Da li bi SPC trebalo da prihvati Teoriju evolucije?

Da li bi crkva trebala da zvanično prihvati Teoriju evolucije?

  • Da

    glasova: 4 50,0%
  • Ne

    glasova: 4 50,0%

  • Ukupno glasova
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
Зато што са мајмунима немамо ништа заједничког. Бар тако мислим.
Lepo si rekao. Misliš. To ne znači da je to zaista tako.

Oni sa negativnom krvnom grupom nemaju. Svi majmuni imaju isključivo pozitivnu krvnu grupu...
Odnosno oni su se evolucijom udaljili.
Svi majmuni imaju isključivo pozitivnu krvnu grupu...
Нешто си помешао. Сви мајмуни могу да имају и позитивни и негативни тип крвне групе. Немају сви А, B, AB и О.

Нпр. бонобо су искључиво A група, шимпанзе углавном A с малим бројем изузетака с O групом, а орангутани имају A, B, AB и O.
Нешто си помешао. Сви мајмуни могу да имају и позитивни и негативни тип крвне групе. Немају сви А, B, AB и О.

Нпр. бонобо су искључиво A група, шимпанзе углавном A с малим бројем изузетака с O групом, а орангутани имају A, B, AB и O.
Nisi dobro informisan. Majmunska krv je uvek rh+, zato je misterija odakle dolazi rh- i to što ženke sa rh- stvaraju antitela sa mužjacima rh+.
Прочитах све и нигде ни речи о томе да мајмуни имају само крв с позитивним Rh фактором. Можеш ли да цитираш?
I think it’s clear that Landsteiner considered changing the name Rh factor because the monkey connection was misleading, but died before doing so. But please note even he called it rabbit anti-rhesus sera in his annual report. For the record, I hope I’ve changed some minds about the so-called proof that Rhd blood types have nothing in common with monkeys. Wiener proved 78 years ago, that humans shared M antigens with monkeys. Both RhD and Rhd. Owen states clearly that both RhD and Rhd tested positive using the guinea pig antibody test described above.

Finally, scientists report that no matter how potent they make the dose human antibodies from all blood types do not clump Rhesus monkey cells.(2) I think it’s time to put the monkey business myths to bed, don’t you?

ima još ali ovo je teorija zavere uzrokovana time što su majmuni uvek pozitivni. Kopaj još ali ovo sam čuo od čoveka koji radi u mojoj
firmi, ne sa interneta.
https://www.moleopedia.com/the-myst...o two,this, you have the factor in your blood.
I think it’s clear that Landsteiner considered changing the name Rh factor because the monkey connection was misleading, but died before doing so. But please note even he called it rabbit anti-rhesus sera in his annual report. For the record, I hope I’ve changed some minds about the so-called proof that Rhd blood types have nothing in common with monkeys. Wiener proved 78 years ago, that humans shared M antigens with monkeys. Both RhD and Rhd. Owen states clearly that both RhD and Rhd tested positive using the guinea pig antibody test described above.

Finally, scientists report that no matter how potent they make the dose human antibodies from all blood types do not clump Rhesus monkey cells.(2) I think it’s time to put the monkey business myths to bed, don’t you?
И даље не успевам да приметим где се каже да је Rh фактор мајмуна увек позитиван.
И даље не успевам да приметим где се каже да је Rh фактор мајмуна увек позитиван.
Pročitaj sledeći članak, biće ti jasnije...
The Mystery of Rh-Negative Blood , Genetic Origin Unknown!
What Does the absence of Rhesus monkey factor mean?

No solid scientific explanation exists as to how or why Rh- blood came about. It is presumed to be the result of a random mutation. Have you ever felt you were different ? It may be due to your DNA .
85% of humans have the monkey gene (RH+) and 15% do not (RH-) .RH- people are characterized by higher IQs, sensitive vision, lower body temperatures, sensitivity to heat and sunlight, psychic power, ability to stop watches and electrical appliances and having extra vertebrae. This film shows the link to possible Alien life form

E sad to je spekulacija, ali na osnovu toga što samo kod ljudi ima rh-
Pročitaj sledeći članak, biće ti jasnije...
The Mystery of Rh-Negative Blood , Genetic Origin Unknown!
What Does the absence of Rhesus monkey factor mean?

No solid scientific explanation exists as to how or why Rh- blood came about. It is presumed to be the result of a random mutation. Have you ever felt you were different ? It may be due to your DNA .
85% of humans have the monkey gene (RH+) and 15% do not (RH-) .RH- people are characterized by higher IQs, sensitive vision, lower body temperatures, sensitivity to heat and sunlight, psychic power, ability to stop watches and electrical appliances and having extra vertebrae. This film shows the link to possible Alien life form

E sad to je spekulacija, ali na osnovu toga što samo kod ljudi ima rh-
Ни ту не видим ништа што указује да мајмуни имају искључиво негативан Rh фактор...
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
