Electing Kamala Harris would be a ‘step toward totalitarianism, censorship, suppression’: professor
dakle, vrlo je moguce da ce pokrasti izbore, a glupaca da ce im posluziti samo da figurira, tj, maskira totalitarizam, cenzuru, i dalje podjarmljivanje - znaci sve sto oni pricaju je za 180 stepeni suprotno, a radi se lukavom zavodjenju diktature jednopartijskog sistema jednomlja, bezumlja i samounistenja amerike
moguce je cak da vecini amera ne dopire do svesti u sta se amerika pretvara, jer ih ovaj inflatorni pritisak jos nije dovoljno nacepio da zaboli, a mozda su samo sebicni-samozivi i gledaju svoja posla, nesto ne cujem da ih zanima politika u svojoj okolini, kao npr. srbe
pa kaze, a ja potpisujem:
“I am a philosophical liberal or libertarian who believes that, in Thoreau’s words, ‘That government is best which governs least.’ … Carried out, it finally amounts to this, which I also believe, that government is best which governs not at all,” he told
The Fix via email last week.
“I don’t go all the way to no government at all as do some of my anarchist friends, but a return to a role of government limited to 10 percent or 15 percent of the economy would be optimal,” Langbert said.
In his opinion,
“Republicans are the lesser of two evils. They remain philosophically committed to liberalism and the rule of law.”
“There are many aspects of former president Trump that are undesirable … includ[ing] his monetary and COVID policies, his appointment of Anthony Fauci, and his expansion of federal headcount during his administration. Also, his personnel choices were unwise, and he has managed to alienate many women because of his behaviors,” he told
The Fix.
However, he said a Kamala Harris administration would be catastrophic.
“While President Trump can be thought of as a bad landlord, the Harris administration is a further step on the road to serfdom, a step toward totalitarianism, censorship, suppression, lawfare, and attacks on the affluent middle class,” he told
The Fix.
“Democrats are a passionate, indoctrinated mob that cares little for freedom,” Langbert said.