Fejk njuz nije samo svesno širenje izmišljenih ali poželjnih narativa, to je i namerno širenje lažnih vesti koje izazivaju zgražavanje

Casual Observer

Društvene mreže su pune toga, ali niko ne odustaje, glavno je širiti moralnu paniku i utvrđivati i svoja, ali i istovetna predubeđenja svojih istomišljenika. U svakoj mogućoj oblasti, od politike, preko zabave do “nauke” i teorija zavere. Još ako je u pitanju nešto zapaljivo, neka priča koja se širi kao požar i izaziva opšte zgražavanje…

Ovo ima i svoju društvenu funkciju to “je jeftin način da se signalizira pripadnost grupi ili posvećenost nekom cilju."

Autorska tema sa izvorom.

Rob Bauer, predsednik vojnog komiteta NATO-a, navodno je rekao: „Nadležnije je ne čekati, već gađati lansere u Rusiji u slučaju da nas Rusija napadne. Moramo prvi da udarimo.” Ovi komentari, navodno dati 2024. godine, kasnije su protumačeni kao nagoveštaji da bi NATO trebalo da pokuša preventivni udar na Rusiju, što je ideja koju su mnogi ljudi smatrali nečuveno opasnom.

Ali mnogo ljudi je takođe propustilo nešto u vezi sa citatom: Bauer to nikada nije rekao. Bilo je izmišljeno. Uprkos tome, navodna izjava je dobila skoro 250.000 pregleda na Tviteru i neprekidno su je dalje širili i ljudi poput Aleksa Džonsa.


Rob Bauer, the chair of a NATO military committee, reportedly said, “It is more competent not to wait, but to hit launchers in Russia in case Russia attacks us. We must strike first.” These comments, supposedly made in 2024, were later interpreted as suggesting NATO should attempt a preemptive strike against Russia, an idea that lots of people found outrageously dangerous.

But lots of people also missed a thing about the quote: Bauer has never said it. It was made up. Despite that, the purported statement got nearly 250,000 views on X and was mindlessly spread further by the likes of Alex Jones.

Why do stories like this get so many views and shares? “The vast majority of misinformation studies assume people want to be accurate, but certain things distract them,” says William J. Brady, a researcher at Northwestern University. “Maybe it’s the social media environment. Maybe they’re not understanding the news, or the sources are confusing them. But what we found is that when content evokes outrage, people are consistently sharing it without even clicking into the article.” Brady co-authored a study on how misinformation exploits outrage to spread online. When we get outraged, the study suggests, we simply care way less if what’s got us outraged is even real.

Tracking the outrage​

The rapid spread of misinformation on social media has generally been explained by something you might call an error theory—the idea that people share misinformation by mistake. Based on that, most solutions to the misinformation issue relied on prompting users to focus on accuracy and think carefully about whether they really wanted to share stories from dubious sources. Those prompts, however, haven’t worked very well. To get to the root of the problem, Brady’s team analyzed data that tracked over 1 million links on Facebook and nearly 45,000 posts on Twitter from different periods ranging from 2017 to 2021.

Parsing through the Twitter data, the team used a machine-learning model to predict which posts would cause outrage. “It was trained on 26,000 tweets posted around 2018 and 2019. We got raters from across the political spectrum, we taught them what we meant by outrage, and got them to label the data we later used to train our model,” Brady says.
The purpose of the model was to predict whether a message was an expression of moral outrage, an emotional state defined in the study as “a mixture of anger and disgust triggered by perceived moral transgressions.” After training, the AI was effective. “It performed as good as humans,” Brady claims. Facebook data was a bit more tricky because the team did not have access to comments; all they had to work with were reactions. The reaction the team chose as a proxy for outrage was anger. Once the data was sorted into outrageous and not outrageous categories, Brady and his colleagues went on to determine whether the content was trustworthy news or misinformation.
“We took what is now the most widely used approach in the science of misinformation, which is a domain classification approach,” Brady says. The process boiled down to compiling a list of domains with very high and very low trustworthiness based on work done by fact-checking organizations. This way, for example, The Chicago Sun-Times was classified as trustworthy; Breitbart, not so much. “One of the issues there is that you could have a source that produces misinformation which one time produced a true story. We accepted that. We went with statistics and general rules,” Brady acknowledged. His team confirmed that sources classified in the study as misinformation produced news that was fact-checked as false six to eight times more often than reliable domains, which Brady’s team thought was good enough to work with.


Science, 2024. DOI: 10.1126/science.adl2829
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Jeftin način da se signalizira pripadnost grupi ili posvećenost nekom cilju…

This is why outrageous content has an advantage in the social media attention economy. It stands out, and standing out is a precursor to sharing. But there are other reasons we share outrageous content. “It serves very particular social functions,” Brady says. “It’s a cheap way to signal group affiliation or commitment.
Cheap, however, didn’t mean completely free. The team found that the penalty for sharing misinformation, outrageous or not, was loss of reputation—spewing nonsense doesn’t make you look good, after all. The question was whether people really shared fake news because they failed to identify it as such or if they just considered signaling their affiliation was more important.

Flawed human nature​

Brady’s team designed two behavioral experiments where 1,475 people were presented with a selection of fact-checked news stories curated to contain outrageous and not outrageous content; they were also given reliable news and misinformation. In both experiments, the participants were asked to rate how outrageous the headlines were.
The second task was different, though. In the first experiment, people were simply asked to rate how likely they were to share a headline, while in the second they were asked to determine if the headline was true or not.
It turned out that most people could discern between true and fake news. Yet they were willing to share outrageous news regardless of whether it was true or not—a result that was in line with previous findings from Facebook and Twitter data. Many participants were perfectly OK with sharing outrageous headlines, even though they were fully aware those headlines were misinformation.
Brady pointed to an example from the recent campaign, when a reporter pushed J.D. Vance about false claims regarding immigrants eating pets. “When the reporter pushed him, he implied that yes, it was fabrication, but it was outrageous and spoke to the issues his constituents were mad about,” Brady says. These experiments show that this kind of dishonesty is not exclusive to politicians running for office—people do this on social media all the time.
The urge to signal a moral stance quite often takes precedence over truth, but misinformation is not exclusively due to flaws in human nature. “One thing this study was not focused on was the impact of social media algorithms,” Brady notes. Those algorithms usually boost content that generates engagement, and we tend to engage more with outrageous content. This, in turn, incentivizes people to make their content more outrageous to get this algorithmic boost.

Science, 2024. DOI: 10.1126/science.adl2829

Jacek Krywko is a freelance science and technology writer who covers space exploration, artificial intelligence research, computer science, and all sorts of engineering wizardry.
Na pravom si pdf-u. Svima je sve jasno :mrgreen:
Naravno, to se svesno, doduše bez razumevanja psiholoških mehanizama koji su u pozadini toga koristi za plasiranje politički poželjnih narativa.

Lažna vest se širi kao požar, posle prosto iščezne, kako bolje usmeravati javno mnjenje?
Rat u Ukrajini je živ primer, ko se seća onih “Rusima nestaje municija, imaju za još nedelju dana”, pa sve do “severnokorejskih vojnika koji ratuju za Ruse”, svi su čuli za njih, svi o tome znaju sve, ali ih još niko nije video, naravno, polako iščezavaju.
Pa onda ona “umešanost Srbije u detonaciju na Gazivodama”, ko se još seća kako su se neki oštrili da poentiraju i na tome, i onda, jedno veliko ništa. A neki su evocirali i pokolj u kafiću Panda, ko li je trebao da bude krivac za to? @dlugomir
Poslednja izmena:
Naravno, to se svesno, doduše bez razumevanja psiholoških mehanizama koji su u pozadini toga koristi za plasiranje politički poželjnih narativa.

Lažna vest se širi kao požar, posle prosto iščezne, kako bolje usmeravati javno mnjenje?
Bas tako. Izvor je najbitniji. a poostravanje kriterija pri pustanj vijesti bi pomoglo.

Evo, kolega @nesko101 u svojim bezbrojnim i čuvenim temama skoro svakodnevno eksploatiše fenomen, sve zarad ispunjavanja samo sebi znanih ciljeva, zar ne?
Da imam svoj sajt jednom bi me uspio zaj... drugi put bi dobio ban4life
Bas tako. Izvor je najbitniji. a poostravanje kriterija pri pustanj vijesti bi pomoglo.

Da imam svoj sajt jednom bi me uspio zaj... drugi put bi dobio ban4life
Zapazio si i ti, i to daleko da su u pitanju samo geopolitičke ili teme o srpskim vlastima, stvar se koristi i naširoko i svesno.
Pa onda ona “umešanost Srbije u detonaciju na Gazivodama”, ko se još seća kako su se neki oštrili da poentiraju i na tome, i onda, jedno veliko ništa. A neki su evocirali i pokolj u kafiću Panda, ko li je trebao da bude krivac za to? @dlugomir

Ma jok, pricam ti pricu,uopste ne znamo ko je krivac za to. :cepanje: :cepanje:

Ono, mi smo rodjeni u Americi, ili juce, pa ne znamo kako to radi srpska Sluzba :cepanje: :cepanje: :cepanje:
Pdf politika je pun lažnih vesti, bar da se zna kako funkcioniše njihovo širenje i zbog čega ljudi to rade i polusvesno (možda je tačno?) i nesvesno (ma sigurno je tačno) i svesno (izmisliš pa pustiš u promet). Ma glavno je da si ti signalizirao pripadnost svojoj grupi i posvećenost njenim ciljevima.


Zapazio si i ti, i to daleko da su u pitanju samo geopolitičke ili teme o srpskim vlastima, stvar se koristi i naširoko i svesno.
Jesam da. A sta cu kada mi nedaju parcijalu na pdf politika. Na forumhr sam zatrazio i dobio

Pdf politika je pun lažnih vesti, bar da se zna kako funkcioniše njihovo širenje i zbog čega ljudi to rade i polusvesno (možda je tačno?) i nesvesno (ma sigurno je tačno) i svesno (izmisliš pa pustiš u promet). Ma glavno je da si ti signalizirao pripadnost svojoj grupi i posvećenost njenim ciljevima.

Pogledajte prilog 1652133

Da slusam medije, zivio bi u bunkeru i imao par cuturica vode u rezervi :rotf: Ajde malo i kruha i salame, ali ne preslane. Treba biti racionalan pri trosenju vode u ekstremnim slucajevima.
Lažna vest se širi kao požar, posle prosto iščezne, kako bolje usmeravati javno mnjenje?
sta je lazna vest? radi se o interpretaciji rusa, a gde je originalni transkript sta je rekao?
Bauer to nikada nije rekao. Bilo je izmišljeno. Uprkos tome, navodna izjava je dobila skoro 250.000 pregleda na Tviteru i neprekidno su je dalje širili i ljudi poput Aleksa Džonsa.
koja si ti sns jajara, raskrinkavas da mu je neko falsifikovao izjavu,a nemas je da ponudis originalnu!
znaci ruski mip je od aleksa dzounsa culo da rob bauer hoce preventivno da je udari, po tebi, sns botino? jasno je da su rusu ubacili samo rec "preventivno", nju bauer nije izgovorio, ali je sustina ostala ista, a ti smrduckas da je jedan njuzvik npr, fejk njuz

Russia Accuses NATO of Pushing for Preemptive Strikes

“It is more competent not to wait, but to hit launchers in Russia in case Russia attacks us. A combination of precision strikes is needed that will disable the systems that are used to attack us, and we must strike first,” Bauer said, quoted by Bloomberg.​

znaci i blumberg je fejk njuz? jasno je bauer bio dvosmislen nije rekao preemtive, ali je rekao da ih UDARIMO PRVI, sto su rusi preveli sa "preventivno",... a zapravo se radi o primicanju pvo ukrajinskoj granici, i onda bi samo rekli rakete lete prema nama obaraj ih, ali i gadjaj ruski launcin' sajt - znaci direktan pocetak nafo rata sa rusijim - BAUER MORA DA SE SMENI, a ti da umuknes vise sns botino

Military Chairman of NATO Admiral Rob Bauer: Preemptive Attack on Russia Should Be Considered

Jacek Krywko is a freelance science and technology writer who covers space exploration, artificial intelligence research, computer science, and all sorts of engineering wizardry
i ti verujes ovoj budaletini krivko, a ovamo njuzvik ili blumberg nisi proverio? ruse nisi pitao mip? stvarno si teska jajara
Poslednja izmena:
scenario pocetka rata:
nafo postavlja pvo najblize ukrajini, negde u poljskoj, rusi gadjaju lavov, nafo radar kaze mozda nas gadjaju, obaraj je, ali i gadjaju rusiju odakle je lansirala tu raketu
and we must strike first,” Bauer said, quoted by Bloomberg.
i to je kraj - rusija tek onda ispaljuje one koje lete ne znam koliko minuta i neoborive su, evropa vise ne postoji

bauer je samo naznacio da nafo moze da pobedi samo ako prvi udari, jer rusi nece prvi udariti, jer nema logike, ako su njihove rakete brze i neoborive, oresnik

znaci, mozda moze nafo da pobedi ako udari prvi, ali definitvno ce ruski oresnici biti nuklearni, i zapadna evropa nece postojati uopste, uklj. poljsku
A combination of precision strikes is needed that will disable the systems that are used to attack us, and we must strike first,
Bauer has never said it. It was made up
says who,
Jacek Krywko is a freelance
svi ste vi KRIVKO u sns sekti
says William J. Brady, a researcher at Northwestern University
od kada je bili brejdi izvor informacija?
Bas tako. Izvor je najbitniji. a poostravanje kriterija pri pustanj vijesti bi pomoglo.
pa neka ti objasni ova sns jajara koji je njegov izvor informacija, BILI ILI KRIVKO?
i zasto nas sns uvlaci u nafo? zasto brani sns nafo, kao da sergej lavrovplasira klazne vesti, jes stalo mu jajaru baura da opanjka?
Poslednja izmena:
a tvoji ciljevi ?

neskovi bar ne kandisu
njegov cilj je kada aljek uvede srbiju u nafo, on da bude izaslanik, pa vidis da brani ovog seronju bauera od kao laznih vesti, kao neko opanjkava bauera, falsifikuje mu izjave, a nas sns bot ga brani, sto bi ga sutra preporucilo za NAFO uposlenika
Bauer to nikada nije rekao. Bilo je izmišljeno
e, pa nije, jer ko kaze, poljski nafovac Jacek Krywko, neki istrazivac Vilijem Brejdi koji laje na Brajtbart?
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