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želeo bih da Vas pitam kako da instaliram forum na lokalnom serveru na kome mi je i sajt?
Sa adrese http://www.simplemachines.org/index.php sam skinuo .zip fajl sa kompresovanim .php skriptama koje je potrebno raspakovati i uploadovati na server, što sam i uradio !
Kada ukucam u browseru putanju do indexa foruma, prikaže mi se panel sa podesavanjima za forum u sledecem obliku:
Basic Settings
Just a few things for you to setup .
Forum name:
(This is the name of your forum, ie. "The Testing Forum".)
Forum URL:
(This is the URL to your forum without the trailing '/'!.)
In most cases, you can leave the default value in this box alone - it is usually right.
MySQL Server Settings:
MySQL server name: PONUDJENO JE localhost
(This is nearly always localhost - so if you don't know, try localhost.)
MySQL username: - to mi je jasno
(Fill in the username you need to connect to your MySQL database here.
If you don't know what it is, try the username of your ftp account, most of the time they are the same.)
MySQL password: - to mi je jasno
Here, put the password you need to connect to your MySQL database.
If you don't know this, you should try the password to your ftp account.
MySQL database name: ponudjeno je: smf
Fill in the name of the database you want to use for SMF to store its data in.
If this database does not exist, this installer will try to create it.
MySQL table prefix: ponudjeno je: smf_
The prefix for every table in the database. Do not install two forums with the same prefix!
This value allows for multiple installations in one database.
Generalno pitanje je (u poslednja 2 reda) ako dam ime bazi smf, da li ce i table prefix morati da bude smf_ ?
Da li je ime baze nekako povezano sa imenom tabele u bazi?
Hvala svim onima koji hoce da pomognu !
želeo bih da Vas pitam kako da instaliram forum na lokalnom serveru na kome mi je i sajt?
Sa adrese http://www.simplemachines.org/index.php sam skinuo .zip fajl sa kompresovanim .php skriptama koje je potrebno raspakovati i uploadovati na server, što sam i uradio !
Kada ukucam u browseru putanju do indexa foruma, prikaže mi se panel sa podesavanjima za forum u sledecem obliku:
Basic Settings
Just a few things for you to setup .
Forum name:
(This is the name of your forum, ie. "The Testing Forum".)
Forum URL:
(This is the URL to your forum without the trailing '/'!.)
In most cases, you can leave the default value in this box alone - it is usually right.
MySQL Server Settings:
MySQL server name: PONUDJENO JE localhost
(This is nearly always localhost - so if you don't know, try localhost.)
MySQL username: - to mi je jasno
(Fill in the username you need to connect to your MySQL database here.
If you don't know what it is, try the username of your ftp account, most of the time they are the same.)
MySQL password: - to mi je jasno
Here, put the password you need to connect to your MySQL database.
If you don't know this, you should try the password to your ftp account.
MySQL database name: ponudjeno je: smf
Fill in the name of the database you want to use for SMF to store its data in.
If this database does not exist, this installer will try to create it.
MySQL table prefix: ponudjeno je: smf_
The prefix for every table in the database. Do not install two forums with the same prefix!
This value allows for multiple installations in one database.
Generalno pitanje je (u poslednja 2 reda) ako dam ime bazi smf, da li ce i table prefix morati da bude smf_ ?
Da li je ime baze nekako povezano sa imenom tabele u bazi?
Hvala svim onima koji hoce da pomognu !