Alis Kuper - tekstovi pesama (Alice Cooper lyrics)


Buduća legenda
Alice Cooper

"Ti si jedini cenzor. Ako ti se ne sviđa ono što govorim, imaš izbor. Isključi me."

Ovim tekstom započinje posljednja pjesma na drugom albumu Alice Coopera, "Easy Action". Desetak godina kasnije, Alice Cooper ostvario je svoju najluđu zamisao - pojavio se u nekoliko epizoda prestižne američke kviz emisije The Hollywood Squares; u tom trenutku javnost više nije imala izbor, Coopera se više nije moglo "isključiti" - iako mnogi smatraju da je sudjelovanjem na obiteljskom televizijskom programu Alice prostituirao svoj ugled, istina je drugačija: Alice Cooper postao je nešto više od koncertne atrakcije rezervirane za ljubitelje njegove muzike - uspio je preplaviti medije sa svih strana, i svoj ironičan show premjestio je sa metal stage-a na mnogo širu pozornicu: svijet. Razni novinski članci to potvrđuju: sredinom i krajem sedamdesetih Alice više nije interesantan samo kao freak koji kida glave lutkama i liže zmije. Alice je medijima postao interesantan i jer igra golf sa Bobom Hopeom, zanimljivo im je što ga je Salvador Dalí obožavao, žele znati što misli o politici, što misli o seksu, koje pivo pije... Ukratko, zanima ih sve. Fenomen Alice Coopera zato ne treba promatrati samo kao fenomen rock ikone, jer je njegovo životno djelo u stvari mnogo opsežnije - prvi je među muzičarima shvatio da naša civilizacija funkcionira tako što "upija" sve suprotnosti i ekstravagancije u sebe, odnosno tako što je sve u stanju prodati kao proizvod koji je potom čini bogatijom i jačom. Raspolažući tim saznanjem, uspio je pretvoriti čitav taj mehanizam u sastavni dio vlastite "predstave" - na bizaran način, Alice Cooper postupio je sa medijima onako kako oni obično postupaju sa muzičarima.
Priča o Alice Cooperu počinje 1948. kada je rođen Vincent Furnier. Glazbenu karijeru započeo je sredinom šezdesetih na vrlo neobičan način - osnovao je grupu Earwigs koja je ismijavala Beatlese i njihove frenetične fanove. Nedugo kasnije, Earwigs su prerasli okvire parodije i postali pravi sastav, sa svojim pjesmama. Nekoliko puta mijenjali su ime, da bi 1968. postali Alice Cooper, nazvani prema "vještici" koja je živa spaljena u vrijeme inkvizicije. Vincent Furnier tada je odlučio promijeniti ime i osobno postati Alice Cooper. Iako o razlozima za odabir tog imena postoji nekoliko priča, sam Cooper najčešće je odabir obrazlagao ovako - "Alice Cooper je tako sveameričko ime. Svidjelo mi se što su, u početku, ljudi vjerovali da je Alice Cooper plavokosa folk-pjevačica."
Cooperove glazbene i scenografske koncepcije užasnule su javnost na način koji je u današnje vrijeme teško razumjeti. U doba kada su hippie ideje o slobodnoj ljubavi i širenju percepcije izazivale užas u američkoj javnosti, a diskografske kuće uglavnom nisu željele objaviti ništa što bi pretjerano vrijeđalo američki ukus, Alice Cooper prskao je publiku krvlju, otkidao glave lutkama, organizirao glumljena klanja na pozornici... U početku, i šira publika i kritika dočekali su grupu jednako - s gađenjem i odbijanjem. Nakon samo nekoliko izvedenih pjesama, jedan od prvih koncerata Alica Coopera bio je prekinut jer su svi prisutni, osim grupe jasno, otišli. Gotovo svi prisutni. Ostao je Frank Zappa, kojeg je ono što je vidio impresioniralo - Zappa je zaključio da svatko tko je sposoban izazvati toliko snažnu reakciju publike - pa čak i negativnu - zaslužuje pozornost. I ponudio je sastavu ugovor.
Alice, Michael Bruce (gitara), Glen Buxton (gitara), Dennis Dunaway (bas gitara) i Neal Smith (bubnjevi) snimili su prvi album 1968. - "Pretties For You" nije postigao veći uspjeh, kao niti njegov sljedbenik, "Easy Action" - razlog tome je vjerojatno pomalo ekscentrična priroda tih albuma - oba su vrlo eksperimentalna i neobična. Uspjeh je stigao kada su Cooper i Bruce, autori većine materijala, prihvatili nešto konvencionalniji način pisanja. Medijska pompa oko "bolesnih" nastupa grupe sve je više budila znatiželju kod javnosti, a znatiželja je polako potisnula zgražanje u drugi plan. Pored toga, treći album Alice Coopera, "Love It To Death" ponudio je mnogo konvencionalniji glazbeni izraz - većina pjesama napisana je u formi standardnog hard rocka, sa čestim elementima parodije (u pjesmu "Unfinished Sweet" sa "Billion Dollar Babies" albuma ubačena je poznata melodija iz filmova o Jamesu Bondu, na primjer). Stihovi su, međutim, ostali britki. Cooper je osvojio publiku pišući iz pozicije buntovnog, ali zbunjenog teenagera - teko je pjesma "I'm Eighteen" sa "Love It To Death" postala prvi veliki hit grupe. Pored te, uvjetno rečeno "socijalne" tematike, Alice je obradio niz drugih tema, koje su čak i u vrijeme "flower-power" revolucije ostale netaknute, uglavnom zbog toga što su bile potpuno suprotstavljene osnovnim hippie idejama. Nekrofilija, silovanje, mentalne bolesti, religija, pohlepa... Cooper je načeo mnoge teme koje su hipiji uglavnom zaobilazili.
Nakon "Love It To Death" superuspješni albumi su se redali - "Killer", "School's Out", "Billion Dollar Babies"... Pored muzike, Alice Cooper detaljno je razvijao i vizualnu prezentaciju svog rada. Koncertne nastupe bazirao je na ideji katarze - kroz svaki nastup glumio je razne zločine, da bi na kraju bio "smaknut" - najčešće na vješalima ili giljotinom. Posebno se posvetio i omotima ploča. "School's Out" ploča prodavala se u maloj školskoj klupi (!) - omot je vjerno oponašao drveni stol sa lažnim metalnim nogama, a sama ploča bila je omotana u ženske gaćice od papira. "Billion Dollar Babies" omot oponašao je golem novčanik od zmijske kože, unutar kojeg se nalazila lažna novčanica od milijun dolara.
Velik uspjeh ovih albuma osigurali su hitovi "Under My Wheels" i "Desperado" sa "Killer", "School's Out" sa istoimenog albuma, "Billion Dollar Babies" (duet sa pop zvijezdom Donovanom), "Elected" i "No More Mr. Nice Guy" sa "Billion Dollar Babies"...
Cooper je nastavio šokirati američku javnost izjavama kao što je - "Imam američke ideale: volim novac!"
Problemi Glena Buxtona sa drogom, kao i samog Alicea sa alkoholom, izazvali su lagan pad kvalitete na albumu "Muscle Of Love" (1973.) - pored toga, dio članova grupe smatrao je da bi trebalo ostaviti po strani teatralne nastupe, dok su drugi smatrali da teatralnost treba dodatno naglasiti. Neslaganja su rezultirala potpunim rasulom - četvorica preostalih članova napustila su Coopera. Često se ističe da ih je on sam potjerao, što je pogrešno.

Nedugo prije raspada, objavljen je i "Greatest Hits". Računajući i taj album, grupa je u približno šest godina postojanja prodala oko 12 milijuna ploča.

U intervjuima koji su uslijedili, Cooper je uporno ponavljao: "Alice je samo uloga koju glumim. Izvan pozornice, ja sam samo normalan momak." - time je praktički dobio veći publicitet nego dok je masakrirao lutke i "umirao" na vješalima. Javnost nije mogla pratiti ritam njegovih neočekivanih zaokreta, i upravo zbog toga postajao je sve interesantniji. Njegov idući korak bio je pojavljivanje u spomenutom The Hollywood Squares kvizu.

Nakon iskustva sa televizijom, Alice je pokrenuo golem projekt nazvan "Welcome To My Nightmare". Pored studijskog albuma, prvog kojega je snimio nakon raspada originalne postave poznate i kao Alice Cooper Group, "Welcome To My Nightmare" projekt sastojao se i od turneje koja je objedinila Cooperov hard rock, umjetnost plesa, kazališne elemente, kao i filmske projekcije.

Budući da je "Welcome To My Nightmare" predstavljao prvi solistički album Alicea Coopera u pravom smislu te riječi, za njega je bilo iznimno bitno da se nadoveže na prethodne uspjehe, u umjetničkom, ali i komercijalnom smislu. Komercijalno, to mu je pošlo za rukom prije svega zahvaljujući ambicioznoj i inovativnoj turneji, a i singl "Only Woman Bleed" postao je klasik. S umjetničke strane, međutim, sam album ostao je pomalo u sjeni izvrsnih koncertnih nastupa. Iako vrlo dobar, "Welcome To My Nightmare" ipak nije ponudio ništa što Alice Cooper već nije pokazao, a i spomenuti hit, "Only Woman Bleed", objektivno govoreći, predstavlja "safe shot", odnosno pjesmu komponiranu s namjerom da se svidi, da odgovara radijskim zahtjevima - nešto kasnije, tu je pjesmu obradila i Tina Turner, što dokazuje da nikako nije riječ o provokativnom, sirovom Cooperu iz ranijih godina.
Uslijedilo je nekoliko albuma sličnog formata - "Alice Cooper Goes To Hell" i "Lace & Whiskey" nikoga neće razočarati, ali neće niti šokirati. Pored toga, najezda disco trenda s jedne, odnosno punka s druge strane, navela je Alicea da snimi nekoliko komercijalnijih singlova čiji je cilj bio održati popularnost i publiku, kao i stvoriti nove fanove, čiji je ukus bio usmjeren prvenstveno prema pop rocku - "You And Me" (sa "Alice Cooper Goes To Hell") postao je jedan od najslušanijih Cooperovih hitova, iako objektivno nema veće umjetničke vrijednosti, a "I Never Cry" (sa "Lace & Whiskey") dosegao je milijunsku nakladu - komercijalan uspjeh, međutim, ne mijenja činjenicu da su oba singla tek lagane pop balade.
Potpuno uništen od alkohola - navodno je pio dvije boce whiskeya dnevno - krajem sedamdesetih Alice Cooper završio je na odvikavanju od alkohola. Pored liječenja, Alice je to iskustvo upotrijebio kao temelj za svoj novi konceptualan album - "From The Inside". Svaka pjesma na ovoj ploči opis je jedne od osoba koje je upoznao na liječenju. Općenito se smatra da je ovaj album jedan od najintimnijih koje je ikada snimio.
Osamdesete su donijele Alicea Coopera bez make-upa, željnog obračuna sa disco trendovima, no rezultat toga bili su pomalo apstraktni albumi bez čvrtog glazbenog opredjeljenja - "Flush The Fashion" i "Special Forces". Uslijedio je "DaDa", često opisivan kao "glazbeni nadrealizam" - tu su kritičari podijeljeni, neki smatraju da je "DaDa" konačni dokaz propasti Alice Coopera u ranim osamdesetima, drugi smatraju da je taj album možda i najzrelije što je do tada snimio. Za ova tri albuma se ipak definitivno može reći da su nepredvidljivi i interesantni.

Sredinom osamdesetih Alice je ponovo potonuo u duboku ovisnost o alkoholu i vratio se liječenju. Kada je definitivno, za sva vremena, odbacio piće, vratio se hard rocku, šminki i pompoznim turnejama. Sa gitaristom Kaneom Robertsom napisao je i snimio "Constrictor" album koji se danas smatra kultnim klasikom, vjerojatno samo zbog činjenice da označava Cooperov povratak hard rocku. Album glazbeno nije pretjerano interesantan, ali singlovi "Teenage Frankenstein" i "He's Back (Man Behind The Mask)" vratili su Coopera u centar zbivanja i predstavili ga novim naraštajima MTV publike. Pjesma "He's Back" snimljena je za soundtrack šestog dijela "Petka Trinaestog", ali se pojavila i na "Constrictoru". Uslijedio je "Raise Your Fist And Yell" - još jedan pomalo monoton hard rock album.

Budući da se come-back ipak nije pokazao uspješnim koliko se očekivalo, Alice je pozvao poznatog hit-makera, Desmonda Childa, da mu pomogne oko sljedećeg studijskog projekta. I Child je obavio posao u svom stilu. Odlično poznavanje glazbenih trendova i ukusa publike omogućilo mu je da usmjeri Coopera prema najvećim uspjesima karijere. Album "Trash" (1989.) ne treba posebno predstavljati, kao niti mega-hit singl "Poison". Pored Desmonda Childa, Alice je pozvao niz superzvijezda da sudjeluju na albumu. Članovi grupa Aerosmith i Bon Jovi, kao i niz drugih poznatih muzičara doprinijeli su da "Trash" postane najprodavaniji Cooperov album u karijeri. Usprkos neupitnoj kvaliteti materijala, Alice je ovdje definitivno uskočio u vlak popularnog hard'n'heavy vala. "Trash" je prije svega zanatski hit album, daleko od inventivnog, ciničnog duha svojih prethodnika. Novootkrivena formula za stvaranje hitova izrodila je slične, super-kvalitetne ali i super-neutralne albume - "Hey Stoopid" i "The Last Temptation". Popis renomiranih Cooperovih studijskih gostiju proširio se na imena kao što su Ozzy, Slash, Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Chris Cornell, Mötley Crue itd, a proširio se i popis mega-hitova: "Feed My Frankenstein", "Love's A Loaded Gun", "Lost In America", i "Stolen Prayer" samo su neki od MTV-jevskih klasika iz tog perioda.
Nakon izvrsnog koncertnog albuma "A Fistful Of Alice", Cooper je sa Robom Zombijem snimio pjesmu za X-Files soundtrack, "Hands Of Death (Burn Baby Burn)" koja je nominirana za Grammyija. Krajem devedesetih, objavljen je i CD-box "The Life And Crimes Of Alice Cooper", na kome se nalaze mnoge rijetke i demo snimke. CD-box je popratila svjetska turneja, a s početkom novog milenija, Alice se vratio u studio i u kratkom razmaku snimio dva izvrsna albuma - "Brutal Planet" i "Dragontown". To su nedvojbeno najžešći njegovi radovi, a predstavljaju i povratak "opakom", ciničnom izrazu. Na "Dragontown" albumu može se naći sve klasične elemente Alice Coopera - ironični i direktni stihovi ("I hate opera/ I hate Oprah"), duhovite parodije (pjesma "Disgraceland" govori o tamnoj strani Elvisa Presleya, uz izvrsno Cooperovo oponašanje Elvisovog glasa, dok je "Much Too Late" parodija Britpop pokreta), a tu su, jasno, i žestoke, mračne pjesme, ovoga puta i sa elementima industrial metala, što je novitet za diskografiju Alice Coopera. Ukratko, Alice Cooper Show ponovo je u punom pogonu, a moderno društvo morat će pretrpjeti još poneki njegov nizak udarac.


1969 Pretties For You 1970 Easy Action 1971 Love It To Death 1971 Killer 1972 Schools Out 1973 Billion Dollar Babies 1973 Muscle Of Love 1975 Welcome To My Nightmare 1976 Goes To Hell 1977 Lace And Whiskey 1977 The Alice Cooper Show (live) 1978 From The Inside 1980 Flush The Fashion 1981 Special Forces 1981 Zipper Catches Skin 1983 Dada 1986 Constrictor 1987 Raise Your Fist And Yell 1989 Trash 1991 Hey Stoopid 1994 The Last Temptation 1997 A Fistful Of Alice (live) 1999 Life And Crimes Of Alice Cooper (box set) 2000 Brutal Planet 2001 Dragontown 2003 The Eyes Of Alice Cooper 2005 Dirty Diamonds

Izvor: Wikipedia



Your cruel device
Your blood like ice
One look could kill
My pain, your thrill
I want to love you, but I better not touch (Don't touch)
I want to hold you but my senses tell me to stop
I want to kiss you but I want it too much (Too much)
I want to taste you but your lips are venomous poison
You're poison runnin'thru my veins
You're poison, I don't want to break these chains
Your mouth, so hot
Your web, I'm caught
Your skin, so wet
Black lace on sweat
I hear you calling and it's needles and pins (And pins)
I want to hurt you just to hear you screaming my name
Don't want to touch you but you're under my skin (Deep in)
I want to kiss you but your lips are venomous poison
You're poison runnin'thru my veins
You're poison, I don't want to break these chains
One look could kill
My pain, your thrill
I want to love you, but I better not touch (Don't touch)
I want to hold you but my senses tell me to stop
I want to kiss you but I want it too much (Too much)
I want to taste you but your lips are venomous poison
You're poison runnin'thru my veins
You're poison, I don't want to break these chains
I want to love you, but I better not touch (Don't touch)
I want to hold you but my senses tell me to stop
I want to kiss you but I want it too much (Too much)
I want to taste you but your lips are venomous poison, yeah
I don't want to break these chains Poison, oh no
Runnin'deep inside my veins, Burnin'deep inside my veins
It's poison I don't want to break these chains
Sing Low, Sweet Cheerio

Forget remember nothing the force came from the flame
I pass along the path inside my light shinning always
We'll get there first a name cried out then looked back all the way
Recall falling down a lot of time was spent that way
But this story staring me had already begun
'cuz I had some vision in my sight on the journey to be one
Help me help please help me please the screaming starts again
But the trick I find something hid you look you find I win
While working while the play was on the play was alright then
Think thoughst big thoughts take off and go back again next week
Right then my story ended and a new one had begun
'cuz I had some vision in my sight on the journey to be one
Today Mueller

Today mueller let it happen happy slappin' tappin' paddy oh
She'd like to give her life away like to stay another day oh
Try it out another way
Oh today today today today mueller give your notice of your leaving
Oh today today today today mueller don't tell them you can't go with me
This will always be aah aah aah aah
Red rover red rover pass under pass over pass through
And over and over the White Cliffs of Dover with you
Today mueller make it happen

Living is only one part of being
Believing is to know just what you're feeling
You weren't supposed to think you know you heard
I'm sure that you're knowing you're growing and it's you
Thinking is your own world of living
Dreaming is the one way to feeling
Your wind and your eye can see everything that you
The only real person you need to know is you
Aah aah aah aah ooh living living living
Fields Of Regret

Forever I'll enjoy you undertaking come to see you every day now if I can
Is it not the time for everybody I still wake on the fields of regret
There is something to this dream we're all involved in can I see it can I say it may exist
Why then don't the night show really matters if we dwell in the fields of regret
What horror must invade the mind when the approaching judge shall find sinful deeds from all mankind
With death and nature in surprise behold the wretched sinners rise to meet the judge's searching eyes
And when the doomed no more can flee from the flames of misery assist me while I die
Wander through those ever thoughts though if imagined but come down on it's so easy to resist
Rest me hide my years upon the planet sound another no part over won't forget
When we laugh at the fields of regret
No Longer Umpire

We've been so caught up in the subject of personnel
Playing and acting and slaving and bathing oursleves
Her lies and her tries to come over everyone
Painting a picture to show everyone in the world
Fearing is natural new names and places can bring
Build ups and barriers hiding behind everything
Her lies and her tries to come over everyone
Painting a picture to show everyone in the world
Aah aah aah aah aah aah aaaah
Levity Ball

I got my invitation to the annual levity ball
Seeing the location is within the mirrored room
Walking in my room I found I had nothing to find
I got into my evening wear and left my clothes behind
I sat down on the stairway seven hours at a time
Writing all of this poetry that I knewq would never rhyme
The memory I knew I must have had when I came in
Was of some varied places where I've never ever been
And then in came a cake all decorated in my name
With four paper brown candles are all spelling out this name
The clock was passing out from time to time I saw it all
The beginning of the ending of my first levity ball

Look upstanding with your head held high you will be reflected
You look outstanding with your eyes in disguise just beyond your glasses
Holy how he would keep it's devine I'm surely glad I'm surely over town
And even though I'm you will always here
Very rarely worry almost constantly could you be receptive
Our life's outstanding in a shower please wet my skins a plenty
Baby what a day I love our town I'm surely glad I'm surely all around
And even since I knew it all so clear
You will be reflected you will be reflected you will be reflected
You will be reflected you will be reflected reflected
Apple Bush

October in a land that's in my back yard there's a people who succeed they don't try hard
Well they've found a way to live with ease eating from the bush instead of the tree
Apple bush apple tree back to eternity find you a path and you buy with a car
Apple bush apple tree back to eternity cut you a path with a chance you may fall
Move over in a corner standing there tell my house they have to see it again
But my house doesn't worry it's got a path of its own and a bush and a tree gotta leave it alone
Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
Apple bush apple tree back to eternity find you a path and you buy with a car
Apple bush apple tree back to eternity cut you a path with a chance you may fall
Someday like my house you're going to chose too ooh if you cut this new path well the old one will do
If you live with the people who live with ease ooh the red apple bush the blue apple trees ooh
Earwigs To Eternity

Oh four years long and oh what a sigh to hear my dear
Four long years now we stop to hear a whisper Alice Cooper
All of the time we have all of the time we have you
All of the time we have all of the time we have
We are throwing all of our hands so high you out there
Singing lovely dittie beautiful song for you to be aware
All of the time we have all of the time we have you
All of the time we have all of the time we have all of the time we have you
You're the one you're looking for let me in let me in
Who's there who's there who's there
Changing Arranging

Aah aah aah aah aah aah aah aah ooh ooh ooh ooh
I'm changing arranging things I never thought I'd move before
I'm changing oh arranging to your personality I asked for it before
I need a soul who never say what I feel just fearing that I will accept the ideal
I lick the pie and I sweat all I see it's a carbon copy image of me
I'm dying had trying baby baby for the rest of my life
I'm trying had dying maybe maybe he's trying to be my life
I've got a never ending battle inside just trying to rectify my personal pride
I swear I don't know what it's got over me but I know it doesn't want to be free
Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
Ain't That Just Like A Woman

Adam was as happy as a man can be
Til he started messin with an old apple tree

Ain't that just like a woman
Ain't that just like a woman
Ain't that just like a woman she'll do it every time

You can buy a woman clothes give her money on the side
No matter what you do she ain't never satisfied

Ain't that just like a woman
Ain't that just like a woman
Ain't that just like a woman she'll do it every time
Nobody Likes Me (Freak Out)

Nobody likes me
It's all my fault
Nobody likes me
Nobody likes me

Oh yes we all like you
We like you a lot
Yes we all like you
Yes we all like you

I never get a letter
We have no time
Never ever get a call from you
I have no dime

Oh yes you do
Oh no we don't [x3]
Yes! No! Yes! No! [etc.]

Never call, never write
Yes I do always try
Make me cry all the night
Sorry I made you cry
Make me sad, Make me mad
Tell me true, what can I do?

Way too late can't cant make up
All the late has built up
Ha ha ha ha aaah

Right we all like you
We like you a lot
We like all your family
We like your dog Spot
Even Spot?
Mr and MisDemeanor

Mister and misdemeanor middle of the roaders set beside the ocean
Landscapes an' laws agoshin' who put all of this in motion
Lucky Luciano Kenneth Pasarelli you take the modern mosquito to every big city
I sit beside misdemeanor here's new pretties for you
Nobody likes me but we adore you da da d da da yeah yeah yeah yeah
Nasty misdemeanor kickin' in the windows parked beside the ocean
Landscapes an' laws agoshin' who put all of this in motion
Da da d da da yeah yeah yeah yeah da da d da da yeah yeah yeah yeah
Shoe Salesman

I know a shoe salesman he's an acquaintance of mine
One day he showed me some marks on his arms in a line
I did not know what to say do you think those freckles will stay
I need a popsicle do you want lemon or lime
I've got a special today if you've got the time
Winking she pokes me in the side well we could go for a ride yeah
I did not know what to say do you think those freckles will stay heh
Well you think that she will see yeah heh I don't think she will see yeah heh
Still No Air

Who says the earth is crumbling and no sky is falling through sometimes I just can't die
The world should be assembling but not just right out of view whole days I would like to fry
Easy action got a rocket in your pocket
When you're a jet you're a jet all the way
From your first cigarette to your last dying day
Who says the earth is trembling and there's still no air
One two three four ooh ooh
Return Of The Spiders

Well stop look and listen there are ants that are gathered here
With my hands raised to speak but you all won't hear no you all won't hear we all won't hear
Let me in your living door let me in knock knock I said is there
Well it's me they're reaching in and I'm coming after you I'm coming after you coming after you
Well I'm tired yes I'm weary from my long journey but I'm not yet all ready to rest
For you can come along with me we go searching for rest yes
Come on and search with me oh search with me woah search with me
Come on and search with me wo woah come on and search with me aah
Refrigerator Heaven

I'm freezing I'm freezing I'm icicle blue so low low cool
Cyber neurotic technicians imbue so low low cool
I've been admitted to refrigerator heaven until they discover a cure for cancer I'm low
Refrigerator heaven so low refrigerator heaven
I'm ice packed I'm hand stashed I'm waiting for you I'm older and younger preserved in a tomb
I've been admitted to refrigerator heaven I feel like I told you on my heart
I won't get back 'till the sun sets down on the moon
Won't get back 'till the sun sets down on the moon
Beautiful Flyaway

Beautiful flyaway somewhere like holy days wonder what brought me down to earth
Haven't I always been here let's have another nibble later I think I'll disappear into the bishop's hall
And take a look at what we offer DDT poisoning me changing my relativity what's it going to be
Da da da da d da later I think I'll disappear into another room and take a look inside the till
Lovely days human ways journeys that take us to the end aah
Haven't we always been here sharing one love and one fear
Some day you'll know that life is really really all about you
So come and look inside you'll be surprised to find
Later I think I'll disappear into another womb and take a look inside the mens' room
Haven't I given you everything that I could give where do you live aah
Caught In A Dream

Well I'm runnin' through the world with a gun in my back tryin' to catch a ride in a cadillac
Thought that I was livin' but you can't really tell been tryin' to get away from that success smell
You know I need a houseboat and I need a plane I need a butler and a trip to Spain
I need everything the world owes me I tell that to myself and I agree
I'm caught in a dream so what you don't know what I'm goin' through
I'm right in between so I'll I'll just play along with you
Well I'm runnin' through the world with a gun in my back tryin' to catch a ride in that cadillac
Thought I was livin' but you can't never tell what I thought was heaven turned out to be hell
Whoa whoa when you see me with a smile on my face
Whoa whoa then you'll know I'm a mental case whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa
I'm caught in a dream so what I don't know what I'm going through
I'm right in between so I'll I'll just play along with you
Whoa whoa ooh ooh ooh aah aah aah aah oo oo oo oo oo oo
I'm Eighteen

Lines form on my face and hands lines form from the ups and downs
I'm in the middle without any plans I'm a boy and I'm a man
I'm eighteen and I don't know what I want eighteen I just don't know what I want
Eighteen I gotta get away I gotta get out of this place I'll go runnin' in outer space oh yeah
I got a baby's brain and an old man's heart took eighteen years to get this far
Don't always know what I'm talkin' about feels like I'm livin' in the middle of doubt
'cause I'm eighteen I get confused every day eighteen I just don't know what to say eighteen I gotta get away
Whoa lines form on my face and my hands lines form on the left and right
I'm in the middle the middle of life I'm a boy and I'm a man
I'm eighteen and I like it yes I like it oh I like it love it like it love it
Eighteen eighteen eighteen eighteen and I like it
Long Way To Go

We still got a long way to go we still got a long way to go we all got a long way to go
What's keeping us apart isn't selfishness what's holding us together isn't love
Listen to the man who's been touched all his life yes he's the one they call the fool
Where is that saviour of the sidewalk life and the road that takes us to the crusades
I've seen those shadows as they're moving in my sleep leading the blind poet to his grave
'cause we still got a long way to go we still got a long way to go yes we all got a long way to go
Please don't waste your energy on me my friend 'cause we still got a long way to go
We'll meet again some day but right now just go away 'cause I still got a long way to go
The silence is speaking so why am I weeping I guess I love it I love it to death
Yes we still got a long way to go yes we still got a long way to go yes we all got a long way to go
