ЦИА убила Македонског председника Трајковског (2004) јер је хтео да изнесе истину?



ЦИА убила Македонског председника Трајковског (2004) јер је хтео да изнесе неугодну истину о америчком ратном профитерству на КиМ!?


Македонски предсједник Борис Трајковски је убијен, јер је високим западним дипломатама пријетио да ће објавити комромитујуће информације о њиховој умијешаности у корупцију у вријеме конфликта на Косову и избјегличке кризе 1999. године, тврди македонски интерент портал „МКД“.

Игнат Панчевски, заступник породица страдалих у авиону са македонским предсједником, потврдио је да је Трајковски посједовао документа која би могла да наруше ауторитет неких западних дипломата који су 1999. године боравили у Македонији у вријеме прилива избјеглица са Косова.

„Трајковски је био директно укључен у све догађаје 1999. године будући да је био замјеник министра иностраних послова. Он је посједовао доказе о корупцији, али не знам тачно шта је конкретно тражио од тих свјетских државника“, рекао је Панчевски.

Он тврди да посједује доказе да рушење предсједничког авиона 26. фебруара 2004. године у БиХ није била несрећа, већ атентат.
Влада Македоније уврстила је у процедуру извјештај о погибији македонског предсједника Бориса Трајковског и његових осам сарадника и чланова посаде.
„Извјештај ће бити достављен Тужилаштву које ће даље одлучити да ли и које ће мјере предузети“, рекао је портпарол македонске Владе Мартин Мартиновски.

From the start of the operation in Aračinovo, NATO Secretary-General Lord George Robertson described the Macedonian assault on NLA held Aračinovo as "madness" and "complete folly". In a strongly-worded statement, Lord Robertson urged the government to cease hostilities as Macedonia, he warned, was "on the brink of bloody civil war".[79][80] According to General Pande Petrovski, who was in charge of the operation, on 25 June at 9:00 in the morning he was called by the president and was told that NATO general secretary called him personally telling him to halt the operation because there are Americans trapped in Aračinovo. Petrovski however ordered the operation to continue. In 12:45 the president telephoned general Petrovski again with the words:

"General I want until 13:00 all of your activities in Aračinovo to be halted, and you will go to hotel "Belvi" to meet with NATO envoys. Don't you dare use the aviation, don't play games, I already explained what's the matter!" (page 110)

Petrovski orders the halting of military activities of the security forces and heads towards hotel "Belvi" where he encounters TV crews, foreign diplomats, government representatives and representatives of the president's cabinet. He is informed that everyone is awaiting the arrival of Xavier Solana at 16:00. In his memoirs on page 111 Petrovski then states that:

"Brigadier general Zvonko Stojanovski the commander of the Army Anti-air Defence informed me that our radars caught 6 fighter planes with course from Italy, through Albania towards Macedonia. i told him to follow their course and to dislocate the helicopters to the reserve airfield in Lozovo. I then though to myself – this is it! NATO is ready to use force on us if we continue with the operation". (page 111)

Petrovski's description of the circumstances was confirmed by Glenn Nye, who was a state department official in the Embassy of the USA in Macedonia. During the 2002 congressional elections in the USA, Nye revealed that while assigned to Macedonia and Kosovo, in 2001 he organised the rescue of 26 American citizens who were trapped behind insurgent lines.[81][82][83][84] For this, Nye received the State Department's Superior Honor Award.[81]

According to researchers Mark Curtis and Scott Taylor the foreigners that were evacuated from Aračinovo by NATO forces were advisors from the American military company MPRI

During the meeting held the same day in hotel "Belvi", the EU's senior foreign policy official, Javier Solana put great pressure on the government to completely stop the military activities in Aračinovo, and to let the NLA insurgents leave the incircled village.[86] After talks between president Boris Trajkovski and EU's senior foreign policy official, Javier Solana, the Macedonian government officially announced that it has ended its offensive against the NLA in Aračinovo. According to western media reports the talks were apparently "extremely acrimonious", with the Macedonians reluctant to abandon the battle they were convinced they were going to win.[87][88]

Solana asked the Macedonian officials to allow the evacuation of the NLA insurgents from Aračinovo to Lipkovo, and that the evacuation be conducted the same day. During the evacuation the insurgents would carry with them their weapons, their dead and their wounded.[86] Being exposed to great pressure by the international community, government officials allowed the NLA insurgents to be evacuated from Aračinovo to Lipkovo. The details with the logistics of the evacuation was organised by the USA special envoy for the Balkans, Peter Feith.[89] The evacuation started at 17:00 and was conducted by U.S. Marines from the American contingent within KFOR in Kosovo.[68]
Ако рчиш, побрзо ке умреш.

Rcis? Da nije mozda rzis? :D Americka bagra svuda zabada nos gde joj nije mesto, da njih nema dosta bi lepse izgledao ovaj svet. Prvo su stvorili "al caidu" a sada oni napadaju svoje tvorce i najveci su neprijatelj Amerike. Inace stvarno je strasno pogibija dva americka vojnika, pa koliko i da je zgresila Amerika oni nisu smeli tako da zavrse. Sve mi je izgledalo kao oni americki filmovi.
From the start of the operation in Aračinovo, NATO Secretary-General Lord George Robertson described the Macedonian assault on NLA held Aračinovo as "madness" and "complete folly". In a strongly-worded statement, Lord Robertson urged the government to cease hostilities as Macedonia, he warned, was "on the brink of bloody civil war".[79][80] According to General Pande Petrovski, who was in charge of the operation, on 25 June at 9:00 in the morning he was called by the president and was told that NATO general secretary called him personally telling him to halt the operation because there are Americans trapped in Aračinovo. Petrovski however ordered the operation to continue. In 12:45 the president telephoned general Petrovski again with the words:

"General I want until 13:00 all of your activities in Aračinovo to be halted, and you will go to hotel "Belvi" to meet with NATO envoys. Don't you dare use the aviation, don't play games, I already explained what's the matter!" (page 110)

Petrovski orders the halting of military activities of the security forces and heads towards hotel "Belvi" where he encounters TV crews, foreign diplomats, government representatives and representatives of the president's cabinet. He is informed that everyone is awaiting the arrival of Xavier Solana at 16:00. In his memoirs on page 111 Petrovski then states that:

"Brigadier general Zvonko Stojanovski the commander of the Army Anti-air Defence informed me that our radars caught 6 fighter planes with course from Italy, through Albania towards Macedonia. i told him to follow their course and to dislocate the helicopters to the reserve airfield in Lozovo. I then though to myself – this is it! NATO is ready to use force on us if we continue with the operation". (page 111)

Petrovski's description of the circumstances was confirmed by Glenn Nye, who was a state department official in the Embassy of the USA in Macedonia. During the 2002 congressional elections in the USA, Nye revealed that while assigned to Macedonia and Kosovo, in 2001 he organised the rescue of 26 American citizens who were trapped behind insurgent lines.[81][82][83][84] For this, Nye received the State Department's Superior Honor Award.[81]

According to researchers Mark Curtis and Scott Taylor the foreigners that were evacuated from Aračinovo by NATO forces were advisors from the American military company MPRI

During the meeting held the same day in hotel "Belvi", the EU's senior foreign policy official, Javier Solana put great pressure on the government to completely stop the military activities in Aračinovo, and to let the NLA insurgents leave the incircled village.[86] After talks between president Boris Trajkovski and EU's senior foreign policy official, Javier Solana, the Macedonian government officially announced that it has ended its offensive against the NLA in Aračinovo. According to western media reports the talks were apparently "extremely acrimonious", with the Macedonians reluctant to abandon the battle they were convinced they were going to win.[87][88]

Solana asked the Macedonian officials to allow the evacuation of the NLA insurgents from Aračinovo to Lipkovo, and that the evacuation be conducted the same day. During the evacuation the insurgents would carry with them their weapons, their dead and their wounded.[86] Being exposed to great pressure by the international community, government officials allowed the NLA insurgents to be evacuated from Aračinovo to Lipkovo. The details with the logistics of the evacuation was organised by the USA special envoy for the Balkans, Peter Feith.[89] The evacuation started at 17:00 and was conducted by U.S. Marines from the American contingent within KFOR in Kosovo.[68]

Pa to je to Makedonci su ih saterali u jednu zgradu, bilo je tu svega i svacega, radikalnih islamista, mudzahedina to nije nikakvo skrivanje. Ali onda je dosao dopis da se teroristi moraju pustiti zato sto tu ima americkih specijalaca i bilo bi bruka da se i oni zateknu tu kad bude postrojavanje. I ostalo se odavno zna, teroristi su se spakovali u autobuse i mirno polako otisli prema Kosovu a posle i dalje.
Pa to je to Makedonci su ih saterali u jednu zgradu, bilo je tu svega i svacega, radikalnih islamista, mudzahedina to nije nikakvo skrivanje. Ali onda je dosao dopis da se teroristi moraju pustiti zato sto tu ima americkih specijalaca i bilo bi bruka da se i oni zateknu tu kad bude postrojavanje. I ostalo se odavno zna, teroristi su se spakovali u autobuse i mirno polako otisli prema Kosovu a posle i dalje.
Pa sta ti to kaze, sta je u pitanju/
nemojte tako ,ispasce da americke tajne sluzbe vrsljaju po svetu i ruse i postavljaju vlade.

jos ce ispasti da su napali ili bombardovali neku zemlju kao npr zbog nafte ili tako nesto.

vidite koliko je smesno tako nesto procitati.ameri rade na svom oruzju samo da bi bolje sadili cvece jer umesto metaka planiraju da stavljaju seme i da obradjuju velike poljoprivredne povrsine.

zamisli kad u kasetne bombe stave seme maka npr kao sto rade u avganistanu .ili konoplje
nemojte tako ,ispasce da americke tajne sluzbe vrsljaju po svetu i ruse i postavljaju vlade.

jos ce ispasti da su napali ili bombardovali neku zemlju kao npr zbog nafte ili tako nesto.

vidite koliko je smesno tako nesto procitati.ameri rade na svom oruzju samo da bi bolje sadili cvece jer umesto metaka planiraju da stavljaju seme i da obradjuju velike poljoprivredne povrsine.

zamisli kad u kasetne bombe stave seme maka npr kao sto rade u avganistanu .ili konoplje

GMO, pa i to im je pogresno. Tezak slucaj.
Đinđića je ubila druga suprotstavljena mafijaška grupa u borbi za prevlast u asfaltiranju puteva.
То су глупости, нека обавештајна служба је налогодавац, а извршитељи су полуписмени криминалци са југа Србије.
Претостављамо да иза свега стоје С.А.Д. или ВБ.
Amerikanci...стерамимгамајци...УБИЈАЈУ ...и за... МНОГО МАЊЕ...:think:

" Убиство Председника " је за њих...РУТИНСКА СТВАР...:per:...а..." Убијање Читавих Народа " ...је...УСПУТНА ШТЕТА....:aha2:
Amerikanci...стерамимгамајци...УБИЈАЈУ ...и за... МНОГО МАЊЕ...:think:

" Убиство Председника " је за њих...РУТИНСКА СТВАР...:per:...а..." Убијање Читавих Народа " ...је...УСПУТНА ШТЕТА....:aha2:

Đinđića je ubila druga suprotstavljena mafijaška grupa u borbi za prevlast u asfaltiranju puteva.

Ђинђића је укокао британски М-16 зато што је убио Тапија. Остало је прича за мало децу.
