Evo necega sto sam nasla o chironu....Izgleda da ima izuzetno znacenje...
So what is Chiron?Initially it was considered a planetoid – a small or minor planet.Other sources refer to it, even now, as an asteroid – astrological sources in general, for example.In most scientific circles, Chiron is now considered a cometary body, i.e. a comet.It is the largest periodic comet in the solar system, some 10,000 times the mass of Halley's comet.It was discovered on November 1, 1977.The previous description – “planetoid” – was in deference to Chiron's size, i.e. somewhere between a planet and a large asteroid.It measures roughly 300-400 km in diameter.
It has also been conjectured that Chiron may have been 'captured' by our Sun whilst passing through the neighborhood of our solar system and, furthermore, that it may not remain within our solar system for an indefinite time.Another theory is that Chiron is a stray from the Kuiper Belt of objects that orbit beyond Neptune.To quote from NASA's Internet website:
“Two separate arguments indicate that Chiron has not been in its present orbit for more than a few million years.The first is that Chiron's orbit is unstable on time scales of about a million years to perturbations from the large outer planets.The second argument involves the super-volatiles sublimating from Chiron's surface.It is estimated that at Chiron's current orbit these substances would completely vaporize in a few million years, so the fact that Chiron is still active means it has not been in this orbit that long.The fact that Chiron must have come to its present state from another location in the solar system has led investigators to look towards the Kuiper belt…
“…the argument that Chiron is an escaped member of the Kuiper belt is based on a number of lines of reasoning.Gravitational perturbations from the giant planets should occasionally force Kuiper belt objects into Neptune-crossing orbits from which they can evolve into orbits like the Centaur's.The similarity in size between Chiron and the discovered Kuiper belt objects makes this a likely source.Asteroids are also in this size range, but the observations of a coma on Chiron appear to rule out an asteroidal origin.The evidence that Chiron still retains super-volatiles which would only persist for long times at lower temperatures than it presently experiences indicates a colder source region, beyond Chiron's present orbit.”
Out around the orbit of Neptune lies a belt of cosmic objects and debris (many are comets) known as the Kuiper Belt.It seems that Chiron properly belongs to this belt, rather than being a planet with its own individual orbital path in the solar system.This has some interesting ramifications that will be explored in later chapters.At this stage, it is sufficient to say that each planet or asteroid belt theoretically has its energetic origins in a specific place outside the solar system.The Kuiper Belt's energetic origin, and hence Chiron's, appear to be tied to the same energetic origins as that of Neptune and/or Pluto.We will explore these energetic origins in Book Three.
Chiron is the largest of a group of cometary bodies, strayed from the Kuiper Belt, collectively referred to as the Centaurs, all of which have their orbits in the outer solar system.For more information on the Centaurs, refer to the work of Zane Stein at
In any case, it appears that Chiron is a celestial visitor – perhaps temporary, but definitely timely.
In addition, it has been suggested that, if Chiron had been given the description of cometary body or comet when it was first discovered in 1977, it may not have been noticed astrologically.For this reason, perhaps it is just as well that it was first called a “planetoid” or “asteroid”.In the context of this series of books, however, we will call Chiron a planet, as it is a commonly accepted term for Chiron amongst astrological circles.In this context “planet” simply means a celestial body.
Chiron's orbit is quite eccentric when considered from a planetary perspective.Not so from a cometary viewpoint.Its orbit, which has a period of between 49 and 51 years, is tipped steeply in relation to the plane of the ecliptic... 6.9o to be exact.Its orbit is also very elliptical.If zero is a circle and 1.0 is a line then Chiron's orbit has an ellipticity of .3786.The next nearest to this is Pluto at .2482 and Mercury at .2056.
From an astrological point of view, Chiron's ellipticity means that it does not spend an equal amount of time in each sign of the zodiac.Chiron's shortest transit of a sign occurs in Libra – about 1 ¾ years.It was, coincidentally, in this sign at the time of commencement of writing this book.The longest transit of a sign occurs in Aries – about 8 ¼ years.The ramifications of this unequal transit of the zodiac signs are explored in later chapters of this first book, as are the ramifications of eccentricity and ellipticity of planetary orbits in general.
To confuse matters even more, Chiron's orbit, primarily between Saturn and Uranus, sometimes wanders inside the orbit of Saturn.Furthermore, as we have mentioned, Chiron may be related to Neptune and the Kuiper belt.All this has interesting ramifications when one considers, metaphorically, the soul's journey of awakening as a passage from the innermost planets to the outermost, as we will see.
Overall, Chiron appears to be somewhat of a rogue in the general scheme of the solar system.For this reason, some early astrologers gave Chiron the keyword, maverick.This accolade will be seen to be increasingly fitting as we delve into Chiron's musings in this series of books.
Key Points
·Chiron is considered a cometary body.
·Chiron may be a temporary visitor.
·In this book, we will refer to Chiron as a “planet”.
·Chiron may belong to the Kuiper belt of astronomical objects.
·Chiron may be more akin to Neptune and Pluto than Saturn or Uranus.
·Chiron's spends the most time in Aries and the least time in Libra.
·Chiron appears in all ways to be a rogue in the general scheme of things.
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