indvidualno...ja i ne mogu da se pozalim...neke stvari se naglo prekidaju i to ima smisla jer posle nekih vecih i manjih cut-ova u zivotu dolaze novine... a Mars je krajem avgusta bio najblizi Suncu shto se poslednji put desilo 1971. godine i zato su bile velike vrucine, i mnogo ljudi je umrlo..i ljudi su masovno nervozni i nemirni...evo ti jedan deo iz New Moon Report-a.
Expect an emotional roller coaster ride this month with moments of exquisite pleasure and profound fear. But, we humans are not so fragile that we can't survive and blossom in the midst of such powerful changes. Assumptions that are clung to like life rafts can pull us to the bottom of the sea, so let go of them. As much as we'd like the truth to be eternal, anything that we can express in words is an incomplete image of a greater mystery. Open minds can be excited and entertained by current events, but closed hearts will only push us further into the darkness.
Have a great month!