Ulosci, menst. problem



Imam (za mene) uzasan problem koji se ispoljava 3-4 dan ciklusa!
Naime, koristim Carefree uloske (10 normal), ni jedni drugi osim Carefree i Libresse ne dolaze u obzir, jer me jako iritiraju.
Treci/ cetvrti dan ciklusa, kada je krvarenje dosta slabije, ali ne dovoljno slabo da bih koristila dnevne, ovi normal ulosci pocnu uzasno da mi smetaju! Pojavi mi se svrab, bol, a poslednji put cak i otecenost labia.
Higijenu odrzavam redovno, uloske menjam na 2-3 sata, dok je krvarenje jace, nema ovih simptoma.

Ovaj rpoblem takodje ima i moja sestra, i niti moj niti njen ginekolog nisu znali da nam odgovore na pitanje.

Molim vas ako mozete da nam razjasnite sta se tu desava, zasto imamo taj problem, i kako da ga resimo, posto je jako neugdno.

Hvala :)
Uzrok ne znam ( iz ove perspektive je tesko reci : mozda je i alergijska reakcija u pitanju, mozda je iritacija podstaknuta znojenjem ), ali mogu da ti dam savet da redovno vodis racuna o higijeni i koristis uloske od pamuka, onda kada je krvarenje slabije -> sigurno ce ti pomoci.
KOji su to ulosci od pamuka?! ja jedino sto znam da je kao od pamuka to su ovi Carefree, Libresse, i oni nasi Boni koji mi ne odgovaraju...
Da li postoje neki malo 'prirodniji', ekoloski i td?!
Uzmeš najobičniju vatu i ako ti nije dovoljna, stavi je preko uloška koji koristiš.
Imaš i one "obične" uloške u mrežici (ako se ne vatam pravi ih "Niva" Novi Sad - to su oni koje koriste žene nakon porođaja, ako se i tu nije nešto promnilo :confused: ) koji su takođe pamučni.
Obični samolepljivi ulošci (ne ti jakoupijajući sa krilcima i raznim čudesima, već oni najjeftiniji) su malo lošija varijanta, ali bolja od onih koje koristiš.
E to i mene zanima, da li je neko uspeo da pronadje neke pamucne uloske?
Btw, Carefree, Libresse i Boni su sve sem pamucni ulosci ;) iako ih tako nazivaju i reklamiraju. Prosli mesec sam kupila Boni (HPV i ostali fazoni sa stranim uloscima) i jedan mi se posle nekih sat vremena aktivnosti po kuci bukvalno RASPAO! Kad se nisam slogirala. Unutra se nalaze male granulice (kao ono sto dodje u novim patikama, samo sitnije) koje ne da je plastika nego samo tako... E sad, vatu bih rado koristila, ali imam obimne cikluse tako da nema nista od toga...Mogu tek posle 3 dana.
E vidis, to bih i tebi preporucila, lepo uzmes veci komad vate...i resis problem. Mozes da ga uvijes u gazu, i eto ti medicinski ulozak :D
a zar one Bony fill fine nisu pamucne.Ja te koristim i nema onog ruznog "podusparivanja" koje je i meni stvaralo alergije i sl.
Zasto ne probas sa tamponima tada kad ti je krvarenje oskudnije...
Nakon operacije (bolujem od endometrioze), lekar mi je striktno zabranio koriscenje icega sto nije pamuk. Vec tri godine preko ulozaka (koristim Libres) stavljam vatu. Nikada ne nosim ves koji nije pamucan i ne nosim tange. Cak mi je preporucio da izbegavam uske pantalone i sinteticke hulahopke.
Ovo je deo pisma jedne zene iz Australije koje mi je nedavno poslala drugarica. Ja ga nisam prevela, ali ako bude nekom trebalo objasnjenje, hocu. Ne zelim nikog da plasim, ali ono sto pise u ovom pismu se slaze sa preporukom mog lekara.

Check the labels of the sanitary pads or tampons that you are going to buy the next time and see whether you spot any of the familiar signs stated in this email.
No wonder so many women in the world suffer from cervical cancer and womb tumours. Have you heard that tampon makers include asbestos in tampons?
Why would they do this?

Because asbestos makes you bleed more, if you bleed more, you're going to need to use more. Why isn't this against the law since asbestos is so dangerous? Because the powers that be, in all their wisdom (not), did not consider tampons as being ingested and, therefore, did not consider them illegal or dangerous.

A woman getting her Ph.D. at University of Colorado sent the following:

"I am writing this because women are not being informed about the dangers of something most of us use: Tampons. I am taking a class this month and I have been learning a lot about biology and women, including feminine hygiene.

Recently we have learned that tampons are actually dangerous (for other reasons than TSS).

HERE IS THE SCOOP: Tampons contain two things that are potentially harmful:
Rayon (for absorbency), and dioxin (a chemical used in bleaching).

The tampon industry is convinced that we, as women, need bleached white products in order to view the product as pure and clean.

The problem here is that the dioxin, can lead to very harmful problems for a woman.

Dioxin is potentially carcinogenic (cancer-associated) and is toxic to the immune and reproductive systems. It has also been linked to endometriosis and lower sperm counts for men. For both sexes, it breaks down the immune system.

I'd say using about 4-5 tampons a day, five days a month, for 38 years is "repeated contact", wouldn't you? Rayon contributes to the danger of tampons and dioxin because it is a highly absorbent substance.

Therefore, when fibres from the tampons are left behind in the vagina (as usually occurs), it creates a breeding ground for the dioxin. It also stays in a lot longer than it would with just cotton tampons.

This is also the reason why TSS (toxic shock syndrome) occurs.

WHAT ARE THE ALTERNATIVES? Using feminine hygiene products that aren't bleached and that are all cotton. Other feminine hygiene products pads/napkins) contain dioxin as well, but they are not nearly as dangerous.

So, what can you do if you can't give up using tampons?

Use tampons that are made from 100% UNBLEACHED cotton.

Unfortunately, there are very few companies that make these safe tampons.

They are usually only found in health food stores.
