Humanizam i renesansa pomoc!


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Trebaju mi misljenja o humanizmu i renesansi.
Vas komentar na tu epohu,neke vazne odlike i utisci.
Imam zadatak na tu temu,tekstove sam prikupio i jos mi trebaju zavrsni utisci,tako da je svaka pomoc dobrodosla.
Poslednja izmena:
Trebaju mi misljenja o humanizmu i renesansi.
Vas komentar na tu epohu,neke vazne odlike i utisci.
Imam zadatak na tu temu,tekstove sam prikupio i jos mi trebaju zavrsni utisci,tako da je svaka pomoc dobrodosla.
Шта те , конкретно интересује, наше виђење, пикантерије? ( да ли ће другачији став од званичног помоћи или одмоћи?):dontunderstand:, све остало можеш да нађеш било где.
Шта те , конкретно интересује, наше виђење, пикантерије? ( да ли ће другачији став од званичног помоћи или одмоћи?):dontunderstand:, све остало можеш да нађеш било где.

Ево ти нешто, што је, кад ставиш прст на чело, велика истина.... али не верујем да ће ти много помоћи.....(размишљање зашто је Ренесанса била управо у северној Италији а не, рецимо на Сицилији, Албанији,....)

Though the ancients were reluctant to admit the full worth of Etruria, I can scarcely think with Niebuhr, that she has received from the moderns more than her due share of attention and praise. How far we Transalpines of the nineteenth century are indebted to her civilization is a problem hardly to be solved; but indelible traces of her influence are apparent in Italy. That portion of the Peninsula where civilization earliest flourished, whence infant Rome received her first lessons, as in subsequent ages maintained its pre-eminence. It was on the Etruscan soil that the seeds of culture, dormant through the long winter of barbarism, broke forth anew when a genial spring smiled on the human intellect: it was in Etruria that immortality was first bestowed on the lyre, the canvass, the marble, the science of modern Europe. Here arose
"the all Etruscan three—
Dante and Petrarch, and scarce less than they,
The Bard of Prose, creative spirit! he
Ot Hundred Tales of love."

It was Etruria which produced Giotto, Brunelleschi, Fra Angelico, Luca Signorelli, Fra Bartolomeo, Michel Angelo, Hildebrand, Macchiavelli, "the starry Galileo," *and such a noble band of painters, sculptors, and architects, as no other country of modern Europe can boast. Certainly no other region of Italy has produced such a galaxy of brilliant intellects. I leave it to philosophers to determine if there be anything in the climate or natural features of the land to render it thus intellectually prolific. But much may be owing to the natural superiority of the race, **which, in spite of the revolutions of ages, remains essentially the same, and preserves a distinctive character; just as many traits of the ancient Greek, Gaul, German, and Spaniard may be recognised in their modern descendants.

*Raffaelle also, if he does not belong strictly to Etruria Proper, was born not far from the frontiers, and in a region that was possessed by the Etruscans. Besides he was educated in the Perugian school. Yet if we were to claim as the sons of Etruria the natives of those lands beyond the Apennines and the Tiber which once belonged to her, there would be very few illustrious Italian names, either of ancient or modern times, which would be excluded from the category.
**Micali (Ant. Pop. Ital. I p101; III. p11, maintains the analogy, in physiognomy and craniological development, between the ancient Etruscans and the modern inhabitants of Tuscany.*/Introduction/2.html
Poslednja izmena:
Tako nesto mi bas i treba!
Znaci neke zanimljive podatke.
Puno hvala,pomocu ovog cu moci da dovrsim rad.
Пази можда ти рад прогласе расистичким, ово ти је антрополошко-психолошко мишљење, такорећи еугеника, али шта ћеш, нису сви људи исти, а ни сви народи.....
