Sta mislite o Alijinoj izjavi?

Sta mislite o ovoj Alijinoj izjavi

  • prije je bio zbunjen

    glasova: 0 0,0%
  • braca su bila u pravu

    glasova: 5 35,7%
  • nikad nije znao sta je

    glasova: 5 35,7%
  • bio je Marsovac(al je kasno to shvatio)

    glasova: 4 28,6%

  • Ukupno glasova
  • Anketa je zatvorena .
Vjerovatno su to bili Iliri muslimanske vjeroispovjesti, to si zaboravio da kazes

al' me dobro nasmija
a shta su bili srbi prije primanja pravoslavlja
History of Serbs

Serbs settled in the Balkan Peninsula in the 6th and 7th cent. and accepted Christianity in the 9th cent. Their petty principalities were theoretically under a grand zhupan, who usually recognized Byzantine suzerainty. Civil strife and constant warfare with their Bulgarian, Greek, and Magyar neighbors characterized the early history of the Serbs. Rascia, the first organized Serbian state, was probably founded in the early 9th cent. in the Bosnian mountains; it steadily expanded from the 10th cent. Bulgaria, meanwhile, challenged Byzantium for suzerainty over the Serbs.

Stephen Nemanja, whom the Byzantine emperor recognized as grand zhupan of Serbia in 1159, founded a dynasty that ruled for two centuries. His son and successor assumed the title king of all Serbia in 1217 with the pope's blessing. However, the king's brother, Sava, archbishop of Serbia, succeeded in having papal influence eliminated from the kingdom; in 1219 he won recognition from the patriarch of Constantinople of an autocephalous Serbian Orthodox Church. The Serbian kingdom was at first overshadowed by the rapid rise of the Bulgarian empire under Ivan II (Ivan Asen), but under Stephen Dušan , who became king in 1331 and czar in 1346, Serbia became the most powerful empire in the Balkan Peninsula, much of which it absorbed. Its might contrasted sharply with the decadent Byzantine Empire.

Even among European states, Serbia was noted for its high economic, social, and cultural level. After Stephen's death in 1355, however, the empire decayed and fell victim to the onslaught of the Ottoman Turks. The Serbs suffered defeat at the Maritsa River in 1371; that same year the last czar, Stephen Urosh V, died without male issue.

After the division of the Roman Empire in 395 A.D. into the Western and Eastern (Byzantium), the latter inherited the continual struggle with barbarians at the Danube. During the reign of Justinian (527-565), the situation settled, but then an onslaught of Avars and Slavs followed, whose plundering were stopped only after their defeat at Constantinopole in 626. Among the Slavic tribes were the Serbs. According to a Byzantine source, Tsar Traklije (610-641) allowed them to settle around Salonika, which they did, subsequently withdrawing from it to the north. The same source also testifies that the first Serbian princes (arhonti) were called Viseslav, Radoslav, Prosigoj and Vlastimir.

The ancient history of Serbia, until the rule of Nemanja, was marked by continual fighting either with Bulgaria or with Byzantium, and internal struggles for power among Serbian princes - members of the same family. The supreme rule in Byzantium was conducive to the Hristianization of Serbs in the second half of the 9th century, mainly the work of Cyril and Methodius, From the third decade of the 12th century; Hungary became the third state to affect the history of Serbs. In the Hungarian-Byzantine struggles from 1165-1167, the name of Stefan Nemanja was mentioned for the first time. In the first years of his reign, Nemanja ruled over Toplice, Ibar, Rasina and Reka. After a conflict with his brother Tihomir, he became the grand zupan of Raska, probably in 1166. Nemanja`s attempts to achieve independence resulted in a conflict with Tsar Manojlo I Komnin of Byzantium. The Tsar won; Nemanja was taken prisoner to Constantinople, but returned to Serbia remaining loyal, as vassal, to Tsar Manojlo I until his death in 1180.

During 1180-1190, Nemanja succeeded, with an offensive policy and making avail of Byzantium`s troubles (the Bulgarian uprising, the Crusades), to considerably expand the Serbian state. He conquered Metohija and Kosovo in the south. Further expansion came with the annexation of the Nis region, Dubocica, Vranje, Binicka Morava, land to the east of Juzna Morava and Reka. Regions between Zapadna and Velika Morava (Levac, Belica, Lepenica) were also adjoined. To the west, Nemanja took Duklja with the coastal cities (Ulcinj, Bar, Kotor) and entrusted his son Vukan to rule over them, The attempts of Nemanja and his brothers, Miroslav and Stracimir, to conquer Dubrovnik, bore no fruits. Thus, Nemanja established and consolidated his rule in lands from Kotor to Sofia, with the center in Ras where Serbian Bishops Jevtimije and Kalinik had their seat. During his reign, Nemanja generously assisted the clergy, and left behind large endowments.

da ne ides po knjige postoji i internet
ubrlja se ti diretore..ja vazda kazem cim dijete pokaki sklanjaj ga sa tute..ako se neskloni ono pocne da jede govna..dobro sto si se ukakio..nego si poceo i jesti govna..a da bi ova tvoja tvrdnja dobila neki legitimitet,morash,morash dobro,dobro poznavati Islam...
Vispaku-za ovakve izraze, moderator bi Te rebao da te benuje, jer si toliko postao bezobrazan ,kao da je tvij program pa moz da pises prema nas forumasa ta hoces!!!
Vec sam trazio da se doticni banuje, ali izgleda da sredjivanje podforuma politika za sada u stanju mirovanja pa ovaj tvrdokorni mrzac srba i pravoslavaca i dalje iskaljuje svu svoju mrznju i nekakav samo njemu poznat gnjev prema istima..

Ovo je preslo sve moguce granice...

Trazicu od (ne moderatora) nego ADMINISTRATORA da se povodom ovog lika nesto preduzme jer ne da krsi pravila Krstarice nego i pretjeruje na sve moguce nacine...
Vec sam trazio da se doticni banuje, ali izgleda da sredjivanje podforuma politika za sada u stanju mirovanja pa ovaj tvrdokorni mrzac srba i pravoslavaca i dalje iskaljuje svu svoju mrznju i nekakav samo njemu poznat gnjev prema istima..

Ovo je preslo sve moguce granice...

Trazicu od (ne moderatora) nego ADMINISTRATORA da se povodom ovog lika nesto preduzme jer ne da krsi pravila Krstarice nego i pretjeruje na sve moguce nacine...
Ту је моја фамилија shumska
Ту је моја Република Smrdsка....
zapamtio si ti Aliju i tek ces ga i mrtva pamtiti..napravio je on ipak dobro djelo..u shumu..tamo vam je mjesto..
ЈА направио вам је сребреницу

- Не бојте се и не страшите се браћо, нека се бунтовници-сатанисти тренутно утеше својим пакленим успесима. Суд им од Бога не касни, и погибија њихова не дрема (2.Петр. 2,3). Десница ће Господња наћи све који нас мрзе и осветиће се за нас праведно Моја је освета, ја ћу вратити, говори Господ (Јевр. 10,30). Зато нећемо падати у чамотињу, видећи све шта се сада свету дешава!
И јопе' је треснуо главуџом о тастатуру.......... :confused:
..................................................................................... :confused:
.................................................................................................... :confused:

mozda mu pripala muka od onolikog mezetluka


ajde uzmi mezi malo musli, jes da je krmetina, ali za tako dobru svinju kao sto si ti nema losih pomija

moram da priznam da je rahmetli bio jako, jako veliko krme
