Ljudi koji nemaju fejsbuk

Da li imate nešto od ovoga - fejsbuk, tviter, badu itd?

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Rezultati ankete su vidlјivi nakon glasanja.
malo sam istraživao po netu o ovoj problematici -

Recent news stories have suggested that employers may be reluctant to hire people without a Facebook profile on the grounds that Facebook usage has become so common that not having an account is seen as somehow abnormal. This concern appears to have been compounded by a lurid report in a German newspaper that alleged mass killers James Holmes and Anders Behring Breivik did not have Facebook accounts, leading to the rather hysterical conclusion (link is external) that not having an account “could be the first sign that you are a mass murderer.”
malo sam istraživao po netu o ovoj problematici -

Recent news stories have suggested that employers may be reluctant to hire people without a Facebook profile on the grounds that Facebook usage has become so common that not having an account is seen as somehow abnormal. This concern appears to have been compounded by a lurid report in a German newspaper that alleged mass killers James Holmes and Anders Behring Breivik did not have Facebook accounts, leading to the rather hysterical conclusion (link is external) that not having an account “could be the first sign that you are a mass murderer.”

istraživanje je to, mora se priznati :kez:
Yet the University of Vienna study did find several key attributes that characterized those who'd killed off their Facebook accounts:

- They’re more likely to be men: Among those who had deactivated their accounts, the majority (71.5 percent) were male. Among those who currently used Facebook, the majority (70.5 percent) were female.

- They’re slightly older: The average age of the individuals who’d quit Facebook was 31, while the group still using Facebook was 24 years old, on average.

- They’re more worried about privacy: People who had deactivated their Facebook profiles exhibited “significantly higher general concern about privacy,” as measured by their score on a privacy questionnaire.

- They’re more conscientious: There were few personality differences between the Facebook quitters and keepers, with members of both groups equally extraverted, agreeable, neurotic and “open to experience.” The only difference? Conscientiousness was higher among quitters -- a small wonder given that it’s correlated with behaviors like being diligent, planning ahead and staying on task.

- They’re (slightly) more hooked on the web -- but so is everyone: Facebooking individuals had slightly lower Internet addiction scores than their non-Facebooking counterparts, yet both groups were heavy Internet users. “ndividuals of both samples already showed signs of frequent problems due to Internet usage,” the paper observed.

- They had fewer friends: Facebook quitters had left behind an average of 133 Facebook friends, or about half as many as ongoing Facebook members, who had an average of 349 friends. (A poll by Edison Research, a market research firm, found the average Facebook user had 303 friends.)

- Their tenure and time on the site is no different: The amount of time quitters and members spent on Facebook didn’t vary much (1.9 hours a day and 1.8 hours a day, respectively). They'd also had their accounts for almost exactly the same amount of time (an average of 26 months for quitters, and 29 months for members).

Not surprisingly, concerns over privacy topped the list as the most popular reason for quitting Facebook. Forty-eight percent of those who'd left the site said they were motivated to leave because they had reservations about how their personal information was being used, while 13.5 percent cited a “general dissatisfaction” with Facebook, 12.6 percent left because of “negative aspects of online friends,” and six percent felt they were growing addicted to the site. (Respondents were able to list their reasons in an open-ended response.)

Facebook declined to comment.

Other research has shown that leaving Facebook has also become a kind of status symbol, much like refusing to own or watch TV

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zanimljiv podatak da je 70% onih koji su deaktivirali svoj profil muškog pola
Poslednja izmena:
počnite da kucate u guglu:

people without facebook are

i kao sugerisana pretraga dobija se da su ljudi dalje nastavljali rečenicu ovako -

Searches related to people without facebook
people without facebook are happier
people without facebook are psychopaths
people without facebook are weird
Quitting Facebook Could Make You Happier

A recent study shows (link is external) that people who are on Facebook believe that others have happier lives than is actually the case. This ends up influencing them to think wrongly about their own lives, because they don't seem to measure up to the lives others are having as represented on their Facebook accounts.
Искрено, почињу малко да ми иду на нерве ови који су нарогушени... Стално нечега су "против"... фејсбука, рачунара, против овога, против онога...

Као да је и то постала нека мода...

Све то има своју добру и лошу страну, и није проблем само по себи.

Сваки корисник (било чега) је "проблем", или није, то зависи од њега.
Sto da ne? Licno mislim da je odlicno sredstvo komunikacije, jer svako ima FB i neformalnije je kontaktirati nekog tako nego telefonom. Neki eto, sklopise veze, brakove, nije ni to lose, jednostavno povezuju se ljudi. To je ono pozitivno.
Negativno, lecenje kompleksa, ispravljanje krivih Drina, i milioni gluposti, koje nam pokazuju kakvi su ljudi u stvari. Srecom, ima opcija za gasenje obavestenja pa ne moram da citam 99% gluposti koje drugi pisu.

Ne zanima nekog drugog tamo sta ja gledam na YouTube-u, sta ja mislim, kako se osecam, sta radim, slike sa rostilja koje sam pravio pre 3 nedelje, niti mene zanima da delim to i da cekam lajkove. A ko gde ide, sa kim, kako se oseca, sta slusa, truc muc, bla bla, bla, zaista me zamara. Jednostavno nije mi zanimljivo, pa sam pogasio sva ta cuda.

Volim svoju privatnost i Facebook koristim da stupim u kontakt sa nekim ljudima (ne trosi mi se kredit za mobilni da ih zovem i saljem SMS, brze je ovako). Eventualno ako nadjem neku zanimljivu osobu pa zelim da odrzim kontakt sa tom osobom, mada to je poprilicno retko. Ne objavljujem ista, nemam slike, postove, lajkove. Ne zelim da skrecem paznju na sebe, cak i poznanike ne dodajem, jer to "znamo se iz vidjenja", dodajem bas ako moram (zbog posla) i to ne rade volje, a i kada me pitaju "imas li FB, ja lepo kazem, slabo ja to, ne ulazim tamo".
u početku su bile statistike koja zemlja ima koliko fb korisnika i slično, sad su se stvari izokrenule i pod lupom su pojedinci koji nemaju fb. postali su tema.
vidimo da to ide dotle da postoje gledišta kako su oni potencijalni antisocijalni članovi zajednice.

verovatatno će u skorijoj budućnosti biti pod posebnim nadzorom država svi koji nemaju fb.

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vidimo da među forumskom populacijom imamo oko 20% ljudi bez fb-a, dok je realna cifra po mojoj proceni oko 10%

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došli smo u situaciju da ko nema fb treba da se zapita šta to nije u redu sa njim????
šta mislim o sebi?)

neću fejsbuk, neću tvit . neću ništa što zahteva identitet a javno je. ako se ljudima obraćam hoću da su u istom položaju kao ja. licem u lice.

internet je potpuno providan i lak za zloupotrebu a kobojagi si zaštićen. za lične dopisivanja koristim email. nemam drugog internet izbora. skype i sl... ok.

... javno delovanje ...eventualno forum. on omogućuje da nešto pišem javno a ne baš tako odgovorno. a da razmenim misli.

ostaje samo da rešim pitanje mere.
