Чавез против "Отпора"!!!

Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
Roughly three months ago, a group calling itself the Center for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies (CANVAS) began operating in Venezuela. CANVAS' raison d'etre is simple: to teach local forces how to most effectively oppose the authoritarian regimes who rule them. Courtesy of CANVAS, the dustbin of history boasts a few pieces of geopolitical roadkill: former Georgian President Edward Shevardnadze (Rose Revolution, 2003), former Kyrgyz President Askar Akayev (Tulip Revolution, 2005), nearly President Viktor Yanukovich (Orange Revolution, 2004-05) and CANVAS' first-ever foe, former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic (2000).

CANVAS, originally known in Serbia as Otpor (loosely translated as "Resistance"), excels at bridging the gaps between disparate factions, mobilizing popular support, coordinating protest actions and hitting authoritarian governments where it most hurts. It shines at carrying out the sort of activities at which the Venezuelan opposition fails miserably, and it has now contributed to Chavez's first real defeat.

None of this means that the Venezuelan opposition will not again fracture and return to irrelevance. Forces still remain hugely in Chavez's favor, and the president already has indicated that his constitutional revisions will be back, one way or another. Chavez certainly is going to take a hard look at all the levers of power to ensure that defections and the media cannot again be used against him. A purge -- a broad one -- is brewing.

u poslednjem broju Z magazina detaljno se govori o fondacijama koje su finansirale Otpor i druga pro-americka svrgavanja vlada

jel ti aleksandre uopste razumes poentu onog klipa ili si ga okacio samo jer si video simbol? :?

oce neko da mi objasni zasto najvatreniji radikali,pa i ovi forumski - uporno i iskreno podrzavaju komunizam i druga chaveza :?

ako ako...
dosao dan da se i s "radikalnima" oko neceg slozimo...
nevjerojatno, sutra padaju zabe - bilo je u dnevniku, obaveznoponesite kisobrane ako izlazite
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
