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Kakve bre 80te, jes ti šlogiran?
1995. prve test mreže, išo na ETF da se uverim.
1995 je vec postojao browser, 80tih nije, ali internet je vec postojao. A sa njim i forumi.
Komercijalni internet
Commercial Internet service providers (ISPs) emerged in 1989 in the United States and Australia. Limited private connections to parts of the Internet by officially commercial entities emerged in several American cities by late 1989 and 1990.
Following the first secure Internet transactions, 1995 is often considered the first year the web became commercialized. While there were commercial enterprises online prior to '95, there were a few key developments that happened that year.
IPv4 is defined in RFC 791 (1981) = Internet Protocol
Usenet was conceived in 1979 and publicly established in 1980, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Duke University,[8][2] over a decade before the World Wide Web went online (and thus before the general public received access to the Internet), making it one of the oldest computer network communications systems still in widespread use. It was originally built on the "poor man's ARPANET", employing UUCP as its transport protocol to offer mail and file transfers, as well as announcements through the newly developed news software such as A News. The name "Usenet" emphasizes its creators' hope that the USENIX organization would take an active role in its operation.
Ne znam tacno koje godine sam poceo da koristim email, mislim negde 86-87 otprilike i prvi put cuo za news grupe.
U lokalu je vec odavno postojao i Sezam cim su se pojavili prvi pristupacni modemi.