Gdje ste bili prije prve svjetlosti?


The first monotheist human, Adam, was likely a god, in the Mesopotamian mythology, just as the Hebrew Genesis reluctantly revealed, and the assertive Quran slightly hinted. Specifically, he was the pre-monotheist, Sumerian god, Idim, who was also called GodEa and many other nicknames over the millenniums. The names Idim and Adam are even linguistically related, according to early Arabic root words analysis. As a Mesopotamian god, Idim was the creator of the first human, and the father of his immediate generations, as he was sometimes referred to in the ancient literature. He was the preserver of life on earth, and the protector of humans against the evil designs of their, and his arch enemy, GodEnlil, the future monotheist Satan. The names and roles of these two important divine characters, GodIdim and GodEnlil, were etched too deep in the collective folk memory of the peoples of the greater Mesopotamia and the Near East, to be completely erased by the new monotheist order. The early monotheists had likely eased in their new believes to the peoples of the region by incorporating these two second highest ranking gods under the supreme god of heavens, GodAnu (or GodAlu), as new altered divine characters. The top god, GodAnu, was then given the post-monotheist role of the one and only god, Alhim or Allah, consistent with the key theme of the Monotheist faiths. Several important narrative details involving the events, characters, and roles in the Hebrew Genesis story of Adam must have predated it for many centuries. The story in the Quran omitted much of the details in Genesis, but included a few unique details on its own. However, all of these ancient stories seem to be independent, original stories borrowing only bits and pieces from each other.


This work will be published in "Lost in Translation, Presumption, and Interpretation: Adam, Noah, and the Ancient Mesopotamian Mythology of the Creation and the Flood."
Pa, da me je palo da biram, ali nikoga to nije palo.
U odnosu na neke sam još i sjajno prošla.
Sjajno, ne bi trebao da zucnem. Božija volja.
Protiv Boga se ne ide i nema. Onaj koji nas je stvorio nije ništa prevideo.
Stvorio nas je sve DOBRO.
Dobro i svecenicima ,janjetina i 10 % prihoda od bozije dobrote.
I to je bilo tada vec znano..
Dobro i svecenicima ,janjetina i 10 % prihoda od bozije dobrote.
I to je bilo tada vec znano..
Desetak se ne poštuje i ne praktikuje, to nam je mana.
Love me na kamerama u crkvi kao neko čudovuište kad na Sina i Bogorodicu priložim 500 ili 1000din, silaze i brzo razotkrivaju moju volju, čine je nebitnom time, a Bog me sam je spasio, za to nema cene. Samo On je mogao da me spasi, nema dalje. Po tome mi se ne dopadaju kamere u crkvama.
Pa, da me je palo da biram, ali nikoga to nije palo.
U odnosu na neke sam još i sjajno prošla.
Sjajno, ne bi trebao da zucnem. Božija volja.
Protiv Boga se ne ide i nema. Onaj koji nas je stvorio nije ništa prevideo.
Stvorio nas je sve DOBRO.
po mom viđenju tata i mama su me hteli a bog ih blagoslovio sa mnom :D
toliko ih ima a bog im neda. a još više i oni koji ne žele.
sve zavisi od nas
U bibliji prvi dan kreacije zapocima s "neka bude svjetlo i bi svjetlo" ,jahi ovr vajahi ovr.
Pitanje je gdje ste vi bili prije toga?
Dok su naše duše boravile u svijetu duša (ezel) pozvao nas je naš Gospodar i okupio nas sve pred Sobom, a zatim upitao jesmo li spremni posvjedočiti da je On naš Gospodar. Svi smo tada spremno potvrdili. ''Bela, šehidna''.
