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andeli apokalipse

Aktivan član
Dvije političke grupe planiraju otcjepljenje od SAD-a
Middlebury Institute i League of the South dvije su separatističke grupe koje su se sastale kako bi raspravljale i planirale otcjepljenje od SAD-a. Dvije grupe dijele geografske, ideološke i filozofske razlike, no povezuje ih zajednički cilj. Middlebury Institute tako predstavlja liberale iz Nove Engleske koji kritiziraju stalno uplitanje SAD-a u strane ratove te se zalažu za pravo na abortus i kontrolu oružja, dok League of the South predstavlja ideju južnjačke neovisnosti, a u slučaju otcjepljenja fokusirali bi se na zaustavljanje ilegalnih imigranata. Separatisti se nadaju kako će privući pozornost pristaša iz Kalifornije, Aljaske i Havaja koji također teže otcjepljenju. AP... Permalink http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071003/ap_on_re_us/secessionist_movement_1 http://dixienet.org/New Site/index.shtml http://middleburyinstitute.org/
Ja mislim da ove grupe imaju pravo na samo-opredeljenje i rado ću ih podržati u toj realnosti. :lol:
Ako se u UN ne dozvoli - predlažem da ih Srbija, kao pojedinačna država, prizna.
I da počnemo ekonomske i političke bilateralne (ili trilateralne) odnose.


Oh, I'm a good old Rebel, now that's just what I am,
For this "Fair Land of Freedom" I do not give a damn!
I'm glad I fit against it, I only wish we'd won,
And I don't want no pardon for anything I done.

I hates the Constitution, this Great Republic, too,
I hates the Freedman's Buro in uniforms of blue,
I hates the nasty eagle with all his brag and fuss,
The lying, thieving Yankees, I hates 'em wuss and wuss!

I hates the Yankee nation and everything they do,
I hates the Declaration of Independence, too,
I hates the "Glorious Union" , 'tis dripping with our blood,
I hates their striped banner, I fit it all I could.

I followed old Marse Robert for four years, near about,
Got wounded in three places, and starved at P'int Lookout;
I cotched the "roomatism" a'campin' in the snow,
But I killed a chance o' Yankees, and I'd like to kill some mo'.

Three hundred thousand Yankees is stiff in Southern dust!
We got three hundred thousand before they conquered us.
They died of Southern fever and Southern steel and shot,
I wish they was three million instead of what we got.

I can't take up my musket and fight 'em now no more,
But I ain't a'gonna love 'em, now that is sarten sure;
And I don't want no pardon for what I was and am,
I won't be reconstructed, and I do not care a damn!

I won't be reconstructed! I'm better now than them,
And for a carpetbagger, I do not give a damn.
So I'm off for the frontier, soon as I can go,
I'll prepare me a weapon and start for Mexico.
