Engleski jezik - pitanja i odgovori

Етимологија речи "data"?

data (n.)
1640s, "a fact given or granted," classical plural of datum, from Latin datum "(thing) given," neuter past participle of dare "to give" (from PIE root *do- "to give"). In classical use originally "a fact given as the basis for calculation in mathematical problems." From 1897 as "numerical facts collected for future reference."

Meaning "transmittable and storable information by which computer operations are performed" is first recorded 1946. Data-processing is from 1954; data-base (also database) "structured collection of data in a computer" is by 1962; data-entry is by 1970.

data (n.)
1640s, "a fact given or granted," classical plural of datum, from Latin datum "(thing) given," neuter past participle of dare "to give" (from PIE root *do- "to give"). In classical use originally "a fact given as the basis for calculation in mathematical problems." From 1897 as "numerical facts collected for future reference."

Meaning "transmittable and storable information by which computer operations are performed" is first recorded 1946. Data-processing is from 1954; data-base (also database) "structured collection of data in a computer" is by 1962; data-entry is by 1970.
Хвала, значи нема етимологију у Енглеском, као што има у Латинском.
Kada se koristi "your", a kada "yours"?
Присвојни придев (your) - твој/ ваш. Дефинишемо коме нешто припада.
Псивојна заменица (yours) - твој / ваш. Разликују се по томе што стоје самостално у реченици за разлику од придева.

You have a toy - This is your toy
You have a toy - This toy is yours

Главна разлика је што су придеви увек праћени именицом, док су заменице самосталне.
