Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.


Zainteresovan član
Једноставно и веома практично питање .

Иако ми нисмо библијски народ тј онај који се помиње у директном контакту са богом .....

Зашто ?

Не кажњавамо АНТИСРБИСТЕ као што су Јевреји много пута кажњавали , како они кажу АНТИСЕМИТЕ ?

Зашто ?

И ако мене питате ....то је решење не свих проблема....али решење великог броја проблема .

А АОНИСРБИСТЕ можемо прогласити само ми и пријетељи....и никакав контра суд не може ту да донесе ослобађајућу пресуду .

Видим да јевећина добронамерних промасила тему ...па да помогнем .

О овим празилуцима који и после 10.000 коментара нису научили да дискутују ...ништа .

Дакле...за писмене


On July 11, 1956, the IDF intelligence chief Major General Yehoshafat Harkabi put forward a plan to assassinate Colonel Mustafa Hafez, Egyptian commander of military intelligence in the Gaza Strip and the man responsible for sending the fedayeen from Gaza to Israel. He was killed by means of an explosive device hidden in a book, which was given to him by an Egyptian double agent. The agent, who did not know what he was carrying, was blinded in the blast.

Another book bomb was sent the next day via the East Jerusalem post office to Colonel Salah Mustafa, the Egyptian military attache in Amman, who had dispatched infiltrators via the West Bank to Israel. He opened the package and was killed in the blast.
Или ово ...


The use of mail bombs became a central tool in the `60s, especially in assassinating German (former Nazi) scientists who were involved in developing advanced weapons in Egypt. They were previously warned not to take part in weapons development, via a scare campaign directed by then Mossad chief Isser Harel. When they did not desist, they became targets.


То је много јефтиније и ефикасније од ратованја и мучења народа .
Или ово ...


The use of mail bombs became a central tool in the `60s, especially in assassinating German (former Nazi) scientists who were involved in developing advanced weapons in Egypt. They were previously warned not to take part in weapons development, via a scare campaign directed by then Mossad chief Isser Harel. When they did not desist, they became targets.

Egipćani i dan danas sanjaju da pobede Izrael u nekom novom ratu? Ili su to konačno zaboravili?
Egipćani i dan danas sanjaju da pobede Izrael u nekom novom ratu? Ili su to konačno zaboravili?


Не знам за тај сан...али ...ево малог потсетника .


The grave of Sheikh Yassin. The mystery that once surrounded assassinations made the enemy fearful by their rarity and sophistication.

The turning point that brought targeted killings back was the Six-Day War. After the war, the fight against Palestinian terror, both in the territories and beyond the borders of Israel, moved targeted killings up the ladder of Israeli intelligence priorities. But the watershed was the murder of 11 Israeli athletes in Munich in 1972. Then prime minister Golda Meir ordered the head of the Mossad at the time, Zvi Zamir, to embark upon a campaign of targeted killings of anyone directly or indirectly connected with the athletes' murder.

Zamir delegated the operation to Mike Harari, head of the Caesarea unit, the Mossad's central operational group.

It was the first time in the history of Israeli intelligence that it had been directed to initiate a "project" - not a one-time killing but a systematic elimination against dozens of people.
ili su ovi tvoji postovi samo proizvod grize savesti sto si ti svojim parama i svojim radom finansirao bombardovanje, a i nezavisnost kosova?


копка те ста сам финансирао мојим парама ?

Интересантно .

Може...али прво да чујем шта си ти финансирао својим ...и они који те плаћају ?

Ослобођење Косова и Метохије ?
Čini mi se da umesto rata predlaže udare na istaknute pojedince KiM-a. Valjda pretpostavlja da u plemenski organizovanim kulturama, eliminacijom vođa, svi polažu oružje!?


Ако ти кажем да си геније , уобразићеш се ....

Рећи ћу ти да си нормалан....тако ће бити блаже .

Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
