Spooler SubSystem App


Zbog greske u sistemu nov printer nece da funkcionise. (driver ispravno instaliran ).
Spooler SubSystem App

Spooler SubSystem App has encountered a problem and
needs to close. we are sorry for the inconvenience.

If you were in the middle of something, the information you were working on
might be lost.

Please tell Microsoft about this problem.

We have created an error report that you can send to help us improve
Spooler SubSystem App. we will treat this report as confidential and anonymous.
Ima li neko resenje za ovaj problem ili da reinstaliram XP.
molim za pomoc,vec neko vreme odmah posle dizanje sistema izbacuje ovo:

ipg... 004.jpg

ipg... 002.jpg
Skini ovo bb : http://www.securitystronghold.com/download/site/TrueSword5.exe

Instaliraj i skeniraj sistem njime ..to je program za pronalazennje virusa ili greske za Spooler problem :)

True Sword - to remove spoolsv.exe, spoolsu.exe, spoolsv0.exe, spoolso.exe or SP00LSV.EXE virus infection. True Sword will find and eliminate this problem and more than 180 000 other dangerous threats including trojans, spyware, adware, riskware, problemware, keyloggers, dialers and other kinds of malicious programs
