Green card

Rufus Wainwright - California

California, California
You're such a wonder that I think I'll stay in bed
Big time rollers, part time models
So much to plunder
That I think I'll sleep instead

I don't know this sea of neon
Thousand surfers, whiffs of freon
And big nights back east with Rhoda
California please

There's a moment
I've been saving
A kind of crucifix around this munchkin land
Up north freezing, little me drooling
That's Entertainment's on at eight
Come on Ginger slam

I don't know this sea of neon
Thousand surfers, whiffs of freon
And my new grandma Bea Arthur
Come on ever

Ain't it a shame that at the top
Peanut butter and jam they served you
Ain't it a shame that at the top
Still those soft skin boys can bruise you
Yes I fell for a streaker

I don't know this sea of neon
Thousand surfers, whiffs of freon

Ain't it a shame
That all the world can't enjoy your mad traditions
Ain't it a shame that all the world
Don't got keys to their own ignitions
Life is the longest death in California

You're such a wonder that I think I'll stay in bed
So much to plunder that I think I'll sleep instead
You're such a wonder that I think I'll stay in bed
So much to plunder that I think I'll sleep instead

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

necu se ja tako lako predati...
Dani California Lyrics

Getting born in the state of Mississippi
Papa was a copper and mama was a hippie
In Alabama she was swinging hammer
Price you gotta pay when you pick the Panorama
She never knew that there was anything more than poor
What in the world? What does your confidant take me for?

Black bandana, sweet Louisiana
robbin' on a bank in the state of Indiana
She's a runner, rebel and a stunner
Coming everyway saying baby whatcha gonna
Looking down the barrel of a hot metal forty five

Just another way to survive

California rest in peace
Simultaneous release
California show your teeth
She's my priestess, I'm your priest

She's a lover baby and a fighter
Should of seen her coming when it got a little brighter
With a name like Dani California
Devils gonna come but I was gonna warn ya
A little lonely, she was stealing another breath
I love my baby to death

California rest in peace
Simultaneous release
California show your teeth
She's my priestess, I'm your priest

Who knew the other side of you?
Who knew the hardest time to prove
Too true to say good bye to you
Too true to say say say..

Was the baiter gifted and a made her
One for the now and eleven for the later

Never made it up to Minnesota
North Dakota man was a gunning for the quota

Down in the bad lands she was saving the best for last
It only hurts when I laugh
Gone too fast..

California rest in peace
Simultaneous release,
California show your teeth,
She's my priestess, I'm your priest

California rest in peace
Simultaneous release,
California show your teeth,
She's my priestess, I'm your priest
Doyle Damhnait - Another California Song

For a moment I believed
Once you came you'd never leave
Lay like that not long enough for me

You got the trackmarks of the trade
And every promise ever made
Swore that it would be the last for me

Does it give you a rush
To think that I want you so much

Said you were back to stay
I shoulda known better
Now you're half the way to California
Now I'm curled up in your side of the bed
I think about things you never said
I would have followed you to California

Smoked me like a cigarrette
Said that this won't hurt a bit
But you lied because it burned and it burned

Thanks a lot for leaving town
I'm so high I can't come down
Makes me wonder if I'll ever learn

Don't it give you a rush
To think that I want you so much

Said you were back to stay
well, I shoulda known better
Now you're half the way to California
Now I'm curled up in your side of the bed
And I'm thinking bout things you never said
I would have followed you to California

Do you come back 'cause you can
Am I just waiting for a ghost of a man?

Does it give you a rush?
To think that I want you so much

Said you were back to stay
I shoulda known better
Now you're half the way to California
Now I'm curled up in your side of the bed
I think about things you never said
I would have followed you to California

Said you were back to stay
Well I shoulda known better
Now you're half the way to California
(I want you so bad)
Curled up in your side of the bed
I think about things you never said
I would have followed you to California
(I want you so bad)

Said you were back to stay
well, I shoulda known better
Now you're half the way to California
Curled up in your side of the bed
I'm thinking bout things you never said
I would have followed you to California
(I want you so bad)

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D ( ponestaje smajlija!)

Sad ste dve! Mogao bi mi Charger pomoci nekom retkom californijskom pesmom iz tih krajeva, recimo indijanskom :D
I moj posao je dobar po klasicnim merilima, samo je mnogo dosadan i nedinamican, sto mene gadno smara, ali je pravi americki sistem ( sat vremena putujem do posla, timesheetove pisemo svaki cas, ne smes zakasniti na posao, moras paziti na svoju karijeru, kratki kontrakti, debeli ameri su sefovi, vole da se proderu kao narednici u vojsci :) , ne smes praviti gluposti, za sitnice oce da otpuste, ...), tako da sam ja zakljucio da ce me isto cekati i u US, pa zasto onda ne otici tamo za vecu kintu nego ovde. Ovde ionako nema puno slobodnog vremena, kao i tamo verovatno. Mada je meni taj njihov sistem tako smesan, da sam poceo da pravim video igru koja bi bila parodija na moj posao.
U stvari ako je nako gledao film 'Office space', e skoro isto je kod mene, samo cekam dan kad cu uzeti testeru i iseci prozor na zidu kancelarije :D
sto se apliciranja za green card tice, mislim da je sa tim gotovo. Nisam 100% siguran, ali mislim da je ovo bila poslednja godina sa green card lutrijom. Mislim da ce se sada pozabaviti legalizacijom ilegalnih emigranata kojih ionako imaju previse.
inace, aplicira se preko zvanicnog sajta americke vlade koji nema nikakve veza sa US ambasadom.

vise informacija oko lutrije, viza i sl. na:

...mislim da nosioc zelene karte moze obezbediti vize za clanove svoje porodice, ali ne automatsko izdavanje zelenih karti, kako bi to bilo da je vec bio u braku u trenutku dobijanja zelene karte, vec regularnim putem podnosenjem zahteva za imagrantsku visu na osnovu rodbinskog srodstva sa permanent residentom.
Ma nemoguce! Suvise lepo da bi bila istina ;) :D
Opustencija, najbolji mozda je i moguce. Verovatno nemate 5 managera na jednog radnika, ko mi :)

Sto rece jedan kolega, sa koliko cifara pises rec dobar posao ? :)
..cuo sam ali onako usput, nisam mnogo proveravao da li je sve zavrseno po tom pitanju ali znam da je u senatu bio predlog zakona o ukidanju DV programa, t.j. green card lutrije. Osim sto postoji pitanje "uvoza" terorista u zemlju na taj nacin, tu je i legalizacija postojecih emigranata..itd. Ako te zanima potrazi na internetu. Ako bas zelis da dodjes u USA, uvek mozes da budes mnogo dobar u svom poslu tamo, pa ce ti onda i ovde vrata biti otvorena :)
Ma nemoguce! Suvise lepo da bi bila istina ;) :D
Opustencija, najbolji mozda je i moguce. Verovatno nemate 5 managera na jednog radnika, ko mi :)

Sto rece jedan kolega, sa koliko cifara pises rec dobar posao ? :)

Ma kad ti kazem!
I da, nemamo 5 managera na jednog radnika.
A kod je opustencija, rezultati su uvek bolji.

Pozdrav, kolega (nadam se da ti je sad malo jasnije sto sam se vratila iz USA, u jednom postu si rekao da je to prvi slucaj za koji si cuo). Ipak, odoh ja za koju godinicu.............
a jel se moze znati, sta vi uopste radite???

e za vas dvoje, posto vidim da zarko zelite u ameriku, imam jedan predlog, nije jednostavno, ali ko kaze da le i ta lutrija jednostavna. ovako:
mozete u engleskoj ili u nemackoj da nabavite papire, i tako mozete bez problema uci u americi, i ziveti tamo.
e sad slucaj garwor: u nemackoj ima puno babe koje su voljne da se vencaju s tobom, tako da dobijes papire, ali zato ti moras za to vreme sve da finansiras. to je malo bezveze, ali je valjda vredno toga.
a kod tebe rnixon, je malo komplikovanije, jer imas familiju, trebala bi da se vencas za nekog tipa, dobijes drzavljanstvo, razvedes, i trazis papire za tvoju familiju.
malo je zajebano, ali nije nemoguce. u nemackoj ne samo nase izbeglice to rade...

detalje vam ne mogu reci, jer sam samo o tome cula i ne poznajem te ljude dobro, da ih sad pitam...
"California Babylon"

Watch me

Waitress out dressed like nurses in *******
Brought me the check, said I want you to sign this
Union boy standing next to the rastas
There's gonna be a strike and you ain't gonna stop us
Three men standing and they love what they do
You won't see it coming, cause they wanna surprise you
Consider it done, they're gonna stand right by you
American punks don't care about you
Hollywood what you gonna do? [x2]

Don't say that you don't understand
Don't say that you can't comprehend
Don't say that you don't understand, this is California Babylon, my man

You can take away the nights with sights with bright lights
Seeks still ride, engage in street fights
Two to the head, pool of red, he's dead
Suspect fled, caught up with bloodshed
No sign of hope, we fight and sling dope
Junkies to our left, no fix, they can't cope
Violence won't cease, hand me the crow piece
No peace or sleep, we fight with police

This is the city that'll make all your dreams come true
so pay attention


At last she had arrived, we turned in exhausted
Cocaine in her pocket, she can get busted
Once again she passes, now she's gone
Now she's with her friend, her beautiful young
She showed up on the scene, she was 17
Now she's 21, she does some more coke, she does some more coke
She drinks some whiskey and she smokes some dope
She thinks she's a star [x4]
Do you know who you are? [x4]


:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

ma sta kazes, ne ponestaju smilovi!!! ima ih dovoljno koliko hoces!!!!
a jel se moze znati, sta vi uopste radite???

e za vas dvoje, posto vidim da zarko zelite u ameriku, imam jedan predlog, nije jednostavno, ali ko kaze da le i ta lutrija jednostavna. ovako:
mozete u engleskoj ili u nemackoj da nabavite papire, i tako mozete bez problema uci u americi, i ziveti tamo.
e sad slucaj garwor: u nemackoj ima puno babe koje su voljne da se vencaju s tobom, tako da dobijes papire, ali zato ti moras za to vreme sve da finansiras. to je malo bezveze, ali je valjda vredno toga.
a kod tebe rnixon, je malo komplikovanije, jer imas familiju, trebala bi da se vencas za nekog tipa, dobijes drzavljanstvo, razvedes, i trazis papire za tvoju familiju.
malo je zajebano, ali nije nemoguce. u nemackoj ne samo nase izbeglice to rade...

detalje vam ne mogu reci, jer sam samo o tome cula i ne poznajem te ljude dobro, da ih sad pitam...

Sienna, hvala ti puno na savetima ali me Nemacka zaista ne zanima. Btw, jos sam mlada za familiju (znaci solo sam), a imam i kao sto ti kazes tipa za koga bi mogla da se udam u USA (Amerikanac, zivi tamo). Takodje, imam nezavrsena posla ovde, pa kad sve to lepo sredim, palim.............. Za sada mi ovde nije uopste lose.
a jel se moze znati, sta vi uopste radite???

e za vas dvoje, posto vidim da zarko zelite u ameriku, imam jedan predlog, nije jednostavno, ali ko kaze da le i ta lutrija jednostavna. ovako:
mozete u engleskoj ili u nemackoj da nabavite papire, i tako mozete bez problema uci u americi, i ziveti tamo.
e sad slucaj garwor: u nemackoj ima puno babe koje su voljne da se vencaju s tobom, tako da dobijes papire, ali zato ti moras za to vreme sve da finansiras. to je malo bezveze, ali je valjda vredno toga.
a kod tebe rnixon, je malo komplikovanije, jer imas familiju, trebala bi da se vencas za nekog tipa, dobijes drzavljanstvo, razvedes, i trazis papire za tvoju familiju.
malo je zajebano, ali nije nemoguce. u nemackoj ne samo nase izbeglice to rade...

detalje vam ne mogu reci, jer sam samo o tome cula i ne poznajem te ljude dobro, da ih sad pitam...

Pazi, ovo mi uopste nije palo napamet.
Ali, mislim, da se vencam s babom, dal si normalna? Ne mogu, to mi je odvratno.
Cekaj, ti bese imas svapske papire? Evo, vencacemo se ti i ja i usvojicemo gdjicu rnixon i onda ce biti lako. :D Ali ti nemas dovoljno godina. Ne vredi.:(
California by A

Top off the ride
We could cruise around
Listen to the sounds till the sun goes down

Starin at my window at you
Am I the same without you
And I ain't the same without you
Can't even do my thing without you

So long to the one that I love
And I remember how it was
I wish I could be back there cuz
I wanna be there where I can take a

* Chorus *
Top off the ride
We can cruise around
Listen to the sounds till the sun goes down
There's a party goin on in every corna
That's why I gotta be in california
We can take a top off the ride
We can hit the shore
We can hit sunset (we can hit the stars)
There's a party goin on in every corna
That's why I gotta be in California

Starin at my window at you
Am i the same without you
But life aint the same without you
Cuz I know that it'll be too long
Before I see you
Tears for my eyes cry too
Tears for my eyes cry blue
I love it when the breeze comes through
So as soon as i get back Im gonna take a

* Chorus *
Top off the ride
We can cruise around
Listen to the sounds till the sun goes down
There's a party goin on in every corna
That's why i gotta be in california
We can take a top off the ride
We can hit the shore
We can hit sunset (we can hit the stars)
There's a party goin on in every corna
That's why I gotta be in california

Top off the ride
We can cruise around
Listen to the sounds till the sun goes down
And theres a party goin on in every corna
That's why I gotta be in California
Top off the ride
We can hit the shore, We can hit sunset
And no matter where there's sunset

* Bridge *
Yea, Yo, We in the city with the Cadillacs, the Chevrolets
And it be sunny everyday, In everyway
We be in them drop tops, with hot hops
Hittin 3 wheels, Make em put the spots
With the mommys in them Prada Pants, And Corn Rows
Thats anywhere from Crenshaw to Mel Rose
We ridin down sunset, Long as I got a blunt left
When you smell, You can tell I'm from the west

Top off the ride
We can cruise around
Listen to the sounds till the sun goes down
Theres a party goin on in every corna
That's why I gotta be in California
We can take the top off the ride
WE can hit the shore, We can hit sunset
There's a party goin on in every corna
That's why I gotta be in california

Top off the ride
We can cruise around
Listen to the sounds till the sun goes down
Theres a party goin on in every corna
( I gotta be, I gotta be )
That's why I gotta be in California
We can take the top off the ride
We can hit the shore, we can hit the sunset
And no matter where there's sunset...

Lutko, lepo je sto imas takmicarskog duha, ali mi skorpije se ne predajemo tako lako !
Red Hot Chilly Peppers - Californication

Psychic spies from china
Try to steal your mind’s elation
Little girls from sweden
Dream of silver screen quotations
And if you want these kind of dreams
It’s californication
It’s the edge of the world
And all of western civilization
The sun may rise in the east
At least it settles in the final location
It’s understood that hollywood
Sells californication

Pay your surgeon very well
To break the spell of aging
Celebrity skin is this your chin
Or is that war your waging

First born unicorn
Hard core soft porn
Dream of californication
Dream of californication

Marry me girl be my fairy to the world
Be my very own constellation
A teenage bride with a baby inside
Getting high on information
And buy me a star on the boulevard
It’s californication

Space may be the final frontier
But it’s made in a hollywood basement
Cobain can you hear the spheres
Singing songs off station to station
And alderon’s not far away
It’s californication

Born and raised by those who praise
Control of population everybody’s been there and
I don’t mean on vacation

First born unicorn
Hard core soft porn
Dream of californication
Dream of californication

Destruction leads to a very rough road
But it also breeds creation
And earthquakes are to a girl’s guitar
They’re just another good vibration
And tidal waves couldn’t save the world
From californication

Pay your surgeon very well
To break the spell of aging
Sicker than the rest
There is no test
But this is what you’re craving

First born unicorn
Hard core soft porn
Dream of californication
Dream of californication
E, pa to je vec bilo...
L.A. Women - The Doors

Well, I just got into town about an hour ago
Took a look around, see which way the wind blow
Where the little girls in their Hollywood bungalows

Are you a lucky little lady in the City of Light
Or just another lost angel...City of Night
City of Night, City of Night, City of Night, woo, c'mon

L.A. Woman, L.A. Woman
L.A. Woman Sunday afternoon
L.A. Woman Sunday afternoon
L.A. Woman Sunday afternoon
Drive thru your suburbs
Into your blues, into your blues, yeah
Into your blue-blue Blues
Into your blues, ohh, yeah

I see your hair is burnin'
Hills are filled with fire
If they say I never loved you
You know they are a liar
Drivin' down your freeways
Midnite alleys roam
Cops in cars, the topless bars
Never saw a woman...
So alone, so alone
So alone, so alone

Motel Money Murder Madness
Let's change the mood from glad to sadness

Mr. Mojo Risin', Mr. Mojo Risin'
Mr. Mojo Risin', Mr. Mojo Risin'
Got to keep on risin'
Mr. Mojo Risin', Mr. Mojo Risin'
Mojo Risin', gotta Mojo Risin'
Mr. Mojo Risin', gotta keep on risin'
Risin', risin'
Gone risin', risin'
I'm gone risin', risin'
I gotta risin', risin'
Well, risin', risin'
I gotta, wooo, yeah, risin'
Woah, ohh yeah

Well, I just got into town about an hour ago
Took a look around, see which way the wind blow
Where the little girls in their Hollywood bungalows

Are you a lucky little lady in the City of Light
Or just another lost angel...City of Night
City of Night, City of Night, City of Night, woah, c'mon

L.A. Woman, L.A. Woman
L.A. Woman, your my woman
Little L.A. Woman, Little L.A. Woman
L.A. L.A. Woman Woman
L.A. Woman c'mon
California Dreaming
~ The Mamas and The Papas

All the leaves are brown
And the sky is gray
I've been for a walk
On a winter's day

I'd be safe and warm
If I was in L.A.
California dreamin'
On such a winter's day

Stopped into a church
I passed along the way
Oh, I got down on my knees
And I pretend to pray

You know the preacher likes the cold
He knows I'm gonna stay
California dreamin'
On such a winter's day

All the leaves are brown
And the sky is gray
I've been for a walk
On a winter's day

If I didnt tell her
I could leave today
California dreamin'
On such a winter's day

(California dreamin')
On such a winter's day
(California dreamin')
On such a winter's day

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

necete vi mene pobediti, ali rnixon... sledeci put malo bolje pripazi... ;)
