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Why Conservatives Have Better Sex Lives Than Liberals

A European survey suggests the people who promote abstinence-only sex-ed and repressive ideas about reproductive health are more satisfied in bed than those with left-wing politics. We asked conservatives about their sex lives to try to understand how...

Right-wingers tend to be vocal about their opinions on sex and matters tangential. To varying degrees, they say: Same-sex marriage is bad; since young girls should remain "pure," abstinence only sex education is best; and if you get pregnant from sex (which you shouldn't have learned about, let alone done), you should definitely not have an abortion.

Less known are the nuances of how conservatives actually have sex, since they are generally so against it. Based on the sexual hangups their political affiliation tries to force on the rest of us, it seemed obvious to me that Republicans must be having a terrible time in bed. I don't know any people on the Right, personally, so I imagined they just felt crippling anxiety any time they thought about having sex in a "normal" way and thus acted out by having sex in insane, criminal ways, which certainly don't seem very satisfying.


Read more: Watching Porn Is Making You Religious, New Study Says

I guess I was wrong and naive! A new survey of 19,000 people in the UK, France, Germany, Sweden, and Denmark reports those who identify as right-wing are more likely to be happier with their sex lives. The YouGov poll found that 71 percent of "very right-wing" people say they are satisfied sexually, compared to around 62 percent of those who are "very left-wing." My world view shattered along with my sense of what is just.

In an attempt to understand, I decided to seek out some real, live conservatives and ask them about how they have sex. Sebastian Sommer, a New York filmmaker who recently tried very hard to get Gawker to cover his new movie, is a recently self-identified Republican who told me that his sex life was "great/perfect." He said he is bisexual and currently dating a man and a woman. "[I have sex] around three-to-five times a week depending on how busy I am and how much work needs to get done," he explained. "I'm a workaholic and prioritize work over sex, so the number has been lower, but it's also been higher. I've had sex multiple times a day with a partner."

From this I learned I definitely need to retool my working conception of conservative sex, but I was really no closer to understanding why Republicans would be happier with their sex lives than Democrats. Surely they are not all bisexual New York filmmakers who like media attention (though a lot of them seem to really like media attention)?

A previous survey in the US alluded to the same phenomenon earlier this year. Carried out by a condom company, the poll asked more than 5,000 18- to 34-year-olds about their politics and sex lives. The results pointed to an interesting contradiction: Liberals were more likely than conservatives to have actually had intercourse in the past year, to use condoms, and masturbate, but while it would seem that people with politics that strayed to the Left would ultimately report more satisfaction in bed, the survey revealed that the right-wing is enjoying sex more than the left-wing. Forty-one percent of Republicans—compared to 38 percent of Democrats—said they were "happy with their sex lives," despite using protection less, having sex less, and finding less pleasure in self-pleasure.

Leftism is a narcissistic, materialist ideology, and selfish sex in which the flesh is treated merely as flesh is almost always unsatisfying.

These results are confusing. Joe Twyman, YouGov's head of political and social research, told Buzzfeed, "Being very right wing doesn't make you sexually satisfied, but...these results suggest it is, in contrast to at least some stereotypes popular in the political world, those on the very right of the political spectrum who enjoy their sex life the most." But I wasn't convinced that political preference couldn't factor in. Perhaps the measure of satisfaction itself can be linked to politics, especially taking into account that people on the Right aren't necessarily having better, safer, or more sex on the whole.


Research into the psychology of political affiliation has shown that conservatives and liberals could possibly be fundamentally different. Studies have shown that people on the Right have stronger physical reactions to threat than those on the Left, that conservatives own more cleaning and organizational items and liberals own more books, and that people leaning to either side of the spectrum could generally be categorized by personality type. There's a lot of research that suggests liberals are generally more open to new experiences and conservatives are not.

When I asked Kevin Smith, one of the authors of Predisposed: Liberals, Conservatives, and the Biology of Political Differences, if there was a plausible explanation for why right-wingers say they are more satisfied with their sex lives than left-wingers, he said it's possible that it could be a function of their conservatism, though he said he hasn't done any formal research into the topic.

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"I'd hazard it's possible that this difference might make sense in terms of tracking with other known differences between liberals and conservatives," Smith said. "For example, there's a quite a bit of evidence that in comparison to conservatives, liberals tend to be more attracted to and seek out novel experiences. So maybe liberals are not as satisfied as conservatives because they are more likely to be thinking about the next exciting possibility rather than what they already have. At least at first blush, that seems to make sense and fit with some of the other patterns we know of."

A former adolescent campaigner for Bob Dole whom I spoke with seemed to agree with that assessment, in somewhat different terms. "Conservatives tend to be more satisfied across all areas of life, so I'm not surprised that includes their sex lives," he wrote in an email. "Lefties are more often dissatisfied—they whine about *micro*-aggressions—and the reason for this is that conservatives' view of the world and human nature is closer to reality, whereas Leftist ideologies tend to be utopian, which inevitably disappoints."

He also suggested God might have something to do with it. "Leftism is a narcissistic, materialist ideology, and selfish sex in which the flesh is treated merely as flesh is almost always unsatisfying. Sex that is giving, concerned with the other person, and treats the body it ought to be, which is as a symbol of the soul, is far more gratifying."

Anyway, I guess the question of who is having better sex then becomes one of value, a subject on which, as we know, both sides have vastly different takes.
Right-wing women are sexier

The lust that dare not speak its name


Not long ago I was out drinking with a group of friends and we started playing the If-You-Had-To game. The idea is to present players with two people they would never want to sleep with — and then make them choose which they’d sleep with. Here are some of the fiendish alternatives I had to face: Imelda Marcos or Wallace Simpson? Ayn Rand or Yoko Ono? Gertrude Stein or Virginia Woolf?

Then one joker said: Theresa May or Jemima Khan? Everyone laughed at this no-contest choice. Everyone except me. How could I tell them the ugly truth: I’d prefer a night of passion with right-wing Theresa over lefty Jemima any day of the week.

But then I belong to that small, deviant group of liberal-lefty-pro-feminist men who find conservative/right-wing women super sexy. In an age when anything goes — at least in terms of sexual pleasure — ours is a lust that dare not speak its name.

I know this because later that evening, I turned to one of the group and confessed my secret longing for the likes of Theresa May, Ann Coulter and Sarah Palin — ideally all at once. I thought my fantasy night of passion would be received with sympathy and understanding. After all, this friend of mine pays a woman in Earls Court to put him on a rack and do things you don’t want to read about. He just looked at me and said: ‘You’re sick!’

I can just hear the chorus of left-wing women complaining that, here we go again — judging women in politics by their looks! Well, actually, looks have nothing to do with it. By that criteria, I should be swooning over Jemima instead of drooling over Mrs May. So no, this is not about looks; it’s about the sexiness of a certain mindset and sensibility. What is the appeal of right-wing women to men like me? After all, left-wing men are not supposed to sleep with such women. (We’re meant to find their political convictions too repulsive for that sort of thing.) But politics is rooted in tribalism and dark emotions, as much as reason. To lefty men of my persuasion, right-wing women are the Other; alluring because they are so exotic; exciting because they’re so forbidden.

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I envy men of the right — their sexual lives are not constrained by the rules of sexual correctness we lefties are expected to live by. For us, playful S&M can pose all sorts of perplexing questions about class, power and gender that they never have to worry about. The left-wing drama critic Ken Tynan once had a conflict between his commitment to bottom-spanking and his commitment to civil rights when the woman he paid to indulge his passion for S&M turned out to be black. Tynan, like a good champagne socialist, chose pleasure over principle.

We good, caring lefty pro-feminists can’t ask — or pay — a women to dominate us; to tie us up or spank us. But we can get a right-wing woman who will indulge us in a verbal lashing should we dare to utter any of our core progressive beliefs. Take that you multicultural-loving cretin, WHACK! Further European integration? You euro-loving toad! WHACK! Fifty shades of Milton Friedman, anyone?

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Right-wing women have always had a bad press when it comes to sex. They are usually portrayed in novels, sitcoms and films as sexually uptight, prudish and repressed by Victorian values or religious faith. Sex for them, goes the stereotype, is something one does for purposes of procreation. By contrast, women of the left are seen as sexually liberated and thus more open-minded when it comes to sexual experimentation.

That may have been true in the 1970s, but nowadays it’s more likely to be women of the left who are uptight and repressed — and that’s due to a sexual correctness that has come in the wake of third-wave feminism. Don’t get me wrong. Feminism has done a lot of good for women — and men — but it aims to take all the dirt and dark stuff out of sex. Consequently, the bedroom has become a minefield where you have to take care what you say, lest you cause an explosion of feminist wrath.

Theresa May or Jemima Khan? Photo: Getty
I recently had sex with a woman who writes for the Guardian and in the heat of the moment I said, ‘I love you — you filthy slut!’ I meant it as a compliment! Honest! She stopped the proceedings and gave me a long lecture about how the ‘verbal demeaning of women’ was totally unacceptable. I had a similar experience with a woman of the right. (I won’t repeat what I said because it’s too embarrassing.) But she just laughed and said, ‘Oh, you do say the sweetest things to a girl!’

Women of the right will not tolerate sexism; but nor do they have that tendency of some left-wing women always to play the victim of sexism. They have a robust, get-on-with-it attitude to life that makes them less prone to the neurotic, whiney, oh-poor-me melodrama that has infected so much thinking of left-leaning feminists.

To suggest that political ideology can influence not only an individual’s sexual allure but their sexual performance as well might seem absurd. Would anyone be so foolish as to claim that generally speaking, people on the right are better in bed than people on the left? Actually, Americans have done surveys to find this out and you can find one that says liberals are better in the bedroom than conservatives and another that claims Republicans have more orgasms than Democrats.

I have slept with women who write for the New Statesman and women who write for the Daily Telegraph and I can’t honestly claim that one lot is better than the other. But there are certain post-coital benefits that come with women of the right. They never subject a man to the music of Nick Drake or Nina Simone. As good libertarians, they don’t mind if you smoke in bed or pick up a newspaper or roll over and go to sleep — come to think of it, that’s what they are more likely to do. Nor do you ever have to lie in bed and watch some mawkish film about Nelson Mandela or one made by Michael Moore. (They don’t think you’re demented because you’d rather watch Die Hard.) And right-wing women never think that leaving the toilet seat up is a passive-aggressive act of patriarchy.

Sorry, comrades, but when it comes to the bedroom I’ll have to vote Tory.
Ја Блајбија у почетку стално напушавао док нисам схватио да је човек у годинама, онда сам лепо рекао "извините чика Блајбиша, од сада са Вама само на Ви".

Pa da i ja cu da se ophodim sa vise postovanja. Ipak covek ima vise iskustva :)

No prolem je omladina sljamarska nekulturna al ajd sta ces.

Nema vise postovanja za godine.
Kad jse pojavilo višestranačje bio sam vrlo mlad i kao takav laka žrtva neiskustva odnosno nepoznavanja sveta,života i ljudi.To je išlo toliko daleko da sam jedno istina kraće vreme bio pristalica SPO.Šta da se radi,ljudi greše.Pogreši i konj od 300 možda i od 500 kila a da ne pogreši čovek koji nema ni 80.
Politika ne sme da se posmatra kao fudbal. To je nas glavni problem, i ova tema to dokazuje, kao i mnoge druge.
Za omiljeni klub se navija i u dobru i u zlu, i kada igraju dobro, i kada su uzasni.

U politici to ne sme! Ne mozes da budes uz neku opciju kada se dokaze da ne valja, moras da je menjas u onu koja valja.

I vecito neka opredeljenja. Ljudi, bre, hoce normalan zivot, a ne opredeljenja.
Politika ne sme da se posmatra kao fudbal. To je nas glavni problem, i ova tema to dokazuje, kao i mnoge druge.
Za omiljeni klub se navija i u dobru i u zlu, i kada igraju dobro, i kada su uzasni.

U politici to ne sme! Ne mozes da budes uz neku opciju kada se dokaze da ne valja, moras da je menjas u onu koja valja.

I vecito neka opredeljenja. Ljudi, bre, hoce normalan zivot, a ne opredeljenja.

Naravno da to nije tacno za ovu temu. Ne moze isti pogleda na zivot da ima omladinac, sredovecni i pred smrt penzos. Na fudbal da, a na politiku ne. Kojoj grupi ti pripadas?
Skoro svi u Srbiji, bez obzira na uzrast, gledaju na politiku kao na fudbal. To i jeste problem.

To je na neki način i normalno jer je skoro pola veka građanima bilo onemougćeno odnosno zabranjeno da učestvuju u političkom životu.Sad već zrelije gledaju na politiku.Nema više onakve ostrašćenosti ni očkeivanje da će neki političar-mesija da reši probleme.
Znamo svi ko kakav stav ima na ovom nasem forumu. Mene zanima koliko smo stari? Da li moze da se izvuce paralela izmedju starosti i politickog stava?

Ja cu da napravim anketu ne sa preciznim godinama kako bi eto zadrzali privatnost clanova.

tebe zanimaju komunistikinja i adriana lima. one su otprilike polumilfare. sad vidi...

jaguraka je milf ali se kladim da upraznjava sve tehnike. ove dve su sto kazu seljaci ''brljive na q.rcu''
Ко ти каже, Друиду, да ће људи тачно да ти чукну у анкети?:lol:
Ја први сам намерно погрешно укуцао, јер политичко опредељење нема пуно везе са старосним добом.
Највише са утицајем средине, породице или неке особе од ауторитета, у периоду адолесценције.
