Bič Bojs - tekstovi pesama (Beach Boys lyrics)


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The Beach Boys

The Beach Boys su pop grupa osnovana u Hawthorne, Kalifornija 1961 čija je popularnost ostvarena i u 21. stoljeću. Originalana grupa sastojala se od pjevača-glazbenika-skladatelja Briana Wilsona, njegove braće Carla i Dennisa, njihovog rođaka Mikea Lovea i prijatelja Alana Jardinea. Mnoge promjene su se dogodile u glazbi, pa i u članovima grupe, ali vrhunac su bile bolesti Briana Wilsona, smrt Dennisa Wilsona 1983 i Carla Wilsona 1998 i pravne brobe sa ostatkom grupe. The Beach Boys su nastavili svoju turneju sa novim ali i starim članovima u 2005. Snimili su mnoge Top 40 hitove, albume best sellere i četiri US #1 singla, a primljeni su i u Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 1988.


Grupa se sastojala od Briana Wilsona, njegove braće Carla i Dennisa, njihovog rođaka Mikea Lovea i školskog prijatelja Alana Jardinea, a osnovana je u Hawthorne, Kalifornija 1961. Prve inspiracje stizale su od oca braće Wilson, Murrya i vokalnih grupa kao The Four Freshmen. Na početku grupa se predstavljala kao The Pendletones, nakon što su Pendleton vunene majice bile popularne. Iako su surferski motivi bili jako zastupljeni u prvim pjesmama, jedini pravi surfer bio je Dennis. On je predložio braći da proslave njegov hobi i mjesto djelovanja, Južna Kalifornija.

Na početku Murry Wilson je bio njihov menedžer i vodio karijeru pjevanja sa Capitol Records. 1964. Brian Wilson otpustio je njegova oca nakon svađe u studiju. Nakon smrti Murrya Wilsona, Brian nije bio na pogrebu.

Njihove prve pjesme temeljile su se na život mladih u Kaliforniji (npr. ˝All Summer Long˝, ˝Fun, Fun, Fun˝), automobile (˝Little Deuce Coupe˝) i surfanje (˝Surfin' USA˝, ˝Surfin' Safri˝ itd.). Oni su postali najpoznatija američka pop grupa, ali i svjetska sve do 1964. kada su se pojavili The Beatles koji su im postali največi rivali.

Kao i The Beatles, The Beach Boys su razvili svoju glazbu u 60-ima, a ona se temeljila na proucentima kao Burt Bacharach i Phil Spector. Oni su producirali hit ˝California Girls˝ 1965. Takav uspjeh doživjeli su glazbenici poput The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Byrds i James Brown. No teret da stvore mit američke slobode ležao je ipk na Beach Boysima.

Brianove inovacije i osobni problemi

Brian, Dennis, and Al Jardine u studiju, 1966

Tijekom 1964. Brian je počeo dobivati napadaje i odustao je od turneja sa grupom da bi se posvetio pisanju pjesama i produkciji. Tada je Bruce Johnston postao stalni član grupe.

Brianova stručnost u studiju i njegova sofisticirana glazbena djela dala su plod 1966., to je bio album Pet Sounds. Singlovi kao ˝Wouldn't It Be Nice˝ i ˝God Only Knows˝ (koje su po prvi put pokazale Carla kao glavnig vokalista) pokazuju Brianov talent kao skladatelj i producent. Govori se da je pjesma ˝God Only Knows˝ prva američka pop pjesma koja je imala riječ ˝God˝ (eng. za Bog). ˝˝Caroline, No˝, također uzeta iz Pet Sounds je izdana kao solo Briana Wilsona, jedini solo Briana Wilsona u ranim godinama u Capitol Records.

Taj album je bio svjetski poznat i Paul McCartney je rekao da mu je to najdraži album svih vremena i da je dao važan utjecaj na album Beatlesa pod imenom Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Iako je dobio vrlo pozitivne kritike Capitol Records dao mu je slabe ocjene i to je utjecalo na njegov rang (samo # 10). Njegov pad utjecao je duboko na Briana.

Brian je pokušao iskoristiti prdnosti Pet Sounds te je nastavio sa još ambicijoznijim projektom. Njegov plod bio je ˝Good Vibrations˝, koji je Brian opisao kao ˝džepnu simfoniju˝. Pjesma je postala njihov najveći hit do danas, a 1966. je postala US i UK # 1 na Top Listi, a mongi kritičari su je smatrali jednom od najboljih rock singlova svih vremena. Mojo Music Magazine je 1997. pjesmu proglasio ˝Najbolji singl svih vremena˝, 2000. VH1 ju je stavio na mjesto broj 8 od ˝100 Greatest Rock Songs˝, a kasne 2004. Rolling Stone Magazine ju je stavio na mjesto broj 6 od ˝500 Best Songs Of All Time˝. Također je prijavljena svota od $16,000 - možda najskuplja američka pjesma - a neki albumi su prijavili manju svotu od samo te jedne pjesme.

Iako mu se osobni život raspadao, njegova glazba u tim godinama bila je izvanredna. Njegovi sve veći problemi postali su stalne teme razgovora. On je koristio drogu, dobio je na težini, padao u duboku depresiju a postao je i paranoičan. Njegovo stanje se na kraju diagnosticiralo kao shizofrenija.

Smrti Carla i Dennisa Wilsona

U kasnim 70-im Dennis je također počeo patiti od droge i alkohola, i tako su neki koncerti bili obilježeni sa pijanošću i drogiranošću nekih članova. Grupa je bila prisiljena ispričati se javnosti nakon katastrofalnog koncerta u Sydneyu 1979. gdje su većina članova bili pijani. Iako često pijan, Dennis je ostvario svoj prvi solo projekt Pacific Ocean Blue, i tako lansirati novi projekt Bamboo.

Za blagdan 4. srpnja 1980. The Beach Boys su održali koncert National Mallu u Washingtonu pred mnoštvom. Tradicija se nastavila još dvije godine no 1983. Ministar unutarnjih poslova James Watt im je zabranio koncerte u Mallu jer je rock imao ˝negativan˝ utjecaj. No 1985. Nancy Reagan, žena Ronalda Reagana im se ispričala i ponovo su se vratili u Mall. Zadnji put kad su The Beach Boys nastupili u Mallu bilo je 2005.

Dennisovi problemi počeli su se razvijati u ranim 80-ima, a 1983. je poginuo utopivši se u pijanom stanju pokušavajući sakupiti stravi baćene s broda.

Nakon tragične smrti Dennisa Wilsona The Beach Boys su nastavili dalje i uspjeli su napraviti # 1 hit 1988. pod imenom ˝Kokomo˝ koji je postao najbolji best-seller.

Tragedija je obitelj Wilson zadesila i 1998. kada je Carl Wilson preminuo od raka pluća. Iako Johnston i Love nastupaju pod imenom ˝The Beach Boys˝, nitko iz stare grupe nije sa njima.


Primljeni u Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 1988. i Vocal Group Hall of Fame 1998.


Originalni Članovi
Brian Wilson (1942-danas)
Carl Wilson (1946-1998)
Dennis Wilson (1944-1983)
Mike Love (1941-danas)
Alan Jardine (1942-danas)
Bruce Johnston (1944-danas)

Ostali Članovi

Bivši Članovi
David Marks (1947-danas)
Ricky Fataar (1952-danas)
Blondie Chaplin
Glen Campbell (1936-danas)

Članovi na današnjim turnejama sa Loveom i Johnstonom
Mike Kowalski
Cris Farmer
Tim Bonhomme
John Cowsill
Scott Totten
Randall Kirsch

Izvor: Wikipedia


Surfin' Safari

(Brian Wilson/Mike Love)

Let's go surfin' now
Everybody's learning how
Come on and safari with me
(Come on and safari with...)

Early in the morning we'll be startin' out
Some honeys will be coming along
We're loading up our Woody
With our boards inside
And headin' out singing our song

Come on (surfin') baby wait and see (surfin' safari)
Yes I'm gonna (surfin') take you surfin' (surfin' safari)with me
Come along (surfin') baby wait and see (surfin' safari)
Yes I'm gonna (surfin') take you surfin' (surfin' safari)with me

Let's go surfin' now
Everybody's learning how
Come on and safari with me
(Come on and safari with...)

At Huntington and Malibu
They're shooting the pier
At Rincon they're walking the nose
We're going on safari to the islands this year
So if you're coming get ready to go

Come on (surfin') baby wait and see (surfin' safari)
Yes I'm gonna (surfin') take you surfin' (surfin' safari)with me
Come along (surfin') baby wait and see (surfin' safari)
Yes I'm gonna (surfin') take you surfin' (surfin' safari)with me

Let's go surfin' now
Everybody's learning how
Come on and safari with me
(Come on and safari with...)

They're anglin' in Laguna in Cerro Azul
They're kicking out in Dohini too
I tell you surfing's mighty wild
It's getting bigger every day
From Hawaii to the shores of Peru

Come on (surfin') baby wait and see (surfin' safari)
Yes I'm gonna (surfin') take you surfin' (surfin' safari)with me
Come along (surfin') baby wait and see (surfin' safari)
Yes I'm gonna (surfin') take you surfin' (surfin' safari)with me

Let's go surfin' now
Everybody's learning how
Come on and safari with me
(Come on and safari with...)

With me
Surfin' Safari
With me
Surfin' Safari
With me
Surfin' Safari
With me
Surfin' Safari
With me
Surfin' Safari
With me
Surfin' Safari
With me
Surfin' Safari
"County Fair"

(Brian Wilson/Gary Usher)

This time each year in our hometown
The county fair comes our way
Where the folks gather round to be happy and spend their day
A-here's what happened now,
I soon decide that I'd take with me
The most specialest girl I knew
I had her pack us a lunch and on down the dirt road we flew

(Hurry hurry, step right up and win your girl a stuffed koala bear)
[Aw, come on Nicky. Win me a koala bear]
(Break the balloon with a dart)
(Yes you son, come up here. Win your girl a stuffed koala bear)
[Oh please win me a koala bear]
(Break the balloon with a dart. Come on son, step right up)
(Get up there, that's a boy)

Right then I knew what I had to do
(Hurry, hurry)
Before that day was through
(Step right up)
I had to win a stuffed doggie or I'd break her poor heart in two
(Hurry, hurry)
(Win a prize)
A let me tell you now,
I passed up a chance when I walked by a booth
(Hurry, hurry)
Where you throw a dart and break a balloon
(Step right up)
I snuck by a couple more, but I had to get caught real soon
(Hurry, hurry)
(Win a prize)

(Step right up, test your strength.)
(Come on son, ring the bell with the hammer)
[Aww, come on muscles]
(Win your girl a stuffed koala bear)
(Come on son, are you a man or a weakling?)
(Yes you, step up here and test your strength)
(Win your girl a stuffed koala bear)
[Come on baby]
(Come on son)

I hit the rubber stump just as hard as I could
(Hurry, hurry)
But I didn't make it ring the bell
(Step right up)
I tried again and again, but I just didn't do so well
(Hurry, hurry)
(Win a prize)
Can you believe it now,
Up walked a fella and he tapped me on the shoulder, said
(Hurry, hurry)
I can win your girl a prize
(Step right up)
So, he flexed all his muscles and knocked the bell up in the sky
(Hurry, hurry)
(Win a prize)

Yeah the big strong guy knocked the bell in the sky
(Hurry, hurry)
Took my girl and the doggie away
(Step right up...)
Yeah the big strong guy knocked the bell in the sky
(Step right up son, test your strength)
Took my girl and the doggie away
(Come on kid, ring the bell)
Yeah the big strong guy knocked the bell in the sky
[Ah, goodbye muscles. I don't need you anymore]
Took my girl and the doggie away
"Ten Little Indians"

(B. Wilson/G. Usher)

Ten little Indian boys

The first little Indian gave squaw pretty feather
(Little Indian boy)
The second little Indian made her an Indian dollar
(Fighting over a squaw)
Well the third little Indian gave her moccasin leather
(Little Indian boy)
The squaw didn't like 'em at all

The fourth little Indian took her riding in his big canoe
(Little Indian boy)
The fifth little Indian took her down the waterfall
(Fighting over a squaw)
The sixth little Indian taught the squaw how to woo-woo
(Little Indian boy)
But the squaw didn't like 'em at all

One little, two little, three little Indians
(Keep us humming we're the ten little Indians)
Four little, five little, six little Indians
(Keep us humming we're the ten little Indians)
Seven little, eight little, nine little Indians
(Keep us humming we're the ten little Indians)
Ten little Indian boys

The seventh little Indian took her over to his teepee
(Little Indian boy)
The eighth little Indian tried to give her a love poem
(Fighting over a squaw)
The ninth little Indian said "You're my Kemosabe"
(Little Indian boy)
The squaw didn't like 'em at all

The tenth little Indian said it really didn't matter
(Little Indian boy)
He acted like himself and he didn't look at her
(Fighting over a squaw)
The squaw didn't care if he never did a thing
(Little Indian boy)
Cause she loved the tenth Indian boy

Loved the tenth Indian boy
Loved the tenth Indian boy
Loved the tenth Indian boy

(Brian Wilson/Gary Usher)

Here a mug, there a mug, everybody chug-a-lug
Here a mug, there a mug, everybody chug-a-lug

Gary likes a girl's tight black pants
Larry knows he doesn't stand a chance
Carl says hurry up and order it quick
Dave gets out to chase that chick

Dennis wonders what's under the hood
A big chrome tach and it sounds real good
I go down to the root beer stand
And drink up all that I can

Give me some root beer (chug-a-lug chug-a-lug chug-a-lug)
Give me some root beer (chug-a-lug chug-a-lug chug-a-lug)
Give me some root beer (chug-a-lug chug-a-lug chug-a-lug)
Cold beer, root beer
Here a mug, there a mug, everybody chug-a-lug

Brian's still glued to the radio
Louie's lookin' out the rear window
Guy's got around to orderin' fries
But root beer's my best buy

Give me some root beer (chug-a-lug chug-a-lug chug-a-lug)
Give me some root beer (chug-a-lug chug-a-lug chug-a-lug)
Give me some root beer (chug-a-lug chug-a-lug chug-a-lug)
Cold beer, root beer
Here a mug, there a mug, everybody chug-a-lug

Give me some root beer (chug-a-lug chug-a-lug chug-a-lug)
Give me some root beer (chug-a-lug chug-a-lug chug-a-lug)
Give me some root beer (chug-a-lug chug-a-lug chug-a-lug)
Cold beer, root beer
Here a mug, there a mug, everybody chug-a-lug

Root beer, need another mug now
Root beer, chug-a-lug-a-lug now
Root beer, need another mug now
Root beer, chug-a-lug-a-lug now
Root beer, need another mug now
Root beer, chug-a-lug-a-lug now
"Little Girl (You're My Miss America)"


(Sha da da da da da ooh yeah yeah) (my Miss America)
(Sha da da da da da ooh hey hey) (my Miss America)
(Sha da da da da da ooh yeah yeah) (my Miss America)
(Sha da da da da da ooh hey hey) (my Miss America)

Little girl just in your teens (you're my Miss America)
Little girl you're in my dreams (you're my Miss America)
You're so sweet, you're so fine
Dear won't you be mine
Everybody knows it

(Sha da da da da da ooh yeah yeah) (my Miss America)
(Sha da da da da da ooh hey hey) (my Miss America)
(Sha da da da da da ooh yeah yeah) (my Miss America)
(Sha da da da da da ooh hey hey)

Blue eyes, blond hair
Lips like a movie star

Little girl with heart of gold (you're my Miss America)
Little girl with lips untold (you're my Miss America)
You're so sweet, you're so fine
Hey, won't you be mine
Everybody knows it

(Sha da da da da da ooh yeah yeah) (my Miss America)
(Sha da da da da da ooh hey hey) (my Miss America)
(Sha da da da da da ooh yeah yeah) (my Miss America)
(Sha da da da da da ooh hey hey)

Blue eyes, blond hair
Lips like a movie star

Little girl with heart of gold (you're my Miss America)
Little girl with lips untold (you're my Miss America)
You're so sweet, you're so fine
Hey, won't you be mine
Everybody knows it

(Sha da da da da da ooh yeah yeah) (my Miss America)
(Sha da da da da da ooh hey hey) (my Miss America)
(Sha da da da da da ooh yeah yeah) (my Miss America)
(Sha da da da da da ooh hey hey)

(Brian Wilson/Gary Usher)

She's real fine my 409
She's real fine my 409
My 409

Well I saved my pennies and I saved my dimes
(Giddy up giddy up 409)
For I knew there would be a time
(Giddy up giddy up 409)
When I would buy a brand new 409
(409, 409)
Giddy up giddy up giddy up 409
(Giddy up giddy up 409)
Giddy up 409
(Giddy up giddy up 409)
Giddy up 409
(Giddy up giddy up 409)
Giddy up 40...

Nothing can catch her
Nothing can touch my 409
409 ooooo
(Giddy up giddy up oooo)
(Giddy up giddy up oooo)
(Giddy up giddy up oooo)
(Giddy up giddy up)

When I take her to the track she really shines
(Giddy up giddy up 409)
She always turns in the fastest times
(Giddy up giddy up 409)
My four speed dual quad posi-traction 409
(409, 409, 409, 409)

Giddy up giddy up giddy up 409
(Giddy up giddy up 409)
Giddy up 409
(Giddy up giddy up 409)
Giddy up 409
(Giddy up giddy up 409)
Giddy up 40...

Nothing can catch her
Nothing can touch my 409
(409 409 409 409)
Giddy up 409
(409 409 409 409)
Giddy up 409
(409 409 409 409)

(Brian Wilson/Mike Love)

Surfin' is the only life
The only way for me.
Now surf, surf with me

Bom Bom Dit Di Dit Dip
Bom Bom Dit Di Dit Dip
I got up this mornin' turned on my radio
I was checkin' on the surfin' scene
To see if I would go
And when the DJ tells me that the surfin' is fine
That's when I know my baby and I will have a good time

We're going surfin'
Bom bom dip di dit
Bom bom dip di dit
Bom bom dip di dit
Bom bom dip di dit
Bom bom dip di dit
Bom bom dip di dit
Bom bom dip di dit
Bom bom dip di dit

Surfin' is the only life the only way for me
Now surf
Surf with me
Bom bom dip di dit
Bom bom dip di dit

From the early morning to the middle of the night
Any time the surf is up the time is right
And when the surf is down to take its place
We'll do the Surfer's Stomp it's the latest dance craze

We're going surfin'
Bom bom dip di dit
Bom bom dip di dit
Bom bom dip di dit
Bom bom dip di dit
Bom bom dip di dit
Bom bom dip di dit
Bom bom dip di dit
Bom bom dip di dit
Bom bom dip di dit
Bom bom dip di dit

Surfin' is the only life the only way for me
Now surf
Surf with me
Bom bom dip di dit
Bom bom dip di dit

Now the dawn is breaking and we really gotta go
But we'll be back here very soon that you better know
Yeah my surfer knots are rising and my board is losing wax
But that won't stop me baby cause you know I'm coming back

We're going surfin'
Bom bom dip di dit
Bom bom dip di dit
Bom bom dip di dit
Bom bom dip di dit
Bom bom dip di dit
Bom bom dip di dit
Bom bom dip di dit
Bom bom dip di dit
Bom bom dip di dit
Bom bom dip di dit

Surfin' is the only life the only way for me
Now come on pretty baby and surf with me

Bom bom dip di dit
Bom bom dip di dit
Bom bom dip di dit
Bom bom dip di dit
Bom bom dip di dit
Bom bom dip di dit
"Heads You Win, Tails I Lose"

(Brian Wilson/Gary Usher)

Every time
We have a fight
We flip a coin
To see who's right

Why do we have to gamble just to see who's right?
Why can't we arbitrarily resolve a fight?
But with you're style of gamblin' there's no chance to win
That's how it is, and that's the way it's always been

Heads, you win
Tails, I lose
Heads, you win
Tails, I lose
Bad news

If we were playing cards you'd be the one to deal
You'd play with loaded dice and fix the roulette wheel
You pick 'em at the races like I've never seen
And then you make me pay off like a slot machine

Heads, you win
Tails, I lose
Heads, you win
Tails, I lose
Bad news

Oh well, match me honey (match me honey)
Take my money (take my money)
You know the odds are your's (flip it baby)
So flip the coin

I'm gonna make some changes with this gamblin' game
From now on I'm the dealer and I'll do the same
I'll load my dice and stack the deck and fix the odds again
So if you want to flip to see who's right I know I'll win

Heads, I win
Tails, you lose
Heads, I win
Tails, you lose
Bad news

Oh well, match me honey (match me honey)
Take my money (take my money)
You know the odds are your's (flip it baby)
So flip the coin

I'm gonna make some changes with this gamblin' game
From now on I'm the dealer and I'll do the same
I'll load my dice and stack the deck and fix the odds again
So if you want to flip to see who's right I know I'll win

Heads, I win
Tails, you lose
Heads, I win
Tails, you lose
Bad news

Heads, I win
Tails, you lose
Heads, I win
Tails, you lose
Bad news
"Summertime Blues"

(E. Cochran/J. Capeheart)

I'm gonna raise a fuss, I'm gonna raise a holler
About a workin' all summer just to try to earn a dollar
Every time I call my baby, and ask to get a date
My boss says, "No dice son, you gotta work late"
Sometimes I wonder what I'm a gonna do
But there ain't no cure for the summertime blues

Well my mom and pop told me, "Son you gotta make some money"
If you want to use the car to go ridin' next Sunday
Well I didn't go to work, told the boss I was sick
"Well you can't use the car 'cause you didn't work a lick"
Sometimes I wonder what I'm a gonna do
But there ain't no cure for the summertime blues

I'm gonna take the weeks, gonna have a fine vacation
I'm gonna take my problem to the United Nations
Well I called my congressman and he said "Whoa!"
"I'd like to help you son but you're too young to vote"
Sometimes I wonder what I'm a gonna do
But there ain't no cure for the summertime blues
"The Shift"

(Brian Wilson/Mike Love)

Check out the chick with the new dress on
(Wearin' a shift and it looks real fine)
The call it a shift and it comes on strong
(Wearin' a shift and it looks real fine)
When she's got it on, well she can't do no wrong
(Wearin' a shift, wearin' a shift)

You may think a dress can't do very much
(Wearin' a shift really turns me on)
With the slit up the side, you can't resist that touch
(Wearin' a shift really turns me on)
It's tighter than a moo-moo and it's just too much
(Wearin' a shift, wearin' a shift)

(Turns me on now) (get a shift now)
(Can't go wrong now) (go wrong now)
(Turns me on now) (get a shift now)
(Turns me on now) (turns me on now)

Get your girl a shift and she'll look real fine
(Wearin' a shift and it's just too much)
It fits like a glove and drives you outta your mind
(Wearin' a shift and it's just too much)
She'll ball it with her shift on and we'll have a good time
(Wearin' a shift, wearin' a shift)

(Turns me on now) (get a shift now)
(Turns me on now) (get a shift now)
(Turns me on now) (get a shift now)
(Turns me on now) (get a shift now)
(Turns me on now) (get a shift now)
(Turns me on now) (get a shift now)
"Surfin' USA"

(Chuck Berry/Brian Wilson)

If everybody had an ocean
Across the U. S. A.
Then everybody'd be surfin'
Like Californi-a
You'd seem 'em wearing their baggies
Huarachi sandals too
A bushy bushy blonde hairdo
Surfin' U. S. A.

You'd catch 'em surfin' at Del Mar
Ventura County line
Santa Cruz and Trestle
Australia's Narrabeen
All over Manhattan
And down Doheny Way

Everybody's gone surfin'
Surfin' U.S.A.

We'll all be planning that route
We're gonna take real soon
We're waxing down our surfboards
We can't wait for June
We'll all be gone for the summer
We're on surfari to stay
Tell the teacher we're surfin'
Surfin' U. S. A.

Haggerties and Swamies
Pacific Palisades
San Onofre and Sunset
Redondo Beach L. A.
All over La Jolla
At Wa'imea Bay.

Everybody's gone surfin'
Surfin' U.S. A.

Everybody's gone surfin'
Surfin' U.S. A.

Everybody's gone surfin'
Surfin' U.S. A.
"Farmer's Daugher"

(Brian Wilson)

I could come from miles away
Ain't got (ain't got, ain't got)
No place to stay (place to stay, place to stay)
Glad to (glad to, glad to)
Help you plow your fields (help you plow, help you plow)
Farmer's daughter (farmer's daughter, farmer's daughter)

Might be (might be, might be)
Just a couple of days (couple of days, couple of days)
Clean up (clean up, clean up)
Rest and on my way (on my way, on my way)
Thank you (thank you, thank you)
And I'm must obliged (much obliged, much obliged)
Farmer's daughter (farmer's daughter, farmer's daughter)


So long (so long, so long)
Better leave your land (leave your land, leave your land)
Many thanks (many thanks, many thanks)
It was mighty grand (mighty grand, mighty grand)
I do (hope to, hope to)
Hope to see you again (see you again see you again)
Farmer's daughter (farmer's daughter, farmer's daughter)

Oh oh
Farmer's daughter (farmer's daughter, farmer's daughter)

Oh oh
Farmer's daughter (farmer's daughter, farmer's daughter)
"Lonely Sea"

(Gary Usher/Brian Wilson)

The lonely sea
The lonely sea
It never stops
For you or me
It moves along
From day to day

That's why my love (oooo-oooo-oooo)
That's why my love (oooo-oooo-oooo)
You'll never stay (oooo-oooo-oooo)
You'll never stay (oooo-oooo-oooo)

This pain in my heart (ooooooooo)
These tears in my eyes (ooooooooo)
Please tell the truth (ooooooooo)
You're like the lonely sea (sea)
Sea (sea)
The lonely sea (sea)

(Lonely sea lonely sea)
(Lonely sea lonely sea)
Lonely sea

(Lonely sea lonely sea)
(Lonely sea lonely sea)
Lonely sea

(Lonely sea lonely sea)
(Lonely sea lonely sea)
Lonely sea
"Shut Down"

(Brian Wilson/Roger Christian)

Tach it up, tach it up
Buddy gonna shut you down

It happened on the strip where the road is wide
(Oooo rev it up now)
Two cool shorts standin' side by side
(Oooo rev it up now)
Yeah, my fuel injected Stingray and a four-thirteen
(Oooo rev it up now)
Revvin' up our engines and it sounds real mean
(Oooo rev it up now)

Tach it up, tach it up, tach it up
Buddy gonna shut you down

Declinin' numbers at an even rate
(Oooo movin' out now)
At the count of one we both accelerate
(Oooo movin' out now)
My Stingray is light the slicks are startin' to spin
(Oooo movin' out now)
But the four-thirteen's really diggin' in
(Oooo movin' out now)

Gotta be cool now power shift here we go

Superstock Dart is windin' out in low
But my fuel injected Stingray's really startin' to go
To get the traction I'm ridin' the clutch
My pressure plate's burnin' that machine's too much

Pedal's to the floor hear the dual quads drink
(Oooo pump it up now)
And now the four-thirteen's lead is startin' to shrink
(Oooo pump it up now)
He's hot with ram induction but it's understood
(Oooo pump it up now)
I got a fuel injected engine sittin' under my hood
(Oooo pump it up now)

Shut it off, shut it off buddy now I shut you down
Shut it off, shut it off buddy now I shut you down
Shut it off, shut it off buddy now I shut you down
Shut it off, shut it off buddy now I shut you down
Shut it off, shut it off buddy now I shut you down
"Noble Surfer"

(Brian Wilson)

Noble (ain't joshin')
Surfer (ain't joshin')
He's the number one man (he's movin')

The surfers call him "Noble"
And that's just what he is
He's dedicated to the mighty sea

Surfin' night and day
Never twice in one spot
He's somethin' you and I would like to be

Noble (ain't joshin')
Surfer (ain't joshin')
He's the number one man (he's movin')

Noble (he's movin')
Noble (ain't joshin')
Surfer (ain't joshin')
He's the number one man (he's movin')

He's not afraid of body whop
From ten feet or more
He never backs away from a swell

Hurachis on his feet
Bushy hair on his head
And where he's going he'd never tell

Noble (ain't joshin')
Surfer (ain't joshin')
He's the number one man (he's movin')

Noble (he's movin')
Noble (ain't joshin')
Surfer (ain't joshin')
He's the number one man (he's movin')

Noble (ain't joshin')
Surfer (ain't joshin')
He's the number one man (he's movin')

Noble (he's movin')
Noble (ain't joshin')
Surfer (ain't joshin')
He's the number one man (he's movin')

A surfin' Cassanova
With his customized board
A Woody and his dirty white jeans

He takes his choice of honeys
Up and down the coast
The finest surfer yet to make the scene

Noble (ain't joshin')
Surfer (ain't joshin')
He's the number one man (he's movin')

Noble (he's movin')
Noble (ain't joshin')
Surfer (ain't joshin')
He's the number one man (he's movin')

Noble (he's movin')
Noble (ain't joshin')
Surfer (ain't joshin')
He's the number one man (he's movin')

Noble (he's movin')
Noble (ain't joshin')

(Brian Wilson)

Lana Lana oh Lana dear
Please come along with me

We'll go (Lana dear) we'll go (Lana dear)
So far away (Lana dear) (Lana dear)
So happy (Lana dear) we will be (Lana dear)

I'll show (come with me) I'll show (come with me)
You another world (come with me) (come with me)
Alone (come with me) with silver (come with me) and gold (Lana dear)


Don't dear (Lana dear) please don't (Lana dear)
Don't be afraid (Lana dear) (Lana dear)
It's heaven (Lana dear) I've been told (Lana dear) (Lana dear)

Lana (come with me) Lana (come with me) Oh Lana dear (come with me)
Please (come with me) come along (come with me) with me (Lana dear)

Lana (Lana dear) Lana (Lana dear) oh Lana dear (Lana dear) (Lana dear)
Please (Lana dear) come along (Lana dear) with me (Lana dear)
"Finders Keepers"

(Brian Wilson)

I kicked out of the surf
And stuck my board in the sand
And then up in my Woody
To a hamburger stand
And when I got back
My nine five board was gone

She said yeah she said
(Finders keepers)
Finders keepers
(Losers weepers)
Losers weepers
(Finders keepers)
Finders keepers
Finders keepers
Losers weepers

I saw a Hodaddy
Paddlin' out by the pier
Well he musta got my board
'Cause mine isn't here
But I know how to fix him
I'll just raise that meatball flag

He said yeah he said
(Finders keepers)
Finders keepers
(Losers weepers)
Losers weepers
(Finders keepers)
Finders keepers
Finders keepers
Losers weepers

He took off on a swell
When he saw the flag
He's just a crazy Hodaddy
Pullin' some kind of gag
He went over the falls
And now my board's
Coming back to me

I said yes I said
(Finders keepers)
Finders keepers
(Losers weepers)
Losers weepers
(Finders keepers)
Finders keepers
Finders keepers
Losers weepers

That'll teach him to mess with my board
Next pass next time . . .
"Surfer Girl"

(Brian Wilson)

Little surfer little one
Made my heart come all undone
Do you love me, do you surfer girl
Surfer girl my little surfer girl

I have watched you on the shore
Standing by the ocean's roar
Do you love me do you surfer girl
Surfer girl surfer girl

We could ride the surf together
While our love would grow
In my Woody I would take you everywhere I go
So I say from me to you
I will make your dreams come true
Do you love me do you surfer girl
Surfer girl my little surfer girl
Girl surfer girl my little surfer girl
Girl surfer girl my little surfer girl
Girl surfer girl my little surfer girl
"Catch A Wave"

(Brian Wilson)

Catch a wave and you're sitting on top of the world

Don't be afraid to try the greatest sport around
Everybody tries it once
Those who don't just have to put it down
You paddle out turn around and raise
And baby that's all there is to the coastline craze
You gotta catch a wave and you're sittin' on top of the world

Not just a fad cause it's been going on so long
All the surfers going strong
They said it wouldn't last too long
They'll eat their words with a fork and spoon
And watch 'em they'll hit the road and all be surfin' soon
And when they catch a wave they'll be sittin' on top of the world

Catch a wave and your sittin' on top of the world

So take a lesson from a top-notch surfer boy
Every Saturday boy
But don't treat it like a toy
Just get away from the shady turf
And baby go catch some rays on the sunny surf
And when you catch a wave you'll be sittin on top of the world

Catch a wave and you'll be sittin' on top of the world
Catch a wave and you'll be sittin' on top of the world
Catch a wave and you'll be sittin' on top of the world
"The Surfer Moon"

(Brian Wilson)

There's a moon in the sky somewhere I know
Waiting for all the love to burn below
If you fall and it happens all to soon
Blame it all on the surfer moon

'Neath the hill 'hind the cloud one dreamy night
Rising up throwing down its golden light
If your heart hears this melancholy tune
Then you'll know it's the surfer moon

Brings the tide in
Takes it all away
Helps us ride in
Brings us waves each day
I say

Other moons have brought light and love before
Promising to remain for evermore
But they all disappeared with each new tune
They make way for the surfer moon

"South Bay Surfer"

(Brian Wilson/Dennis Wilson/Al Jardine)

Look out here come those South Bay surfers
California's gettin' hot
There they go cruisin' down that coastline
Lookin' for their favorite spot

We'll find the big one

Oh the boys are rough and
Ready to handle anything

They take the big one

They've got to be the best thing going
South Bay surfers really swing

Okay rock out

Oh Chicago can't you hear them
Hear that shore pound slam

(You're gonna eat it)

It rumbles clear to New York City
Detroit back to old Miam
Philly back to Alabam

You'll catch them surfing
"Little Deuce Coupe"

(Brian Wilson/Roger Christian)

Little deuce Coupe
You don't know what I got
Little deuce Coupe
You don't know what I got

Well I'm not braggin' babe so don't put me down
But I've got the fastest set of wheels in town
When something comes up to me he don't even try
Cause if I had a set of wings man I know she could fly
She's my little deuce coupe
You don't know what I got
(My little deuce coupe)
(You don't know what I got)

Just a little deuce coupe with a flat head mill
But she'll walk a Thunderbird like (she's) it's standin' still
She's ported and relieved and she's stroked and bored.
She'll do a hundred and forty with the top end floored
She's my little deuce coupe
You don't know what I got
(My little deuce coupe)
(You don't know what I got)

She's got a competition clutch with the four on the floor
And she purrs like a kitten till the lake pipes roar
And if that aint enough to make you flip your lid
There's one more thing, I got the pink slip daddy

And comin' off the line when the light turns green
Well she blows 'em outta the water like you never seen
I get pushed out of shape and it's hard to steer
When I get rubber in all four gears

She's my little deuce coupe
You don't know what I got
(My little deuce coupe)
(You don't know what I got)
She's my little deuce coupe
You don't know what I got
(My little deuce coupe)
(You don't know what I got)
She's my little deuce coupe
You don't know what I got
"In My Room"

(Brian Wilson/Gary Usher)

There's a world where I can go and tell my secrets to
In my room, in my room
In this world I lock out all my worries and my fears
In my room, in my room

Do my dreaming and my scheming
Lie awake and pray
Do my crying and my sighing
Laugh at yesterday

Now it's dark and I'm alone
But I won't be afraid
In my room, in my room
In my room, in my room
In my room, in my room

(Brian Wilson)

Do you wanna go
Straight to Hawaii
(Hawaii) Hawaii (Hawaii)
Straight to Hawaii (Hawaii, Hawaii)
Oh do (Honolulu, Waikiki) you wanna come along with me
(Do you wanna come along with me)

I heard about all the pretty girls
With their grass skirts down to their knees
All my life I wanted to see
The island called Hawaii

Go to Hawaii
(Hawaii) Hawaii (Hawaii)
Straight to Hawaii (Hawaii, Hawaii)
Oh do (Honolulu, Waikiki) you wanna come along with me
(Do you wanna come along with me)

Now I don't know what town you're from
But don't tell me that they got bigger waves
Cause everyone that goes
Comes back with nothing but raves

That's in Hawaii
(Hawaii) Hawaii (Hawaii)
That's in Hawaii (Hawaii, Hawaii)
Oh do (Honolulu, Waikiki) you wanna come along with me
(Do you wanna come along with me)

And pretty soon this Winter
They'll hold the surfing championship of the year
Surfer guys and girls
Will be coming from far and near

Go to Hawaii
(Hawaii) Hawaii (Hawaii)
Go to Hawaii (Hawaii, Hawaii)
Oh do (Honolulu, Waikiki) you wanna come along with me
(Do you wanna come along with me)

And you now (Honolulu, Waikiki)
You wanna live Hanah Lee
(Do you wanna come along with me)
Ooo ooo ooo (Honolulu, Waikiki)
Ooo ooo ooo (Do you wanna come along with me)
Ooo ooo ooo (Honolulu, Waikiki)
Ooo ooo ooo (Do you wanna come along with me)
Ooo ooooo (Honolulu, Waikiki)
"Surfers Rule"

(Brian Wilson/Mike Love)

It's a genuine fact that the Surfers rule

It's plastered on the walls all around the school now
(Surfers rule, Surfers rule)
Becoming just as common as a golden rule now
(Surfers rule, Surfers rule)
Take it or leave it but you better believe it
Surfers rule

They burn't it in the grass on the football field now
(Surfers rule, Surfers rule)
Just try to make them cool it and they'll never yield now
(Surfers rule, Surfers rule)
Take what you've heard now and go pass the word now
Surfers rule

It's a genuine fact that the Surfers rule

A woody full of Surfers pullin' long side a wagon
(Surfers rule, Surfers rule)
The Hodaddies sittin' while the Surfers are draggin'
The Surfers are winnin' and they say as they're grinnin'
Surfers rule

Surfers rule
(Four Seasons you better believe it)
Surfers rule
(Four Seasons you better believe it)
Surfers rule
(Four Seasons you better believe it)
Surfers rule
(Four Seasons you better believe it)
Surfers rule
(Four Seasons you better believe it)
Surfers rule
(Four Seasons you better believe it)
