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Primećen član

Österreichische Lotterien
Central Office
Management and Central Services:
Rennweg 44
AT - 1038


We are pleased to inform you
of the result of the just concluded annual final draws of
Österreichische Lotterien Program. Österreichische Lotterien draws was
conducted from an exclusive list of 25,000,000 e-mail addresses of
individual and corporate bodies picked by an advanced automated random
computer ballot search from the internet as part of our international
promotions program which we conduct every year.No tickets were sold.
After this automated computer ballot, your e-mail address attached to
serial number which
consequently emerged you as one of first fifty (50) lucky winners in
this category.

You have therefore been approved for a lump sum payout
of €1,000,000.00 (One Million EURO) in cash credited to file ÖL/05-
AT/2673. This is from a total cash prize of €50 Million Euro shared
amongst the first fifty (50) lucky winners in this category.

year Lottery Program Jackpot is the largest ever for Österreichische
Lotterien. The estimated €50 million jackpot would be the sixth-biggest
in Europe history. The biggest was the €363 million jackpot that went
to two winners in a Febuary 2000 drawing of The Big Game Mega Millions'

Your fund is now deposited in an offshore bank with a
hardcover insurance. Due to the mix up of some numbers and names, we
advice that you keep this award from public notice until your claim has
been processed and your money remitted to your nominated bank account
as this is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming or
unwarranted taking advantage of this program by the general public.

Please note that your lucky winning number falls within our European
booklet representative office in London. In view of this, your
€1,000,000.00 (One Million Euro) would be released to you by our
affiliate bank in Europe.
Our agent will immediately commence the
process to facilitate the release of your funds to you as soon as you
make contact with him.

To begin your claim please contact our licensed
and accredited agent assigned to you:

Mr.Bill Morgan
Euro Accredited
Payment Agents
Information and Payment Bureau:
Representative Office.
Fax: +31-847-542-053

Your claims agent will assist you in the
processing and remittance of your prize funds into your designated bank

Note that all prize funds must be claimed not later than One
month. After this date all funds will be returned to the LOTTERY
TREASURY as unclaimed. In order to avoid unnecessary delays and
complications, please endeavor to quote your Reference Number in every correspondence with your
agent. Furthermore, should there be any change in your address, do
inform your claims agent as soon as possible.

Members of the
affiliate agencies are automatically not allowed to participate in this

Congratulations once again from all members of our staff and
thanks for being part of our promotions program.

Yours faithfully,
Mrs.Lilian Kohn
Promotions Manager.
Österreichische Lotterien.
Sad samo treba da im das broj kreditne kartice da bi oni to mogli da prebace na tvoj racun
Da i treba da prebacis porodicu nigerijskog diktatora preko cele EU
jooooj sta je sve meni stizalo ma odmah brisem
africka vojna kompanija pa hoce da sklone i cuvaju pare u srbiji dok se vodi sudski proces u juznoj africi protiv njih
kao i ja dobijam procenat od par milioncica
pa al kaida ogranak hoce da skloni pare i ja isto dobijem procenat pa hoce slike oruzja i spisak srpskih firmi
iran trazi informacije o milanu blagojevicu?!
pa rusi hoce ovo
pa nemci ono
mozda to zato sto dosta catujem po stranim vojnim forumima???
bash steta sto sam obrisao stvarno je to bas lepo bilo napisano mada mozda je to sve bila istina a opet ko zna mozda je slala cia ili neki ludaci sa stranih foruma me palili...
