Internet skraćenice


U internet svijetu sve se više susrećemo sa tzv. internet skraćenicama (Internet Abbreviations) koje su postale sastavni
dio našeg internet razgovora.

PAP - Password Authentication Protocol
PBX - Private Branch Exchange
PCM - Pulse Code Modulation
PCN - Personal Communications Network
PD - Propagation Delay
ACK - Acknowledgement
ADSL - Asymetric Digital Subscriber Line
ANSI - American National Standards Institute
ARP - Address Resolution Protocol
ARPANET - Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
ASCII - American Standard Code for Informa-tion Interchange
ATM - Asynchronous Transfer Mode
ATMARP - ATM Address Resolution Protocol
AUI - Attachment Unit Interface
BER - Basic Encoding Rules (ASN.1)
BGP - Border Gateway Protocol
BIP - Bit Interleaved Parity
B-ISDN - Broadband Integrated Services Digi-tal Network
BOM - Begining of Message
BPDU - Bridge Protocol Data Unit
bps - bits per second
BRI - Basic Rate Interface
BSS - Broadband Switching System
CAC - Connection Admission Control
CCITT - Consultative Committee on International Telephone and Telegraph (now ITU)
CCS - Common Channel Signaling
CCSS7 - Common Channel Signaling System 7
CEC - Common Equipment Card
CEI - Connection Endpoint Identifier (UNI 3.0)
CIP - Classical IP over ATM
CIX - Commercial Internet Exchange
CLIP - Classical IP
CMIP - Common Management Information Protocol
CMYK - Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Black
Codec - Coder/Decoder
CSU - Channel Service Unit
D/A - Digital to analog conversion
DAT - Digital Audio Tape
DCC - Data Country Code
DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DIP - Dual In-Line Package Switch
DLC - Data Link Control
DLCI - Data Link Connection Identifier
DMS - Digital Multiplex System
DNS - Domain Name Service
DSAP - Destination Service Access Point
DSL - Digital Subscriber Line
DSLAM - Digital Subscriber Line Access Mul-tiplexer
DS-0 - Digital Signal (Level 0)
DSU - Data Service Unit
DTE - Data Terminal Equipment
DTL IE - Designated Transit List Information Ethernet
DVMA - Direct Virtual Memory Access
DXI - Data Exchange Interface
DXI - Digital Exchange Interface
EDI - Electronic Data Interchange
EGP - External (Exterior) Gateway Protocol
ELAN - Emulated LAN (ATM Forum LANE)
EOM - End of Message
ESF - Extended Super Frame
ESI - End System Identifier
FCS - Frame Check Sequence
FD - Frame Discard
FEC - Forward Error Correction
FIFO - First-In, First-Out
FO - Fiber Optics
FR - Frame Relay
FR-SSCS - Frame Relay Service Specific Convergence Sublayer
FTP - File Transfer Protocol
FUNI - Frame based User-to-Network Interface (ATM Forum)
GAN - Global Area Network
OS - Operating System
PAD - Packet Assembler/Disassembler
NSAP - Network Layer Service Access Point
ODI - Open Data Link Interface
ONA - Open Network Architecture
OOF - Out of Frame
NNI - Network-to-Network Interface
PDU - Packet Data Unit
PDU - Protocol Data Unit• HTML - Hypertext

Markup Language
HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Hz - Hertz
IAB - Internet Activities Board
IANA - Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
ICMP - Internet Control Message Protocol
IDN - Integrated Digital Network
IDP - Initial Domain Part
IDRP - Inter-Domain Routing Protocol
IDSL - ISDN Digital Subscriber Line• PID - Protocol IDentifier
PING - Packet INternet Groper
PLCP - Physical Layer Convergence Protocol
PMP - Point to Multipoint
POPS - Points of Presence
POTS - Plain Old Telephone Service
PPP - Point-to-Point Protocol
PRI - Primary Rate Interface
PSTN - Public Switched Telephone Network
PTT - Post, Telephone, and Telegraph
PVCC - Permanent Virtual Channel Connec-tion
PVPC - Permanent Virtual Path Connection
Q-Factor - Quality for JPEG
RF - Radio Frequency
RGB - Red-Green-Blue
RIP - Routing Information Protocol
RMON - Remote Monitoring
SA - Source Address
SAP - Service Access Point
SCP - System control Processor
SCSI - Small Computer Systems Interface
SDH - Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
SDLC - Synchronous Data Link Control
SDU - Service Data Unit
SFD - Start of Frame Delimiter
SLIP - Serial Line IP
SMDS - Switched Multimegabit Data Service
SMTP - Simple Mail transfer Protocol
SNA - Systems Network Architecture
SNMP - Simple Network Management Proto-col
SONET - Synchronous Optical Network
SS - Switching System

Tbps - Terabits per second
TCP - Transmission Control Protocol
TCP/IP - Transmission Control Proto-col/Internet Protocol
TFTP - Trivial File Transfer Protocol
TLD - Top-Level Domain
TM - Traffic Management
UART - Universal Asynchronous Re-ceiver/Transmitter
UNI - User-to-Network Interface
UPS - Uninterruptable Power Supply
UTP - Unshielded Twisted Pair
VCC - Virtual Channel Connection
VDT - Video Display Terminal
VIC - Video Conferencing
VLAN - Virtual LAN
VoIP - Voice over IP
VPN - Virtual Private Network
VTOA - Voice and Telephony over ATM
WAN - Wide Area Network
WipLL - Wireless Internet Protocol Local Loop
WWW - World Wide Web
STP - Shielded Twisted Pair
TA - Terminal Adapter
TACS - Total Access Communications System• GB - GigaByte
Gbps - Gigabit per second
GUI - Graphical User Interface
HDLC - High speed Data Link Control
HDSL - High-bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line
HSCSD - High Speed Circuit Switched Data
HSSI - High Speed Serial Interface
IDU - Interface Data Unit (UNI 3.0)
IESG - Internet Engineering Steering Group
IGMP - Internet Group Management Protocol
IGP - Internal (Interior) Gateway Protocol
IGRP - Internal (Interior) Gateway Routing Protocol
IN - Intelligent Network
I/O - Input/Output
IP - Internet Protocol
IPI - Intelligent Peripheral Interface
IPX - Internet Packet Exchange
ISDN - Integrated Services Digital Network
ISO - International Standards Organization
ISOC - Internet Society
ISP - Internet Service Provider
ISSI - Inter-Switching System Interface
ITU - International Telecommunications Union (formerly CCITT)
JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group
Kbps - Kilo bits per second
KHz - Kilohertz
LAN - Local Area Network
LANE - LAN Emulation (ATM Forum)
LAPB - Link Access Protocol B-Channel
LEC - LAN Emulation Client or Local Ex-change Carrier
LECS - LAN Emulation Configuration Server
LES - LAN Emulation Server
LIFO - Last-in, First-Out
LIS - Logical IP Subnet
LLC - Logical Link Control
LSB - Least Significant Bit
LTE - Line Terminating Equipment
LUNI - LAN Emulation UNI
MAC - Media Access Control
MAN - Metropolitan Area Network
MBONE - Multi-Media Backbone
Mbps - Megabits (millions of bits) per second
MCS - Multicast Server
MDF - Main Distribution Frame
MID - Message IDentifier
MPEG - Motion Picture Experts Group
MSB - Most Significant Bit
NAU - Network Access Unit
NCC - Network Control Center
NDIS - Network Driver Interface Specification
NE - Network Element
NETBIOS - Network Basic Input/Output Sys-tem
NHRP - Next Hop Resolution Protocol
NHS - Next Hop Server
NIC - Network Interface Card
NIU - Network Interface Unit
NIWF - Network Interworking Function
NLPID - Network Layer Protocol ID
NM - Network Management
NMCC - Network Management Control Center
NME - Network Management Entity
NML - Network Management Layer
NMS - Network Management Station


PC portal
Poslednja izmena od moderatora:
Ovo su neke od najpoznatijih i najzastupljenijih..

  • BRB – be right back - Brzo se vraćam
  • BIO – going for bio break (washroom break) - "piš" pauza
  • BTW – by the way - Inače
  • KK ili K – OK
  • TTYL – talk to you later - Čujemo se kasnije
  • OMG – Oh my God - O moj Bože
  • BFN – bye for now - Doviđenja za sada
  • CYA – see ya - Vidimo se
  • CUL8R – see you later - Vidimo se kasnije
  • IDK - I don't know - Ne znam
  • SNAFU - Situation normal all fucked up - Situacija je normalna, sje*ana skroz
  • TMI - Too much information - Previše informacija
  • YOLO - You only live once - Jednom se živi
  • LOL – laughing out loud - Smejem se na sav glas
  • ROFL – rolling on floor laughing - Valjam se po podu od smeha
  • ROFLMAO – rolling on floor laughing my a*s off - valjam se po podu od smeha kao lud
  • THX - thanks - Hvala
  • TX - thanks - Hvala
  • TY - thank you - Hvala
  • NP - no problem/you're welcome - Nema problema/nema na čemu
  • PLZ - please - molim te
  • ASL – age / sex / location? - Godine/pol/mesto?
  • RL – real life - Stvarni život
  • IRL – in real life - U stvarnom životu
  • SWAG - Secretly we are gay - Potajno mi smo gej
  • TTYL - Talk To You Later - Čujemo se kasnije
  • WTF - What the **** - Šta kog vraga?
Iz mog gejmerskog staza....izostavio :D

AFK - away from keyboard
LFM - looking for member
PT - party
GZ - congratulations
+ (count me in, add me, I agree) - uračunajte me, dodajte me, slažem se.
GL - good luck (srećno).
HF - have fun (zabavi se).
WB - welcome back (dobrodošao nazak).
OMW - On my way (dolazim).
GG - good game (dobra partija).
BG - bad game (loša partija).
EZ - easy (lagano, prelako).
+ (count me in, add me, I agree) - uračunajte me, dodajte me, slažem se.
GL - good luck (srećno).
HF - have fun (zabavi se).
WB - welcome back (dobrodošao nazak).
OMW - On my way (dolazim).
GG - good game (dobra partija).
BG - bad game (loša partija).
EZ - easy (lagano, prelako).
ohhhh daaaa.... :D dodje mi evo...odmah ponovo da zaigram nesto :D
