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Evo otprilike na engleskom opis ovoga. Ako ne mozete ovo da procitate, onda vam nema pomoci, jer nam trebaju samo igraci sa dobrim engleskim
Ever wanted to discuss world issues as a world leader? Ever wanted to play out the Vietnam War your own way? Ever wanted to play as the president of the US? The Chairman of the Soviet Union? To solve the problem of poverty or unemployment in your nation? To annex your neighbouring nation in the name of capitalist/communism? To make treaties, start wars, research technologies and become the head of an international organization? Ever wanted to PLAY YOUR NATION?
Now you can do that, in a rich online environment with other players around the world. The best and one of the oldest online nation simulators, set in present day ! Globalia is an online-based nationsimulator group offering . In Globalia you take control of a nation and control its domestic and international politics and act out with other players playing other nations.
What is a nationsim?
Nationsim is a special type of an online game. It is played on internet forums with other players.
Come join Globalia , and start making history!!
Globalia has been around since start of 2006 and many experienced and dedicated nationsim players have enjoyed it. Many of them were new to the whole concept of roleplaying and nationsimulators, but with the best help we could give them they grew up into fine and good nationsim players. As every board has it's fall, Globalia has collapsed over a year before and has since been abandoned. The reasons for this are well-known and have been taken care off and will be taken-care off in future Globalia too.Well, now it is the time to change the things! To shaken up the world! To bring the spirit and players back to the game!
We can be found at
Znaci to je nationsimulator koji je ranije bio veoma popularan, ali je zamro zbog glavnog admina. Valjda ce vam se svideti, ima ljudi koji vole ovakve stvari
Nation simulatori (nationsim) su posebne roleplaying igre koje se igraju na forumima sa drugim igracima. Izaberete slobodnu zemlju i vladate njom, sve kao u stvarnosti, vodite spoljnu politiku, pravite sporazume, objavljujete ratove, reformisete vojsku, skolstvo itd...Sad bas traze dosta novih igraca jer obnavljaju igru
Ever wanted to discuss world issues as a world leader? Ever wanted to play out the Vietnam War your own way? Ever wanted to play as the president of the US? The Chairman of the Soviet Union? To solve the problem of poverty or unemployment in your nation? To annex your neighbouring nation in the name of capitalist/communism? To make treaties, start wars, research technologies and become the head of an international organization? Ever wanted to PLAY YOUR NATION?
Now you can do that, in a rich online environment with other players around the world. The best and one of the oldest online nation simulators, set in present day ! Globalia is an online-based nationsimulator group offering . In Globalia you take control of a nation and control its domestic and international politics and act out with other players playing other nations.
What is a nationsim?
Nationsim is a special type of an online game. It is played on internet forums with other players.
Come join Globalia , and start making history!!
Globalia has been around since start of 2006 and many experienced and dedicated nationsim players have enjoyed it. Many of them were new to the whole concept of roleplaying and nationsimulators, but with the best help we could give them they grew up into fine and good nationsim players. As every board has it's fall, Globalia has collapsed over a year before and has since been abandoned. The reasons for this are well-known and have been taken care off and will be taken-care off in future Globalia too.Well, now it is the time to change the things! To shaken up the world! To bring the spirit and players back to the game!
We can be found at
Znaci to je nationsimulator koji je ranije bio veoma popularan, ali je zamro zbog glavnog admina. Valjda ce vam se svideti, ima ljudi koji vole ovakve stvari
Nation simulatori (nationsim) su posebne roleplaying igre koje se igraju na forumima sa drugim igracima. Izaberete slobodnu zemlju i vladate njom, sve kao u stvarnosti, vodite spoljnu politiku, pravite sporazume, objavljujete ratove, reformisete vojsku, skolstvo itd...Sad bas traze dosta novih igraca jer obnavljaju igru