Britanija - zabranjeno slikanje na ulici!!!


Aktivan član
Street Photography Now Illegal In United Kingdom

Kurt Nimmo
Prison Planet
Thursday, December 20, 2007

In Merry Old England, it is now illegal to take photographs. If you do so in public, the cops will consider you an active member of al-Qaeda.

“Police have seized films from an amateur photographer, accusing him of obtaining photographs of possibly sensitive material in Hull city centre,” reports Amateur Photographer. “Photo enthusiast Steve Carroll… said that the officers objected to him photographing ’sensitive buildings’, one later adding that people had been anxious about his use of the camera.”

In other words, it is now illegal in Britain to be a street photographer and if you are caught in the process the cops will grab your film, sort of like they did in the Soviet Union.

Soon after everything changed in America, I had a similar experience on the U.S.-Mexico border. A border guard on the U.S. side saw my camera and threatened to steal it if he saw me taking photos. On another occasion, two cop cars surrounded me on the street after somebody made a call, probably mistaking me for Osama bin Laden. I do wear a beard, after all.

I was lucky, though. Others have experienced worse. Consider the following, posted on the Digital Photography Review website:

A friend of mine was out taking interesting shots in a mid-sized U.S. city. At one point, he stopped on the side of a road and took a shot of a gritty-looking power plant (non-nuclear) across a wide river. An interesting shot with several large smoke stacks, etc. At this time, a local police officer pulled over and started questioning him regarding what he was doing. My friend is mild-mannered and not the type to provoke someone, least of all a police officer, but the officer was pretty belligerent. After some time, the office calmed down and told my friend to “be careful”, and then drove off.

A couple weeks later, my friend got a phone call from an FBI person, saying he was following up on some names on a terrorist “watch list”. (Not sure I got the name of this right, but you get the idea.) Lots of questions were asked, and answered, and that seemed to be the end of it, although my friend is undoubtedly still on some list. I should add that my friend is not of Middle-Eastern descent, and was born in the U.S. and has lived here all his life.

Of course, it does not matter if one is of “Middle-Eastern descent,” as the point is to remind all of us that we live in a police state.
Ovog leta sam fotografisao kasarnu u mom rodnom molbu drugara, koji je vojno lice.
Niko mi nista nije rekao - vidis sta je SLOBODA bre!!!
Naravno posle sam iste dostavio na adresu KGB, CIA, FBI, MI5, MOSSAD-a uz malu nadoknadu...
Slike sam poslao i onim sosonima u BIA jer sam siguran da ih nemaju...
Ovog leta sam fotografisao kasarnu u mom rodnom molbu drugara, koji je vojno lice.
Niko mi nista nije rekao - vidis sta je SLOBODA bre!!!
Naravno posle sam iste dostavio na adresu KGB, CIA, FBI, MI5, MOSSAD-a uz malu nadoknadu...
Slike sam poslao i onim sosonima u BIA jer sam siguran da ih nemaju...

Ovaj...sta je pisac hteo da kaze, to verovatno ni njemu nije jasno, ali nema veze, vazno da si mi ti ziv i zdrav;)
Dakle, nemoj neko, ko putuje u Britaniju da se zayebe i pocne da glumi impresioniranog turistu i pocne da snima neku katedralu npr, ima odmah da vas u"apse. Britanija polako i sigurno pocinje da lici na najgore totalitarne rezime.

Kolega, ovo liči na najgori stadijum panike ...(I zaslužili su!) Ali nisam siguran da se to dešava slučajno. U ime bezbednosti nacije oni na vlasti sebi otvaraju put u diktaturu. :wink:
Плати па клати... ја снимао неки кратак филм на Калишу пре два месеца и дошо баја и одма тражио дозволе и папире на које се чека пааа по 10 дана.... али кад је чуо да посећујем крсту испостави се да је колега одавде, паз бисера :) . Снимао после цео дан без дозволе и узнемиравања и да цимам оне из Завода за заштиту споменика. А и била једна млада глумица.... можда зато...насмејаће се он кад прочита ово...
samo ti izvadi aparat koji je malo veci od nekog obicnog, npr Fuji S5600, koji ja koristim, pa da vidis kako ce da ti se stvore mamlazi koji te pitaju zasto slikas.....
i, ponavljam, nije to samo na vazi sa sve malo "lepse" gradjevine u Bg...skoro uvek se nadje neko obezbedjenje koje ce da te propituje....

Mozda te propituje ali te ne smatra za clana al kaide. I ne propituje te policija vec neki bolidi iz obezbedjenja. Ranije, za vreme komunizma bilo je zayebano slikati i snimati kojekuda. Medjutim, sad nije tako. Koliko stranih turista prosparta Bgd-om sa sve aparatima i kamerama i snima sve i svasta. To u Britaniji sada nije dozvoljeno pa ona pocinje da lici na zemlju rigidnog komunizma ili kako vec...
A pripazite se i u Chikagu...

Chicago Tourists and Photographers Now Considered al-Qaeda

In Chicago, tourists consulting maps and those with cameras are now to be considered to be with al-Qaeda.

Chicago’s “Bureau of Strategic Deployment” has issued an “awareness bulletin” advising snitches to turn in people using binoculars, cameras, and maps to the Deployment Operation Center, apparently part and parcel of the Ministry of Homeland Security. “See Something, Say Something, Call 991,” posters demand of the citizenry.
:roll::roll::roll:... свашта, ја немам такво искуство... додуше можда зато што немам велики фото апарат.....:lol::lol::lol:

probaj sa nekim "malo vecim", i po mogucnosti crnim :)....odmah ce da doleti neko iz one govedarske organizacije Tvrdjava ili kako se zovu da te pitaju sto slikas....cak, po pravilu, bi trebalo da uzmes besplatnu dozvolu za slikanje kalisa (ako ne slikas u komercijalne svrhe)....
