Hvala, Slavene.
Križanić's Memorandum on the Mission to Moscow, 1641
Author(s): John M. Letiche and Basil Dmytryshyn
Source: The Slavonic and East European Review, Vol. 68, No. 1 (Jan., 1990), pp. 41-68Published by: the Modern Humanities Research Association and University College London, School ofSlavonic and East European StudiesStable
http://www.jstor.org/stable/4210167 .
Prevod Memoranduma je fasifikovan:
"I shall add then that I am able to serve him in the Latin, vulgar [i.e. Italian], Spanish, Croatian, German, and Greek tongues, both as a translatora nd as an ambassador;a nd, if he wishes, also as a tutor of his sons in these languages or in some liberal art in their native tongue. This would be my way of entrance to the court."
"It will also be necessary not to forget the 'lower' liberal arts, and of these I have already translated some [writings] into the Croatian language so as to be able to put them afterwardsin to the Muscovitet onguew ith few changes; and thus I have writtenm y PoetryE, loquencAe,r ithmetiacn, d Grammar, with some spiritual pamphlets, according to the limitations of my feeble powers. I"
Da li neko ima pristup kopiji originala na latinskom?
This first English translation of Križanić's Memorandum of 1641. is based on the original manuscript, which is currently located in the Vatican Archives of the Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith: Scritture Originali riferite nelle Congregazioni Generali, vol. 338, fol. 533rv-542rv
U fusnoti 19 autori John M. Letiche (Ivan Letič) and Basil Dmytryshyn (Vasil Dmitrišin) kažu da su oni prevodioci i daju objašnjenja zašto su nešto preveli kako su preveli, ali ništa u objašnjenju prevoda jezika kao "Croatian".
Verovatno je ovaj podatak ishodište utemeljenja takvog falisifikovanja: "Da mu je suvremeni »ilirski jezik« hrvatski pokazuje naslov jedne od njih
Duma – Harvatski (Carmen pindaricum – Illyrice moderne)."