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The brand name Volvo was originally registered as a trademark in May 1911, with the intention to be used for a new series of SKF ball bearings. It means "I roll" in Latin, conjugated from "volvere".
anything considered to be the very best of its kind. Word origin. named after its designers, Charles Stewart Rolls (1877–1910), English pioneer motorist and aviator, and Sir (Frederick) Henry Royce (1863–1933), English engineer, who founded the Rolls-Royce Company (1906)
The German word Trabant, derived from Middle High German drabant, means 'satellite' or 'companion'. The car's name was inspired by the Soviet Sputnik satellite. The cars are often referred to as "Trabbi" or "Trabi".
Many people believe Lexus stands for “Luxury Export To The United States”, or a similar variation – fitting as Lexus was first released to the USA market in 1989.