razlozi protiv emigracije u Australiju


Znaci sledecih nekoliko clanaka su me sokirali. A posebno ovaj prvi o pitonu koji se usunjao u krevet dvogodisnje devojcice trazeci "samo prijateljski zagrljaj". :eek: Jadna devojcica, mogu misliti kakva je to trauma za to dete. :(


Mum to the rescue after snake attacks sleeping child

Mum's 'terror' as snake attacks daughter

A Lismore mother who woke to find a python wrapped around her sleeping daughter's arm says "adrenaline kicked in" as she freed her daughter while the snake attacked.

Call it adrenaline, call it maternal instinct.

But Tess Guthrie could not say where she found the strength to pry a two-metre python from the arm of her young daughter in the middle of the night.

In the early hours of Saturday morning, Ms Guthrie, from Lismore in northern New South Wales, was woken by the hissing of her cat, which had been behaving unusually in the days before the python's appearance. In the darkness she could make out a strange figure in the bed next to her


Tess Guthrie, with her two-year-old daughter Zara; and Tex Tillis, with the snake he removed from their home. Photo: Supplied

Reaching for the light on her mobile phone, she found a snake coiled around the arm of her sleeping two-year-old daughter Zara.

"Automatically, I jumped," she said.

"I don't know if my movement startled the snake, but that's when it started to constrict around her arm and then it just started to strike at her, and it got her three times.

"And on the third time [it was biting down on her] I grabbed the snake on the head I pulled her and the snake apart from each other.

"In my head I was just going through this unbelievable terror, and my thought was that it was going to actually kill her at first, because it was wrapped so tight."

Ms Guthrie flung the snake across the room and made a mad dash from her detached granny flat to her father's house.

"Her little arm was bleeding really bad from the bites, and all I could feel was blood and Zara was screaming by that stage, and I was in hysterics because it was such a shocking thing to wake up to," she said.

"It was just terrifying.

"I don't know how ... I was able to pull it off."

She and Zara were taken by ambulance to Lismore Base Hospital, where Ms Guthrie works as a receptionist, and stayed the night.

She was still in disbelief and reluctant to return to the granny flat this morning, but she and Zara were otherwise safe and well.

Tex's Snake Removals' Tex Tillis, who removed the reptile, said the coastal python or carpet snake was not looking for a meal, just a "group hug". :confused:

"Pythons, underneath their bottom lip have a row of sensors which evolution has equipped them with to see the world in infrared. In the dark, baby and mother sleeping in the bed would look like a lump of heat," Mr Tillis said.

Once the python felt under attack, Mr Tillis said, it started to constrict.

"That snake, if it was bigger, could have crushed the baby. It could have tried to eat the baby, yes," he said.

"And when mum went to save [the child] it could have wrapped her hands like the best police manacles around ... and then thrown a loop around her neck and killed her. It's all in self-defence."

This python was a junior, between five and 10 years old and 1.85 metres long, Mr Tillis said.

Mr Tillis said other parents unfortunate enough to find themselves in a similar situation would be best served immediately turing on the light.

"And then what you really have to do is grab the snake ... just below his head so it immobilises his jaw," he said.

Ms Guthrie insisted that the reptile be released back into the wild.

"The other remarkable thing about this woman is that she had no malice towards the snake," Mr Tillis said.
Na sledecm linku su 35 zastrasujucih fotografija :sad2: , od kojih cu postovati nekoliko:


1.) Pythons will eat everything. EVERYTHING.


2.) Pythons grow to be so big they can lift a wallaby.


3.) They also like to explore malls, terrifying shoppers.


4.) Snakes can climb up your toilets. No joke.


6.) You really need to understand that snakes are everywhere.


7.) Even on planes.


14.) Seriously. Crocodiles.


27.) There are cassowaries, which are giant, awful birds.

Аустралија је рај на земљи.

Много је већа шанса да ће да те поједе змија у Нишу.

Pa koliko znam u Nisu nema zmija koje jedu ljude, vec samo ujedaju. Inace, dao si dobar slagwort za nastavak topika. Pretpostavljam da su vecina ljudi koji se u Australiji vode kao nestali dosli u susret nekom pitonu. :sad2:


Snake eats crocodile after epic fight in Queensland

Snake swallows crocodile near Mt Isa

Alyce Rosenthal describes watching a water python strangle and then slowly eat a crocodile at Lake Moondarra in north western Queensland, Australia.

An enormous water python has devoured a metre-long fresh water crocodile following an epic duel that shocked onlookers at Lake Moondarra, near Mount Isa, on Sunday.

And that's not uncommon, according to University of Queensland snake expert Bryan Fry.

Mount Isa mother Tiffany Corlis captured the contest on camera, taking a series of shots that documented the huge snake’s assault on the croc.


She was near the lake having breakfast when canoeists, who witnessed the battle playing out, alerted her to the struggle between the snake and crocodile.

By the time Ms Corlis started watching, the snake had already coiled its body around the crocodile and was beginning to strangle it.

‘‘[The crocodile] was fighting at the start, so it was trying to keep its head out of water and survive,’’ she told ABC North West Queensland Radio on Monday.

‘‘But as the morning sort of progressed, you could tell that both of them were getting a little weaker.

‘‘Finally, the croc sort of gave in and the snake had uncoiled for a little while and had a brief break and then actually started to consume the crocodile.’’


Snake expert Associate Professor Bryan Fry, from the University of Queensland’s School of Biological Science, said while water pythons usually targeted smaller animals and rodents, small fresh water crocodiles were easy prey.

‘‘Crocs are more dangerous to catch but easier to sneak up on,’’ he said.

‘‘Up in Kakadu, for example, they feed heavily on small rodents but that’s not to say they won’t take the crocs as well.

‘‘The problem is they are risking being injured or killed, so they have to be judicious.’’

Associate Professor Fry said for a water python to successfully overpower and then devour a small crocodile, a lot more time was required than for smaller animals, which left the pythons vulnerable to attack.

Another witness Alyce Rosenthal said the battle probably lasted about five hours. By the time she arrived, the two combatants were at the point of exhaustion.

‘‘They were just pretty much laying there, waiting to die I would assume,’’ she told Fairfax Media on Monday.

‘‘It’s not something that you see every day.

‘‘I’m almost tempted to go for a drive and see if he’s still laying there.

Associate Professor Fry said the feast would keep the reptile satisfied for about a month.

‘‘The longer it takes to swallow, the longer it is without a means of defending itself,’’ he said

‘‘Now it might go and find a hollow in the mud and tuck itself away for a while.’’

Ms Corlis said it was amazing to witness.

‘‘It was just unbelievable," she said.

‘‘We were sort of thinking that the snake had bitten off a little more than it could chew.

‘‘But it did. It actually ate the crocodile.

‘‘The aftermath showed the overstuffed snake lying still, where presumably it stayed for some time as it digested its dinner.

‘‘When you actually looked at the snake, you could actually see the crocodile’s ridges, legs and everything inside its belly.’’

For many people, the picture of the monster reptile at the popular Mount Isa swimming hole may lead them to question the long held belief taking a dip in the Top End’s fresh water was safe.

‘‘You can go to places up in Kakadu that are legendary spots for these type of snakes, there can be as many as 40 of them in one water hole,’’ Associate Professor Fry said.

- Kim Stephens with Kristian Silva and AAP
Znaju i deca da u Australiji racunas na zmije, otrovne pauke i skorpije...Ali i USA protektorat, kupovinu zemlje od strane kineza i zvajcaraca, stalni rast plate i GDP, automatizaciju tj kamione i vozove bez vozaca, najvecu zastitu zivotne sredine ....

I zabrana proizvodnje GMO za direktnu ljudsku ishranu, a dozvoljeno za stocnu ishranu...
Jos nekoliko neveselih slika:

Ajkule na svim obalama... :(


Ne znam da li su ove letece lisice takodje opasne po ljude ali ovi prizori iz Sidneja mi uopste ne izgledaju romanticno. :neutral:



Neko je spomenuo paukove? :p



Forget cats and dogs—it was raining spiders recently in southern Australia, according to local news reports.


Spiderwebs coat the countryside near Wagga Wagga, Australia, in March 2012. Last week, the tiny spiders again descended in the millions on the same region of Australia.


Opasnost od pozara...





Not that many people die from Australia's dangerous wildlife. Vastly more die from bushfires. Take a look at the Fire Danger sign on the left. It starts at a happy green, only to be immediately followed by High, Very High, Severe, and Extreme. See the last category at three o'clock, the one with the hellish black-and-red stripes? It says Catastrophic. You should pay careful attention to these signs.

- - - - - - - - - -

Али Грофе...

Услови уопште нису такви.

У питању су покушаји Путинофила да докажу да се ни у једној држави на свету не живи лепо, осим у Русији.

Ahahahahahaha, evo ti repka za smisao za humor. :hahaha:
Poslednja izmena:
Sad citam da se oziji zale na losu i skupu zdravstvenu zastitu. Kazu da je odlazak kod zubara pogotovo skup. Jedan prijatelj mi je pricao da je jedan njegov rodjak iz Australije kada je pre nekoliko godina dosao u Srbiji to vreme iskoristio da bi ovde sredio zube, jer je tamo u Australiji za popravku samo jednog zuba morao da plati navodno 1000 dolara. :eek:
Da potvrdim da sve sto kaze Miroslav, prava je istina. On vam je pravi Ozi :). Deal with it. Ili u prevodu deny.
Poredjenje kako Ozi vide svoje domace otrovne zivotinje, kako neki tamo drugi svet: http://www.smh.com.au/environment/a...s-up-on-new-jersey-beach-20150625-ghx80o.html
Ko bude shvatio.

I jos par zanimljivosti, nevezanih za temu, ali na "ic", kad sam vec ovde, a nisam bas cesto: :mazi:


A sad idem da se kaznim sto spamujem.
Ima toliko lepih zemalja za emigrirati u kojima nema nikakvih zivotinja, npr. UAE ili neka slicna. Niko ne tera ljude da dolaze ovamo :) ... Usput, ja ovde ne videh ni jednu od pomenutih opasnih zivotinja van ZOO vrta, no mozda nisam dobro gledao :).

Zasto se ograniciti samo na slavne Balkance na "ic": http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-04-...natalie-dimitrovska-appeals-jail-term/6428160 .

Secam se kako si jednom onomad imao teoriju i statistiku o ajkulama. Ajd mali update, cini mi se po vestima da ajkule znacajno popravile statistiku u ovih nekoliko nedelja? ;)

PS Ovo "secam se" moz' da bude i "javlja mi se" tj mozda i nije bilo...
Secam se kako si jednom onomad imao teoriju i statistiku o ajkulama. Ajd mali update, cini mi se po vestima da ajkule znacajno popravile statistiku u ovih nekoliko nedelja? ;)

PS Ovo "secam se" moz' da bude i "javlja mi se" tj mozda i nije bilo...

to ide naizmenicno... malo padaju avioni, pa onda malo grickaju ajkule....

nego sta cemo s vombatima? ovde vazi misljenje da su oni zivotinje koje godisnje prouzrokuju najvise smrtnih slucajeva/invaliditeta kod ljudi...:mazipsa:
Tree, Gea - po statistikama najsmrtonosnija zivotinja (po ljude) u Australiji je konj: http://www.bobinoz.com/blog/12250/australias-most-dangerous-animals-a-decade-of-death/ . Onaj isti koji moze da se nadje i u Evropi.

Ja nekako sam za sebe vodim statistiku o ajkulama ovde u zapadnom delu kontinenta. Od Januara 2014. kad sam ja dosao je bio jedan smrtonosni napad - negde na samom jugu WA, na potezu Albani/Esperans. Poginuo je bio decko koji je ronio i harpunom lovio ribe. Hmmm...

E sad, da li ja da za par meseci ovde u Pertu ne ulazim u more zato sto je prosle godine u Decembru nekoga u drugom okeanu pojela ajkula? Da li ljudi koji idu na more u Grcku razmisljaju o napadima ajkula u Portugaliji?

Evo i svih napada ajkula: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fatal_shark_attacks_in_Australia . Iskreno, vise me brine to sto svaki dan vozim 30km od/do posla: https://bitre.gov.au/publications/ongoing/road_deaths_australia_monthly_bulletins.aspx .
