Dr.Alberto Rivera-Vatikanske ubice


обавезно прочитати...открива механизме ширења утицаја и природу римокатоличке *цркве* од стране инсајдера...погледајте где нас и зашто воде вукови у јагњећој кожи у СПЦ и како су их обрлатили...кога зову *братом* i koja је суштина екуменизма

Poslednja izmena:
"According to the Cornerstone exposé[1]: Rivera had a 'history of legal entanglements' including fraud, credit card theft, and writing bad checks. Warrants had been issued for his arrest in New Jersey and Florida, and he was wanted by the Spanish police for 'swindles and cheats'; while in the USA in 1967, he claimed to be collecting money for a Spanish college, which never received this money. The details of his claims changed: In 1964 he said he had left the Catholic Church in July 1952, but he later put the date at March 20, 1967; despite this, he was still promoting Catholicism in a newspaper interview of August that same year. Although supposedly placed in the sanitorium in 1965 and held there for three months, he gave the date of his release as September 1967, leaving a period of over a year unaccounted.
The document exhibited by Rivera to prove his status as a Catholic priest was fraudulently obtained and the Catholic Church denies his claims of having been a Jesuit priest or a bishop. He had only one sister in London; she was not called Maria, was not a nun, and did not live in a convent. In an employment form dated 1963 he claimed marriage to Carmen Lydia Torres, and the couple had two children in the USA when his own account had him a celibate priest in Spain."

Znaci u prevodi, ne lozi se na protestantsku propagandu. Oni su ludji i od vas pravoslavnih talibana XD
"According to the Cornerstone exposé[1]: Rivera had a 'history of legal entanglements' including fraud, credit card theft, and writing bad checks. Warrants had been issued for his arrest in New Jersey and Florida, and he was wanted by the Spanish police for 'swindles and cheats'; while in the USA in 1967, he claimed to be collecting money for a Spanish college, which never received this money. The details of his claims changed: In 1964 he said he had left the Catholic Church in July 1952, but he later put the date at March 20, 1967; despite this, he was still promoting Catholicism in a newspaper interview of August that same year. Although supposedly placed in the sanitorium in 1965 and held there for three months, he gave the date of his release as September 1967, leaving a period of over a year unaccounted.
The document exhibited by Rivera to prove his status as a Catholic priest was fraudulently obtained and the Catholic Church denies his claims of having been a Jesuit priest or a bishop. He had only one sister in London; she was not called Maria, was not a nun, and did not live in a convent. In an employment form dated 1963 he claimed marriage to Carmen Lydia Torres, and the couple had two children in the USA when his own account had him a celibate priest in Spain."

Znaci u prevodi, ne lozi se na protestantsku propagandu. Oni su ludji i od vas pravoslavnih talibana XD

терај се
Dobar predlog,
uzecu knjigu u Biblioteci.
Ne mogu da citam na komjuteru!!

Poslednja izmena:
"Religijska mašinerija današnjice je vrlo, vrlo stara. Počela je upravo nakon Nojevog potopa" str. 31. I toliko o ovoj knjizi :D
Nakon potopa! :D
Lepo kazem... protestantska propaganda :)
Elem, gde nalazita ova paranoidna sr**a da citate?

Pa upocetku se i za slucajeve masovne pedofilije smatralo da je "protestantska propaganda",

medjutim kad je vrag odneo salu i Vatikan je priznao da ima svasta u njihovim redovima.
па ми ЗНАМО да RARA тако функционише....сећамо се и степинца и усташа...и видимо шта је урадио са СПЦ....тако да пали са тим мућењима...

Nemate vi pojma! Mislite da znate nesto jer ste procitala par knjiga protestantskih varalica i senzacionalista! Citate knjige u kojima se kao vremenska referenca uzima Nojev potop?! I odatle izvlacite inormacije!
Nemate vi pojma! Mislite da znate nesto jer ste procitala par knjiga protestantskih varalica i senzacionalista! Citate knjige u kojima se kao vremenska referenca uzima Nojev potop?! I odatle izvlacite inormacije!

ma јок,него ћемо од тебе папског идоопоклоника да узимамо савете....пали...проваљен си...узгред...и папска и протестантска су једно исто-јереси...
ma јок,него ћемо од тебе папског идоопоклоника да узимамо савете....пали...проваљен си...узгред...и папска и протестантска су једно исто-јереси...

1)Nisam niciji poklonik nego ateista...
2)Jeste...naravno... Nas srpski bog ima najveci q*** a XD! Hahhaha, kakvo razmisljanje... Ne'am reci... Pravoslavlje, katolicanstvo, protestantizam, muslimani, judeizam...sve su to ista govna... Sovinisticki mitovi o sofinistckom bogu bliskog istoka.
па онда те ова тема не занима,зар не..

Zasto me ne bi zanimala?! Ovakvo nesto, ne mogu da propustim :)
Msm, pomislice neko da je ovo realno XD

"Ignacije Lojola je stvorio “Iluminate”, demonsku or ga nizaciju, koja kontroliše umove
evropskih lidera pomoću hipnoze i čarobnjaštva."
Hahhahahahah.... sada kada nisam pao sa stolice :D
Dal me zezas?!
Poslednja izmena:
"According to the Cornerstone exposé[1]: Rivera had a 'history of legal entanglements' including fraud, credit card theft, and writing bad checks. Warrants had been issued for his arrest in New Jersey and Florida, and he was wanted by the Spanish police for 'swindles and cheats'; while in the USA in 1967, he claimed to be collecting money for a Spanish college, which never received this money. The details of his claims changed: In 1964 he said he had left the Catholic Church in July 1952, but he later put the date at March 20, 1967; despite this, he was still promoting Catholicism in a newspaper interview of August that same year. Although supposedly placed in the sanitorium in 1965 and held there for three months, he gave the date of his release as September 1967, leaving a period of over a year unaccounted.
The document exhibited by Rivera to prove his status as a Catholic priest was fraudulently obtained and the Catholic Church denies his claims of having been a Jesuit priest or a bishop. He had only one sister in London; she was not called Maria, was not a nun, and did not live in a convent. In an employment form dated 1963 he claimed marriage to Carmen Lydia Torres, and the couple had two children in the USA when his own account had him a celibate priest in Spain."

Znaci u prevodi, ne lozi se na protestantsku propagandu. Oni su ludji i od vas pravoslavnih talibana XD

Pa, eto, vidi sad ko na koga kidise i ko je tu taliban.

Kritika je upucena na racun Vatikana, nije niko od nas kriv sto napad na papu automatski aktivira pavlovijanski refleks kod tamo nekih zilota.

Da, i pravoslavci i protestanti su protiv Vatikana i to s dobrim razlogom - neprekinuta nit verskog imperijalizma, nasilja, zloupotrebe hriscanstva za prolivanje krvi, pljacku...

Podsticanje katolickih manjina sirom sveta da na krticarski mentalitet i zabadanje noza u ledja drzavama domacinima....

Do dana danasnjeg; a mozda najevidentnije na primeru SFRJ i danasnje Srbije.

Kome nije jasno, moze i dokumentovano :rtfm:

At the same time, under the leadership of Bernd Posselt and Walburga von Habsburg, the Pan-Europa Union strengthened its work as a special representative of the international office beyond the Iron Curtain and established contacts with civil rights organizations in Poland such as the trade union "Solidarnosc", "Charter 77" and church institutions as well as in Hungary, in former Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia as well as in the Baltic states. The pan-European underground work received a boost through the strong support of the Polish Pope, John Paul II and Bishop of Augsburg Josef Stimpfle, who were connected throughout their lives to the Pan-Europa movement. On 24 November 1986, the German Chancellor, Helmut Kohl and the Pan-Europa Union made a joint declaration for overcoming the division of Germany and Europe. At the "Pan-European Picnic" in August 1989 on the Austrian-Hungarian border near Sopron / Sopron, the first tears were made in the Iron Curtain and over 650 Germans from the GDR made it to the West. Mass demonstrations in the GDR and general strikes in other Central European countries followed and with the collapse of the communist regime in the autumn and winter of 1989, the goal of a reunified Pan-Europa was within reach. Central European leaders such as Vaclav Havel in the Czech Republic, Vitautas Landsbergis in Lithuania or France Bucar in Slovenia supported the Pan-Europa work which was done in their countries and took on leading functions. Pan-Europa organizations were set up in all the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. In December 1990, the International General Assembly of the Pan-Europa Union met in Prague, the first time this summit was held in a former Soviet bloc country. The Pan-Europa Union actively set about suppoerting the rapid accession of the liberated countries of Central and Eastern Europe to the European Union, which in a first phase, became reality on 1 May 2004, with the accession of Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Slovenia. The Pan-Europa Union also actively supported the accession of Romania, Bulgaria, on 1 January 2007 to the European Union as well as for the speedy accession of Croatia and Macedonia. Regarding the Convention on a draft European constitutional treaty, the Pan-Europa Union gave the President of the Convention, Valéry Giscard d'Estaing concrete proposals which have mainly been included in the treaty text of the European Constitution.
обавезно прочитати...открива механизме ширења утицаја и природу римокатоличке *цркве* од стране инсајдера...погледајте где нас и зашто воде вукови у јагњећој кожи у СПЦ и како су их обрлатили...кога зову *братом* i koja је суштина екуменизма


procitao sam tu knjigu odavno

Vatikan je djavolja institucija
"According to the Cornerstone exposé[1]: Rivera had a 'history of legal entanglements' including fraud, credit card theft, and writing bad checks. Warrants had been issued for his arrest in New Jersey and Florida, and he was wanted by the Spanish police for 'swindles and cheats'; while in the USA in 1967, he claimed to be collecting money for a Spanish college, which never received this money. The details of his claims changed: In 1964 he said he had left the Catholic Church in July 1952, but he later put the date at March 20, 1967; despite this, he was still promoting Catholicism in a newspaper interview of August that same year. Although supposedly placed in the sanitorium in 1965 and held there for three months, he gave the date of his release as September 1967, leaving a period of over a year unaccounted.
The document exhibited by Rivera to prove his status as a Catholic priest was fraudulently obtained and the Catholic Church denies his claims of having been a Jesuit priest or a bishop. He had only one sister in London; she was not called Maria, was not a nun, and did not live in a convent. In an employment form dated 1963 he claimed marriage to Carmen Lydia Torres, and the couple had two children in the USA when his own account had him a celibate priest in Spain."

Znaci u prevodi, ne lozi se na protestantsku propagandu. Oni su ludji i od vas pravoslavnih talibana XD

moc vatikana da nekoga diskredituje je neverovatna

tako su i od slobe amerikanci pravili "balkanskog kasapina"

rivera nije protestant on je katolik . bivsi visoki funkcioner iz reda jezuita jednog od glavnih redova vatikana
"According to the Cornerstone exposé[1]: Rivera had a 'history of legal entanglements' including fraud, credit card theft, and writing bad checks. Warrants had been issued for his arrest in New Jersey and Florida, and he was wanted by the Spanish police for 'swindles and cheats'; while in the USA in 1967, he claimed to be collecting money for a Spanish college, which never received this money. The details of his claims changed: In 1964 he said he had left the Catholic Church in July 1952, but he later put the date at March 20, 1967; despite this, he was still promoting Catholicism in a newspaper interview of August that same year. Although supposedly placed in the sanitorium in 1965 and held there for three months, he gave the date of his release as September 1967, leaving a period of over a year unaccounted.
The document exhibited by Rivera to prove his status as a Catholic priest was fraudulently obtained and the Catholic Church denies his claims of having been a Jesuit priest or a bishop. He had only one sister in London; she was not called Maria, was not a nun, and did not live in a convent. In an employment form dated 1963 he claimed marriage to Carmen Lydia Torres, and the couple had two children in the USA when his own account had him a celibate priest in Spain."

Znaci u prevodi, ne lozi se na protestantsku propagandu. Oni su ludji i od vas pravoslavnih talibana XD

Jok priznaće Vatikan sve svoje podvale kradje ubistva .....naivni su ko francuske sobarice...
