Ne lozite se previse na prirodu i prirodno

Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
Mislim, PATOGENA BAKTERIJA kako rece?
Koliko li mi je jos godina preostalo ?

Ne brini, živećeš dugo.

Streptococcus Faecalis

Streptococcus faecalis is a type of streptococcus and streptococcus are a gram positive bacteria belonging to the lactic acid bacteria group. Streptococcus bacteria grow in pairs, or, chains because of their type of cellular division which is a division along a single axis. Streptococcus faecalis has been reclassified as Enterococcus faecalis . In addition to being gram positive it is also a commensal bacteria that lives in a mammal's gastrointestinal tract.

E. faecalis is found in diseased teeth needing or having had root canal treatment. E. faecalis can and does ferment glucose. E. faecilis is nonmotile which is something like non-mobile, it means the life form does not move around with spontaneity while using energy and the word is used when describing simple organisms or single celled ones. E. faecilis is also a facultative anaerobic bacterium that manufactures Adenosine Tri-Phosphate from oxygen or uses fermentation if no oxygen is present to sustain its needs. A fermentation process gets energy from an oxidation process that involve organic compounds, something that is immediately available like carbohydrates or sugars in the stomach.

Watch silver kill staph and strep Watch silver kill staph and strep
Some diseases caused E. Faecalis are endocarditis, an inflammation inside of a person's heart in the endocardium often including problems in the heart's valves, the interventricular septum, the chordae tendineae or the mural endocardium, urinary tract infections, pneumonia or meningitis. Sometimes the E. faecalis bacteria invade the site of surgical incision, cause a blood stream infection or infect the urinary tract due to the trauma of a catheter. One more problem that can come about is bacteremia which means the bad bacteria have gotten into the blood.

The Streptococcus faecalis or E. faecalis will resist many antimicrobial agents , including aminoglycosides, aztreonam, cephalosporins, clindamycin, trimetthoprim-sulfamethoxazoe, nafcillin and oxacillin. More problems are the currently common resistance to vancomycin.

E. faecalis can be used as a probiotic for making supplements or yogurt products. E. faecalis is a lactic acid bacteria and it can help reduce symptoms when a person is lactose intolerant. The products created with this bacteria are useful for clearing diarrhea and for stimulating the immune system. Products fermented with the E. faecalis bacteria will help to balance the intestinal microflora.
Kakve besmislice vas dvoje pišete, samo da bi izbegli da priznate jednostavnu istinu. Priroda je sama napravila GMO pre 80 vekova, na isti način na koji to danas rade kompanije. Šta više, u pitanju je ista bakterija. Dakle, u pitanju je prirodan metod.

Slatki krompir je jedna od 10 najkorišćenijih prehrambenih biljaka na svetu, a u sebi ima gen bakterije. Kraj diskusije.

A koju su to po tebi bakteriju Anunaki inplementirali u Batat pre 8000 godina sinak ?

Zanimljiva tema, koja sigurno skrece paznju ?
Ne brini, živećeš dugo.

Streptococcus Faecalis

Streptococcus faecalis is a type of streptococcus and streptococcus are a gram positive bacteria belonging to the lactic acid bacteria group. Streptococcus bacteria grow in pairs, or, chains because of their type of cellular division which is a division along a single axis. Streptococcus faecalis has been reclassified as Enterococcus faecalis . In addition to being gram positive it is also a commensal bacteria that lives in a mammal's gastrointestinal tract.

E. faecalis is found in diseased teeth needing or having had root canal treatment. E. faecalis can and does ferment glucose. E. faecilis is nonmotile which is something like non-mobile, it means the life form does not move around with spontaneity while using energy and the word is used when describing simple organisms or single celled ones. E. faecilis is also a facultative anaerobic bacterium that manufactures Adenosine Tri-Phosphate from oxygen or uses fermentation if no oxygen is present to sustain its needs. A fermentation process gets energy from an oxidation process that involve organic compounds, something that is immediately available like carbohydrates or sugars in the stomach.

Watch silver kill staph and strep Watch silver kill staph and strep
Some diseases caused E. Faecalis are endocarditis, an inflammation inside of a person's heart in the endocardium often including problems in the heart's valves, the interventricular septum, the chordae tendineae or the mural endocardium, urinary tract infections, pneumonia or meningitis. Sometimes the E. faecalis bacteria invade the site of surgical incision, cause a blood stream infection or infect the urinary tract due to the trauma of a catheter. One more problem that can come about is bacteremia which means the bad bacteria have gotten into the blood.

The Streptococcus faecalis or E. faecalis will resist many antimicrobial agents , including aminoglycosides, aztreonam, cephalosporins, clindamycin, trimetthoprim-sulfamethoxazoe, nafcillin and oxacillin. More problems are the currently common resistance to vancomycin.

E. faecalis can be used as a probiotic for making supplements or yogurt products. E. faecalis is a lactic acid bacteria and it can help reduce symptoms when a person is lactose intolerant. The products created with this bacteria are useful for clearing diarrhea and for stimulating the immune system. Products fermented with the E. faecalis bacteria will help to balance the intestinal microflora.

Kiseli kupus je PRIRODNA HRANA, sinak. Ja ga obozavam, sa dosta tucane i sa dosta ulja - hladno cedjenog, obavezno.

I pored tvog PATOGENOG S. FEACALIS-sa ja se jos uvek dobro osecam ?

Prema tome 1 : 0 za PRIRODNU HRANU !
Kiseli kupus je PRIRODNA HRANA, sinak. Ja ga obozavam, sa dosta tucane i sa dosta ulja - hladno cedjenog, obavezno.

I pored tvog PATOGENOG S. FEACALIS-sa ja se jos uvek dobro osecam ?

Prema tome 1 : 0 za PRIRODNU HRANU !

To nije moj Streptococcus faecalis, već nešto što je priroda (naša zajednička) stvorila.
Osim toga, kao što vidiš, to jeste patogena bakterija, koja usput u nazivu sadrži reč fekalis.
Eto, nije te ubila, što ne znači da ne može napraviti i neke probleme, ali nemoj da se femkaš kako ti nikad ne bi pojeo bakteriju! :D
Čak i obožavaš!

Kupus jeste prirodna hrana, ali kišeljenje kupusa inicira čovek. I u tome nema ništa loše, jel da?
Radovane, evo ti još jedan nutricijent, proizveden na sasvim prirodan način:

Napravi se sir. Sir se ostavi na otvorenom, i dalje sve priroda sama odrađuje: napadnu ga muve, polože jaja u njemu, izlegne se na hiljade crva (muve i crvi su darovi prirode! :) ) , a onda ti crvi vrše fermentaciju. Kad jedeš taj sir, crvi ti skaču u oči. Prirodno, sasvim.
I jestivo, kao što vidiš. :D
Kažu Sicilijanci, (pardon, Sardinijanci), da je to i afrodizijak.
Poslednja izmena:
Hajde, idemo za 3 : 0.

Jedno test pitanje:

Sta mislite ko ce ujutru da ustane u 6 i spremi se za posao?

Onaj ko uvece popije pola litra domace prepecenice - prirodni alkohol dobijen fermentacijom sljive.

Onaj ko uvece popije pola litre viskija - ne bas prirodni destilat slada jecmenog zrna (ne nastaje u prirodi bez intervencije coveka).

Pitanje za MUSKARCE?
Hajde, idemo za 3 : 0.

Jedno test pitanje:

Sta mislite ko ce ujutru da ustane u 6 i spremi se za posao?

Onaj ko uvece popije pola litra domace prepecenice - prirodni alkohol dobijen fermentacijom sljive.

Onaj ko uvece popije pola litre viskija - ne bas prirodni destilat slada jecmenog zrna (ne nastaje u prirodi bez intervencije coveka).

Pitanje za MUSKARCE?

S kim se ti takmičiš?
Ko ti je ovde postavio polivinil naspram prirodne hrane, a?
Ja u jesen iscedim dosta soka od jabuka i dunja pomesano. Fenomenalan, osvezavajuci ukus.
Vockice tretiram samo jednom u martu, pre listanja, tako da slobodno mogu reci da su plodovi cisto prirodni.

Pitanje za 4 : 0 glasi:

Da li bi ste pre svom detetu kupili dva litra coca cole po ceni od 130 din ?

Ili bi ste se odlucili za dva litra PRIRODNOG sveze iscedjenog gore pomenutog soka po ceni od 300 din ?
Poslednja izmena:
taj dnk bakterije koji proizvodi pesticid moze da prodje crevnu barijeru i inkorporira se u organizam koji to jede i nastavi da ga truje ... nisu bez razloga rusi gmo proglasili bioterorizmom za sta je zaprecena robija

Prvo, u genetskom inženjeringu se ne koristi DNK nekog organizma, već određeni gen, kao deo DNK, a koji je nosi šifru za protein koji se želi stvoriti u GMO, a koji će dati željenu funkciju.
Kako to misliš da se DNK bakterije inkorporira negde? Misliš da to tako ide: progutaš nešto, to nešto se nigde ne svari, pa tako nesvareno prođe kroz crevnu barijeru, kao kroz krupno sito, i "inkorporira" se negde tamo?
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
