Dublje Euro integracije

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The European Commission has suggested transforming the role of the government-controlled European Stability Mechanism (ESM) into a full-blown European Monetary Fund under parliamentary control and anchored in European Union law, which would also become a backstop for the euro zone’s bank resolution fund.

Pretvaranje ESM u pravi monetarni fond koji bi pomagao zemljama EU koje su u problemu. Bio bi pod kontrolom EU parlamenta.


The new minister “should coordinate all European finance instruments and step in whenever a member state is facing recession or fundamental crisis,” Juncker said, adding that the person would also chair the meetings of euro-area finance ministers and would be accountable to the European Parliament.
Junker zeli isto.


Finland’s centre-right coalition government said it does not support the Commission’s idea that a European monetary fund should become an EU institution overseen by the European Parliament.

“While the government takes a favourable view towards development of the ESM ... it is not in favour of approving the Commission’s proposal for regulation”, Helsinki said in a statement.

“Instead, the ESM must be developed on the basis of the present intergovern

Finska je za formiranje fonda, ali da ne bude pod kontrolom EU parlamenta, vec na nivou medjudrzavnog dogovora.
Lep spisak http://www.ewb.rs/strana.aspx?id=65

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