Ја као фриленсер радим један посао за њих ( није ништа спец да не помислите свашта ). Иначе, они сад доста улажу у развој вештачке интелигенције, купили су и једну компанија која је направила шампионски шаховски програм који је разбио све оне класичне. То је будућност...
Da li znaš postoji li demo AlphaZero-a?
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AlphaZero is a type of artificial intelligence (AI). Specifically, it is a type of machine learning algorithm known as a deep neural network, which is trained using reinforcement learning. In reinforcement learning, the program learns by receiving feedback in the form of rewards or penalties for certain actions. In the case of AlphaZero, the program received a reward for winning a chess game or a penalty for losing, and it adjusted its strategy based on this feedback. AlphaZero is considered a highly advanced AI system because of its ability to learn and improve its performance on its own, without being explicitly programmed with knowledge about the game of chess.
There are several key differences in the way that humans and AI play chess. One of the main differences is in the way that they evaluate positions on the board. Human players often rely on intuition and experience to make judgments about the relative strength of different positions, while AI programs like AlphaZero use complex mathematical algorithms to evaluate positions based on factors such as material, pawn structure, and king safety.
Another major difference is in the way that humans and AI search through possible moves. Human players tend to rely on a combination of intuition and knowledge of common patterns and tactics, while AI programs like AlphaZero use a technique called tree search to systematically explore all possible moves and their potential outcomes. This allows AI to consider a much larger number of possibilities than humans are able to in the same amount of time.
Despite these differences, there are a few things that humans can learn from AI when it comes to playing chess. For example, AI programs like AlphaZero can help players to improve their understanding of chess strategy and tactics by showing them new and unexpected ways of playing the game. Additionally, by studying the way that AI programs evaluate positions and search for moves, humans can learn to think more objectively and systematically about chess, which can help them to become better players.
In general, AI is a powerful tool that can help humans to improve their chess skills. However, it is important to remember that AI programs like AlphaZero are not infallible and humans can still outsmart them by using their creativity and intuition.