodom
Link ka amazonu (slika itd)

Knjiga pocinje uvodom u COM(+) i COM+ servise, osvrtom na osnove OOP-a, interfejse, svrhama IDL-a i CLSID. Potom autor objasnjava metode pri projektovanju servera (EXE i DLL) i ukazije na ceste greske koje se javljaju; sledi poglavlje o odrzavanju komponenti, "versioning"-u i pisanju korisnickih interfejsa i Type Library distribuciji. Dalje, prica o COM+ aplikacijama, COM+ objektnom modelu, out-of-process i remote aktivaciji, proksijima, kontekstima, testiranju i debuggingu. Dalje se jasno objasnjavaju koncepti deobe resursa: niti, memorije, konekcija ka bazi... Sledece je objasnjenje programiranja transakcija: lokalnim, distribuiranim, deklarativnim, multiobjektnim i prica o dizajnu istih. Takodje autor izlaze metode projektovanja komponenti za IIS i ASP, sto je propraceno pricom o tim platformama, skalabilnosti i cache-iranju. Zatim - uvod u messaging i asinhronu komunikaciju, MSMQ, programiranju tzv. queued komponenti. Next poglavlje je o vaznim bezbednosnim temama u Windowsu (2000), COM+-u i IIS-u. Na kraju knjige dolazi izlaganje o pisanju skalabilnih aplikacija sa savetima pri projektovanju.
Knjiga generalno ne sadrzi puno sample koda, vec je on sveden na efikasni minimum (u proseku do 10 redova) i mnogo vise je akcenat stavljen na samu materiju i teoriju. Objasnjenja su zaista jasna i predstavljaju jedan "dugorocni" izvor informacija - svakako knjiga koja se ne procita samo jedanput.
Ime: Unix i Linux
Autori: Borislav Djordjevic
Dragan Pleskonjic
Nemanja Macek
ISBN: 86-85081-03-3
cena: ja mislim da je oko 700din

Knjiga je radjena za ispit operativni sistemi na visoj elektrotehnickoj skoli i po meni je dobro uradjena za pocetnike i totalne laike vezano za ova dva os-a;
Kratak sadrzaj:

Uvod u unix i linux operativne sisteme
Blok uredjaji i administracija sistema datoteka
Korisnici i grupe
Kontrola pristupa na nivou sistema datoteka
Rad sa datotekama iz komandne linije
Shell programiranje
Mrezno okruzenje
Arhiviranje i backup
Administracija procesa
Podizanje i zaustavljanje sistema
Instalacija softverskin paketa
Konfigurisanje jezgra linux sistema
Sigurnost i zastita unix i linux sistema
Pregled znacajnijih linux komandi
Python is an ideal language for solving problems, especially in Linux and Unix networks. With this pragmatic book, administrators can review various tasks that often occur in the management of these systems, and learn how Python can provide a more efficient and less painful way to handle them. Each chapter in Python for Unix and Linux System Administration presents a particular administrative issue, such as concurrency or data backup, and presents Python solutions through hands-on examples. Once you finish this book, you'll be able to develop your own set of command-line utilities with Python to tackle a wide range of problems. Discover how this language can help you:

  • Read text files and extract information
  • Run tasks concurrently using the threading and forking options
  • Get information from one process to another using network facilities
  • Create clickable GUIs to handle large and complex utilities
  • Monitor large clusters of machines by interacting with SNMP programmatically
  • Master the IPython Interactive Python shell to replace or augment Bash, Korn, or Z-Shell
  • Integrate Cloud Computing into your infrastructure, and learn to write a Google App Engine Application
  • Solve unique data backup challenges with customized scripts
  • Interact with MySQL, SQLite, Oracle, Postgres, Django ORM, and SQLAlchemy
With this book, you'll learn how to package and deploy your Python applications and libraries, and write code that runs equally well on multiple Unix platforms. You'll also learn about several Python-related technologies that will make your life much easier.


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For more than twenty years, serious C programmers have relied on one book for practical, in-depth knowledge of the programming interfaces that drive the UNIX and Linux kernels: W. Richard Stevens’ Advanced Programming in the UNIX® Environment. Now, once again, Rich’s colleague Steve Rago has thoroughly updated this classic work. The new third edition supports today’s leading platforms, reflects new technical advances and best practices, and aligns with Version 4 of the Single UNIX Specification.

Steve carefully retains the spirit and approach that have made this book so valuable. Building on Rich’s pioneering work, he begins with files, directories, and processes, carefully laying the groundwork for more advanced techniques, such as signal handling and terminal I/O. He also thoroughly covers threads and multithreaded programming, and socket-based IPC.

This edition covers more than seventy new interfaces, including POSIX asynchronous I/O, spin locks, barriers, and POSIX semaphores. Most obsolete interfaces have been removed, except for a few that are ubiquitous. Nearly all examples have been tested on four modern platforms: Solaris 10, Mac OS X version 10.6.8 (Darwin 10.8.0), FreeBSD 8.0, and Ubuntu version 12.04 (based on Linux 3.2).

As in previous editions, you’ll learn through examples, including more than ten thousand lines of downloadable, ISO C source code. More than four hundred system calls and functions are demonstrated with concise, complete programs that clearly illustrate their usage, arguments, and return values. To tie together what you’ve learned, the book presents several chapter-length case studies, each reflecting contemporary environments.

Advanced Programming in the UNIX® Environment has helped generations of programmers write code with exceptional power, performance, and reliability. Now updated for today’s systems, this third edition will be even more valuable.
Ovo mu nesto dodje kao Unix biblija.

Knjiga je obavezna na svakoj polici firme koja se bavi Unix programiranjem.
Za ljubitelje javascripta koji žele da zaista dobro nauče, svakako je ovo alfa i omega:

Ima 1224 strana. O da, jako opširna knjiga. Možete lako naći PDF verziju free. Neću kačiti ovde, piraterija i tako te fore..
Majstor za Delphi 7

Autor: Marco Cantu
Edicija: Majstor za
Oblast: Delphi
Korisnički Nivo: Svi nivoi
CD uz knjigu: Da
Broj strana: 1040
Kataloški broj: 1-244
ISBN broj: 86-7310-258-8
Izdavač originala: SYBEX

Ako lakše učiš kroz gotove primere, tu je Krausova knjiga za početnike:

Programsko okruženje Delphi 7 sa rešenim zadacima

Autor: Laslo Kraus
Obim: 392 str.; ISBN 86-7555-228-9
Datum izlaska: 16.9.2003
Naslov originala: Programsko okruženje Delphi 7 sa rešenim zadacima (Mk)

Evo jedan link za Pascal -
Ime: Unix i Linux
Autori: Borislav Djordjevic
Dragan Pleskonjic
Nemanja Macek
ISBN: 86-85081-03-3
cena: ja mislim da je oko 700din

Knjiga je radjena za ispit operativni sistemi na visoj elektrotehnickoj skoli i po meni je dobro uradjena za pocetnike i totalne laike vezano za ova dva os-a;
Kratak sadrzaj:

Uvod u unix i linux operativne sisteme
Blok uredjaji i administracija sistema datoteka
Korisnici i grupe
Kontrola pristupa na nivou sistema datoteka
Rad sa datotekama iz komandne linije
Shell programiranje
Mrezno okruzenje
Arhiviranje i backup
Administracija procesa
Podizanje i zaustavljanje sistema
Instalacija softverskin paketa
Konfigurisanje jezgra linux sistema
Sigurnost i zastita unix i linux sistema
Pregled znacajnijih linux komandi
Majstor za Delphi 7

Autor: Marco Cantu
Edicija: Majstor za
Oblast: Delphi
Korisnički Nivo: Svi nivoi
CD uz knjigu: Da
Broj strana: 1040
Kataloški broj: 1-244
ISBN broj: 86-7310-258-8
Izdavač originala: SYBEX

Ako lakše učiš kroz gotove primere, tu je Krausova knjiga za početnike:

Programsko okruženje Delphi 7 sa rešenim zadacima

Autor: Laslo Kraus
Obim: 392 str.; ISBN 86-7555-228-9
Datum izlaska: 16.9.2003
Naslov originala: Programsko okruženje Delphi 7 sa rešenim zadacima (Mk)

Evo jedan link za Pascal -

Nisam znao da je Delphi i dalje u životu.
Delfi se koristi u istocnim zemljama i dalje.
Delfi se neverovatno mnogo koristi u Nemackoj. Mada, kada se upozna bolje njihova kultura, nije ni cudo - Nemci su jako spori kada su promene u pitanju, i ne menjaju nesto sto radi tako lako, a mnogi programi (uglavnom desktop aplikacije) napravljeni u delfiju pre 20+ godina i dalje odlicno sljakaju.
Delfi se neverovatno mnogo koristi u Nemackoj. Mada, kada se upozna bolje njihova kultura, nije ni cudo - Nemci su jako spori kada su promene u pitanju, i ne menjaju nesto sto radi tako lako, a mnogi programi (uglavnom desktop aplikacije) napravljeni u delfiju pre 20+ godina i dalje odlicno sljakaju.
Pa nisam baš siguran. Iz Nemačke su mi uglavnom tražili Golang.
Delfi se neverovatno mnogo koristi u Nemackoj. Mada, kada se upozna bolje njihova kultura, nije ni cudo - Nemci su jako spori kada su promene u pitanju, i ne menjaju nesto sto radi tako lako, a mnogi programi (uglavnom desktop aplikacije) napravljeni u delfiju pre 20+ godina i dalje odlicno sljakaju.
Ja sam radio za nemačku firmu, a sad radim za austrijsku nikad nisam video delfi...
