Secate se Litvinenka koji je otrovan radioaktivnim materijalom? Secate se kakvu su britanci pompu u medijima pravili optuzujuci Rusiju?
Najveci gadovi sveta-anglosaksonci. Koliko se secam svojevremeno je MI6 postavio bombu u Belfastu gde se poginuli neki Protestanti a zatim za to optuzili IRAu.
WikiLeaks cables: Russia 'was tracking killers of Alexander Litvinenko but UK warned it off'
Russia was tracking the assassins of dissident spy Alexander Litvinenko before he was poisoned but was warned off by Britain, which said the situation was "under control", according to claims made in a leaked US diplomatic cable.
The secret memo, recording a 2006 meeting between an ex-CIA bureau chief and a former KGB officer, is set to reignite the diplomatic row surrounding Litvinenko's unsolved murder that year, which many espionage experts have linked directly to the Kremlin.
The latest WikiLeaks release comes after relations between Moscow and London soured as a result of Britain's decision to expel a Russian parliamentary researcher suspected of being a spy.
Najveci gadovi sveta-anglosaksonci. Koliko se secam svojevremeno je MI6 postavio bombu u Belfastu gde se poginuli neki Protestanti a zatim za to optuzili IRAu.
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